828 research outputs found

    1 V CMOS subthreshold log domain PDM

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    A new CMOS circuit strategy for very low-voltage Pulse-Duration Modulators (PDM) is proposed. Optimization of voltage supply scaling below the sum of threshold voltages is based on Instantaneous Log Companding processing through the MOSFET operating in weak inversion. A 1 V VLSI PDM circuit for very low-voltage audio applications such as Hearing Aids is presented, showing good agreement between simulated and experimental data.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC97-1159, TIC99-1084European Union 2306

    Optimization of the operation of smart rural grids through a novel rnergy management system

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    The paper proposes an innovative Energy Management System (EMS) that optimizes the grid operation based on economic and technical criteria. The EMS inputs the demand and renewable generation forecasts, electricity prices and the status of the distributed storages through the network, and solves with an optimal quarter-hourly dispatch for controllable resources. The performance of the EMS is quantified through diverse proposed metrics. The analyses were based on a real rural grid from the European FP7 project Smart Rural Grid. The performance of the EMS has been evaluated through some scenarios varying the penetration of distributed generation. The obtained results demonstrate that the inclusion of the EMS from both a technical point of view and an economic perspective for the adopted grid is justified. At the technical level, the inclusion of the EMS permits us to significantly increase the power quality in weak and radial networks. At the economic level and from a certain threshold value in renewables’ penetration, the EMS reduces the energy costs for the grid participants, minimizing imports from the external grid and compensating the toll to be paid in the form of the losses incurred by including additional equipment in the network (i.e., distributed storage).Postprint (published version

    Autonomous vehicles: theoretical and practical challenges

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    Parte do número especial XIII Conference on Transport Engineering (CIT 2018)[Abstract:] Autonomous driving is expected to revolutionize road traffic attenuating current externalities, especially accidents and congestion. Carmakers, researchers and administrations have been working on autonomous driving for years and significant progress has been made. However, the doubts and challenges to overcome are still huge, as the implementation of an autonomous driving environment encompasses not only complex automotive technology, but also human behavior, ethics, traffic management strategies, policies, liability, etc. As a result, carmakers do not expect to commercially launch fully driverless vehicles in the short-term. From the technical perspective, the unequivocal detection of obstacles at high speeds and long distances is one of the greatest difficulties to face. Regarding traffic management strategies, all approaches share the vision that vehicles should behave cooperatively. General V2V cooperation and platooning are options being discussed, both with multiple variants. Various strategies, built from different standpoints, are being designed and validated using simulation. Besides, legal issues have already been arisen in the context of highly-automated driving. They range from the need for special driving licenses to much more intricate topics like liability in the event of an accident or privacy issues. All these legal and ethical concerns could hinder the spread of autonomous vehicles once technologically feasible. This paper provides an overview of the current state of the art in the key aspects of autonomous driving. Based on the information received in situ from top research centers in the field and on a literature review, authors highlight the most important advances and findings reached so far, discuss different approaches regarding autonomous traffic and propose a framework for future research.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TRA2016-79019-

    The configuration multi-edge model: Assessing the effect of fixing node strengths on weighted network magnitudes

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    Complex networks grow subject to structural constraints which affect their measurable properties. Assessing the effect that such constraints impose on their observables is thus a crucial aspect to be taken into account in their analysis. To this end,we examine the effect of fixing the strength sequence in multi-edge networks on several network observables such as degrees, disparity, average neighbor properties and weight distribution using an ensemble approach. We provide a general method to calculate any desired weighted network metric and we show that several features detected in real data could be explained solely by structural constraints. We thus justify the need of analytical null models to be used as basis to assess the relevance of features found in real data represented in weighted network form.Comment: 11 pages. 4 figure

    Estimación del tiempo de viaje en autopistas

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    El tiempo de viaje (TV) para conducir por carretera es la información más apreciada de tráfico. La medición del TV en tiempo real es también un indicador perfecto del nivel de servicio en una carretera, y por lo tanto es una medida útil para los gestores de tráfico para mejorar las operaciones en la red. Entonces, la medición exacta del TV es uno de los factores clave en los sistemas de gestión del tráfico. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de control del tráfico y el creciente interés de los operadores de las carreteras e investigadores en la obtención de mediciones fiables del TV ha llevado al desarrollo de múltiples fuentes de datos de TV y algoritmos de estimación. Esta situación proporciona un contexto perfecto para la aplicación de metodologías de fusión de datos para obtener la máxima precisión de la combinación de los datos disponibles

    Smart grid architecture for rural distribution networks: application to a Spanish pilot network

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    This paper presents a novel architecture for rural distribution grids. This architecture is designed to modernize traditional rural networks into new Smart Grid ones. The architecture tackles innovation actions on both the power plane and the management plane of the system. In the power plane, the architecture focuses on exploiting the synergies between telecommunications and innovative technologies based on power electronics managing low scale electrical storage. In the management plane, a decentralized management system is proposed based on the addition of two new agents assisting the typical Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system of distribution system operators. Altogether, the proposed architecture enables operators to use more effectively—in an automated and decentralized way—weak rural distribution systems, increasing the capability to integrate new distributed energy resources. This architecture is being implemented in a real Pilot Network located in Spain, in the frame of the European Smart Rural Grid project. The paper also includes a study case showing one of the potentialities of one of the principal technologies developed in the project and underpinning the realization of the new architecture: the so-called Intelligent Distribution Power Router.Postprint (published version

    Temperature Effects on Global DNA Methylation and Gene Expression During Larval development in the European Sea Bass

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    1 page• Fish represent good animal models for the purposes of identifying persistent epigenetic marks which arise from different early developmental environments and which correlate with relevant biological processes later in life. • In sexually differentiated one-year-old European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), the methylation levels of the promoter of gonadal aromatase (cyp19a), which converts androgens into estrogens, have been shown to increase in females after exposure of larvae to high temperature during the thermosensitive period (TSP) [1]. • The goal of this study was to determine whether temperature treatments during different time intervals within the TSP are able to alter the genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation and the expression of specific genes.Supported by grant AGL2010-15939 (“Epigen-Aqua”) to FPPeer Reviewe

    Towards a Transnational Civil Society : Actors and Concepts in Europe from the Late Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century

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    Since late eighteenth-century Enlightenment, the concept of civil society has increasingly assumed a transnational dimension that has given rise to political debates and attracted scholarly interest. This paper provides a research report and a historical overview of the emergence and transformation of civil society organizations that have transcended national borders and cultural boundaries, especially International Non-Governmental Organizations. Based on deliberations about the definition and conceptualization of ‘transnational civil society’, the investigation concentrates on the abolitionists, the workers’ organizations as well as on peace and on women’s movements. The authors suggest that further historical studies of transnational civil society should relate its groups and activists to specific contexts and conditions. They also argue that further research should pay particular attention to the actors of transnational civil society, their performance and representations. Overall, static conceptions of transnational civil society have ignored its flexibility and changeability over the course of the last two centuries.Seit der Aufklärung im späten 18. Jahrhundert hat der Begriff Zivilgesellschaft eine zunehmend transnationale Dimension erreicht, die insbesondere politische Diskussionen und wissenschaftliches Interesse auslöste. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier lässt sich als Forschungsbericht verstehen, der einen historischen Überblick über Auftreten und Transformation zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen gibt, die insbesondere national und kulturell grenzüberschreitend institutionalisiert sind, wie beispielsweise internationale Nichtregierungsorganisationen. Auf der Grundlage einer sorgfältigen Analyse von Definition und Konzeption ‚transnationaler Zivilgesellschaft’, konzentriert sich die Untersuchung vor allem auf die Gegner der Todesstrafe, aber auch Gewerkschaften sowie Friedens- und Frauenbewegungen. Beide Autoren plädieren für eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Thematik aus historischer Perspektive, um insbesondere bestimmte Gruppen und Aktivisten in direkten Bezug zu ihrem historischen Kontext und Vorbedingungen zu stellen. Darüber hinaus heben sie hervor, dass daran anknüpfende Studien gerade den Akteuren, ihrem Auftreten und ihrer Präsentation gewidmet werden sollen. Im Gesamtzusammenhang lässt sich festhalten, dass die bisher eher statisch geprägten Untersuchungen zum Forschungsschwerpunkt ‚transnationale Zivilgesellschaft’ insbesondere die Flexibilität und Unbeständigkeit derselbigen in den letzten beiden Jahrhunderten nicht berücksichtigten


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