308 research outputs found

    Re-Used Glass Fragments from Intercisa

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    Re-worked glass objects are known all over the Roman Empire, but detailed analysis of various types of re-working sherds have not yet been undertaken. In the following study, I give some examples of some interesting uses from Intercisa. The over thirty re-used glass vessel fragments from Intercisa are noteworthy since they come from the find material of a single vicus. It seems likely that the repurposing of broken glass vessels was a more common practice than the currently available publications would suggest. In all likelihood, it made good sense to re-use the fragments of broken glass vessels either as simple domestic objects or as grave good

    The Tradition of Snake-Thread Glass in Pannonia

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    Snake-thread glass vessels were used from the late 2nd to the mid-3rd century AD. At least two production centres/distribution circles have been identified in the western part of the Roman Empire, which probably owed their existence to Syrian glassmaking artisans migrating to the west. One was located in the Rhine region, the other in Pannonia. Considering the distribution of snake-thread glass fragments known to date from Pannonia, it is striking that 52 of the currently known 112 fragments were found at Intercisa, 45 exemplars came to light at Brigetio and only a few pieces are known from other sites. It is remarkable that in both towns, glass workshops were active during the same period and there is also some evidence that snake-thread glass had been produced in the workshop of Brigetio

    Designing and implementing control flow graph for magic 4th generation language

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    A good compiler which implements many optimizations during its compilation phases must be able to perform several static analysis techniques such as control flow or data flow analysis. Besides compilers, these techniques are common for static analyzers as well to retrieve information from source code, for example for code auditing, quality assurance or testing purposes. Implementing control flow analysis requires handling many special structures of the target language. In our paper we present our experiences in implementing control flow graph (CFG) construction for a special 4th generation language called Magic. While we were designing and implementing the CFG for this language, we identified differences compared to 3rd generation languages mostly because of the unique programming technique of Magic (e.g. data access, parallel task execution, events). Our work was motivated by our industrial partner who needed precise static analysis tools (e.g. for quality assurance or testing purposes) for this language. We believe that our experiences for Magic, as a representative of 4GLs, might be generalized for other languages too

    Programming language elements for correctness proofs

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    Formal methods are not used widely in industrial software development, because the overhead of formally proving program properties is generally not acceptable. In this paper we present an ongoing research project to make the construction of such proofs easier by embedding the proof system into a compiler. Using the introduced new programming language, the programmer writes formal specification first. The specification is to be refined using stepwise refinement which results in a proof. The compiler checks this proof and generates the corresponding program in a traditional programming language. The resulting code automatically fulfills the requirements of the specification. In this paper we present language elements to build specification statements and proofs. We give a short overview on the metaprogramming techniques of the language that support the programmer's work. Using a formal model we give the semantics of specification statements and refinements. We also prove the soundness of the basic algorithms of the compiler

    The secondary glass workshop in the civil town of Brigetio

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    In 2006 the Klapka György Museum of KomĂĄrom together with the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at Eötvös LorĂĄnd University carried out an excavation in the less researched area of the civil town of Brigetio, at 13 VĂĄsĂĄrtĂ©r, KomĂĄrom/SzƑny. The conductors were Á. GelencsĂ©r and E. SzĂĄmadĂł. During the excavation of an area of 153 mÂČ, the living quarters of a striphouse constructed in different time periods, and a glass workshop related to one of these periods were discovered. The building had a five constructions period and a secondary glass workshop related to one of these. Some remains of two kilns were found in the workshop. One of them was rectangular with an apsis on one side and it was divided into two separate parts. The other kiln was circular, which must have been the melting furnace, while the rectangular one was the annealing furnace and they might have been connected to each other. In the courtyard of the striphouse four big rubbish pits consisting of cylindrical moiles, spoiled pieces, raw materials as chunks, additives used for coloring, almost the whole amount of the spoiled glass beads, glass rods, glass trails and glass drops with tool-marks on them were found. One hundred and twenty-one partly fragmentary and partly complete beads were uncovered in the pits. Spherical, cylindrical, biconical, shape of forms are represented among the glass beads. Our glass workshop operated within the limits of the civil town just in a short period in the first half of the 3rd century AD

    MagyarorszĂĄg ĂĄrvaszĂșnyog-faunĂĄjĂĄnak (Diptera: Chironomidae) jegyzĂ©ke az elƑfordulĂĄsi adatok Ă©s sajĂĄtossĂĄgok feltĂŒntetĂ©sĂ©vel | Checklist of the non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) of Hungary with notes on records and peculiarity of the occurence of the species

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    Az ĂĄrvaszĂșnyogok (Chironomidae) csalĂĄdja a legjelentƑsebb vĂ­zi gerinctelen ĂĄllatcsoportok közĂ© tartozik. KĂ©pviselƑik lĂĄrvĂĄit egyarĂĄnt megtalĂĄlhatjuk ĂĄllĂłvizekben Ă©s vĂ­zfolyĂĄsokban, az ĂŒledĂ©kben Ă©s a vĂ­zinövĂ©nyzet között, sƑt egyes fajaik (pl. több Smittia faj, Axarus fungorum) terresztris Ă©lƑhelyeken (ĂŒrĂŒlĂ©kben, gombĂĄkban) fejlƑdnek. Ezen kĂ­vĂŒl ismerĂŒnk hĂ­nĂĄr- Ă©s mocsĂĄrinövĂ©nyekben aknĂĄzĂł (pl. Glyptotendipes gripekoveni), illetve gerincteleneken ektoparazita (pl. Epoicocladius flavens) lĂĄrvĂĄjĂș fajokat is. Az imĂĄgĂłk gyakran nagy csapatokban rajzanak a part menti növĂ©nyzet, illetve a vĂ­z felszĂ­ne felett. A sok Ă©s sokfĂ©le ökolĂłgiai igĂ©nyƱ faj, amelyek között szĂ©p szĂĄmmal vannak több környezeti tĂ©nyezƑre is szƱk tƱrƑkĂ©pessĂ©gƱek, nagy indikĂĄtorĂ©rtĂ©ket ad a csalĂĄdnak, s Ă­gy rendkĂ­vĂŒl jelentƑssĂ© vĂĄlnak a vĂ­zminƑsĂ©g jellemzĂ©sĂ©ben, amirƑl hazĂĄnkban is szĂĄmos munkĂĄban beszĂĄmoltak (DÉVAI 1990; DÉVAI et al. 1980, 1993, 1994; SZÍTÓ 1997a, 1997b, 1998a, 1998b, 1999c). A tavak tipizĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt is elvĂ©geztĂ©k az ĂĄrvaszĂșnyog-fauna alapjĂĄn, amelynek hazai kĂ©rdĂ©seivel BERCZIK (1957a) foglalkozott. Az ĂĄrvaszĂșnyogok fontos elemei a tĂĄplĂĄlĂ©klĂĄncnak, növĂ©nyevƑk, ragadozĂłk Ă©s törmelĂ©kevƑk egyarĂĄnt megtalĂĄlhatĂłk közöttĂŒk. JelentƑs haltĂĄplĂĄlĂ©kszervezetek (BERINKEY Ă©s FARKAS 1956; BÍRÓ P. 1974; BÍRÓ P. Ă©s B. MUSKÓ 1995; BÍRÓ P. et al. 1999, 2003; ENTZ 1957; ENTZ Ă©s LUKACSOVICS 1957; JÁSZFALUSI Ă©s PAPP 1966; SPECZIÁR Ă©s BÍRÓ P. 1999a; SPECZIÁR et al. 1997; TÁTRAI Ă©s PONYI 1976; TÖLG 1959, 1960). Az ĂĄrvaszĂșnyogok szerepe meghatĂĄrozĂł lehet az anyagforgalomban is, pĂ©ldĂĄul egy-egy kirepĂŒlĂ©s sorĂĄn jelentƑs mennyisĂ©gƱ szerves anyagot tĂĄvolĂ­thatnak el a vĂ­ztĂ©rbƑl (BERCZIK 1962b; DÉVAI 1984, 1988, 1992, 1993; DÉVAI et al. 1979; OLÁH 1976; SPECZIÁR 2000; SPECZIÁR Ă©s BÍRÓ P. 1999b; TÁTRAI 1982a, 1982b, 1985, 1986, 1989). GazdasĂĄgi jelentƑsĂ©gĂŒk sem elhanyagolhatĂł, kĂĄrtĂ©telĂŒk szĂĄmottevƑ lehet pĂ©ldĂĄul rizsföldeken (BOGNÁR 1958; BOGNÁR Ă©s NAGY 1962; MEGYERI Ă©s SZEKÉR 1957; SZEKÉR 1953; SZILVÁSSY 1963; SZILVÁSSY Ă©s SZÍTÓ 1971, 1982; SZÍTÓ 1971, 1972; ZILAHI-SEBESS 1954). JelentƑsĂ©gĂŒk ellenĂ©re a hazai faunĂĄt kevĂ©ssĂ© ismerjĂŒk, ami elsƑsorban taxonĂłmiai nehĂ©zsĂ©gekre vezethetƑ vissza. Az ĂĄrvaszĂșnyogok jelenlegi osztĂĄlyozĂĄsa az összes Ă©letstĂĄdium jellemzƑinek egyidejƱ figyelembe vĂ©telĂ©vel törtĂ©nik. Ez nem mindig volt Ă­gy, Ă©s a legĂșjabb taxonĂłmiai vizsgĂĄlatokig az ĂĄrvaszĂșnyogoknĂĄl kĂ©tfĂ©le osztĂĄlyozĂĄs lĂ©tezett. Az egyik kizĂĄrĂłlag az imĂĄgĂłk vizsgĂĄlatĂĄn alapult, ami kevĂ©s Ă©s nagy fajszĂĄmĂș gĂ©nuszt eredmĂ©nyezett. A mĂĄsik, csak a lĂĄrvĂĄk vizsgĂĄlatĂĄn alapulĂł rendszerre a sok, kis fajszĂĄmĂș gĂ©nusz volt jellemzƑ. A kĂ©tfĂ©le osztĂĄlyozĂĄs egymĂĄstĂłl elkĂŒlönĂŒlten lĂ©tezett, amely rendkĂ­vĂŒli mĂłdon megnehezĂ­ti a rĂ©gebben közölt fajok modern szemlĂ©let alapjĂĄn törtĂ©nƑ besorolĂĄsĂĄt. LeĂ­rtak fajokat bĂĄbok, illetve bĂĄbbƑrök vizsgĂĄlata alapjĂĄn is, ami tovĂĄbb bonyolĂ­tja az egyes fajok pontos taxonĂłmiai besorolĂĄsĂĄt. TovĂĄbbi gondot jelent, hogy sok taxonnĂĄl napjainkban is folyik a taxonĂłmiai revĂ­ziĂł (pl. Procladius, Einfeldia), ennek köszönhetƑen sok faj taxonĂłmiai hovatartozĂĄsa mĂ©g mindig nem egyĂ©rtelmƱ. Sok esetben (pl. Chironomus gĂ©nusz) a rokon fajok morfolĂłgiai bĂ©lyegek alapjĂĄn nem kĂŒlönĂ­thetƑk el egymĂĄstĂłl egyĂ©rtelmƱen, a biztos azonosĂ­tĂĄs csak modern taxonĂłmiai mĂłdszerek (kariolĂłgia, enzimolĂłgia, pĂĄsztĂĄzĂł elektronmikroszkĂłpia) segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel vĂ©gezhetƑ el, amint erre a hazai fauna vizsgĂĄlata sorĂĄn a Chironomus fajokon DÉVAI Ă©s munkatĂĄrsai (DÉVAI et al. 1983b, 1984a; DÉVAI Ă©s PRECZNER 1985) is rĂĄmutattak. MunkĂĄnk cĂ©lja a hazai ĂĄrvaszĂșnyog-fauna minĂ©l alaposabb feltĂĄrĂĄsa Ă©s megismerĂ©se. Ennek elsƑ ĂĄllomĂĄsa a teljes hazai szakirodalom feldolgozĂĄsa, majd ennek alapjĂĄn a hazĂĄnk terĂŒletĂ©rƑl eddig leĂ­rt fajok szĂĄmbavĂ©tele Ă©s a legfrissebb taxonĂłmiai eredmĂ©nyek alapjĂĄn törtĂ©nƑ revĂ­ziĂłja volt. | The family of non-biting midges (Chironomidae) is one of the largest families of Diptera. Although it is one of the best known and studied families of dipterous flies, the knowledge on the chironomid fauna of Hungary is still largely incomplete. This is a checklist of non-biting midges found through the end of 2004 with the utmost references to their reliable records in the territory of modern Hungary. The list is based mainly on a review of the literature. During the last 104 years 227 works on Chironomidae have been published. 114 of them include faunistical data. Hitherto a total of 6 subfamilies, 96 genera and 228 species are known to occur in Hungary, and further 26 genera and 90 species are expected to occur. In addition, the list includes 34 nomina dubia and 11 names which cannot be placed in the modern classification. In the cases of all species the synonymies, the distributional and the ecological data are given and the citations on their occurrence in Hungary are listed

    ÁrvaszĂșnyog-faunisztikai (Diptera: Chironomidae) vizsgĂĄlatok felsƑ-Tisza-vidĂ©ki holtmedrekben | Faunistical investigation on non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) from backwaters at the Upper-Tisza region

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    2004-ben Ă©s 2005-ben vĂ©gzett vizsgĂĄlataink sorĂĄn kilenc felsƑ Tisza-vidĂ©ki holtmederbƑl gyƱjtöttĂŒnk ĂĄrvaszĂșnyoglĂĄrvĂĄkat. Összesen 41 taxont azonosĂ­tottunk, amelyek közĂŒl 8 a Tanypodinae, 2 az Orthocladiinae, 31 a Chironominae alcsalĂĄdba tartozott. A vizsgĂĄlt fajok közĂŒl 11 (Tanypus kraatzi, Chironomus cingulatus, Chironomus nuditarsis, Chironomus nudiventris, Dicrotendipes lobiger, Dicrotendipes notatus, Glyptotendipes viridis, Phaenopsectra flavipes, Polypedilum cultellatum, Synendotendipes impar, Synendotendipes lepidus) eddig kevesebb, mint öt lelƑhelyrƑl kerĂŒlt elƑ hazĂĄnk terĂŒletĂ©n. Emellett Ășjabb adatokkal jĂĄrultunk hozzĂĄ az eddig tisztĂĄzatlan taxonĂłmiai helyzetƱ Glyptotendipes caulicola hazai elterjedĂ©sĂ©nek megismerĂ©sĂ©hez. | In 2004 and 2005 chironomid larvae were collected from 9 backwaters of the Upper-Tisza-region. 41 chironomid taxa were identified (8 Tanypodinae, 2 Orthocladiinae, 31 Chironominae). Among the collected species 11 (Tanypus kraatzi, Chironomus cingulatus, Chironomus nuditarsis, Chironomus nudiventris, Dicrotendipes lobiger, Dicrotendipes notatus, Glyptotendipes viridis, Phaenopsectra flavipes, Polypedilum cultellatum, Synendotendipes impar, Synendotendipes lepidus) are very rare, found in less than 5 localities in Hungary. New data are given to the Hungarian distribution of the Glyptotendipes caulicola, which had a taxonomically uncleared status until now

    Recent river channel change detections in the section of the River Tisza above TiszaĂșjlak (Vilok)

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    In the section above TiszaĂșjlak, despite the presence of embankments, the River Tisza shows active meandering tendency and it splits into branches resulting in side channels, dead channels and backwaters that follow the main channel. In our work we examined the right- and the left-side riverbank sections of the River Tisza, between TiszaĂșjlak (Đ’ĐžĐ»ĐŸĐș) and TiszasĂĄsvĂĄr (ĐąŃ€ĐŸŃĐœĐžĐș), as well as between TiszaĂșjlak and TiszapĂ©terfalva (ПоĐčŃ‚Đ”Ń€Ń„ĐŸĐ»ĐČĐŸ), to reveal the extent of bar depositions between 2006 and 2015, and to what extent the intensity and direction of the riverbank formation processes were influenced by the material of the bank and the plant coverage, its rate and characteristics. We tried to reveal which sections were eroded by the river and what security risks they have for the safety of the settlements along the Tisza River. On the right side of the Tisza River riverbank 51, and on the left side 62 main measuring points were recorded by GPS positioning satellite in 2009, 2010 and 2015. Our results were compared to the satellite images of Google Earth taken in 2006, too. According to our experience, in several bends of the examined sections of the river, active bar deposition can be observed; in some cases more than 100 m of bar depositions were detected
