11 research outputs found

    EU agriculture and innovation: what role for the cap?

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    One of the current European public debates concerns the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the most integrated European policy created over the last 60 years. Given the challenges of sustainable food and nutrition security, innovation should be an important aspect of that debate. Our organisations, Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen UR) and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), believe that a broad dissemination of results from our research contributes to creating benefit. This benefit is created not only through novel applications of technologies but also by working on societal challenges through dialogue with society and contributing to government policy and legislation. We are both concerned and thrilled about the future of the CAP. Concerned because of the need to take the right science-based decisions to ensure the long-term future of European agriculture as one of the most innovative, socially responsible and sustainable sectors in the world. And thrilled, because contributing to this promising long-term future provides our institutions with great challenges for partnerships with governments, farmers, consumers, private business, NGOs and scientific peers. The authors of this policy brief, experts in European research and innovation policy as well as in agricultural policy, have tried to take a critical look at the current CAP and more specifically how it supports innovation for European agriculture, food and rural areas. They have come up with suggestions to take on board in the public debate on the future CAP. Even it is not easy to have Ă  clear picture of the total amount of regional, national and European public funds made available for innovation in agriculture, food and rural areas, we think that the share of the CAP budget specifically devoted to innovation (today, at best a few percentage points of Pillar II expenditure) is too limited. It should at least be doubled in the next CAP. The authors want to thank policy officers in the Dutch and French Ministries, as well as in the European Commission, for stimulating discussions. They very warmly thank Professor Alan Matthews for his very careful review of an earlier draft of the paper and his very useful remarks and suggestions. The Dutch authors thank the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality for financing part of this study and their travel expenses. We look forward to the responses in the public debate on the thoughts reflected in in the public debate on the thoughts reflected in this policy brief

    Migration des jeunes peu formés : quel gain de salaire ?

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    International audienceQuel impact a la migration sur les salaires des jeunes peu formés en France. Les auteurs développent ici un modÚle basé sur la théorie du job search. Le modÚle estimé prend en compte un possible effet d'auto-sélection. Les premiers résultats obtenus mettent en exergue un effet négatif de la migration sur les salaires des jeunes peu formés et un effet positif d'auto-sélection. Deux effets complémentaires sont en présence : un effet de sélection positif sur les salaires des migrants et un effet négatif sur celui des non-migrants

    Is Sprawling Residential Behavior Influenced by Climate?

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    This paper addresses the question of a causal link between climate and urban sprawl by focusingon the role local climate plays in determining household behavior regarding housing decisions. Weconsider the hypothesis that under warmer climates, households exhibit “sprawling behavior”: they locatein larger plots, farther away from city centers. This hypothesis is tested empirically on household data bycontrolling for sample selection in simultaneous equations for housing size and distance to city center.We find evidence that such sprawling behavior is related to climate, suggesting that global warming andurban sprawl reinforce each other

    EU agriculture and innvation: what role for the CAP?

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    PAC et innovation

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    International audienceL’agriculture europĂ©enne fait face Ă  des dĂ©fis de grande ampleur au triple titre de l’économie, de l’environnement et du social. Elle doit impĂ©rativement et urgemment Ă©voluer. La Politique agricole commune (PAC) doit ĂȘtre mise au service de cette Ă©volution. Dans cette perspective, l’ouvrage dessine les contours d’une PAC ambitieuse, en termes d’objectifs et d’instruments, qui permettrait de faciliter la nĂ©cessaire transition agroĂ©cologique des systĂšmes agricoles et agroalimentaires europĂ©ens.L’ouvrage est divisĂ© en trois parties qui abordent d’abord les aspects Ă©conomiques, puis environnementaux et de santĂ©, enfin de dĂ©veloppement rural et d’innovation. Chaque chapitre traite d’un enjeu spĂ©cifique selon une mĂȘme structure : description de l’enjeu, analyse critique de sa prise en compte dans la PAC jusqu’à ce jour, et formulation de recommandations. MĂȘme si les auteurs relĂšvent de nombreuses disciplines, la grille d’analyse utilisĂ©e est principalement celle de l’économie publique. Le dernier chapitre conclusif propose une Ă©valuation de la PAC de l’aprĂšs-2020, telle que proposĂ©e par la Commission europĂ©enne en juin 2018, Ă  la lumiĂšre de l’analyse dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans l’ouvrage.Cet ouvrage s’adresse Ă  l’ensemble des acteurs intĂ©ressĂ©s par le devenir des systĂšmes agricoles et agroalimentaires et le futur de la PAC : dĂ©cideurs politiques, professionnels du secteur, acteurs de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, chercheurs, enseignants et Ă©tudiants

    Localisation des hommes et des emplois dans les espaces ruraux : constats, mécanismes et perspectives d'évolution

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    National audienceCe texte a pour objet, en premier lieu, de dresser un inventaire quantifié des tendances d'évolutions de la répartition des populations et des emplois entre espaces ruraux et urbains, en France depuis 1975. En second lieu, on propose des éléments d'interprétation économique de ces évolutions. On s'interroge en particulier sur les mécanismes économiques de dispersion ou d'agglomération des agents économiques, et sur les thÚses de la métropolisation des emplois. En troisiÚme lieu, ces éléments empiriques et théoriques sont utilisés d'une façon prospective pour une réflexion sur le devenir des tendances observées

    A Statistical Analysis of Heterogeneity on Labour Markets and Unemployment Rates in Colombia

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    In this paper, we study the structural factors that determine the differences in unemployment rates and in labour market performance for Colombian cities. Using cross-sectional data for 23 metropolitan areas, we apply an extension of a principal axes method—Multiple Factor Analysis for Multiple Contingency Tables (MFACT)—in order to identify unobservable factors that are relevant when disentangling the heterogeneity observed among groups of variables considered explanatory of regional unemployment differentials. Our findings suggest that differences in qualified labour supply levels, participation incentives and age structure are important when it comes to understanding regional heterogeneity in terms of labour markets and unemployment rates in Colombia. In addition, clustering methods reveal that cities that display high unemployment rates do not necessarily share the same structural characteristics; that is, labour market frictions that give rise to unemployment are not the same across Colombian cities