13 research outputs found

    Optimising Carbon Capture and Storage Supply Chains for the European Industry

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    Carbon capture and storage is considered of fundamental importance to achieve a remarkable decarbonisation of steel, cement and refining sectors. To operate carbon capture and storage at scale and address its inherent complexity, mathematical programming techniques can be exploited to optimise such systems. This contribution proposes a Europe-wide, spatially-explicit, time-dependent, carbon capture and storage chains optimisation, based on mixed integer linear programming architecture. Capture plants can be installed in all significant industrial CO2 emitters, which comprise 25 steel mills, 111 cement plants and 59 refineries. A techno-economic description of capture plants is provided, based on scale effects and different options. Transport can be operated through pipelines and offshore storage is taken into account in the North Sea and Adriatic area. The analysis allows identifying the most promising sectors and optimal specific plants where capture should be operated, and the evolution of the system throughout the time horizon. Considering a time-varying carbon reduction target, the avoidance cost is 75.6 \u20ac/t of CO2 for a North Sea targeted network, and decreases by 1.9% when sequestration in the Adriatic Sea is also taken into account

    Calcium pyroxenes at Mercurian surface temperatures: investigation of in-situ emissivity spectra and thermal expansion.

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    The European Space Agency and Japan Aerospace Agency mission to Mercury, named BepiColombo, will carry on board the Mercury Radiometer and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (MERTIS) that will be able to provide surface Thermal Infra-Red (TIR) emissivity spectra from 7 to 14 \ub5m. This range of wavelengths is very useful to identify the fine-scale structural properties of silicates. For mineral families as pyroxenes, the emissivity peak positions are good indicators of the composition. A complication in the interpretation of MERTIS data could arise from the extreme daily surface temperature range of Mercury (70 to 725 K) that significantly affects the crystal structure and density of minerals and consequently should affect the TIR spectral signature of each single mineral present on the surface of the planet. In preparation for the MERTIS data analysis, we are extensively investigating at high temperatures mineral phases potentially detectable on the surface of Mercury. Two C2/c augitic pyroxenes, with constant calcium content and very different magnesium to iron ratio, were studied by in situ high-temperature thermal infrared spectroscopy and in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction up to temperatures of about 750 and 770 K, respectively. The emissivity spectra of the two samples show similar band center shifts of the main three bands toward lower wavenumbers with increasing temperature. Our results indicate that the center position of bands 1 and 2 strictly depend on the temperature variations, whereas the center position of band 3 is a strong function of the composition regardless the temperature. These data suggest that MERTIS spectra will be able to provide indications of C2/c augitic pyroxene magnesium content and will allow a correct interpretation independently on the spectra acquisition temperatur

    Role of quantitative imaging and deep learning in interstitial lung diseases

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) are a large group of diffuse lung diseases characterized by similar clinical, pathological and radiological features. High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) has a central role in ILD diagnosis and management. In the last few years, computer-aided methods as Quantitative Computer Tomography (QCT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) software were proposed as a source of reliable quantitative imaging biomarkers. The present review aimed to summarize and describe the current QCT and AI methods and to evaluate their potential diagnostic and prognostic role. The first attempt to a quantitative analysis of HRCT in ILD is represented by the density histogram analysis with the definition of two new parameter, Kurtosis and Skewness. Then texture analysis tools were developed as Adaptive Multiple Features Method (AMFM), Computer-Aided Lung Informatics for Pathology Evaluation and Ratings (CALIPER), Quantitative Lung Fibrosis (QLF) and Automated Quantification System (AQS). The introduction of AI technologies further increased the amount of objective and reproducible biomarkers. The diagnostic and prognostic role of QCT and AI methods was analyzed and confirmed in various studies, as reported in the review. QCT and AI technologies application led to the introduction of new objective biomarkers with relevant diagnostic and prognostic implications. However, there is still the need for more prospective study and the creation of open-source datasets would help to assess QCT and AI methods efficacy and to compare them


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    Introduzione ed obiettivi. Scopo di questo studio \ue8 analizzare se l\u2019et\ue0 alla diagnosi influenza i risultati dei trattamenti nei bambini ed adolescenti affetti da LNH e LLA-B trattati nel protocollo multicentrico AIEOP LNH-97. Metodi. Bambini ed adolescenti con nuova diagnosi di LNH e LLA-B erano inclusi nello studio. Dal 10/1997 al 12/2005, un totale di 408 pazienti (pts) affetti da LNH e dal 1/2000 al 12/2005 un totale di 47 pts con LLA-B erano arruolati nello studio. Et\ue0 mediana del gruppo 9 anni (0.1-17.8). Il trattamento era stratificato in base al tipo di linfoma. I pts con linfoma linfoblastico T (TLB) e pre-B (pB-LB) erano trattati con una strategia simile alla LLA, mentre i LNH-B e ALCL con 2 o 6 cicli di terapia BFMlike della durata di 5 giorni. Il numero di cicli veniva determinato in base allo stadio e al valore iniziale di LDH. Le LLA-B eseguivano 6 cicli di terapia secondo il gruppo di rischio R4 dei LNH-B. Risultati. Su un totale di 455 pts, 417 avevano un\u2019et\ue0 <15 anni, mentre 38 avevano et\ue0 compresa tra 15 e 18 anni al momento della diagnosi. La percentuale di adolescenti era diversa in accordo al sottotipo istologico con la pi\uf9 bassa percentuale di adolescenti nei pts con LNH-B/LLA-B (4%) e una percentuale pi\uf9 alta nel linfoma a grandi cellule B primario del mediastino (PMLBL) (47%), seguito dall\u2019ALCL (11%). La probabilit\ue0 di sopravvivenza libera da eventi (pEFS) a 5 anni era 79+2% per tutto il gruppo di 455 pts (mediana di osservazione 3 [0.01-8.6] anni). La pEFS dei 38 adolescenti era 64+9%, inferiore in modo statisticamente significativo rispetto alla pEFS di 80+2% per i pts 0-14 anni. In particolare gli adolescenti con PMLBL e con LNH-B/LLA-B erano quelli che presentavano la pEFS pi\uf9 bassa tra tutti, rispettivamente pari a 44+21% e 62+18%. Non si \ue8 notata comunque differenza statisticamente significativa confrontando i vari sottotipi istologici tra i due gruppi di et\ue0. Conclusioni. Nella nostra casistica gli adolescenti affetti da LNH e LLA-B hanno una prognosi significativamente peggiore rispetto ai bambini pi\uf9 piccoli. Tra i sottotipi istologici considerati, quelli con prognosi meno favorevole sono i PMLBL e LNH-B/LLA

    Fluorescent in situ Hybridization as a screening test for HER2 amplification in G2 and G3 breast cancers of lobular and ductal histotype and metastases

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), as a screening test, in moderately- (G2) or poorly- (G3) differentiated breast cancers of the ductal (IDC) and lobular (ILC) histotypes and distant metastases. HER2 FISH was performed on 486 G2 and 477 G3 both of IDC and ILC histotypes and in 241 metastases. A significant difference in the HER2 amplification was observed between G2 (14.8%) and G3 (31.9%), with no difference according to the histotype. However, the rate of amplification increased to 36% in the G2/hormone receptor-negative cases as compared to 10.6% in the G2/receptor-positive cases (p<0.0001). HER2 was amplified in 17% of metastases with some differences depending on the location. These data suggest that the HER2 FISH analysis may be an effective screening test in breast cancer metastases and G3 tumors, irrespective of the hormone receptor status or presence of lymphovascular invasion