15 research outputs found

    Drinking wine at home: Hedonic analysis of sicilian wines using quantile regression

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    Abstract: In recent decades, the Sicilian wine industry has experienced a booming expansion because of the growing preferences of Italian consumers for Sicilian wines, especially in extra-regional markets. These consumers have been paying closer attention to Sicilian premium wines. For this reason, the objective of this study is to inform professional investors and wine managers about the consumer preferences with respect to the most important segment categories of domestically consumed Sicilian wines. Using the quantile regression technique, we analyzed the role of wine attributes and prices as an information tool in order to value for each wine segment the implicit price of the attributes affecting wine consumers\u2019 choices. The results indicate that Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Geographical Indication (PGI) certification is the main determinant in the wine price mechanisms and certified wines achieve premium prices that are progressively higher as the price level of the wine increases. Furthermore the effect of the brand on price formation seems to have a significant impact for low-end wines, whereas it has no specific impact on the price mechanism for high-end wines. Keywords: Consumer Scan Dataset, Geographic Origin, Hedonic Price, Robust Regression, Wine Consumptio

    Understanding the Polymerization of Polyfurfuryl Alcohol: Ring Opening and Diels-Alder Reactions

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    Polyfurfuryl alcohol (PFA) is one of the most intriguing polymers because, despite its easy polymerization in acid environment, its molecular structure is definitely not obvious. Many studies have been performed in recent decades, and every time, surprising aspects came out. With the present study, we aim to take advantage of all of the findings of previous investigations and exploit them for the interpretation of the completely cured PFA spectra registered with three of the most powerful techniques for the characterization of solid, insoluble polymers: Solid-State 13C-NMR, Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and UV-resonant Raman spectroscopy at different excitation wavelengths, using both an UV laser source and UV synchrotron radiation. In addition, the foreseen structures were modeled and the corresponding 13C-NMR and FTIR spectra were simulated with first-principles and semi-empiric methods to evaluate their matching with experimental ones. Thanks to this multi-technique approach, based on complementary analytical tools and computational support, it was possible to conclude that, in addition to the major linear unconjugated polymerization, the PFA structure consists of Diels-Alder rearrangements occurring after the opening of some furanic units, while the terminal moieties of the chain involves \u3b3-lactone arrangements. The occurrence of head-head methylene ether bridges and free hydroxyl groups (from unreacted furfuryl alcohol, FA, or terminal chains) could be excluded, while the conjugated systems could be considered rather limited

    FTIR Spectroscopy to Reveal Lipid and Protein Changes Induced on Sperm by Capacitation: Bases for an Improvement of Sample Selection in ART

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    Although being a crucial step for Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) success, to date sperm selection is based only on morphology, motility and concentration characteristics. Considering the many possible alterations, there is a great need for analytical approaches allowing more effective sperm selections. The use of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) may represent an interesting possibility, being able to reveal many macromolecular changes in a single measurement in a nondestructive way. As a proof of concept, in this observational study, we used a FTIR approach to reveal features related to sperm quality and chemical changes promoted by in vitro capacitation. We found indication that \u3b1-helix content is increased in capacitated sperm, while high percentages of the \u3b2-structures seem to correlate to poor-quality spermatozoa. The most interesting observation was related to the lipid composition, when measured as CH 2 /CH 3 vibrations (ratio 2853/2870), which resulted in being strongly influenced by capacitation and well correlated with sperm motility. Interestingly, this ratio is higher than 1 in infertile samples, suggesting that motility is related to sperm membranes stiffness and lipid composition. Although further analyses are requested, our results support the concept that FTIR can be proposed as a new smart diagnostic tool for semen quality assessment in ART. \u2026 Read mor

    Private vs. Collective Wine Reputation

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    Using a hedonic pricing model, this paper investigates the pricing implications of two broadly defined wine reputation strategies: private and collective. While the former consists of an individual quality differentiation strategy relying on an individual wine producer's own reputation, the latter mainly relies on the reputation of a group of wineries belonging to a particular geographic denomination. To this aim, wine purchases made by a nationally representative panel of Italian households were analyzed. Estimates based on quantile regression reveal that the effects of the two reputation strategies (private and collective) have a different weight according to the price segment of the wines in question. While private reputation plays a major role in both low and high priced wines, collective reputation in terms of geographical designations seems especially important for high priced wines

    A multidisciplinary study unveils the nature of a Roman ink of the I century AD

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    A multi-instrumental approach combining highly sensitive Synchrotron Radiation-based techniques was used to provide information on the real composition of a dry black ink powder found in a bronze inkwell of the first century AD. The presence of Pb, Cu and Fe in the powder, revealed by XRF and ICP-OES data, leads to raise several hypotheses on their origin. The inkpot and its lid were also investigated by Hand-Held XRF, revealing a bronze alloy (Cu-Sn) with a certain amount of Fe and Pb. The lid was found to be particularly enriched in lead. XRPD, XAS and FTIR measurements showed a substantial presence of silicates and common clay minerals in the ink along with cerussite and malachite, Pb and Cu bearing-carbonates, respectively. These evidences support the hypothesis of an important contamination of the ink sample by the burial environment (soil) and the presence of degradation products of the bronze inkpot. The combined use of IR, Raman, and GC-MS evidenced that the black ink is mainly composed of amorphous carbon deriving from the combustion of organic material mixed with a natural binding agent, Arabic gum

    A combined SR-based Raman and InfraRed investigation of pigmenting matter used in wall paintings: The San Gennaro and San Gaudioso Catacombs (Naples, Italy) case

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    In the present paper, we report on a recent ultraviolet (UV) Raman study in conjunction with an FTIR absorbance investigation by using synchrotron radiation techniques, performed on wall paintings samples of frescoes, stored in the charming sites of San Gennaro and San Gaudioso Catacombs (Naples, Italy). The main goal was the analysis of the pigmenting materials in order to characterize the pigmenting agents and the binders used by the artists. In this frame, the combined use of both complementary SRbased techniques played a fundamental role. In addition, in principle the characterization of the pigmenting matter could be useful for reproducing similar materials in accordance with the ancient recipes to use in any restoration process

    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in low ejection fraction/low transvalvular gradient patients: the rule of 40

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    BACKGROUND: Several factors have been identified as predictors of events after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) but the impact of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and mean transaortic gradient (MTG) is controversial. This multicenter study aimed to clarify the prognostic role of low LVEF and low MTG after TAVI. METHODS: From 2007 to 2012, 764 consecutive patients with severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis underwent TAVI at participating hospitals. Patients were divided according to LVEF and MTG into four groups. RESULTS: Sixty-four patients had LVEF 40% or less and MTG less than 40\u200ammHg, 76 had LVEF 40% or less and MTG at least 40\u200ammHg, 163 had LVEF more than 40% and MTG less than 40\u200ammHg, 461 had LVEF more than 40% and MTG at least 40\u200ammHg. Two-year mortality was significantly higher in patients with low LVEF and low MTG, whereas it was similar in patients with low LVEF and high MTG, high LVEF and low MTG, and high LVEF and high MTG (51.3 vs. 22.4 vs. 23.3. vs. 25.5%, respectively; P\u200a=\u200a0.001). These results were confirmed by multivariate analysis, as the combination of low LVEF and low MTG (both less than 40) was identified as the stronger mid-term mortality predictor (hazard ratio 2.4, confidence interval 95% 1.4-3.9; P\u200a=\u200a0.001). CONCLUSION: At least one parameter between LVEF or MTG over 40 predicts a good prognosis for TAVI patients at mid-term follow-up, whereas those with both left ventricular dysfunction and low mean aortic pressure gradient are at high risk of all-cause death after TAVI

    Effect of direct-acting antivirals on future occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in compensated cirrhotic patients

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    Background: The achievement of high rates of sustained virological response (SVR) with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients will reduce decompensating terminal events. Aims: To investigate whether hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) occurrence could change due to the DAA-induced increase in life-expectancy. Methods: A Markov model was built on clinical data of 494 cirrhotic patients and available literature to estimate probabilities of \u201cdeath before HCC\u201d and of \u201cHCC occurrence\u201d without and with DAA. Results: In comparison to untreated patients, DAA therapy reduced the 20-year mortality before HCC by 21.9% in patients without varices and by 21.5% in those with varices, considering an SVR of 95% and no direct effect on hepatocarcinogenesis. Tumour occurrence increased by 5%\u20138.2% and the proportion of HCCs diagnosed in compensated stages increased to >98%. If we consider DAA as having \u201canti-tumoral\u201d effects, the benefit becomes greater, achieving a 20-year survival of 81.5% in patients without varices, and 52.2% in patients with varices. Instead, if we consider DAA as having a \u201cpro-tumoral\u201d effect, then, the increased incidence of HCC nullifies the survival benefits. Conclusion: DAAs drastically reduce the mortality caused by the liver function worsening, increasing the proportion of HCCs diagnosed in compensated stages. Knowledge of the DAA effect on hepatocarcinogenesis remains pivotal