113 research outputs found

    High-redshift voids in the excursion set formalism

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    Voids are a dominant feature of the low-redshift galaxy distribution. Several recent surveys have found evidence for the existence of large-scale structure at high redshifts as well. We present analytic estimates of galaxy void sizes at redshifts z ~ 5 - 10 using the excursion set formalism. We find that recent narrow-band surveys at z ~ 5 - 6.5 should find voids with characteristic scales of roughly 20 comoving Mpc and maximum diameters approaching 40 Mpc. This is consistent with existing surveys, but a precise comparison is difficult because of the relatively small volumes probed so far. At z ~ 7 - 10, we expect characteristic void scales of ~ 14 - 20 comoving Mpc assuming that all galaxies within dark matter haloes more massive than 10^10 M_sun are observable. We find that these characteristic scales are similar to the sizes of empty regions resulting from purely random fluctuations in the galaxy counts. As a result, true large-scale structure will be difficult to observe at z ~ 7 - 10, unless galaxies in haloes with masses less than ~ 10^9 M_sun are visible. Galaxy surveys must be deep and only the largest voids will provide meaningful information. Our model provides a convenient picture for estimating the "worst-case" effects of cosmic variance on high-redshift galaxy surveys with limited volumes.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted by MNRA

    Large Fluctuations in the High-Redshift Metagalactic Ionizing Background

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    Recent observations have shown that the scatter in opacities among coeval segments of the Lyman-alpha forest increases rapidly at z > 5. In this paper, we assess whether the large scatter can be explained by fluctuations in the ionizing background in the post-reionization intergalactic medium. We find that matching the observed scatter at z ~ 5.5 requires a short spatially averaged mean free path of 3 shorter than direct measurements at z ~ 5.2. We argue that such rapid evolution in the mean free path is difficult to reconcile with our measurements of the global H I photoionization rate, which stay approximately constant over the interval z ~ 4.8 - 5.5. However, we also show that measurements of the mean free path at z > 5 are likely biased towards higher values by the quasar proximity effect. This bias can reconcile the short values of the mean free path that are required to explain the large scatter in opacities. We discuss the implications of this scenario for cosmological reionization. Finally, we investigate whether other statistics applied to the z > 5 Lyman-alpha forest can shed light on the origin of the scatter. Compared to a model with a uniform ionizing background, models that successfully account for the scatter lead to enhanced power in the line-of-sight flux power spectrum on scales k < 0.1 h/Mpc. We find tentative evidence for this enhancement in observations of the high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest.Comment: Matches version published by MNRAS with clarifications and expanded discussio

    The halo mass function through the cosmic ages

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    In this paper we investigate how the halo mass function evolves with redshift, based on a suite of very large (with N_p = 3072^3 - 6000^3 particles) cosmological N-body simulations. Our halo catalogue data spans a redshift range of z = 0-30, allowing us to probe the mass function from the dark ages to the present. We utilise both the Friends-of-Friends (FOF) and Spherical Overdensity (SO) halofinding methods to directly compare the mass function derived using these commonly used halo definitions. The mass function from SO haloes exhibits a clear evolution with redshift, especially during the recent era of dark energy dominance (z < 1). We provide a redshift-parameterised fit for the SO mass function valid for the entire redshift range to within ~20% as well as a scheme to calculate the mass function for haloes with arbitrary overdensities. The FOF mass function displays a weaker evolution with redshift. We provide a `universal' fit for the FOF mass function, fitted to data across the entire redshift range simultaneously, and observe redshift evolution in our data versus this fit. The relative evolution of the mass functions derived via the two methods is compared and we find that the mass functions most closely match at z=0. The disparity at z=0 between the FOF and SO mass functions resides in their high mass tails where the collapsed fraction of mass in SO haloes is ~80% of that in FOF haloes. This difference grows with redshift so that, by z>20, the SO algorithm finds a ~50-80% lower collapsed fraction in high mass haloes than does the FOF algorithm, due in part to the significant over-linking effects known to affect the FOF method.Comment: v4, 16 pages, 16 colour figures. Changed to match MNRAS print version. NOTE: v1 of this paper has a typo in the fitting function. Please ensure you use the latest versio

    The scale-dependent signature of primordial non-Gaussianity in the large-scale structure of cosmic reionization

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    (ABRIDGED)The rise of cosmic structure depends upon the statistical distribution of initial density fluctuations generated by inflation. While the simplest models predict an almost perfectly Gaussian distribution, more-general models predict a level of primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) that observations might yet be sensitive enough to detect. Recent Planck Collaboration measurements of the CMB temperature anisotropy bispectrum significantly tighten the observational limits, but they are still far from the PNG level predicted by the simplest models of inflation. Probing levels below CMB sensitivities will require other methods, such as searching for the statistical imprint of PNG on galactic halo clustering. During the epoch of reionization (EoR), the first stars and galaxies released radiation into the intergalactic medium (IGM) that created ionized patches whose large-scale geometry and evolution reflected the underlying abundance and large-scale clustering of the star-forming galaxies. This statistical connection between ionized patches in the IGM and galactic halos suggests that observing reionization may be another way to constrain PNG. We employ the linear perturbation theory of reionization and semi-analytic models based on the excursion-set formalism to model the effects of PNG on the EoR. We quantify the effects of PNG on the large-scale structure of reionization by deriving the ionized density bias, i.e. ratio of ionized atomic to total matter overdensities in Fourier space, at small wavenumber. Just as previous studies found that PNG creates a scale-dependent signature in the halo bias, so, too, we find a scale-dependent signature in the ionized density bias. Our results, which differ significantly from previous attempts in the literature to characterize this PNG signature, will be applied elsewhere to predict its observable consequences, e.g. in the cosmic 21cm background.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS with minor changes. Minor typos corrected and references adde

    Primordial Non-Gaussianity Estimation using 21 cm Tomography from the Epoch of Reionization

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    Measuring the small primordial nonGaussianity (PNG) predicted by cosmic inflation theories may help diagnose them. The detectability of PNG by its imprint on the 21cm power spectrum from the epoch of reionization is reassessed here in terms of fNLf_{NL}, the local nonlinearity parameter. We find that an optimum, multi-frequency observation by SKA can achieve ΔfNL3\Delta f_{NL} \sim 3 (comparable to recent Planck CMB limits), while a cosmic-variance-limited array of this size like Omniscope can even detect ΔfNL0.2\Delta f_{NL} \sim 0.2. This substantially revises the methods and results of previous work.Comment: Accepted by PRD with minor changes. References added and update

    The Linear Perturbation Theory of Reionization in Position-Space: Cosmological Radiative Transfer Along the Light-Cone

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    The linear perturbation theory of inhomogeneous reionization (LPTR) has been developed as an analytical tool for predicting the global ionized fraction and large-scale power spectrum of ionized density fluctuations during reionization. In the original formulation of the LPTR, the ionization balance and radiative transfer equations are linearized and solved in Fourier space. However, the LPTR's approximation to the full solution of the radiative transfer equation is not straightforward to interpret, since the latter is most intuitively conceptualized in position space. To bridge the gap between the LPTR and the language of numerical radiative transfer, we present a new, equivalent, position-space formulation of the LPTR that clarifies the approximations it makes and facilitates its interpretation. We offer a comparison between the LPTR and the excursion-set model of reionization (ESMR), and demonstrate the built-in capability of the LPTR to explore a wide range of reionization scenarios, and to go beyond the ESMR in exploring scenarios involving X-rays.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Accepted by PRD with minor change