359 research outputs found

    Synchronization of oscillators with long range interaction: phase transition and anomalous finite size effects

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    Synchronization in a lattice of a finite population of phase oscillators with algebraically decaying, non-normalized coupling is studied by numerical simulations. A critical level of decay is found, below which full locking takes place if the population contains a sufficiently large number of elements. For large number of oscillators and small coupling constant, numerical simulations and analytical arguments indicate that a phase transition separating synchronization from incoherence appears at a decay exponent value equal to the number of dimensions of the lattice. In contrast with earlier results on similar systems with normalized coupling, we have indication that for the decay exponent less than the dimensions of the lattice and for large populations, synchronization is possible even if the coupling is arbitarily weak. This finding suggests that in organisms interacting through slowly decaying signals like light or sound, collective oscillations can always be established if the population is sufficiently large.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E; Text slightly changed; References added; Fig. 9 update

    Immersion anaesthesia with ethanol in African giant land snails (Acathina fulica)

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    Giant African land snails (Achatina fulica) are becoming increasingly popular pets and may be anaesthetised to allow diagnostics and surgical procedures. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the anaesthetic effects and anaesthetic-related complications of immersion in 5% ethanol in client-owned African pet land snails, anaesthetised to allow biopsies of the foot for screening of parasites. Variables such as minutes elapsing from immersion to anaesthetic induction and from removal from the bath to return of tentacle withdrawal reflex and recovery from anaesthesia were recorded, as well as the occurrence of adverse effects. Of the 30 snails enrolled, one (3.3%) had a fatal outcome whereas the remaining 29 (96.7%) snails completed the study and recovered from anaesthesia. Time to anaesthetic induction was 25 [25–29] minutes. Recovery was prolonged in one snail, which required 210 minutes to regain normal muscular strength. Time from removal from the ethanol solution to return of tentacle withdrawal reflex was 20 [14–42] minutes. Beside death, other observed adverse effects were production of bubbles (n = 4; 13.3%), and mucus secretion (n = 4; 13.3%). Immersion in 5% ethanol may be regarded as suitable anaesthetic technique for African giant snails for brief and moderately invasive surgical procedures. Nevertheless, recovery from anaesthesia may be prolonged and unpredictable

    Age representation of Levy walks: partial density waves, relaxation and first passage time statistics

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    LĂ©vy walks (LWs) define a fundamental class of finite velocity stochastic processes that can be introduced as a special case of continuous time random walks. Alternatively, there is a hyperbolic representation of them in terms of partial probability density waves. Using the latter framework we explore the impact of aging on LWs, which can be viewed as a specific initial preparation of the particle ensemble with respect to an age distribution. We show that the hyperbolic age formulation is suitable for a simple integral representation in terms of linear Volterra equations for any initial preparation. On this basis relaxation properties, i.e. the convergence towards equilibrium of a generic thermodynamic function dependent on the spatial particle distribution, and first passage time statistics in bounded domains are studied by connecting the latter problem with solute release kinetics. We find that even normal diffusive LWs, where the long-term mean square displacement increases linearly with time, may display anomalous relaxation properties such as stretched exponential decay. We then discuss the impact of aging on the first passage time statistics of LWs by developing the corresponding Volterra integral representation. As a further natural generalization the concept of LWs with wearing is introduced to account for mobility losses

    Implant surgery and oral anticoagulant therapy: case report

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    This work aims to assess the risks both thromboembolic that bleeding of a management protocol “non-conservative” in patients on oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT) to be undergoing implant surgery. We decided to take a surgical “non-conservative” protocol, to insert four implants in the aesthetic zone, without using flapless surgery and the surgical template. In accordance with the hematologist, the value of INR is lowered and warfarin was replaced with heparin low molecular weight, to have a better coagulation’s control. The modern guidelines impose a protocol of conservative management in patients with OAT, with minimally invasive surgery, flapless, and use of surgical template to reduce the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. This, thanks to the teamwork between dentist and hematologist, thanks to careful adjustment of INR and the use of local haemostatic agents, were not encountered any problems with bleeding or intra or postoperative. Surgical treatment of patients with OAT is a real problem for the oral surgeon, to treat every time in association with the hematologist. Applying this type of surgical procedure, different from today’s guidelines, in our experience there were no post-operative complications (bleeding or bleeding); osseointegration has not been compromised and the prosthetic rehabilitation was completed successfully

    Digital work-flow

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    The project presents a clinical case in which the digital work-flow procedure was applied for a prosthetic rehabilitation in natural teeth and implants. Digital work-flow uses patient’s photo for the aesthetic’s planning, digital smile technology for the simulation of the final restoration and real time scanning to register the two arches. Than the scanning are sent to the laboratory that proceed with CAD-CAM production. Digital work-flow offers the opportunities to easily speak with laboratory and patients, gives better clinical results and demonstrated to be a less invasiveness method for the patient. Intra-oral scanner, digital smile design, preview using digital wax-up, CAD-CAM production, are new predictable opportunities for prosthetic team. This work-flow, compared with traditional methods, is faster, more precise and predictable
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