352 research outputs found

    UVES radial velocity accuracy from asteroid observations. Implications for the fine structure constant variability

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    High resolution observations of the asteroids Iris and Juno have been performed by means of the UVES spectrograph at the ESO VLT to obtain the effective accurac y of the spectrograph's radial velocity. The knowledge of this quantity has impo rtant bearings on studies searching for a variability of the fine structure cons tant carried on with this instrument. Asteroids provide a precise radial velocit y reference at the level of 1 m/s which allows instrumental calibration and the recognition of small instrumental drifts and calibration systematics. In particu lar, radial velocity drifts due to non uniform slit illumination and slit optica l misalignment in the two UVES spectrograph arms can be investigated. The positi on of the solar spectrum reflected by the asteroids are compared with the solar wavelength positions or with that of asteroid observations at other epochs or wi th the twilight to asses UVES instrumental accuracy . Radial velocities offsets in the range 10--50 m/s are generally observed likely due to a non uniform slit illumination. However, no radial velocity patterns with wavelength are detected and the two UVES arms provide consistent radial velocities. These results suggest that the detected alpha variability by Levshakov et al. (2007) deduced from a drift of -180 (+/- 85) m/s at z =1.84, between two sets of FeII lines falling in the two UVES arms may be real or induced by other kinds of systematics than those investigated here. The proposed technique allows real time quality check of the spectrograph and should be followed for very accurate measurements.Comment: Accepted A&

    Global spatio-temporal patterns in human migration: a complex network perspective

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    Migration is a powerful adaptive strategy for humans to navigate hardship and pursue a better quality of life. As a universal vehicle facilitating exchanges of ideas, culture, money and goods, international migration is a major contributor to globalization. Consisting of countries linked by multiple connections of human movements, global migration constitutes a network. Despite the important role of human migration in connecting various communities in different parts of the world, the topology and behavior of the international migration network and its changes through time remain poorly understood. Here we show that the global human migration network became more interconnected during the latter half of the twentieth century and that migrant destination choice partly reflects colonial and postcolonial histories, language, religion, and distances. From 1960 to 2000 we found a steady increase in network transitivity (i.e. connectivity between nodes connected to the same node), a decrease in average path length and an upward shift in degree distribution, all of which strengthened the 'small-world' behavior of the migration network. Furthermore, we found that distinct groups of countries preferentially interact to form migration communities based largely on historical, cultural and economic factors

    Weak and Strong Sustainability of Irrigation: A Framework for Irrigation Practices Under Limited Water Availability

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    Agriculture strongly relies on irrigation. While irrigated land accounts for roughly 20% of the global cultivated area, it contributes to about 40% of crop production. In the last few decades, the growing demand for agricultural commodities has translated into an increasing pressure on the global freshwater resources, often leading to their unsustainable use. Here we investigate the sustainability of irrigation, balancing farmers' profit generation objectives and the needs of ecological systems. We ask the question “sustainability of what?” to stress how the sustainability of irrigation is often evaluated with respect the opposing needs of humans and nature. While from the farmers' perspective irrigation is sustainable when it provides uninterrupted access to water resources at a price not exceeding the marginal revenue they generate (clearly without accounting for environmental externalities), from the standpoint of water resources, irrigation is sustainable if it does not deplete freshwater stocks or environmental flows. We invoke the notions of “weak” and “strong” sustainability to develop a novel framework for the evaluation of tradeoffs between human needs and the conservation of natural capital. Through the analysis of criteria of performance, we relate water deficit and irrigation overuse to the reliability and resilience of irrigation. This approach is applied to the case of Australia, a major agricultural country affected by water scarcity. The application of the framework to the case of Australia shows how this approach can be used to highlight areas in which irrigation contributes to a weakly sustainable use of water resources with impacts on environmental flows and groundwater stocks. Solutions, such as increasing efficiencies or reducing water applications through the adoption of deficit irrigation, can enhance water sustainability in some water scarce locations

    Chemical abundances of damped Lyman alpha systems in the XQ-100 survey

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    The XQ-100 survey has provided high signal-noise spectra of 100 redshift 3-4.5 quasars with the X-Shooter spectrograph. The metal abundances for 13 elements in the 41 damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) identified in the XQ-100 sample are presented, and an investigation into abundances of a variety of DLA classes is conducted. The XQ-100 DLA sample contains five DLAs within 5000 km/s of their host quasar (proximate DLAs; PDLAs) as well as three sightlines which contain two DLAs within 10,000 km/s of each other along the same line-of-sight (multiple DLAs; MDLAs). Combined with previous observations in the literature, we demonstrate that PDLAs with logN(HI)<21.0 show lower [S/H] and [Fe/H] (relative to intervening systems with similar redshift and N(HI)), whilst higher [S/H] and [Si/H] are seen in PDLAs with logN(HI)>21.0. These abundance discrepancies are independent of their line-of-sight velocity separation from the host quasar, and the velocity width of the metal lines (v90). Contrary to previous studies, MDLAs show no difference in [alpha/Fe] relative to single DLAs matched in metallicity and redshift. In addition, we present follow-up UVES data of J0034+1639, a sightline containing three DLAs, including a metal-poor DLA with [Fe/H]=-2.82 (the third lowest [Fe/H] in DLAs identified to date) at z=4.25. Lastly we study the dust-corrected [Zn/Fe], emphasizing that near-IR coverage of X-Shooter provides unprecedented access to MgII, CaII and TiII lines (at redshifts 3-4) to provide additional evidence for subsolar [Zn/Fe] ratio in DLAs.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. 19 pages plus Appendix material (102 pages total

    VLT/VIMOS Integral field kinematics of the Giant Low Surface Brightness galaxy ESO 323-G064

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    We studied the bulge and the disk kinematic of the giant Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxy ESO 323-G064 in order to investigate its dynamics and its Dark Matter (DM) content. We observed the galaxy with the integral field spectroscopy (VLT/VIMOS, in IFU configuration). Results for the gaseous kinematics (bulge and disk) and stellar kinematics (bulge) are presented, together with a Jeans model for the stellar bulge kinematics.Comment: Proceeding of Formation and evolution of galaxy disks, 1-5 Oct. 2007, Rome - Ital

    Laser frequency combs for astronomical observations

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    A direct measurement of the universe's expansion history could be made by observing in real time the evolution of the cosmological redshift of distant objects. However, this would require measurements of Doppler velocity drifts of about 1 centimeter per second per year, and astronomical spectrographs have not yet been calibrated to this tolerance. We demonstrate the first use of a laser frequency comb for wavelength calibration of an astronomical telescope. Even with a simple analysis, absolute calibration is achieved with an equivalent Doppler precision of approximately 9 meters per second at about 1.5 micrometers - beyond state-of-the-art accuracy. We show that tracking complex, time-varying systematic effects in the spectrograph and detector system is a particular advantage of laser frequency comb calibration. This technique promises an effective means for modeling and removal of such systematic effects to the accuracy required by future experiments to see direct evidence of the universe's putative acceleration.Comment: Science, 5th September 2008. 18 pages, 7 figures (7 JPG files), including Supporting Online Material. Version with higher resolution figures available at http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~mmurphy/pub.htm

    Non variability of intervening absorbers observed in the UVES spectra of the "naked-eye" GRB080319

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the properties of the intervening absorbers lying along the line of sight of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) 080319B through the analysis of its optical absorption features. To this purpose, we analyze a multi-epoch, high resolution spectroscopic observations (R=40000, corresponding to 7.5 km/s) of the optical afterglow of GRB080319B (z=0.937), taken with UVES at the VLT. Thanks to the rapid response mode (RRM), we observed the afterglow just 8m:30s after the GRB onset when the magnitude was R ~ 12. This allowed us to obtain the best signal-to-noise, high resolution spectrum of a GRB afterglow ever (S/N per resolution element ~ 50). Two further RRM and target of opportunity observations were obtained starting 1.0 and 2.4 hours after the event, respectively. Four MgII absorption systems lying along the line of sight to the afterglow have been detected in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 0.8, most of them showing a complex structure featuring several components. Absorptions due to FeII, MgI and MnII are also present; they appear in four, two and one intervening absorbers, respectively. One out of four systems show a MgII2796 rest frame equivalent width larger than 1A. This confirms the excess of strong MgII absorbers compared to quasars, with dn/dz = 0.9, ~ 4 times larger than the one observed along quasar lines of sight. In addition, the analysis of multi-epoch, high-resolution spectra allowed us to exclude a significant variability in the column density of the single components of each absorber. Combining this result with estimates of the size of the emitting region, we can reject the hypothesis that the difference between GRB and QSO MgII absorbers is due to a different size of the emitting regions.Comment: 10 pages, 15 ps figures, submitted to MNRA
