21 research outputs found

    Spirometria e FeNO concetti base per l’esecuzione e l’interpretazione in età pediatrica

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    Le prove di funzionalitĂ  respiratoria, prima tra tutte la spirometria, rappresentano uno strumento essenziale sia nella diagnosi delle patologie respiratorie, che nel loro follow-up. Con l’assistenza di personale qualificato la maggior parte dei bambini a partire dai 5-6 anni riesce ad eseguire una spirometria che rispetti criteri standardizzati di accettabilitĂ  e riproducibilitĂ . La risultante curva flusso-volume consente di distinguere disfunzioni ventilatorie di tipo ostruttivo, restrittivo o misto e di valutarne la reversibilitĂ  dopo somministrazione di salbutamolo. La spirometria fa parte integrante del percorso diagnostico-terapeutico dell’asma, ma non ha un’elevata correlazione con severitĂ  e controllo dei sintomi e non Ăš sempre sufficientemente sensibile nell’individuare la limitazione variabile del flusso aereo. Per superare questi limiti, negli ambulatori di pneumologia pediatrica accanto alla spirometria si stanno quindi diffondendo nuovi strumenti e nuove metodiche, tra cui la valutazione non invasiva di markers di infiammazione, come la misurazione della frazione esalata di ossido nitrico (FeNO). Esso rappresenta un marker di infiammazione di Tipo-2 delle vie aeree e, in associazione alla spirometria, sembra avere un ruolo nel supportare la diagnosi di asma, nella valutazione del rischio di riacutizzazione e nella gestione terapeutica, ma anche nella valutazione del rischio di sviluppare asma nei bambini con wheezing prescolare. PoichĂ© i livelli di FeNO possono essere influenzati da molti fattori esogeni ed endogeni, tale misurazione deve essere interpretata alla luce dei dati clinici e strumentali e non basandosi solo sulle soglie dei cut-off indicati dalle linee guida internazionali. Questo articolo valuta il contributo dell’esame spirometrico e della misurazione del FeNO nella gestione ambulatoriale dei bambini con asma bronchiale, fornendo aspetti pratici per l’esecuzione e l’interpretazione di questi test diagnostici, al fine di ottimizzare la gestione terapeutica di questi pazienti

    LIOFeronÂźTB/LTBI: A novel and reliable test for LTBI and tuberculosis

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    Objectives: High accuracy diagnostic screening tests for tuberculosis (TB) are required to improve the diagnosis of both active TB and latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection (LTBI). The novel IGRA LIOFeronÂźTB/LTBI assay was tested and its accuracy was compared to the QuantiFERONÂź-TB Gold Plus assay. Methods: A total of 389 subjects were enrolled in two cohorts and classified as healthy, active TB or LTBI persons. The blood of all the patients was tested with LIOFeronÂźTB/LTBI assay, containing MTB alanine dehydrogenase, able to differentiate active TB from LTBI diagnosis. The results obtained with both IGRAs, performed on the same 250 samples, were finally compared. Results: The two assays demonstrated an excellent concordance of their results with patients' diagnosis of MTB infection. ROC analysis for QuantiFERONÂź-TB Gold Plus showed sensitivity and specificity respectively of 98% and 97% in diagnosing active TB patients and 85% and 94% in diagnosing LTBI subjects. LIOFeronÂźTB/LTBI assay showed sensitivity and specificity respectively of 90% and 98% in diagnosing active TB patients and 94% and 97% in diagnosing LTBI subjects. Conclusions: The two IGRAs displayed the same high accuracy in diagnosing MTB infection/TB disease, and LIOFeronÂźTB/LTBI assay demonstrated higher sensitivity than QuantiFERONÂź-TB Gold Plus test in LTBI detection. Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Tuberculosis diagnosis, IGRA, Alanine dehydrogenas

    Smoking Habit Prevention in Schools: Report of a Pediatric Educational Intervention Held in Pisa

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    Introduction: Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the world and the detrimental effects of tobacco on health have been described across the full life span. There is no safe level of tobacco exposure and childhood is the more vulnerable period of life. Current estimates show that 10% of children aged 13-15 years are active smokers and most of them started smoking at ≄11 years of age, due to peer and/or family influence. Moreover, recently, e-cigarette use has spread, particularly among youth. Many school-based smoking prevention interventions have been carried out around the world, the efficacy of which has yet to be established. Materials and methods: In February 2018 we planned an educational program on smoking habit within the Italian Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases (SIMRI) (“Dai un calcio al fumo” program). In May 2018 we held 8 interventions at the Fibonacci School (Pisa, Italy), meeting 365 children aged 9 to 13 years and involving a pediatrician and a pediatric resident in a 2-hour lesson focusing on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and smoking habit effects. The children were invited to ask questions and talk about their experiences, with a subsequent 30-minutes collegial discussion. The most frequent questions were collected, as well as students’, physicians’ and teachers’ opinions on each meeting. Results: During our educational interventions the most frequently asked questions were about the discrepancy related to the fact that a dangerous product is legally sold and the potential harmful effects of e-cigarettes. All the children stated that they knew that combustible cigarette smoking was dangerous. Most of them admitted that they feel that smoking habits start from emulating friends and relatives. Almost 70% of the children reported to have at least one smoker relative. Teachers, physicians and students proposed to replicate the meetings the following year. Conclusions: The considerable interest shown by the students, together with the low cost and potential effectiveness of school-based educational measures, suggest that in our country a national educational program should be introduced in schools. Too many children are still exposed to tobacco smoke in the household environment

    L’Oscillometria a impulsi nuovo test di funzionalità respiratoria per i bambini con asma

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    L’asma Ăš una malattia infiammatoria cronica delle vie aeree che puĂČ interessare l’intero albero bronchiale. Recenti evidenze dimostrano che la disfunzione delle piccole vie aeree (o small airway dysfunction, SAD) Ăš un fattore importante nella patogenesi e nell’espressione clinica della malattia. A causa delle difficoltĂ  nella valutazione delle vie aeree periferiche con tecniche non invasive, risulta ancora poco chiaro il ruolo della SAD nell’asma pediatrico, che Ăš invece assodato in etĂ  adulta. Secondo recenti lavori, le piccole vie aeree sono interessate giĂ  nelle prime fasi dell’asma, ma la spirometria, il test convenzionale per la valutazione della funzione polmonare, non esamina in modo sensibile la loro funzione, risultando alterata solo quando la disfunzione periferica diventa molto rilevante. L’infiammazione cronica e la SAD rappresentano fattori di rischio per la persistenza e la gravitĂ  dell’asma, lo scarso controllo della malattia e la progressiva riduzione della funzione polmonare con l’etĂ . Identificare e quantificare il coinvolgimento sia delle vie aeree centrali che periferiche risulta pertanto clinicamente molto rilevante per una diagnosi precoce e per ottenere un buon controllo dell’asma, ridurre l’iperreattivitĂ  bronchiale e monitorare la risposta al trattamento di fondo. Questo articolo descrive le evidenze recenti sul ruolo della SAD nello sviluppo e nel controllo dell’asma pediatrico e valuta il contributo di una nuova tecnica diagnostica disponibile in ambito ambulatoriale, l’oscillometria a impulsi, nella diagnosi precoce di SAD in etĂ  prescolare e scolare, nel monitoraggio dell’asma (in associazione alla spirometria) e nella gestione terapeutica

    Psychopathological Impact in Patients with History of Rheumatic Fever with or without Sydenham's Chorea: A Multicenter Prospective Study

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    Sydenham's chorea (SC) is a post-streptococcal autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system, and it is a major criterium for the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). SC typically improves in 12-15 weeks, but patients can be affected for years by persistence and recurrencies of both neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms. We enrolled 48 patients with a previous diagnosis of ARF, with or without SC, in a national multicenter prospective study, to evaluate the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms several years after SC's onset. Our population was divided in a SC group (n = 21), consisting of patients who had SC, and a nSC group (n = 27), consisting of patients who had ARF without SC. Both groups were evaluated by the administration of 8 different neuropsychiatric tests. The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) showed significantly (p = 0.021) higher alterations in the SC group than in the nSC group. Furthermore, 60.4% (n = 29) of the overall population experienced neuropsychiatric symptoms other than choreic movements at diagnosis and this finding was significantly more common (p = 0.00) in SC patients (95.2%) than in nSC patients (33.3%). The other neuropsychiatric tests also produced significant results, indicating that SC can exert a strong psychopathological impact on patients even years after its onset

    Uso dei probiotici nella prevenzione e nella terapia delle malattie allergiche nel bambino: una metanalisi

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    Le malattie allergiche del bambino come la dermatite atopica (DA), le allergie alimentari (AA), la rinite allergica e l'asma bronchiale rappresentano uno dei principali problemi di salute pubblica nei paesi occidentali, con una prevalenza crescente negli ultimi decenni. Tra i diversi meccanismi causali di incremento delle malattie allergiche Ăš stato evidenziato il ruolo svolto da un alterato sviluppo del microbiota, fin dai primi momenti dopo la nascita. Il microbioma, residente in un preciso sito del corpo, presenta sfide significative per il sistema immunitario locale, che deve riuscire a tollerare la presenza di questi microbi per evitare di danneggiare il tessuto ospite, pur mantenendo la capacitĂ  di rispondere in modo appropriato ai microorganismi patogeni. Si ritiene che una comunicazione interrotta tra il microbioma e l'ospite, a causa di un’alterazione della composizione e/o del metabolismo del microbioma, influenzi negativamente le reti omeostatiche immunitarie e possa svolgere un ruolo nell'ipersensibilitĂ  immunitaria agli agenti ambientali, come gli allergeni. Tuttavia, solo recentemente, Ăš stata evidenziata l'importanza del microbioma intestinale, polmonare e cutaneo, nello sviluppo delle funzioni immunitarie e in particolare della tolleranza. È stato ipotizzato che la modulazione del microbioma dell'ospite possa rivelarsi un approccio per prevenire e curare le malattie allergiche. Tra i diversi fattori che possono modulare il microbiota intestinale portando a effetti preventivi o terapeutici sulle malattie allergiche pediatriche la supplementazione con probiotici Ăš attualmente oggetto di discussione, ma i risultati appaiono ancora controversi. Molti fattori possono influenzare il successo di una terapia con probiotici, come per esempio la scelta del probiotico, la dieta, l’etĂ , la genetica, l’obesitĂ , le infezioni concomitanti o pregresse. La presente tesi rappresenta una dettagliata metanalisi delle recenti evidenze della letteratura sull’efficacia dei ceppi probiotici maggiormente studiati nella prevenzione ed eventualmente il trattamento delle malattie allergiche. La meta-analisi Ăš stata eseguita, utilizzando la MEDLINE e la Cochrane Library, analizzando gli articoli scientifici pubblicati negli ultimi cinque anni; la ricerca Ăš stata condotta specificando etĂ , malattie specifiche e tipo di pubblicazione. La revisione sistematica della letteratura ha identificato 125 referenze potenzialmente rilevanti. In totale, 81 articoli irrilevanti sono stati esclusi dopo selezione dei titoli. Dopo aver esaminato gli abstract o i testi completi, sono stati esclusi 10 studi. Pertanto, gli studi inclusi nella nostra trattazione sono stati 34. E’ emerso che I primi eventi della vita, come la modalitĂ  di parto, l’allattamento al seno, la dieta e la salute della mamma, gli antibiotici o altri farmaci assunti durante la gravidanza e le prime epoche di vita, l’ambiente nel primo periodo di vita (per esempio la presenza di Fratelli, animali domestici, la vicinanza a animali da fattoria ed aree verdi) possono significativamente influenzare i tempi e i modi della colonizzazione batterica. Se il processo di “fisiologica” colonizzazione viene alterato, questo puĂČ condurre ad cambiamenti patologici nella composizione, nell’attivitĂ  metabolica o in entrambi del microbioma intestinale, polmonare o cutaneo. Di conseguenza questo Ăš stato associato con lo sviluppo di malattie non trasmissibili, come per esempio le allergie e l’asma. Specifici probiotici possono modulare il microbioma intestinale, che puĂČ influenzare l'infiammazione nella cute e possono proteggere alcuni bambini dallo sviluppo di AD. Le prove suggeriscono che i ceppi probiotici attualmente disponibili probabilmente sono poco efficaci nel migliorare i sintomi dell'eczema del bambino. Pertanto, l'uso di probiotici per il trattamento dell'eczema non Ăš attualmente basato su prove certe. Nessuno studio fra quelli esaminati ha dimostrato un aumento degli effetti negativi con l'uso di probiotici. La tesi ha dimostrato che l'integrazione probiotica durante il periodo prenatale e postnatale sembra ridurre l'incidenza di AD nei neonati e nei bambini sia nei soggetti ad alto che a basso rischio, soprattutto a partire dalla gestazione fino ai primi 6 mesi di vita. Miscele di supplementazione probiotica tra cui ceppi di Lactobacillus, ceppi di Bifidobacterium o ceppi di Propionibacterium hanno ridotto significativamente il rischio di AD. L'uso di integratori probiotici potrebbe modificare la composizione della flora intestinale dei bambini, modulando successivamente la reattivitĂ  del sistema immunitario ed eventualmente svolgere un ruolo importante nella prevenzione della dermatite atopica. Tuttavia, il meccanismo d'azione dei probiotici nella prevenzione della AD non Ăš stato completamente descritto ed Ăš un'area di ricerca in evoluzione. Le revisioni sistematiche e le metanalisi hanno suggerito che l'integrazione di probiotici puĂČ ridurre la percentuale di episodi di asma nel bambino, mentre non sono stati ottenuti benefici significativi per quanto riguarda la sintomatologia riferita attraverso il questionario C-ACT, i sintomi asmatici di giorno o di notte e la funzione polmonare come FEV1 e PEF. Tuttavia, un alto livello di eterogeneitĂ  esistente tra gli studi puĂČ portare alla bassa qualitĂ  delle prove. Gli effetti della somministrazione di probiotici per la prevenzione ed il trattamento delle malattie allergiche sono ancora controversi, perciĂČ a questo stadio nessuna ferma raccomandazione puĂČ essere posta. La specificitĂ  dei diversi ceppi batterici, l’inizio e la lunghezza della terapia possono contribuire all’ampia eterogenicitĂ  delle conclusioni di questa metanalisi. Per tali motivazioni sono necessari ulteriori studi ceppo-specifici per chiarire il ruolo dei probiotici nel modulare le manifestazioni allergiche. Pediatric allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis (AD), food allergy (FA), allergic rhinitis and asthma represent major important public health issues in the western countries with growing prevalence in the last decades. Among different causative mechanisms of increased prevalence of allergic diseases the role of early (gut) microbiota development has been highlighted. The microbiome resident in a precise site of the body presents significant challenges to the local immune system, which should tolerate the presence of these microbes to avoid damaging host tissue while retaining the ability to respond appropriately to pathogens. Disrupted communication between the microbiome and the host due to altered microbiome composition and/or metabolism is thought to negatively influence immune homeostatic networks and may play a role in immune hypersensitivity to environmental agents, such as allergens. However, only recently it has been highlighted the importance of gut, lung and skin microbiomes and we now know that the microbiome tightly contributes to immune functions and tolerance. Therefore it has been hypothesized that modulation of the host microbiome may prove to be an approach to prevent and to treat pediatric allergic diseases. The supplementation with probiotics is currently under discussion, but the results are still controversial. Many factors are able to influence the success of a possible therapy with probiotics, such as the choice of the "right" probiotic, as well as diet, age, genetics, obesity, concomitant infections. The present thesis represents a detailed meta-analysis of the recent evidences from literature on the efficacy of the most common studied probiotic strains for pediatric allergic disease prevention and treatment. The meta analysis has been performed, using the MEDLINE and Cochrane Library, analyzing in depth the scientific papers published in the last five years; the variables as strains, age, diseases, type of publication have been used for the research. The systematic literature review identified 125 potentially relevant references. 81 irrelevant papers were excluded after screening the titles. After reviewing the abstracts or full texts, 10 studies were excluded. Finally 34 articles represent the core of the meta analysis. It came out that early life events such as mode of delivery, breastfeeding, mother’s diet and health status, antibiotics and other drug usage in pregnancy and early childhood, early life environment (i.e. siblings, pets at home, proximity to farm animals and green areas) significantly influence the timing of bacterial colonization. If the process of “healthy” colonization is disrupted, this can lead to changes in the composition, metabolic activities, or both in the gut, lung, and skin microbiomes, which, consequently, have been associated with the development of Not Communicable Disease (NCDs) like allergies and asthma. Specific probiotic strains may modulate the gut bacteria that influences inflammation within the skin and may protect some children against AD development. Evidence suggests that currently available probiotic strains probably make little or no difference in improving patient-rated eczema symptoms. Therefore, use of probiotics for the treatment of eczema is currently not evidence-based. This thesis found no evidence of increased adverse effects with probiotic use during studies. The thesis showed that probiotic supplementation during the prenatal and postnatal period seems to reduce the incidence of AD in infants and children in both high-risk and unselected subjects, especially beginning in gestation through the first 6 months of life. Mixtures of probiotic supplementation including Lactobacillus strains, Bifidobacterium strains or Propionibacterium strains significantly decreased the risk of AD. The use of probiotic supplements might change the composition of the intestinal flora of children, subsequently modulating the reactivity of the immune system and possibly play an important role in AD prevention. However, the mechanism of action of probiotics in preventing AD has not been completely described and is an evolving area of research. The systematic review and meta-analysis suggested that probiotics supplementation may reduce the proportion of childhood episodes of asthma, while no significant benefits were obtained regarding CACT, asthmatic symptoms in daytime or night-time and pulmonary function such as FEV1 and PEF. However, a high level of heterogeneity existing among studies may lead to the low quality of the evidence. The effects of probiotic administration for prevention/treatment of allergic diseases are still so controversial that no firm recommendation can be made at this stage. Differences in strain specificity, timing of administration, length of the therapy are all contributing to diversify the meta-analysis conclusions. Therefore, further strain specific studies are necessary in order to clarify the role of probiotics in modulating the allergic manifestations

    How Much Asthma Is Atopic in Children?

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    How Much Asthma Is Atopic in Children

    The role of atopy in asthma development and persistence

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    Asthma is the most common chronic disease in pediatric age. Childhood-onset asthma, as opposed to adult-onset asthma, is typically characterized by a personal and often a family history of atopy and related markers of type 2-mediated inflammation. However, the interplay between atopy and asthma development is more complex than a linear dose-response relationship

    Impact of climate change on pollen allergy and respiratory health in children

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    Global warming and climate change are unequivocal events caused mainly by the increasing atmospheric concentrations of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, related to human industrial growth. Their effects have been described as the biggest global health threat of the 21st century: as far as pollen allergy, global warming has a big impact on plants life-cycle with earlier and longer pollen season as well as higher pollen production, putting adults and children affected by respiratory allergic disease, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, at risk for exacerbations. Extreme weather events may play a role too, with thunderstorms causing a higher respirable allergen loads in the air and floods favoring indoor and outdoor growth of moulds. In collaboration with ARPAT we are going to collect data on pollen seasons since 2013 in Lido di Camaiore, near Pisa, and correlate them with clinical data from pollen allergic children in follow up at our Pediatric Department, especially in terms of exacerbations and symptoms control. Our pilot study on airborne pollen trends will shed light on ongoing pollen changes in our area as well as their possible correlations with clinical outcomes in children with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis

    Practical Approach to Children Presenting With Eosinophila And Hypereosinophilia

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    Eosinophilia is not a rare finding in clinical practice, and often poses problems in terms of etiologic research and differential diagnosis. Peripheral eosinophilia is defined by a blood eosinophil count > 500 cells/”L. It is classified into mild (500-1500 cells/”l), moderate (1500-5000 cells/”l) and severe for an eosinophil count > 5000 cells /”l. The term "hypereosinophilia" defines a condition characterized by a blood eosinophil count >1500 cells/”l in at least two consecutive tests made with a minimum of a 4-week interval. The causes of eosinophilia are various, and can be summarized by the acronym "APLV" which refers to Allergic disorders, Parasitic infections, Leukemia/Lymphomas (and solid tumors) and Vasculitis-Immunodeficiency diseases, with allergic disorders and parasitic infections representing the most commonly identified causes. Allergic disorders are usually associated with mild eosinophilia, whereas values >20.000 cell/”l are highly suggestive for myeloproliferative disorders. Eosinophils may also be directly responsible for organ damage, mainly at cardiac, pulmonary and cutaneous level, deriving from the release of the granule products, of lipidic mediators and cytokines. Therefore, in the physician's approach to a patient with persistent hypereosinophilia, it is also important to investigate the presence of organ involvement. In this review, we propose a diagnostic algorithm for children presenting with either blood eosinophilia or hypereosinophilia. This algorithm focuses on the patient's history and clinical manifestations as the first step and on the level and persistence of blood eosinophilia as the second, and this can help the physician to identify patients presenting with an elevated blood eosinophil count that need further laboratory or instrumental investigations