479 research outputs found

    Novel kinetic consistent 3d mhd algorithm for high performance parallel computing systems

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    The impressive progress of the kinetic consistent schemes in the solution of the gas dynamics problems and the development of the effective parallel algorithms for the modern high performance parallel computing systems lead to the development of advanced methods for the solution of the magnetohydrodynamics problems for plasma physics. The novel feature of the method is the formulation of the complex Boltzmann-like distribution function of the kinetic method with the implementation of the electromagnetic interaction term. The numerical method is based on the explicit schemes, due to the logical simplicity and high efficiency of the algorithm and the easy adaptation to the modern high performance parallel computing systems

    Statistical distribution function of charged particles in magnetic field

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    The statistical distribution function introduced by Boltzmann and his ki- netic equation are the fundamental basis of the kinetic theory of gases and of the basic methods of solution of problems in the gas dynamics. At present time one of the areas of high interest in modern physics is the plasma in fusion processes and astrophysics which requires an extension of the kinetic processes to charged particles, in particular regard- ing the electromagnetic interactions. We propose a unified distribution function which includes the electromagnetic interactions for charged particles and is suitable for the solu- tion of problems of charged particle dynamics with Boltzmann type equations and kinetic consistent magneto gas dynamic equations

    Novel kinetic consistent algorithm for the modeling of incompressible conducting flows

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    In this study we aim at demonstrating that kinetic consistent magneto gas dynamic algorithms are a valid for the computation of the dynamics of incompressible conductive flows. We obtain numerical solutions for the test problems, namely the laminar flow inside a wall-driven cavity and a magnetic driven pump. We show that kinetic consistent algorithms have a high stability in the solution of convection-dominated flows, due to a correct physical modeling of the fluid viscosity and to the possibility of tuning appropriate regularization terms on the basis of the physical properties of the fluid. We show that the kinetic consistent approach offers a stable basis for a correct physical description of the shear viscosity, thermal conduction and electric resistivity effects in incompressible magneto hydrodynamics flows

    Novel kinetic consistent mhd algorithm for high performance computing

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    The impressive progress of the kinetic schemes in the solution of gas dy- namics problems and the development of effective parallel algorithms for modern high performance parallel computing systems led to the development of advanced methods for the solution of the magnetohydrodynamics problem in the important area of plasma physics. The novel feature of the method is the formulation of the complex Boltzmann- like distribution function of kinetic method with the implementation of electromagnetic interaction terms. The numerical method is based on the explicit schemes. Due to logical simplicity and its efficiency, the algorithm is easily adapted to modern high performance parallel computer systems including hybrid computing systems with graphic processors

    Past and future of plant stress detection: an overview from remote sensing to Positron Emission Tomography

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    Plant stress detection is considered one of the most critical areas for the improvement of crop yield in the compelling worldwide scenario, dictated by both the climate change and the geopolitical consequences of the Covid-19 epidemics. A complicated interconnection of biotic and abiotic stressors affect plant growth, including water, salt, temperature, light exposure, nutrients availability, agrochemicals, air and soil pollutants, pests and diseases. In facing this extended panorama, the technology choice is manifold. On the one hand, quantitative methods, such as metabolomics, provide very sensitive indicators of most of the stressors, with the drawback of a disruptive approach, which prevents follow up and dynamical studies. On the other hand qualitative methods, such as fluorescence, thermography and VIS/NIR reflectance, provide a non-disruptive view of the action of the stressors in plants, even across large fields, with the drawback of a poor accuracy. When looking at the spatial scale, the effect of stress may imply modifications from DNA level (nanometers) up to cell (micrometers), full plant (millimeters to meters) and entire field (kilometers). While quantitative techniques are sensitive to the smallest scales, only qualitative approaches can be used for the larger ones. Emerging technologies from nuclear and medical physics, such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, are expected to bridge the gap of quantitative non disruptive morphologic and functional measurements at larger scale. In this review we analyze the landscape of the different technologies nowadays available, showing the benefits of each approach in plant stress detection, with a particular focus on the gaps, which will be filled in the nearby future by the emerging nuclear physics approaches to agriculture

    Silicon Avalanche Pixel Sensor for High Precision Tracking

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    The development of an innovative position sensitive pixelated sensor to detect and measure with high precision the coordinates of the ionizing particles is proposed. The silicon avalanche pixel sensors (APiX) is based on the vertical integration of avalanche pixels connected in pairs and operated in coincidence in fully digital mode and with the processing electronics embedded on the chip. The APiX sensor addresses the need to minimize the material budget and related multiple scattering effects in tracking systems requiring a high spatial resolution in the presence of a large occupancy. The expected operation of the new sensor features: low noise, low power consumption and suitable radiation tolerance. The APiX device provides on-chip digital information on the position of the coordinate of the impinging charged particle and can be seen as the building block of a modular system of pixelated arrays, implementing a sparsified readout. The technological challenges are the 3D integration of the device under CMOS processes and integration of processing electronics.Comment: 13th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors IPRD1

    Design Study of a Novel Positron Emission Tomography System for Plant Imaging

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    Positron Emission Tomography is a non-disruptive and high-sensitive digital imaging technique which allows to measure in-vivo and non invasively the changes of metabolic and transport mechanisms in plants. When it comes to the early assessment of stress-induced alterations of plant functions, plant PET has the potential of a major breakthrough. The development of dedicated plant PET systems faces a series of technological and experimental difficulties, which make conventional clinical and preclinical PET systems not fully suitable to agronomy. First, the functional and metabolic mechanisms of plants depend on environmental conditions, which can be controlled during the experiment if the scanner is transported into the growing chamber. Second, plants need to be imaged vertically, thus requiring a proper Field Of View. Third, the transverse Field of View needs to adapt to the different plant shapes, according to the species and the experimental protocols. In this paper, we perform a simulation study, proposing a novel design of dedicated plant PET scanners specifically conceived to address these agronomic issues. We estimate their expected sensitivity, count rate performance and spatial resolution, and we identify these specific features, which need to be investigated when realizing a plant PET scanner. Finally, we propose a novel approach to the measurement and verification of the performance of plant PET systems, including the design of dedicated plant phantoms, in order to provide a standard evaluation procedure for this emerging digital imaging agronomic technology
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