79 research outputs found

    Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity with an excellent response to treatment

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    Amiodarone is an anti-arrhythmic drug widely used, but its administration can be associated with several adverse side-effects. Among these, amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity (APT) occurs in 4-17% of cases and, if not early diagnosed and treated, may evolve towards pulmonary fibrosis and respiratory failure. A 76 years-old-man went to the hospital for accidental trauma. The patient did not report respiratory symptoms but was suffering from atrial fibrillation treated with amiodarone 200 mg/day from three years (cumulative dose >150 gr). HRCT showed ground-glass opacities and nodules in both lungs. The patient underwent fibreoptic bronchoscopy with BAL. Cytologic examination of BALF sediment put in evidence foamy macrophages. The electronic microscopy revealed into the alveolar macrophages "… the presence of multilamellar intracytoplasmic bodies and lysosomes, loads of lipid material". LFTs showed a restrictive syndrome and an impairment of DLCO. Amiodarone discontinuation and steroid administration led to the regression of radiological lesions and the recovery of lung function. Patients taking amiodarone can experience APT. They should perform a basal chest x-ray with LFTs before starting therapy. Monitoring could reveal early the pulmonary toxicity, and patients can respond favourably to the treatment

    Ketogenic diet and epilepsy: a narrative review of the literature

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    Vários estudos têm explorado o papel dos corpos cetónicos nos processos fisiológicos envolvidos no despontar de convulsões sendo a dieta cetogénica uma opção de tratamento usual na epilepsia fármaco-resistente, quer em crianças, adolescentes ou adultos. A presente revisão narrativa procura resumir a evidência disponível sobre os possíveis mecanismos de ação e eficácia da dieta cetogénica e suas variantes no tratamento da epilepsia de crianças a adultos. Apesar da forte plausibilidade biológica e da existência de estudos mecanicistas e ensaios clínicos controlados e aleatorizados que suportam a dieta cetogénica como uma abordagem válida para reduzir a probabilidade de convulsões na epilepsia fármaco-resistente em crianças, o nível de evidência não é tão forte para a sua utilização no tratamento de adultos.Several studies have already explored the role of ketone bodies on the physiological processes involved in the onset of seizures and ketogenic diet is a common treatment option in drug-resistant epilepsy either in children, adolescents or adults. This narrative review aims to summarize the available evidence on the possible mechanisms of action, and on the efficacy of the ketogenic diet and its variants on the treatment of epilepsy from infants to adults. Even though there is a robust biologic plausibility and either mechanistic studies and randomized controlled trials supporting ketogenic diet as a valid approach to reduce seizures in drug-resistant childhood epilepsy, the level of evidence is not as strong for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Single-Center-Single-Blinded Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of a Nutraceutical Containing Boswellia Serrata, Bromelain, Zinc, Magnesium, Honey, Tyndallized Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Casei to Fight Upper Respiratory Tract Infection and Otitis Media

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    Some nutraceuticals have been studied as supportive treatment for fighting upper respiratory tract infection and middle ear disease. Our study aims at evaluating the effect of a specific oral supplementation in the treatment of pediatric otits media. The subjects were randomly assigned by the physician (single-blinded study) to one of three groups: Control Group (CG), Treatment Group 1 (TG1), or Treatment Group 2 (TG2). Both TG were treated with Flogostop Duo (for 20 days—TG1 or 30 days—TG2) in combination with the standard treatment, while CG underwent standard treatment only. The standard treatment was nasal aerosol with Fluticasone and Mucolytic, and nasal washing with hypertonic solution. All patients were analyzed by otoscopy, impedance, fibroscopy, and pure auditory test at the baseline (T0), after 20 days (T1) and 35 days (T2). 120 children were included in the study, 40 in the CG, 40 in the TG1, and 40 in the TG2. Both TG1 and TG2 presented statistically significant differences with respect to controls in otoscopy, impedance, fibroscopy, and PTA at T2. The otoscopy improved at T2 with statistically significant value only in TG2. The impedance and fibroscopy improved at T1 both in TG1 and TG2 compared to CG. A statistically significant improvement was observed in TG2 at T2 in comparison to both CG and TG1. Statistically significant differences were observed in PTA at T2 only compared with controls. This study confirmed the efficacy of nutraceutical as supporting therapy in the upper respiratory tract infection in children. In particular, the supplement containing Boswellia serrata and Bromelain, which are molecules with strong anti-inflammatory and pain-control capacities, could add the benefit without the adverse effects which are related to NSAID us

    [Ultrasound lung comets: new echographic sign of lung interstitial fibrosis in systemic sclerosis].

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    Objective: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) are common complications of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Echocardiography evaluates PAH, and chest sonography detects even mild ILC as ultrasound lung comets (ULC), i.e. multiple comet-tails fanning out from the lung surface and originating from subpleural interlobular septa thickened by fibrosis. Aim: to assess ILaD and PAH by integrated cardiac and chest ultrasound in SSc. Methods: We enrolled 30 consecutive SSc patients (age= 54±13 years, 23 females) in the Rheumatology Clinic of Pisa University. In all, we assessed systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (SPAP), from maximal velocity of tricuspid regurgitation flow, and ULC score with chest sonography (summing the number of ULC from each scanning space of anterior and posterior right and left chest, from second to fifth intercostal space). All patients underwent plasma assay for anti-topoisomerase antibodies (anti-Scl70), and antiicentromere associated with development of pulmonary involvement. Twenty-eight patients also underwent high resolution computed tomography, HRCT (from 0= no fibrosis to 3= honey combing). Results: ULC number - but not SPAP - was correlated to HRCT fibrosis and presence Scl-70 antibodies. ULC number was similar in localized or diffuse forms (16±20 vs 21±19, p=ns) and was unrelated to SPAP (r=0.216, p=ns). Conclusions: Chest sonography assessment and ULC allow a complete, simple, radiation-free characterization of interstitial lung involvement in SSc - all in one setting and with the same instrument, same transducer and the same sonographer. In particular, ULC number is associated with HRCT evidence of lung fibrosis and presence of Scl-70 antibodies

    Brain hemodynamic intermediate phenotype links Vitamin B12 to cognitive profile of healthy and mild cognitive impaired subjects

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    Vitamin B12, folate, and homocysteine are implicated in pivotal neurodegenerative mechanisms and partake in elders' mental decline. Findings on the association between vitamin-related biochemistry and cognitive abilities suggest that the structural and functional properties of the brain may represent an intermediate biomarker linking vitamin concentrations to cognition. Despite this, no previous study directly investigated whether vitamin B12, folate, and homocysteine levels are sufficient to explain individual neuropsychological profiles or, alternatively, whether the activity of brain regions modulated by these compounds better predicts cognition in elders. Here, we measured the relationship between vitamin blood concentrations, scores at seventeen neuropsychological tests, and brain activity of sixty-five elders spanning from normal to Mild Cognitive Impairment. We then evaluated whether task-related brain responses represent an intermediate phenotype, providing a better prediction of subjects' neuropsychological scores, as compared to the one obtained considering blood biochemistry only. We found that the hemodynamic activity of the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex was positively associated (p value < 0 05 cluster corrected) with vitamin B12 concentrations, suggesting that elders with higher B12 levels had a more pronounced recruitment of this salience network region. Crucially, the activity of this area significantly predicted subjects' visual search and attention abilities (p value = 0 0023), whereas B12 levels per se failed to do so. Our results demonstrate that the relationship between blood biochemistry and elders' cognitive abilities is revealed when brain activity is included into the equation, thus highlighting the role of brain imaging as intermediate phenotype.Vitamin B12, folate, and homocysteine are implicated in pivotal neurodegenerative mechanisms and partake in elders' mental decline. Findings on the association between vitamin-related biochemistry and cognitive abilities suggest that the structural and functional properties of the brain may represent an intermediate biomarker linking vitamin concentrations to cognition. Despite this, no previous study directly investigated whether vitamin B12, folate, and homocysteine levels are sufficient to explain individual neuropsychological profiles or, alternatively, whether the activity of brain regions modulated by these compounds better predicts cognition in elders. Here, we measured the relationship between vitamin blood concentrations, scores at seventeen neuropsychological tests, and brain activity of sixty-five elders spanning from normal to Mild Cognitive Impairment. We then evaluated whether task-related brain responses represent an intermediate phenotype, providing a better prediction of subjects' neuropsychological scores, as compared to the one obtained considering blood biochemistry only. We found that the hemodynamic activity of the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex was positively associated (p value < 0 05 cluster corrected) with vitamin B12 concentrations, suggesting that elders with higher B12 levels had a more pronounced recruitment of this salience network region. Crucially, the activity of this area significantly predicted subjects' visual search and attention abilities (p value = 0 0023), whereas B12 levels per se failed to do so. Our results demonstrate that the relationship between blood biochemistry and elders' cognitive abilities is revealed when brain activity is included into the equation, thus highlighting the role of brain imaging as intermediate phenotype

    Correction to: Assessing real-world gait with digital technology? Validation, insights and recommendations from the Mobilise-D consortium (<em>Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation</em>, (2023), 20, 1, (78), 10.1186/s12984-023-01198-5)

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024.Following publication of the original article [1], the author noticed the errors in Table 1, and in Discussion section. In Table 1 under Metric (Gait sequence detection) column, the algorithms GSDB was updated with wrong description, input, output, language and citation and GSDc with wrong description has been corrected as shown below: (Table presented.) Description of algorithms for each metric: gait sequence detection (GSD), initial contact event detection (ICD), cadence estimation (CAD) and stride length estimation (SL) Metric Name Description Input Output Language References GSDA Based on a frequency-based approach, this algorithm is implemented on the vertical and anterior–posterior acceleration signals. First, these are band pass filtered to keep frequencies between 0.5 and 3 Hz. Next, a convolution of a 2 Hz sinewave (representing a template for a gait cycle) is performed, from which local maxima will be detected to define the regions of gait acc_v: vertical acceleration acc_ap: anterior–posterior acceleration WinS = 3 s; window size for convolution OL = 1.5 s; overlap of windows Activity_thresh = 0.01; Motion threshold Fs: sampling frequency Start: beginning of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector End: termination of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector Matlab\uae Iluz, Gazit [40] GSDB This algorithm, based on a time domain-approach, detects the gait periods based on identified steps. First, the norm of triaxial acceleration signal is low-pass filtered (FIR, fc = 3.2 Hz), then a peak detection procedure using a threshold of 0.1 [g] is applied to identify steps. Consecutive steps, detected using an adaptive step duration threshold are associated to gait sequences acc_norm: norm of the 3D-accelerometer signal Fs: sampling frequency th: peak detection threshold: 0.1 (g) Start: beginning of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector End: termination of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector Matlab\uae Paraschiv-Ionescu, Newman [41] GSDc This algorithm utilizes the same approach as GSDBthe only difference being a different threshold for peak detection of 0.15 [g] acc_norm: norm of the 3D-accelerometer signal Fs: sampling frequency th: peak detection threshold: 0.15 (g) Start: beginning of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector End: termination of N gait sequences [s] relative to the start of a recording or a test/trial. Format: 1 7 N vector Matlab\uae Paraschiv-Ionescu, Newman [41] In Discussion section, the paragraph should read as "Based on our findings collectively, we recommend using GSDB on cohorts with slower gait speeds and substantial gait impairments (e.g., proximal femoral fracture). This may be because this algorithm is based on the acceleration norm (overall accelerometry signal rather than a specific axis/direction (e.g., vertical), hence it is more robust to sensor misalignments that are common in unsupervised real-life settings. Moreover, the use of adaptive threshold, that are derived from the features of a subject’s data and applied to step duration for detection of steps belonging to gait sequences, allows increased robustness of the algorithm to irregular and unstable gait patterns" instead of “Based on our findings collectively, we recommend using GSDB on cohorts with slower gait speeds and substantial gait impairments (e.g., proximal femoral fracture). This may be because this algorithm is based on the acceleration norm (overall accelerometry signal rather than a specific axis/direction (e.g., vertical), hence it is more robust to sensor misalignments that are common in unsupervised real-life settings [41]. Moreover, the use of adaptive thresholds, that are derived from the features of a subject’s data and applied to the amplitude of acceleration norm and to step duration for detection of steps belonging to gait sequences, allows increased robustness of the algorithm to irregular and unstable gait patterns”
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