61 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance imaging 3t and total fibrotic volume in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common renal hereditary disorder. Several authors have attempted to identify a kidney damage marker for predicting the prognosis and the effectiveness of therapy in ADPKD. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify in ADPKD, through a novel MR protocol with 3 Tesla (MRI 3Tesla), the presence of parenchymal fibrotic tissue at early stage of disease, able to correlate the glomerular filtrate and to predict the loss of the function renal. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 15 ADPKD patients undergone to renal MRI 3Tesla at T0 and revaluated after follow up (T1) of 5 years. We have evaluated renal function, plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC), insulin resistance and surrogate markers of atherosclerosis (carotid intima media thickness (IMT), ankle/brachial index (ABI) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI). RESULTS: Our study showed a significant negative correlation between total kidney volume and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) during observational observation (p<0.02). Moreover, we showed a negative correlation between eGFR with Total Fibrotic Volume (TFV) (p<0.04) and Total Perfusion Volume/Total kidney Volume(<0.02). Moreover TFV was correlated positively with PAC (p<0.05), insulin values (p<0.05), ABI (p <0.05) and LVMI(p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The MRI 3Tesla, despite the high costs, could be considered an useful and non-invasive method in the evaluation of fibrotic tissue and progression of the disease in ADPKD patients. Further clinical trials on larger group are due to confirm the results of this pilot study, suggesting that MRI 3Tesla can be useful to evaluate the effectiveness of new therapeutic strategies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Discontinuously supervised aerobic training vs. physical activity promotion in the self-management of type 2 diabetes in older Italian patients: design and methods of the 'TRIPL-A' randomized controlled trial

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    Physical activity (PA) has health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Indeed, regular PA is considered an important part of any T2D management plan, yet most patients adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise referral schemes (ERS) have the potential to effectively promote physical activity among T2D patients, and their effectiveness may be enhanced when they are supported by computer-based technologies. The 'TRIPL-A' study (i.e., a TRIal to promote PhysicaL Activity among patients in the young-old age affected by T2D) aims to assess if realizing an innovative ERS, based on a strong partnership among general practitioners, specialist physicians, exercise specialists, and patients, and supported by a web-based application (WBA), can effectively lead sedentary older T2D patients to adopt an active lifestyle

    Invasive pleural malignant mesothelioma with rib destruction and concurrent osteosarcoma in a dog

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    A 7-year-old Dachshund was clinically examined because of a 10-day history of lameness in the left hind limb. On the basis of radiological and cytological findings, an osteosarcoma of the left acetabular region was suspected. The dog underwent a hemipelvectomy and osteosarcoma was diagnosed by subsequent histopathological examination. An immovable subcutaneous mass was noted on the left chest wall during the physical examination and non-septic neutrophilic inflammation was diagnosed by cytology. Forty days later, the dog showed signs of respiratory distress with an in-diameter increase of the subcutaneous mass up to 4 cm. Thoracic radiography and ultrasonography revealed pleural effusion and a lytic process in the fourth left rib. Furthermore, ultrasound examination revealed a mixed echogenic mobile structure with a diameter of around 2 cm floating within the pleural fluid of the left hemithorax close to the pericardium. The dog underwent surgery for an en bloc resection of the subcutaneous mass together with the fourth rib and the parietal pleura. Moreover, the left altered lung lobe, corresponding to the mobile structure detected by ultrasound, was removed. Based on cytological, histopathological, and immunohistochemical examinations, an invasive epithelioid pleural malignant mesothelioma was diagnosed

    Two novel PRNP truncating mutations broaden the spectrum of prion amyloidosis

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    Truncating mutations in PRNP have been associated with heterogeneous phenotypes ranging from chronic diarrhea and neuropathy to dementia, either rapidly or slowly progressive. We identified novel PRNP stop-codon mutations (p.Y163X, p.Y169X) in two Italian kindreds. Disease typically presented in the third or fourth decade with progressive autonomic failure and diarrhea. Moreover, one proband (p.Y163X) developed late cognitive decline, whereas some of his relatives presented with isolated cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. Our results strengthen the link between PRNP truncating mutations and systemic abnormal PrP deposition and support a wider application of PRNP screening to include unsolved cases of familial autonomic neuropathy

    L'aferesi terapeutica oggi

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    Nel 1914, Abel, insieme a Rowentree e Turner, ha introdotto il termine "plasmaferesi", il cui significato letterale è "sottrazione". La prima "plasmaferesi terapeutica" risale al 1952 in un paziente affetto da mieloma multiplo, ma, nel 1963, iniziarono le prime applicazioni cliniche per ridurre l'iperviscosità del sangue in pazienti affetti da paraproteinemia, ad opera di Salomon e Fahey. Nel tempo sono state introdotte tecniche sempre più specifiche e selettive, ampliando notevolmente le indicazioni cliniche (plasma-exchange, crioaferesi, leucoaferesi, trombocitoaferesi, linfocitoaferesi LDL aferesi). Le attuali indicazioni alla plasmaferesi vengono definite e periodicamente ristabilite da due associazioni scientifiche americane, l'American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) e l'American Society of Apheresis (ASFA), sulla base delle prove di efficacia del trattamento nelle malattie specifiche. Nel 1993 è stato costituito, nell'ambito della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, il gruppo di studio dell'aferesi terapeutica che ha il compito di sviluppare Linee Guida di riferimento per il trattamento con plasmaferesi. Il fine ultimo della terapia aferetica sarebbe quello di poter rimuovere dal circolo solo le sostanze patogene, ma l'utilizzo di tecniche di rimozione selettiva si accompagna in realtà non tanto a una maggiore capacità di estrazione della sostanza, bensì a una minore rimozione di componenti non patologiche, riducendo il rischio di infezioni, emorragie e reazioni allergiche. Tuttavia, la plasmaferesi potrebbe anche agire modulando il sistema immunitario oltre che rimuovendo le sostanze patogene. L'aferesi terapeutica è indicata in immunologia, dermatologia, ematologia, oncologia e nelle malattie dismetaboliche, neurologiche e renali ed è utilizzata anche nelle emergenze come tecnica di detossificazione sia endogena che esogena, in cui è necessaria la rimozione della sostanza patogena prima che si verifichi un danno d'organo irreversibile. La plasmaferesi terapeutica ha subito negli anni un cambiamento notevole conseguente allo sviluppo tecnologico delle apparecchiature e a un'espansione delle indicazioni. Infatti, l'innovazione tecnologica ha introdotto metodiche che permettono un trattamento più tollerabile e meno invasivo. Hemofenix utilizza la filtrazione mediante membrana attraverso un sistema di nanofiltrazione, il filtro ROSA. Hemofenix, permettendo di eseguire il trattamento con un singolo e piccolo ago e con un volume extracorporeo ridotto, circa 70 mL, potrebbe ridurre i rischi per il paziente, anche pediatrico. Ulteriori vantaggi potrebbero essere rappresentati dalla breve durata del trattamento e dalla mancata necessità di utilizzare il plasma come fluido di sostituzione, riducendo il rischio di infezioni e reazioni allergiche. Sicuramente, oltre alla sicurezza, dovrà essere valutata la reale efficacia in trial clinici randomizzati, confrontando questa metodica con le terapie aferetiche classiche

    Immunohistochemical investigations on Brucella ceti-infected, neurobrucellosis-affected striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)

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    Bacteria of the genus Brucella cause brucellosis, an infectious disease common to humans as well as to terrestrial and aquatic mammals. Since 1994 several cases of Brucella spp. infection have been reported in marine mammals worldwide. Indeed, since human brucellosis ranks as one of the most common bacterial zoonotic infections on a global scale, it is necessary to increase our knowledge about it also in the marine environment. Brucella ceti, which is phenotypically similar to other smooth brucellae as B. abortus and B. melitensis, shares with the latter two the same surface antigens that are routinely used for the serological diagnosis of Brucella spp. infection. Marine mammal Brucella spp. infections are characterized by a pathogenicity similar to their terrestrial counterparts, with the occurrence of abortion, stillbirth and orchitis and an involvement of the host’s central nervous system (CNS), similarly to what happens in mankind. While sero-epidemiological data suggest that Brucella spp. infection is widespread globally, detecting Brucella spp.-associated antigens by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in tissues from infected animals is often troublesome. The present study was aimed at investigating, by means of IHC based upon the utilization of an anti-Brucella LPS monoclonal antibody (MAb), the CNS immunoreactivity (IR) shown by B. ceti-infected, neurobrucellosis-affected striped dolphins

    Endothelin-1 Inhibits Prolyl Hydroxylase Domain 2 to Activate Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α in Melanoma Cells

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    The endothelin B receptor (ET(B)R) promotes tumorigenesis and melanoma progression through activation by endothelin (ET)-1, thus representing a promising therapeutic target. The stability of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha is essential for melanomagenesis and progression, and is controlled by site-specific hydroxylation carried out by HIF-prolyl hydroxylase domain (PHD) and subsequent proteosomal degradation.Here we found that in melanoma cells ET-1, ET-2, and ET-3 through ET(B)R, enhance the expression and activity of HIF-1alpha and HIF-2alpha that in turn regulate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in response to ETs or hypoxia. Under normoxic conditions, ET-1 controls HIF-alpha stability by inhibiting its degradation, as determined by impaired degradation of a reporter gene containing the HIF-1alpha oxygen-dependent degradation domain encompassing the PHD-targeted prolines. In particular, ETs through ET(B)R markedly decrease PHD2 mRNA and protein levels and promoter activity. In addition, activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent integrin linked kinase (ILK)-AKT-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is required for ET(B)R-mediated PHD2 inhibition, HIF-1alpha, HIF-2alpha, and VEGF expression. At functional level, PHD2 knockdown does not further increase ETs-induced in vitro tube formation of endothelial cells and melanoma cell invasiveness, demonstrating that these processes are regulated in a PHD2-dependent manner. In human primary and metastatic melanoma tissues as well as in cell lines, that express high levels of HIF-1alpha, ET(B)R expression is associated with low PHD2 levels. In melanoma xenografts, ET(B)R blockade by ET(B)R antagonist results in a concomitant reduction of tumor growth, angiogenesis, HIF-1alpha, and HIF-2alpha expression, and an increase in PHD2 levels.In this study we identified the underlying mechanism by which ET-1, through the regulation of PHD2, controls HIF-1alpha stability and thereby regulates angiogenesis and melanoma cell invasion. These results further indicate that targeting ET(B)R may represent a potential therapeutic treatment of melanoma by impairing HIF-1alpha stability

    Acque minerali a basso contenuto di sodio: loro utilizzo in alcune patologia

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    Il sodio riveste un ruolo fondamentale nell’insorgenza di ipertensione arteriosa e nel danno d’organo anche attraverso un effetto ossidativo , mediato dalla produzione di ROS. Studi sperimentali hanno dimostrato che lo stress ossidativo da carico di sale è associato ad ischemia e fibrosi tissutale con disfunzione diastolica del ventricolo sinistro e danno renale cronico .La presenza di uno stress ossidativo a livello del letto vascolare è stato dimostrato in una varietà di ratti sodio-sensibili sottoposti a carico di sale.Una dieta troppo ricca di sodio nei pazienti con insufficienza renale cronica aumenta la vasocostrizione della arteriose glomerulari con conseguente aumento della filtrazione , responsabile dell’evoluzione del danno renale. Una dieta iposodica è elemento fondamentale nella prevenzione e terapia dell’ipertensione arteriosa. Le acque oligominerali iposodiche possono essere considerate in questo senso un supporto nutrizionale importante in particolare nelle situazioni di eccessivo accumulo idrosalino


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    La calcolosi renale è una patologia gravata da un’alta incidenza di recidiva. La conoscenza delle alterazioni metaboliche alla base delle diverse forme di calcolosi ha permesso di attuare terapie mediche in grado di prevenire la formazione di un nuovo calcolo ma l’eterogeneità etiologica e clinica della malattia rende difficile ottenerne una remissione stabile .La facilità , peraltro , a rimuovere i calcoli con un metodo poco invasivo , quale l’ESWL ha portato a discutere sulla reale utilità di terapie mediche preventive , non prive peraltro di effetti collaterali . In questo lavoro viene discusso il ruolo che la terapia medica ancora oggi riveste e le nuove prospettive terapeutiche alla luce della conoscenza di nuovi meccanismi fisiopatogenetici
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