137 research outputs found

    CP^{N-1} models and the Quantized 2D Black Holes

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    We have examined the coupled system of the dilaton gravity and the CPN−1CP^{N-1} theory known as a model of the confinement of massive scalar quarks. After the quantization of the system, we could see the quantum effect of the gravitation on the coupling constant of CPN−1CP^{N-1} model and how the coupling constant of dynamically induced gauge field changes near the black hole configuration.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Implications of the Partial Ring Design for a Clinical SPECT Insert

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    The INSERT system is a stationary SPECT insert designed for clinical SPECT/MRI. The system has been evaluated as a standalone SPECT scanner and here the image reconstruction is evaluated to determine the implications of its design. A two-step image acquisition can be implemented to overcome the limitations of the partial ring design. The image quality and activity linearity are evaluated through a set of point sources and vials of varying activity concentration. The evaluation highlighted areas where image reconstruction and data processing needed to improve before proceeding to simultaneous SPECT/MRI acquisitions. We have shown that the proposed dual acquisition method can produce improved image quality through the use of modified data acquisition and reconstruction protocols

    Impact of DOI in a clinical SPECT/MRI system:asimulation study

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    A novel SPECT/MRI scanner has been modelled and tested here using Monte Carlo simulation software, SIMIND. The INSERT SPECT/MRI system faces challenges with event reconstruction due to photon depth of interaction. The novel SPECT system is subject to parallax errors due to its crystal size and slit aperture collimator. We present a simple measure of the DOI errors through SIMIND experiments; by modelling the DOI layers we are able to improve the reconstruction of projection data in the INSERT scanner. A set of capillary phantoms are simulated to explore the impact of DOI on the resolution of the scanner and establish corrections in the system's reconstruction

    A (1,2) Heterotic String with Gauge Symmetry

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    We construct a (1,2) heterotic string with gauge symmetry and determine its particle spectrum. This theory has a local N=1 worldsheet supersymmetry for left movers and a local N=2 worldsheet supersymmetry for right movers and describes particles in either two or three space-time dimensions. We show that fermionizing the bosons of the compactified N=1 space leads to a particle spectrum which has nonabelian gauge symmetry. The fermionic formulation of the theory corresponds to a dimensional reduction of self dual Yang Mills. We also give a worldsheet action for the theory and calculate the one-loop path integral.Comment: 17 pages, added reference

    General classical solutions in the noncommutative CP^(N-1) model

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    We give an explicit construction of general classical solutions for the noncommutative CP^(N-1) model in two dimensions, showing that they correspond to integer values for the action and topological charge. We also give explicit solutions for the Dirac equation in the background of these general solutions and show that the index theorem is satisfied.Comment: 11 pages, Harvmac. Typos corrected, references adde

    Vacuum structure of CP^N sigma models at theta=pi

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    We show that parity symmetry is not spontaneously broken in the CP^N sigma model for any value of N when the coefficient of the Ξ\theta--term becomes Ξ=π\theta=\pi (mod 2π2\pi). The result follows from a non-perturbative analysis of the nodal structure of the vacuum functional ψ0(z)\psi_0(z). The dynamical role of sphalerons turns out to be very important for the argument. The result introduces severe constraints on the possible critical behavior of the models at Ξ=π\theta=\pi (mod 2π2\pi).Comment: 8 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Acquisition Correction and Reconstruction for a Clinical SPECT/MRI Insert

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    The development of the first clinical simultaneous Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system was carried out within the INSERT project. The INSERT scanner was constructed under the initial project, but its performance was not fully evaluated; here we have reconstructed the first images on the SPECT system. Calibration and acquisition protocols were developed and used to establish the clinical feasibility of the system. The image reconstruction procedures were implemented on the first phantom images in order to assess the system's imaging capabilities. This study solved issues involving incomplete data sets and pixel failure in the prototype detector system. The final images determined a measure of trans-axial image resolution, giving average values of 9.14 mm and 6.75 mm in the radial and tangential directions respectively. The work carried out on the complete system produced several clinical phantom images which utilized the capabilities of both SPECT and MRI

    On the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence and the Open/Closed String Duality

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    In this article we review the conditions for the validity of the gauge/gravity correspondence in both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric string models. We start by reminding what happens in type IIB theory on the orbifolds C^2/Z_2 and C^3/(Z_2 x Z_2), where this correspondence beautifully works. In these cases, by performing a complete stringy calculation of the interaction among D3 branes, it has been shown that the fact that this correspondence works is a consequence of the open/closed duality and of the absence of threshold corrections. Then we review the construction of type 0 theories with their orbifolds and orientifolds having spectra free from both open and closed string tachyons and for such models we study the validity of the gauge/gravity correspondence, concluding that this is not a peculiarity of supersymmetric theories, but it may work also for non-supersymmetric models. Also in these cases, when it works, it is again a consequence of the open/closed string duality and of vanishing threshold corrections.Comment: Invited review article for Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 95 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, LaTeX. References and acknowledgements adde

    Super Multi-Instantons in Conformal Chiral Superspace

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    We reformulate self-dual supersymmetric theories directly in conformal chiral superspace, where superconformal invariance is manifest. The superspace can be interpreted as the generalization of the usual Atiyah-Drinfel'd-Hitchin-Manin twistors (the quaternionic projective line), the real projective light-cone in six dimensions, or harmonic superspace, but can be reduced immediately to four-dimensional chiral superspace. As an example, we give the 't Hooft and ADHM multi-instanton constructions for self-dual super Yang-Mills theory. In both cases, all the parameters are represented as a single, irreducible, constant tensor.Comment: 21 pg., uuencoded compressed postscript file (twist.ps.Z.uu), other formats (.dvi, .ps, .ps.Z, 8-bit .tex) available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/preprints or at ftp://max.physics.sunysb.edu/preprints/siege

    The 1/N1/N Expansion and Spin Correlations in Constrained Wavefunctions

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    We develop a large-N expansion for Gutzwiller projected spin states. We consider valence bonds singlets, constructed by Schwinger bosons or fermions, which are variational ground states for quantum antiferromagnets. This expansion is simpler than the familiar expansions of the quantum Heisenberg model, and thus more instructive. The diagrammatic rules of this expansion allow us to prove certain identities to all orders in 1/N. We derive the on-site spin fluctuations sum rule for arbitrary N. We calculate the correlations of the one dimensional Valence Bonds Solid states and the Gutzwiller Projected Fermi Gas upto order 1/N. For the bosons case, we are surprised to find that the mean field, the order 1/N and the exact correlations are simply proportional. For the fermions case, the 1/N correction enhances the zone edge singularity. The comparison of our leading order terms to known results for N=2, enhances our understanding of large-N approximations in general.Comment: 36 pages, LaTe
