295 research outputs found

    The situational version of the brief COPE: Dimensionality and relationships with goal-related variables

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    This study is aimed at investigating the dimensionality of the situational version of the Brief COPE, a questionnaire that is frequently used to assess a broad range of coping responses to specific difficulties, by comparing five different factor models highlighted in previous studies. It also aimed at exploring the relationships among coping responses, personal goal commitment and progress. The study involved 606 adults (male = 289) ranging in age from 19 to 71. Using confirmatory factor analysis, we compared five models and assessed relationships of coping responses with goal commitment and progress. The results confirmed the theoretical factor structure of the situational Brief COPE. All the 14 dimensions showed acceptable reliability and relationships with goal commitment and progress, attesting the reliability and usefulness of this measure to evaluate coping responses to specific events

    OXTR Gene DNA Methylation Levels Are Associated with Discounting Behavior with Untrustworthy Proposers

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    Individual differences in temporal and probabilistic discounting are associated with a wide range of life outcomes in literature. Traditional approaches have focused on impulsiveness and cognitive control skills, on goal-oriented personality traits as well as on the psychological perception of time. More recently, literature started to consider the role of social and contextual factors in discounting behavior. Between others, higher generalized trust in human beings and specific trust in people who will deliver the future/probabilistic rewards have been related to a stronger willingness to wait and to assume risk. Moreover, the tendency to trust others has been associated with the oxytocin receptor gene regulation that can be modified by life experiences. In this perspective, we hypothesized that differences in the tendency to wait and to take risks for a more desirable reward according to the proposer’s trustworthiness could be related to a different level of DNA methylation at the oxytocin receptor gene. Findings confirmed that participants are less willing to wait and to risk when the proposer is considered highly untrustworthy and revealed how higher oxytocin receptor gene DNA methylation is associated with a stronger effect due to the presence of an untrustworthy proposer. Limits and future directions are outlined

    Comparison between direct measurements and indirect estimations of hydraulic conductivity for slope deposits of the North-Western Tuscany, Italy

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    Hydraulic conductivity (K) is a relevant engineering geology property of deposits that cover the geological bedrock (Slope Deposits – SD). This parameter is useful for many applications fields such as: simulations of both infiltration and runoff processes, hillslope stability numerical analysis, hydrological studies, soil science and environmental problems. A wide range of methods are available in the literature in order to estimate K. Anyhow, they can be divided into direct measurement (field and laboratory test) and indirect estimations (eg. correlation from grain size, pedotransfer functions). However, many factors (eg. SD grain size, bulk density, organic matter, etc.) can affect the K value hence the determination of K within SD is often a challenge. Moreover, the value of K generally shows an high spatial variability requiring a large number of direct measurements to obtain robust spatial estimations. Indirect methods may be used alternatively or in pair with direct methods. However, relations between K and other soil physical properties are generally suitable only for specific type of soils, therefore, the application of those relations are constrained. In this work a wide (about 200) set of field measurements were performed in North-Western Tuscany in order to assess the variability of K in the vadose zone for SD characterized by different grain size composition. Measurements were carried out by means of both constant and falling head permeameters, as well as double ring infiltrometer. In the test sites engineering geology properties of SD such as bulk density and depth have been collected, moreover, samples have been collected for laboratory analysis. A statistical analysis of the K value has been performed for SD characterized by different grain size distribution and geological bedrock. Moreover, a comparison between the field methods have been also performed. Finally, a comparison between measured and estimated values of K has been done in order to assess the reliability of different equations to predict K. The results show that the K value varies across: different geological settings, the SD profile and the geographic neighborhood of the test site. Moreover, the results highlight that the indirect methods used in this work have to be used carefully in our study area

    Socio-demographic and clinical characterization of patients with obsessive-compulsive tic-related disorder (OCTD) : An Italian multicenter study

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    © Copyright by Pacini Editore SrlIn the DSM-5 a new "tic-related" specifier for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has been introduced, highlighting the importance of an accurate characterization of patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive tic-related disorder ("OCTD"). In order to characterize OCTD from a socio-demographic and clinical perspective, the present multicenter study was carried out. The sample consists of 266 patients, divided in two groups with lifetime diagnoses of OCD and OCTD, respectively. OCTD vs OCD patients showed a significant male prevalence (68.5% vs 48.5%; p < .001), a higher rate of psychiatric comorbidities (69.4 vs 50%; p < .001) - mainly with neurodevelopmental disorders (24 vs 0%; p < .001), a lower education level and professional status (middle school diploma: 25 vs 7.6%; full-Time job 44.4 vs 58%; p < .001). Moreover, OCTD vs OCD patients showed significantly earlier age of OCD and psychiatric comorbidity onsets (16.1 ± 10.8 vs 22.1 ± 9.5 years; p < .001, and 18.3 ± 12.8 vs 25.6 ± 9.4: p < .001, respectively). Patients with OCTD patients were treated mainly with antipsychotic and with a low rate of benzodiazepine (74.2 vs 38.2% and 20.2 vs 31.3%, respectively; p < .001). Finally, OCTD vs OCD patients showed higher rates of partial treatment response (58.1 vs 38%; p < .001), lower rates of current remission (35.5 vs 54.8%; p < .001) and higher rates of suicidal ideation (63.2 vs 41.7%; p < .001) and attempts (28.9 vs 8.3%; p < .001). Patients with OCTD report several unfavorable socio-demographic and clinical characteristics compared to OCD patients without a history of tic. Additional studies on larger sample are needed to further characterize OCTD patients from clinical and therapeutic perspectives.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Iron-dependent trafficking of 5-lipoxygenase and impact on human macrophage activation

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    5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) is a non-heme iron-containing dioxygenase expressed in immune cells that catalyzes the two initial steps in the biosynthesis of leukotrienes. It is well known that 5-LOX activation in innate immunity cells is related to different iron-associated proinflammatory disorders, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and atherosclerosis. However, the molecular and cellular mechanism(s) underlying the interplay between iron and 5-LOX activation are largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated whether iron (in the form of Fe3+ and hemin) might modulate 5-LOX influencing its membrane binding, subcellular distribution, and functional activity. We proved by fluorescence resonance energy transfer approach that metal removal from the recombinant human 5-LOX, not only altered the catalytic activity of the enzyme, but also impaired its membrane-binding. To ascertain whether iron can modulate the subcellular distribution of 5-LOX in immune cells, we exposed THP-1 macrophages and human primary macrophages to exogenous iron. Cells exposed to increasing amounts of Fe3+ showed a redistribution (ranging from ~45 to 75%) of the cytosolic 5-LOX to the nuclear fraction. Accordingly, confocal microscopy revealed that acute exposure to extracellular Fe3+, as well as hemin, caused an overt increase in the nuclear fluorescence of 5-LOX, accompanied by a co-localization with the 5-LOX activating protein (FLAP) both in THP-1 macrophages and human macrophages. The functional relevance of iron overloading was demonstrated by a marked induction of the expression of interleukin-6 in iron-treated macrophages. Importantly, pre-treatment of cells with the iron-chelating agent deferoxamine completely abolished the hemin-dependent translocation of 5-LOX to the nuclear fraction, and significantly reverted its effect on interleukin-6 overexpression. These results suggest that exogenous iron modulates the biological activity of 5-LOX in macrophages by increasing its ability to bind to nuclear membranes, further supporting a role for iron in inflammation-based diseases where its homeostasis is altered and suggesting further evidence of risks related to iron overload

    Stability and change of lifestyle profiles in cardiovascular patients after their first acute coronary event

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    Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Lifestyle and health behavior changes play an important role in the primary and secondary prevention of ACS recurrence. Changes in unhealthy lifestyles after an acute coronary event have been analyzed by considering separate behaviors individually, even though research on the healthy population has demonstrated that unhealthy behaviors tend to co-occur. Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify lifestyle profiles of ACS patients and to explore their pathways of change for one year after their first coronary event by adopting a typological approach. Methods: Two hundred and twenty-three patients (84% male; mean age = 57.14) completed self-report measures of health-related behaviors at the beginning of cardiac rehabilitation, and six months and twelve months after. At each wave depression, anxiety and heart rate were also evaluated. Cluster analysis was performed to identify lifestyle profiles and to analyze their change over time. Differences in psychological factors and heart rate among clusters were assessed. Results: Patients’ diet, physical activity, and smoking behavior greatly improved six months after their first coronary event. No further improvements were detected after one year. At each wave specific lifestyle profiles were identified, ranging from more maladaptive to healthier clusters. Patients with multiple unhealthy behaviors experience greater difficulties in maintaining a healthier lifestyle over time. Moreover, the results demonstrated the association between lifestyle profiles at twelve months after the acute coronary event and depression measured six months earlier. Finally, the most maladaptive lifestyle profile had many members with elevated heart rate at twelve months after the cardiac rehabilitation. Conclusions: Current findings may have a strong practical impact in the development and implementation of personalized secondary prevention programs targeting lifestyles of ACS patients

    A longitudinal study on the information needs and preferences of patients after an acute coronary syndrome

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    Background: Research has shown that the provision of pertinent health information to patients with cardiovascular disease is associated with better adherence to medical prescriptions, behavioral changes, and enhanced perception of control over the disease. Yet there is no clear knowledge on how to improve information pertinence. Identifying and meeting the information needs of patients and their preferences for sources of information is pivotal to developing patient-led services. This prospective, observational study was aimed at exploring the information needs and perceived relevance of different information sources for patients during the twenty-four months following an acute coronary syndrome. Methods: Two hundred and seventeen newly diagnosed patients with acute coronary syndrome were enrolled in the study. The patients were primarily men (83.41 %) with a mean age of 57.28 years (range 35-75; SD = 7.98). Patients' needs for information and the perceived relevance of information sources were evaluated between 2 and 8 weeks after hospitalization (baseline) and during three follow-ups at 6, 12 and 24 months after baseline. Repeated measures ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc tests and Cochran's Q Test were performed to test differences in variables of interest over time. Results: Results showed a reduction in information needs, but this decrease was significant only for topics related to daily activities, behavioral habits, risk and complication. At baseline, the primary sources of information were specialists and general practitioners, followed by family members and information leaflets given by physicians. Relevance of other sources changed differently over time. Conclusion: The present longitudinal study is an original contribution to the investigation of changes in information needs and preferences for sources of information among patients who are diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. One of the main results of this study is that information on self-disease management is perceived as a minor theme for patients even two years after the event. Knowledge on how patients' information needs and perceived relevance of information sources change over time could enhance the quality of chronic disease management, leading health-care systems to move toward more patient-tailored care

    A First Search for Prompt Radio Emission from a Gravitational-Wave Event

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    Multimessenger observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 have enabled the discovery of a diverse array of electromagnetic counterparts to compact binary mergers, including an unambiguous kilonova, a short gamma-ray burst, and a late-time radio jet. Beyond these counterparts, compact binary mergers are additionally predicted to be accompanied by prompt low-frequency radio emission. The successful observation of a prompt radio counterpart would be immensely valuable, but is made difficult by the short delay between the gravitational-wave and prompt electromagnetic signals as well as the poor localization of gravitational-wave sources. Here, we present the first search for prompt radio emission accompanying a gravitational-wave event, targeting the binary black hole merger GW170104 detected by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories during their second (O2) observing run. Using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA), we search a 900deg2\sim900\,\mathrm{deg}^2 region for transient radio emission within approximately one hour of GW170104, obtaining an upper limit of 2.5×1041ergs12.5\times10^{41}\,\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1} on its equivalent isotropic luminosity between 27-84 MHz. We additionally discuss plans to target binary neutron star mergers in Advanced LIGO and Virgo's upcoming O3 observing run.Comment: 13 pages + appendices, 7 figures, submitted to Ap