2,716 research outputs found

    Localized excited charge carriers generate ultrafast inhomogeneous strain in the multiferroic BiFeO3_3

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    We apply ultrafast X-ray diffraction with femtosecond temporal resolution to monitor the lattice dynamics in a thin film of multiferroic BiFeO3_3 after above-bandgap photoexcitation. The sound-velocity limited evolution of the observed lattice strains indicates a quasi-instantaneous photoinduced stress which decays on a nanosecond time scale. This stress exhibits an inhomogeneous spatial profile evidenced by the broadening of the Bragg peak. These new data require substantial modification of existing models of photogenerated stresses in BiFeO3_3: the relevant excited charge carriers must remain localized to be consistent with the data

    Optical Properties of (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n superlattices: an insulator-to-metal transition observed in the absence of disorder

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    We measure the optical conductivity of (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n superlattices (SL) for n=1,3,5, and 8 and 10 < T < 400 K. Data show a T-dependent insulator to metal transition (IMT) for n \leq 3, driven by the softening of a polaronic mid-infrared band. At n = 5 that softening is incomplete, while at the largest-period n=8 compound the MIR band is independent of T and the SL remains insulating. One can thus first observe the IMT in a manganite system in the absence of the disorder due to chemical doping. Unsuccessful reconstruction of the SL optical properties from those of the original bulk materials suggests that (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n heterostructures give rise to a novel electronic state.Comment: Published Online in Nano Letters, November 8, 2010; http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nl1022628; 5 pages, 3 figure

    Potentially toxic element availability and risk assessment of cadmium dietary exposure after repeated croppings of brassica juncea in a contaminated agricultural soil

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    Phytoextraction of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) is eco-friendly and cost-effective for remediating agricultural contaminated soils, but plants can only take up bioavailable forms of PTEs, thus meaning that bioavailability is the key for the feasibility of this technique. With the aims to assess the phytoextraction efficiency on an agricultural soil contaminated by Cr, Zn, Cd, and Pb and the changes induced by plants in PTE bioavailability and in human health risk due to dietary exposure, in this work we carried out a mesocosm experiment with three successive croppings of Brassica juncea, each followed by Rocket salad as bioindicator. Brassica juncea extracted more Zn and Cd than Cr and Pb, significantly reducing, after three repeated croppings, the bioavailable element concentrations in soil as a result of plant uptake and soil pH changes. For Cd, this reduction did not bring the bioavailable amounts obtained by soil extraction with NH4NO3 below the trigger value of 0.1 mg kg−1 set by some European countries. Nevertheless, the Hazard Quotient for Cd in Rocket salad decreased across three repeated croppings of Brassica juncea. This indicated the beginning of a re-equilibration process between soil PTE forms of different bioavailability, that are in a dynamic equilibrium, thus stressing the need to monitor the possible regeneration of the most readily bioavailable pool

    Heavy metal load and effects on biochemical properties in urban soils of a medium-sized city, Ancona, Italy

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    none6noUrban soils are often mixed with extraneous materials and show a high spatial variability that determine great differences from their agricultural or natural counterparts. The soils of 18 localities of a medium-sized city (Ancona, Italy) were analysed for their main physicochemical and biological properties, and for chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and mercury (Hg) total content, distribution among particle-size fractions, and extractability. Because of the absence of thresholds defining a hot spot for heavy metal pollution in urban soils, we defined a “threshold of attention” (ToA) for each heavy metal aiming to bring out hot spot soils where it is more impellent to intervene to mitigate or avoid potential environmental concerns. In several city locations, the soil displayed sub-alkaline pH, large contents of clay-size particles, and higher TOC, total N, and available P with respect to the surrounding rural areas, joined with high contents of total heavy metals, but low availability. The C biomass, basal respiration, qCO2, and enzyme activities were compared to that detected in the near rural soils, and results suggested that heavy metals content has not substantially compromised the soil ecological services. We conclude that ToA can be considered as a valuable tool to highlight soil hot spots especially for cities with a long material history and, for a proper risk assessment in urban soils, we suggest considering the content of available heavy metals (rather than the total content) and soil functions.openSerrani D.; Ajmone-Marsan F.; Corti G.; Cocco S.; Cardelli V.; Adamo P.Serrani, D.; Ajmone-Marsan, F.; Corti, G.; Cocco, S.; Cardelli, V.; Adamo, P

    Evolution of magnetic phases and orbital occupation in (SrMnO3)n/(LaMnO3)2n superlattices

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    The magnetic and electronic modifications induced at the interfaces in (SrMnO3_{3})n_{n}/(LaMnO3_{3})2n_{2n} superlattices have been investigated by linear and circular magnetic dichroism in the Mn L2,3_{2,3} x-ray absorption spectra. Together with theoretical calculations, our data demonstrate that the charge redistribution across interfaces favors in-plane ferromagnetic (FM) order and eg(x2y2)e_{g}(x^{2}-y^{2}) orbital occupation, in agreement with the average strain. Far from interfaces, inside LaMnO3_3, electron localization and local strain favor antiferromagnetism (AFM) and eg(3z2r2)e_{g}(3z^{2}-r^{2}) orbital occupation. For n=1n=1 the high density of interfacial planes ultimately leads to dominant FM order forcing the residual AFM phase to be in-plane too, while for n5n \geq 5 the FM layers are separated by AFM regions having out-of-plane spin orientation.Comment: accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Towards elimination of measles and rubella in Italy. Progress and challenges

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    Introduction In the WHO European Region, endemic transmission of measles and rubella had been interrupted by 37 and 42 of the 53 member states (MSs), respectively, by 2018. Sixteen MSs are still endemic for measles, 11 for rubella and nine for both diseases, the latter including Italy. Elimination is documented by each country’s National Verification Committee (NVC) through an annual status update (ASU). Objective By analysing data used to produce the ASUs, we aimed to describe the advances made by Italy towards elimination of measles and rubella. Moreover, we propose a set of major interventions that could facilitate the elimination process. Methods A total of 28 indicators were identified within the six core sections of the ASU form and these were evaluated for the period 2013–2018. These indicators relate to the incidence of measles/rubella; epidemiological investigation of cases; investigation of outbreaks; performance of the surveillance system; population immunity levels; and implementation of supplemental immunization activities (SIAs). Results From 2013 to 2018, epidemiological and laboratory analyses of measles cases in Italy improved substantially, allowing timely investigation in 2017 and 2018 of most outbreak and sporadic cases and identification of the majority of genotypic variants. Moreover, since 2017, vaccination coverage has increased significantly. Despite these improvements, several areas of concern emerged, prompting the following recommendations: i) improve outbreak monitoring; ii) strengthen the MoRoNet network; iii) increase the number of SIAs; iv) reinforce vaccination services; v) maintain regional monitoring; vi) design effective communication strategies; vii) foster the role of general practitioners and family paediatricians. Conclusions The review of national ASUs is a crucial step to provide the NVC with useful insights into the elimination process and to guide the development of targeted interventions. Against this background, the seven recommendations proposed by the NVC have been shared with the Italian Ministry of Health and the Technical Advisory Group on measles and rubella elimination and have been incorporated into the new Italian Elimination Plan 2019–2023 as a technical aid to facilitate the achievement of disease elimination goals

    The Mission Accessibility of Near-Earth Asteroids

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    The population of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) that may be accessible for human space flight missions is defined by the Near-Earth Object Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS). The NHATS is an automated system designed to monitor the accessibility of, and particular mission opportunities offered by, the NEA population. This is analogous to systems that automatically monitor the impact risk posed to Earth by the NEA population. The NHATS system identifies NEAs that are potentially accessible for future round-trip human space flight missions and provides rapid notification to asteroid observers so that crucial follow-up observations can be obtained following discovery of accessible NEAs. The NHATS was developed in 2010 and was automated by early 2012. NHATS data are provided via an interactive web-site, and daily NHATS notification emails are transmitted to a mailing list; both resources are available to the public

    Interestingness of traces in declarative process mining: The janus LTLPf Approach

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    Declarative process mining is the set of techniques aimed at extracting behavioural constraints from event logs. These constraints are inherently of a reactive nature, in that their activation restricts the occurrence of other activities. In this way, they are prone to the principle of ex falso quod libet: they can be satisfied even when not activated. As a consequence, constraints can be mined that are hardly interesting to users or even potentially misleading. In this paper, we build on the observation that users typically read and write temporal constraints as if-statements with an explicit indication of the activation condition. Our approach is called Janus, because it permits the specification and verification of reactive constraints that, upon activation, look forward into the future and backwards into the past of a trace. Reactive constraints are expressed using Linear-time Temporal Logic with Past on Finite Traces (LTLp f). To mine them out of event logs, we devise a time bi-directional valuation technique based on triplets of automata operating in an on-line fashion. Our solution proves efficient, being at most quadratic w.r.t. trace length, and effective in recognising interestingness of discovered constraints

    Electron affinities of the first- and second- row atoms: benchmark ab initio and density functional calculations

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    A benchmark ab initio and density functional (DFT) study has been carried out on the electron affinities of the first- and second-row atoms. The ab initio study involves basis sets of spdfghspdfgh and spdfghispdfghi quality, extrapolations to the 1-particle basis set limit, and a combination of the CCSD(T), CCSDT, and full CI electron correlation methods. Scalar relativistic and spin-orbit coupling effects were taken into account. On average, the best ab initio results agree to better than 0.001 eV with the most recent experimental results. Correcting for imperfections in the CCSD(T) method improves the mean absolute error by an order of magnitude, while for accurate results on the second-row atoms inclusion of relativistic corrections is essential. The latter are significantly overestimated at the SCF level; for accurate spin-orbit splitting constants of second-row atoms inclusion of (2s,2p) correlation is essential. In the DFT calculations it is found that results for the 1st-row atoms are very sensitive to the exchange functional, while those for second-row atoms are rather more sensitive to the correlation functional. While the LYP correlation functional works best for first-row atoms, its PW91 counterpart appears to be preferable for second-row atoms. Among ``pure DFT'' (nonhybrid) functionals, G96PW91 (Gill 1996 exchange combined with Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation) puts in the best overall performance. The best results overall are obtained with the 1-parameter hybrid modified Perdew-Wang (mPW1) exchange functionals of Adamo and Barone [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 108}, 664 (1998)], with mPW1LYP yielding the best results for first-row, and mPW1PW91 for second-row atoms. Indications exist that a hybrid of the type aa mPW1LYP + (1a)(1-a) mPW1PW91 yields better results than either of the constituent functionals.Comment: Phys. Rev. A, in press (revised version, review of issues concerning DFT and electron affinities added

    A galactic-scale origin for stellar clustering

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    We recently presented a model for the cluster formation efficiency (CFE), i.e. the fraction of star formation occurring in bound stellar clusters. It utilizes the idea that the formation of stars and stellar clusters occurs across a continuous spectrum of ISM densities. Bound stellar clusters naturally arise from the high-density end of this density spectrum. Due to short free-fall times, these high-density regions can achieve high star formation efficiencies (SFEs) and can be unaffected by gas expulsion. Lower-density regions remain gas-rich and substructured, and are unbound upon gas expulsion. The model enables the CFE to be calculated using galactic-scale observables. I present a brief summary of the model physics, assumptions and caveats, and show that it agrees well with observations. Fortran and IDL routines for calculating the CFE are publicly available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/cfe.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; to appear in The Labyrinth of Star Formation, (eds.) D. Stamatellos, S. Goodwin, and D. Ward-Thompson, Springer, in pres