630 research outputs found

    Fascynacje. Peter Brook*

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    Fascinations. Peter BrookThe author analyses various aspects of acting in the context of Peter Brooks theory of acting. This discussion takes into account role construction, the authenticity and originality of the character, the problem of the actors identification with the character and the importance of cooperation between the actor and the director in the pre-production process and on the shoot.Fascinations. Peter BrookThe author analyses various aspects of acting in the context of Peter Brooks theory of acting. This discussion takes into account role construction, the authenticity and originality of the character, the problem of the actors identification with the character and the importance of cooperation between the actor and the director in the pre-production process and on the shoot

    Real-TV : RTP/L3\u27s visual monitor

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    Today many real-world activities are being monitored and controlled by some type of micro-processor based system. Emphasis is placed on manufacturing and controlling through the use of computers. The inherent nature of these real-world applications makes them difficult to control and monitor. They must be built meeting strict timing constraints and must be predictable. We need to develop simplistic, reliable, and cost effective methods for building, evaluating, monitoring and controlling these complex systems. These tools should provide the user with system insight. At the New Jersey Institute of Technology Real-Time Computing Laboratory, we are building a system that will provide the aforementioned tools in a complete real-time environment. This paper gives the user a brief overview of the system that is currently under construction and gives a detailed look into the component called Real-TV. Real-TV is a software component that will be used as a monitoring tool to provide users with system insight. Processes and other system statistics, occurring within the simulated predictable real-time software/hardware environment, can be tracked and monitored

    Jestem twój

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    I’m yoursThe author analyses in detail the structure of the leading role based on the film “I’m yours” His analysis takes into account acting skills, the relations between the protagonists and adversaries and also cinematic time and space. He appreciates the role played by the screenwriter and establishes the principles for cooperation between actors and the director.I’m yoursThe author analyses in detail the structure of the leading role based on the film “I’m yours” His analysis takes into account acting skills, the relations between the protagonists and adversaries and also cinematic time and space. He appreciates the role played by the screenwriter and establishes the principles for cooperation between actors and the director

    Problems with Adaptation of Post-Accession Polish Migrants in Countries of the EU

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    Starting from 1st May, 2004 countries of European Fifteen have gradually opened their labour markets for the new EU members, including the Poles. The first to take this step was Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden, the last - Germany and Austria. For the new EU citizens, emerging opportunities were connected with benefits and wide possibilities, but also with limitations and adaptation difficulties. They had to deal with the language barrier as much as the different culture, accepted behaviours, traditions, work culture and model of spending leisure time. Mentality of migrants – whether they were able or not to immerse into the “new” – had impact on finding themselves in another environment. Most of those, who left Poland did not plan to settle, they were leaving “for some time”, temporarily. Mentally, they were still connected with previous place of residence, more interested in environment left behind than new one. Such behaviour was not conducive to adaptation; on the contrary, it made adaptation harder. Migrants through listening to Polish radio, watching Polish television stations, using the Polish Internet portals and reading national press, separated themselves from the new environment. All of these was due to the assumption that engaging in new place has no point since their stay is only temporary. Their attitude to the kind of work and workplace was similar. Majority of migrants from the EU-8 countries was taking up secondary employment, regardless of educational background. Wages comparable with Polish were supposed to compensate depreciation on the labour market. A wide spectrum of adaptation problems of Polish migrants is an issue raised in reports prepared by specialized research institutions, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Polish Community organisations

    Modelling of chemical migration under the overlapping impact of multiple and diverse pollution sources in the area of the “Zachem” Chemical Plant (Bydgoszcz, northern Poland)

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    Modeling studies of chemical migration in the area of the “Zachem” Chemical Plant in Bydgoszcz started from the analyses of the production profile. Those studies were conducted to investigate the potential contaminants. Organic compounds still represent a substantial concentration in soil and water environment, including total organic carbon (TOC) reaching values above 1600 mg/L, aniline, nitrobenzene and phenol (up to 500-800 mg/L), organochloride and organometallic compounds, as well as hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene and PAHs. Groundwater contains most of the major ions (chlorides, sulphates and bicarbonates, sodium and calcium) and trace elements (Al, Co, Cr and Ni).A reliable conceptual model of the geological structure was constructed for 3 continuous layers with variable bottom morphology. This model represents the complex structure containing permeable and impermeable Quaternary and Neogene deposits. A hydrogeological numerical model was created for the area of the “Zachem” Chemical Plant using the Visual MODFLOW program. Low values of two key statistical measures confirm a good model fitness to the measured conditions: root mean square (RMS) amounts to only about 1.5 m and normalized RMS reaches only about 4.4%. The differences between measured and calculated values are normally distributed. A Modpath module was used to analyze the potential extent of contaminant plume. Accurate hydrogeological 3D sampling was conducted using a “low flow” technique.The results of full and reliable modeling of the chemical migration under the overlapping impact of multiple and diverse pollution sources in the area of the “Zachem” Chemical Plant are essential for further planning of remedial strategies

    Aging – what do we know?

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    Skin aging is a combination of reduction in the biological activity of cells, a slowing down of regenerative processes, and a loss of resistance to environmental factors. Genetics, lifestyle, and hormones significantly affect proper functioning of the skin. The aim of this article was to present the current knowledge about aging processes and concurrent therapies which can influence skin aging.  </p

    Morfea i sklerotični lihen kod bolesnice s hipotireozom

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    Thyroid gland is one of the key organs regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Its primary function is connected with increase of the metabolic conversion of the body. Skin lesions are often one of the first symptoms of hypothyroidism. In a 71-year-old patient, skin lesions in the form of thickened areas with severe hyperkeratosis first appeared 12 years before. Eight years before, the patient was diagnosed with hypothyroidism of unknown cause. Upon admission, lesions were observed in the trunk area, left arm and vulva. These lesions had the appearance of brownish spots with hyperkeratosis. Initially, they were localized on the trunk, then involving upper limbs and neck area with time. Significant progression was present in the back area. In the anogenital area, porcelain-white discolorations were observed. Laboratory examinations were normal. During hospital stay, iv. ceftriaxone at a dose of 2.0 g/day for 10 days and intramuscular injection of vitamin B6 were administered, along with 10% urea ointment for hyperkeratosis lesions as topical therapy. The patient had lesions in the form of skin induration and discoloration, with visible, very severe hyperkeratosis, which is not characteristic of changes of the scleroderma and lichen sclerosus type. These lesions caused diagnostic problems due to the atypical clinical appearance.Štitna žlijezda jedan je od ključnih organa koji regulira metabolizam ugljikohidrata, bjelančevina i masti. Njezina glavna funkcija povezana je s porastom konverzije u organizmu. Kožne promjene često su jedan od prvih simptoma hipotireoze. Kod naše bolesnice u dobi od 71 godine kožne promjene u vidu zadebljanih područja uz tešku hiperkeratozu prvi put su se pojavile 12 godina ranije, a osam godina ranije dijagnosticirana joj je hipotireoza nepoznatog uzroka. Kod prijma bolesnice opažene su promjene u području trupa, lijeve ruke i vulve. Te promjene izgledale su poput smeđkastih točkica s hiperkeratozom. U početku su bile lokalizirane na trupu, da bi kasnije s vremenom zahvatile gornje udove i područje vrata. Značajna progresija lezija zabilježena je na leđima. U anogenitalnom području opažene su porculanski bjelkaste mrlje na koži. Laboratorijski testovi bili su normalni. Za vrijeme hospitalizacije bolesnica je primala ceftriakson iv. u dozi od 2,0 g/dan kroz 10 dana i intramuskularne injekcije vitamina B6, uz lokalnu terapiju kremom s 10% ureje za hiperkeratotične lezije. Bolesnica je imala promjene u obliku kožne induracije i diskoloracije, uz vidljivu i vrlo tešku hiperkeratozu, što nije karakteristično za promjene tipa sklerodermije i skleroznog lihena. Ove promjene izazvale su dijagnostičke probleme zbog netipičnog kliničkog izgleda

    The use of a fuzzy logic approach for integration of vibration-based diagnostic features of rolling element bearings

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    Modern condition monitoring systems (CMS) collect and process enormous amount of data in order to provide the earliest and most dependable information of fault development within any of the machine components and their operation combined. According to numerous studies one of the most fault susceptible mechanical elements in rotating machinery are rolling element bearings. Although reliable techniques for their diagnostics are already proposed, the new investigation is needed. According to authors experience in many industrial applications the operators are obligated to simultaneously track hundreds of diagnostic estimates, such as signals energy, its peakedness or narrowband characteristics for localized faults. As mentioned, for a vibration-based CMS of single wind turbine there are nearly 150 of them. Therefore, the authors employ a fuzzy logic approach for integration of bearing diagnostic features. A new estimate that carry most relevant information about bearing condition is discussed. The reasoning is presented on simulated data that mimics real rotating machine