171 research outputs found

    The problems of conducting business activity and exercising in a limited liability company the participation rights and obligations by spouses

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    The issue relating to the sphere of marital property rights in the context of conducting a business activity in the form of a limited liability company, i.e. a form extremely popular in Poland, is a complex matter, primarily because of the conflict between legal norms forming two separate legal orders, namely the family and commercial law regulations. This article, constituting a continuation of analysis made mostly on the basis of the Family and Guardianship Code2 aims at bringing closer the standpoints of representatives of legal science developed on the basis of the provisions of the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies and views formed as part of judicial decisions. In addition, it includes a critical assessment of the existing normative regulation and declares support for the view that shares taken up with resources from community property contribute to such property

    The community property regime in the context of conducting a business activity and acquisition of shares in a limited liability company

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    Problematyka stanowiących ważny aspekt prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej skutków prawnych objęcia i nabycia za środki pochodzące z majątku wspólnego przez małżonków udziałów w spółkach z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, które znajdują się w ustroju małżeńskiej wspólności majątkowej, od dawna jest przedmiotem dyskusji wśród przedstawicieli nauki prawa. Wzbudza ona też doniosłe trudności w praktyce obrotu gospodarczego, co jest istotnym problemem z uwagi na popularność tego typu spółek jako podstawowej formy prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej w naszym kraju. Powstawaniu wątpliwości dotyczących kształtu rozwiązań legislacyjnych regulujących omawianą problematykę sprzyja niewątpliwie przynależność wspomnianych regulacji zarówno do sfery prawa rodzinnego, jak i do prawa spółek handlowych, co skłania do oczekiwania na podjęcie tutaj stosownej interwencji ze strony ustawodawcy. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie zagadnień dotyczących nabywania udziałów w spółkach z o.o. na gruncie Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego, przy czym rozważania te będą kontynuowane w ramach kolejnej publikacji zmierzającej do pokazania przyjętych w tej mierze rozwiązań Kodeksu spółek handlowych.The issue, regarded as an important aspect of conducting a business activity, namely the legal effects of acquisition, financed from community property, of shares in a limited liability company by spouses who have chosen the community property regime, has long been debated among representatives of legal science. It also brings about a considerable difficulty in the practice of economic trading, which is an important issue as companies of this type are the most popular form of conducting a business activity in Poland. Doubts concerning the shape of legislative solutions regulating the issue in question are unquestionably exacerbated by the fact that the said regulations belong to both, the sphere of family law and the sphere of commercial companies law, which makes us expect appropriate legislative intervention in this respect. This article aims to present the issue concerning acquisition of shares in limited liability companies on the basis of the Family and GuardianshipCode, which is further considered in a subsequent publication that aims to present the solutions adopted in this respect in the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies

    The Polish Legal Clinics Program and the role of the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation

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    El programa de Clínica Legal, que está creciendo rápidamente en Polonia, ha llegado a una fase en la que la visión de futuro y la consolidación de los objetivos son de gran importancia. Por esta misma razón, a la vuelta de los años 2001 y 2002 la Clínica Legal y las personas involucradas en el movimiento clínico se decidió llamar a la existencia de la Fundación de Clínica Legal, que asumiría el deber de fortalecer la estructura y la construcción de una plataforma de cooperación y dar forma al futuro del movimiento clínico. Los objetivos asumen proporcionar no sólo garantizar la estabilidad financiera del movimiento clínico, sino también para constituir un foro que reunirá a los esfuerzos para mejorar la posición de las clínicas en la comunidad académica y jurídica, y buscar una fórmula para inscribir centros de asistencia jurídica en el ordenamiento jurídico polaco. En la actualidad hay 25 centros de asistencia jurídica establecida en cada escuela de derecho, de aproximadamente diez mil personas al año obtener la asistencia jurídica como resultado del trabajo de las clínicas jurídicas en Polonia. Los destinatarios de estos servicios son los representantes de los grupos sociales más débiles, como los desempleados, los sin techo, jubilados, discapacitados, víctimas de delitos, las mujeres en situaciones de crisis, los extranjeros y los refugiados. Cerca de 1.800 estudiantes y más de 200 profesores participan en el programa todos los años (la mayoría de los cuales también son abogados en ejercicio) resolver en forma escrita cerca de 12.000 casos.The legal clinics program, which is growing fast in Poland, has reached a phase in which forward thinking and consolidation of objectives are of great importance. For this very reason, at the turn of the year 2001 and 2002 the legal clinics and the people involved in the clinical movement decided to call into being the Legal Clinics Foundation, which would take on the duty of strengthening the structure, and constructing a platform for cooperating and shaping the future of the clinical movement. The objectives assumed provide not only for ensuring financial stability of the clinical movement, but also to constitute a forum that would bring together the efforts to enhance the clinics' posi-tion in the academic and legal community, and would search for a formula to inscribe legal clinics into the Polish legal system.At present there are 25 legal clinics established at every law school, approximately ten thousand people a year obtain legal assistance as a result of the work of legal clinics in Poland. The recipients of these services are representatives of the weakest social groups, such as the unemployed, the homeless, pensioners, disabled people, crime victims, women in crisis, foreigners and refugees. Nearly 1,800 students and over 200 faculty members participate in the program every year (a majority of whom are also practicing lawyers) solving in written form nearly 12,000 cases

    How the EU’s fiscal rules should be reformed

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    Two key principles have sat at the heart of the EU’s fiscal rules since the Maastricht Treaty: that governments should run budget deficits no higher than 3% of GDP and maintain a public debt no higher than 60% of GDP. Piotr Arak, Łukasz Czernicki and Jakub Sawulski argue the use of broad fiscal targets of ... Continue

    Why Nonlinear Biomedical Physics?

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    The two goals of Nonlinear Biomedical Physics are: firstly to show how nonlinear methods can shed new light on biological phenomena and medical applications and secondly to bridge the technical, mathematical, and cultural divides between the physical disciplines where these methods are being developed and the audience for their use in the biological and medical sciences

    The Polish Legal Clinics Program and the role of the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation

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    The legal clinics program, which is growing fast in Poland, has reached a phase in which forward thinking and consolidation of objectives are of great importance. For this very reason, at the turn of the year 2001 and 2002 the legal clinics and the people involved in the clinical movement decided to call into being the Legal Clinics Foundation, which would take on the duty of strengthening the structure, and constructing a platform for cooperating and shaping the future of the clinical movement. The objectives assumed provide not only for ensuring financial stability of the clinical movement, but also to constitute a forum that would bring together the efforts to enhance the clinics' posi-tion in the academic and legal community, and would search for a formula to inscribe legal clinics into the Polish legal system.At present there are 25 legal clinics established at every law school, approximately ten thousand people a year obtain legal assistance as a result of the work of legal clinics in Poland. The recipients of these services are representatives of the weakest social groups, such as the unemployed, the homeless, pensioners, disabled people, crime victims, women in crisis, foreigners and refugees. Nearly 1,800 students and over 200 faculty members participate in the program every year (a majority of whom are also practicing lawyers) solving in written form nearly 12,000 cases.El programa de Clínica Legal, que está creciendo rápidamente en Polonia, ha llegado a una fase en la que la visión de futuro y la consolidación de los objetivos son de gran importancia. Por esta misma razón, a la vuelta de los años 2001 y 2002 la Clínica Legal y las personas involucradas en el movimiento clínico se decidió llamar a la existencia de la Fundación de Clínica Legal, que asumiría el deber de fortalecer la estructura y la construcción de una plataforma de cooperación y dar forma al futuro del movimiento clínico. Los objetivos asumen proporcionar no sólo garantizar la estabilidad financiera del movimiento clínico, sino también para constituir un foro que reunirá a los esfuerzos para mejorar la posición de las clínicas en la comunidad académica y jurídica, y buscar una fórmula para inscribir centros de asistencia jurídica en el ordenamiento jurídico polaco. En la actualidad hay 25 centros de asistencia jurídica establecida en cada escuela de derecho, de aproximadamente diez mil personas al año obtener la asistencia jurídica como resultado del trabajo de las clínicas jurídicas en Polonia. Los destinatarios de estos servicios son los representantes de los grupos sociales más débiles, como los desempleados, los sin techo, jubilados, discapacitados, víctimas de delitos, las mujeres en situaciones de crisis, los extranjeros y los refugiados. Cerca de 1.800 estudiantes y más de 200 profesores participan en el programa todos los años (la mayoría de los cuales también son abogados en ejercicio) resolver en forma escrita cerca de 12.000 casos

    Fizjologia mózgowego przepływu krwi

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    Results of surgical treatment of anterior clinoidal meningiomas – our experiences

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    Objective Presentation of our experience in the treatment of anterior clinoidal meningiomas, including evaluation of factors that may affect early and long-term treatment outcomes. Methods Thirty patients were operated with strategy of complete tumor resection using fronto-orbito-zygomatic approach. Outcomes were assessed by Glasgow Outcome Scale at discharge and by Karnofsky Performance Scale at follow-up. Results There were 6 tumors in group I, 20 in group II, and 4 in group III according to Al-Mefty classification. Complete tumor resection (Simpson I or II) was achieved in 19 patients, incomplete resection (Simpson IV) in 11: due to strict tumor adhesion to cerebral arteries in 5 and tumor extension to cavernous sinus in 6 cases. Operative mortality was 6.7%. Visual acuity improved in six among nine patients with impaired vision but in no one among nine patients with blindness. Normal life activity (80–100KPS) could be carried out by 88% patients at follow-up. Recurrence was observed in two (11.8%) patients after radical removal and progression of residual tumor in two (25%) after subtotal resection. Conclusions Complete tumor removal is possible with an acceptable risk of death and severe neurological deficits, except for cases with tumor extension to the cavernous sinus or strict tumor adhesion to cerebral arteries. Visual acuity improvement may be expected in two thirds of patients with impaired vision, but not in cases of blindness. In cases of incomplete tumor removal, use of stereotactic radiosurgery immediately after surgery seems justified

    Strength of knee flexors of the paretic limb as an important determinant of functional status in post-stroke rehabilitation

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    Objective The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the multi-modal exercise program (MMEP) in patients after stroke, and to identify muscles that are the best predictors of functional performance and changes in functional status in a 3-week rehabilitation program. Methods Thirty-one post-stroke patients (60.6±12.7 years) participating in a 3-week MMEP took part in the study. Measurements of extensor and flexor strength of the knee (Fext, Fflex) were done. Functional performance was measured using Timed Up & Go test (TUG), 6-Minute Walk Test (6-MWT) and Tinetti Test. Results The rehabilitation program improved all the results of functional tests, as well as the values of strength in the patients. Both baseline and post-rehabilitation functional status was associated with knee flexor and extensor muscle strength of paretic but not of non-paretic limbs. At baseline examination muscle strength difference between both Fflexkg−1 and Fextkg−1 had an influence on functional status. After rehabilitation the effect of muscle strength difference on functional status was not evident for Fextkg−1 and, interestingly, even more prominent for Fflexkg−1. Conclusions MMEP can effectively increase muscle strength and functional capacity in post-stroke patients. Knee flexor muscle strength of the paretic limb and the knee flexor difference between the limbs is the best predictor of functional performance in stroke survivors