26 research outputs found

    Generációk közötti együttműködés a munkahelyeken : [absztrakt]

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    Advising the ‘persuadable cluster’ of Hungarian companies on talent management

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    Based on the Hungarian data of the Visegrad funded project titled „Integrated talent management-challenge and future for organisations in Visegrad countries” (Visegrad Fund / number 21220142), a pilot cluster analysis was conducted to find out the main characteristics of talent management. The recent appreciation of the human capital has contributed to the application of new management procedures in the HR practice. One of them is talent management whose aim is to find and recruit talented people as well as to develop and retain those talents who have already been employed. We have found that there is a close relationship between the economic situation of the Hungarian companies and their talent management. Our paper also aimed at providing practical advice to Hungarian companies, which are open for talent management.</jats:p

    A pályakezdők munkaerő-piaci megfelelése a pályakezdők szemszögéből

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    Employment is a timely topic of national economy nowadays, within which, increasing the employment chances of fresh entrants has great priority. The fact is that this employee group has the lowest chance of finding work. It is no wonder, then, that this year, we initiated an all-inclusive research to find out about the open or latent preconceptions of the labour market about this group (be them positive or negative ones); we conducted the research from the point of view of both employees and employers. We used qualitative, as well as quantitative research methods in the case of both groups. In our current essay, we are presenting the partial results of the questionnaires we handed out to labour market entrants; we essentially wanted to see how these young people see their strengths and weaknesses as well as how much they think they are prepared for the daily demands of the labour market

    A felsőfokú oktatásban tanulók munkaerő-piaci felkészültsége a munkáltatók szemszögéből (empirikus kutatás alapján) = Labor-market preparedness of tertiary education students from the point of view of employers (based on empirical research)

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    The labor-market preparedness of fresh entrants as well as the difficulty they face when trying to find their first job is one of the most important issues of the labor-market today. Another question, however, is how employers really see the labor-market preparedness of these young people and whether the fears of these employers concerning the aptitude of their employees are well-founded. To find out the answers, a quantitative research has been launched to get a clear picture of how employers see the labor-market preparedness of those people who are currently engaged in tertiary studies and are about to enter the labor-market: what kind of positive and negative stereotypes exist towards these young people and whether an employer should hire them or not. The current essay focuses on what the experience of the employers is about fresh entrants and what the reasons can be if they refuse to hire such an employee

    „Mit várunk el a pályakezdőktől?” Vélemények és szempontok a cégek oldaláról

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    Napjainkban a pályakezdők munkaerő - piaci helyzete az egyik legkérdéseseb b. Gyakran e társadalmi csoport elvárásai és képességei nem igazán találkoznak a munkáltatók elvárásaival , és ez is az oka annak, hogy a pályakezdők munkaerő - piaci elhelyezkedése sok problémát és feladatot vet fel . Ez volt az egyik indoka annak, hogy a 201 3 - 2014 - es évben egy kérdőíves felmérés készült annak érdekében, hogy megvilágításra kerülj ön a foglalkoztató cégek véleménye és alkalmazási szempontjai a pályakezdőkkel szemben. A vizsgálatban kimondottan magyar szervezetek voltak, így jellemzően a hazai v állalatok véleményéről, hozzáállásáról adunk képet a publikációnkban. Habár az adott vizsgálat nem tekinthető reprezentatívnak, ám jól mutathatja a hazai foglalkoztatóknak a pályakezdőkkel szembeni elvárásai t . A kutatási eredmények azt igazolják, hogy a vi zsgálatban résztvevő szervezetek mérete csak részben determinálja, hogy milyen a viszonyulásuk és a megítélésük a pályakezdőkkel szemben

    Női karrierút a felsőoktatásban

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    The family support systems operating in the Visegrád Group countries (V4)

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    This study presents the family support systems that operate in the Visegrad Group countries: Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. After the collapse of communism, all four countries faced difficulties regarding the willingness of the population to have children, which was due partly to financial problems and to a slow re-evaluation of traditional roles in certain member states. Statistics show that each government strives to apply a number of similar support systems to encourage people to have children. However, these measures are not always efficient, presenting lower-than-expected results. According to the statistics available, fertility rates in the V4 countries still fall below the values of the 1990s