43 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to conduct three-year monitoring of bone mineralization (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) of adolescent girls engaged in swimming at the time of attaining the peak bone mass and of their counterparts leading a rather sedentary life, considering the intakes of calcium, phosphorus and protein, as well as the proportions among those nutrients. Two groups of girls aged 11–13 years were studied 3 times at yearly intervals: untrained controls (n = 20) and those engaged in competitive swimming (n = 20). Bone density was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the lumbar spine (L2 – L4). Nutrient intakes (energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus) were assessed from 24-h recalls. The group of swimmers had significantly lower BMI values than the control group. No systematic, significant between-group differences were found in nutrient intake or in bone mineralization variables. Calcium intake was below the recommended norm in all subjects but mean values of bone mineralization variables (BMC, BMD) steadily increased in both groups. The BMD z-scores proved negative throughout the three-year period of early adolescence in both groups of girls and that decrease was significant in swimmers. This could have been due to insufficient calcium intake as well as to inadequate calcium-to-phosphate and protein-to-calcium ratios and, when continued, might result in a decreased bone mass in adulthood

    Wykorzystanie metody IPA do oceny usług hotelu SPA Kazimierski Zdrój w Janowcu

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    Quality of services is one of the most important initiators of customers’ satisfaction, as well as their loyalty. Hence, hotel managers should know how to measure the quality of the services provided, as well as customers’ satisfaction. This paper identifies the results of a questionnaire survey to measure service quality in spa hotel Kazimierski Zdrój. Service quality was measured using 17 items, 5-point Likert scale questionnaire, distributed in 2016 to the hotel's guests

    Nutrition and somatic traits of women with different physical activity and various menstrual status: Diet, somatic traits and physical activity of women

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    Background. There are publications which indicate a relationship between dietary pattern and somatic traits. Others report on link between somatic traits and physical activity. However, sparse studies discuss relationship between these three factors, i.e. nutrition, somatic traits and physical activity. Objectives. This survey aimed to analyze relationships between nutrition (amount and source of energy in food) and somatic traits (body height, body mass, fat content of the body) of women with different physical activity and various menstrual status. Material and methods. Investigations covered 312 women who were assessed for: somatic traits, average daily energy consumption and percentage contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in providing energy. The physical activity was assessed by computing the physical activity index (PAI) being a ratio of daily energy expenditure (DEE) to basal metabolic rate (BMR). Among the women two groups were distinguished based on centile charts of the PAI developed for a given population, i.e.: women with a low (PAI≤10 cpts) and women with a high (PAI≥90 cpts) level of physical activity. Results. The highly physically active women were characterized by a lower body fat content, lower BMI values, and higher percentage of lean body mass compared to the women with a low level of physical activity. The highly active women showed a tendency for an increased consumption of whole-meal bread, milk and dairy products, vegetables (including potatoes), fruits, and sweets as well as a tendency for a reduced consumption of meat and processed meat products, both types of butter, and lard, compared to the little active women. Conclusions. It seems that the physical activity of the women had a direct impact on their nutrition. In turn, by affecting the somatic traits (body mass and composition), their eating habits could influence their physical activity


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    An increasing awareness of consumers is reflected in a growing demand for products which are manufactured in a particular way, with unique ingredients, or which are of a particular origin. The analysis of consumers’ preferences makes it possible to define factors which determine the purchase of regional products. The aim of the work was to identify factors which determine the purchase of regional products from Lubelskie Voivodeship on the basis of cluster analysis using Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering method. The research was carried out in 2016 and included 383 individuals. Statistical analysis of results was conducted on the basis of frequency analysis and cluster analysis. According to the respondents, the most frequently purchased regional products included bakery products (47%), dairy products (35.3%), meat (33.3%), and alcoholic beverages (29.4%). Over 53% of the respondents claimed that the prices of regional products are too high, every third person (29.6%) concluded that they are reasonable, while slightly over 3% of the respondents said they are low. Television and the Internet as well as close relatives and friends appeared to be the best forms of reaching the client with information concerning regional products when bringing them out on the market. However, the most common places where regional products were purchased were food fairs and festivals. Every second respondent purchased regional products at least once a month. Additionally, it was revealed that the consumers’ income was not a decisive factor when purchasing regional products. Despite financial stability, individuals who could be defined as “rich” in Polish conditions purchased regional products relatively rarely

    The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among students with different levels of physical activity

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    Civilisation changes helped to improve living conditions in societies but at the same time they posed numerous new threats to the health of a contemporary human. The aim of the work was to define differences in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome risk factors in male and female sports university students with different levels of physical activity. The study included 164 female and 174 male first-year students of the Department of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska. Body weight and height, circumference of waist, hips, arm and calf as well as elbow and knee breadth were measured. BMI and WHR were calculated. Fat tissue was assessed and the levels of glucose, lipid profile, pulse and blood pressure were taken. Moreover, physical activity and a diet of students were determined. Female and male students of physical education and sport demonstrated a higher level of daily physical activity, which was statistically significant compared to other students. However, different levels of physical activity did not influence their diet or the results of their biochemical and physiological tests. Healththreatening factors were noted in a significant number of the examined women and men.Los cambios sociales han ayudado a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la comunidad, pero al mismo tiempo han causado la aparición de muchos riesgos para la salud del hombre, los cuales antes habian sido desconocidos. El propósito de este estudio es identificar las diferencias en la frecuencia de los factores causantes del síndrome metabólico, específicas para estudiantes de ambos sexos de una universidad de deporte, contienen actividad física. Se han examinado a 164 chicas y 174 chicos de primer curso de la universidad de deporte en Biała Podlaska. Han sido pesados, y su altura, cintura, caderas, brazos, piernas y el ancho y la base del brazo y la rodilla han sido medidas. Se ha calculado el tamaño del IMC y la RCC. Se ha estimado la cantidad de grasa corporal y se ha determinado el nivel de glucosa, perfil lipídico, la frecuencia cardíaca y la presión arterial. Se ha especificado la actividad física y la dieta de los estudiantes. Los estudiantes de educación física y deporte, en relación con los estudiantes de otras carreras, se caracterizan por un nivel significativamente más alto de la actividad física diaria. Por el contrario, los diferentes niveles de la actividad física no se reflejan en sus hábitos alimenticios, ni en los resultados de la investigación bioquímica y fisiológica. En una gran cantidad de mujeres y hombres encuestados se han observado factores de riesgo para la salud

    Bone mineral content and bone mineral density in female swimmers during the time of peak bone mass attainment

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    The aim of this study was to assess bone mineral content and bone mineral density in girls practising swimming in the period of peak bone mass attainment in comparison to girls at the same age who are not actively involved in sports. This study involved girls from sports school specialising in swimming (n=41) aged 11-15 years, practising swimming (non-weight bearing activities), and girls at the same age not actively involved in sports (n=45). The current condition of bones was assessed based on the method of densitometry DEXA (lumbar spine L2-L4). Data on sports careers, including the length of training and training load, and hormonal status were collected using a diagnostic survey with an especially developed questionnaire. The quantitative composition of diet was determined based on 3 individual interviews on dietary intake in the last 24 hours preceding the test. Analysis of the results showed that the average values of the measured bone parameters were not different between the groups. However, we observed a trend of higher values in the control group. In the assessment of diet, we observed in both groups a deficiency in average calcium intake. Based on the results it can be concluded that the tested female swimmers were not at increased risk of developing osteopenia, when compared to girls not actively involved in sports

    Assessment of somatic developmental status of the male students from various fields of study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska

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    Wprowadzenie: Analiza piśmiennictwa wskazuje występowanie ścisłych podobieństw w cechach morfologicznych w odniesieniu do zespołów wykonujących tę samą pracę, uprawiających tę samą dyscyplinę sportową bądź studiujących na tym samym kierunku. W obecnej sytuacji niżu demograficznego i jednocześnie silnej konkurencji na rynku edukacyjnym coraz częściej podnosi się kwestie nie tylko poziomu nauczania, ale również kompetencji i predyspozycji samych studentów. Cel: Za cel pracy przyjęło analizę rozwoju somatycznego mężczyzn studiujących na różnych kierunkach w WWFiS w Białej Podlaskiej Materiał i metody: Materiał do pracy stanowią dane antropometryczne 175 studentów pierwszego roku WWFiS w Białej Podlaskiej. Analizowaną kohortę mężczyzn podzielono na zespoły, uwzględniając profil studiów. Techniką Martina i Sallera wykonano pomiary cech antropometrycznych niezbędnych do obliczenia wskaźnika BMI, WHR i oszacowania składu tkankowego ciała. Do charakterystyki zgromadzonych zmiennych wykorzystano: wielkość próby (n) średnią arytmetyczną (x ~ ) oraz odchylenie standardowe (SD). Różnice w wielkości analizowanych cech pomiędzy wyłonionymi grupami oszacowano z wykorzystaniem testu t-Studenta dla danych niezależnych. Wyniki: Badania własne potwierdziły doniesienia innych autorów podejmujących problematykę analizy związków budowy ciała z profilem kształcenia. Stąd należy uznać, że selekcja związana z naborem na studia wychowania fizycznego w znacznym stopniu determinuje budowę ciała młodzieży. Wnioski: Odnotowane różnice międzygrupowe w wielkości beztłuszczowej masy ciała oraz poziomie otłuszczenia, jak i jego dystrybucji można uznać za efekt różnic w stylu życia badanych mężczyzn wynikających między innymi z profilu kształcenia.Introduction: The analysis of literature revealed close similarities concerning morphological features in groups of people performing the same work, practising the same sport or studying in the same field of study. In the present situation of the demographic low and strong competition on the educational market, the issues of the level of education as well as competences and predispositions of students are discussed more and more often. Aim: The aim of the work was to analyse somatic development of male students from various fields of study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska. Material and methods: The material included anthropometric data of 175 first-year students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska. The analysed cohort of men was divided into groups according to the field of study. The measurements of anthropometric features indispensable for calculating BMI, WHR and body composition were madewith the use of Martin and Saller technique. In order to describe the collected variables, sample size (n), arithmetic mean (x ~ ) and standard deviation (SD) were used. Differences between the selected groups concerning the analysed features were estimated with the use of Student’s t-test for independent data. Results: The findings were in line with publications of other authors analysing the correlations between body build and the field of study. Therefore, it should be concluded that the selection for physical education studies to a large extent determines body build of the students. Conclusions: The observed differences between groups concerning fat-free mass and the level of adiposity as well as its distribution may have stemmed from the differences in lifestyle of the examined men that resulted, inter alia, from their field of study

    Ocena sposobu zywienia i stanu odzywienia dzieci z regionu wielkomiejskiego i wiejskiego naszego kraju

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    Food intake and nutritional status were assessed in a cross-sectional study in over 1000 boys and girls aged 11-15 years from Warsaw and from a rural eastern region (Biała Podlaska province). According to qualitative criteria, about 40% of children from Warsaw and about 20% of children from the eastern region were classified as well nourished, while about 50 and 70% of children, respectively, were classified as inadequately nourished. Despite covering the daily energy demand, the content of protein in daily rations was too low, especially in the Eastern region, where protein deficiency was about 22 and 28% in boys and girls, respectively. The diets were also deficient in Ca, Mg, and vitamins B, again especially in the eastern region. Those unfavourable dietary tendencies might have contributed to the lower body height and mass observed in rural children, compared with the urban ones.Celem badań byla ocena jakościowa i ilościowa sposobu żywienia oraz ocena stanu odżywienia dzieci pochodzących z regionu wielkomiejskiego (Warszawa) i wiejskiego (woj. bialskopodlaskie) naszego kraju. Badaniami objęto 521 dziewcząt i 505 chłopców w wieku 11-15 lat z trzech szkół podstawowych woj. bialskopodlaskiego (BP) i trzech szkól z Warszawy (W). Sposób żywienia oceniano na podstawie wywiadów o spożyciu z ostatnich 24 godzin. Wywiady obejmowały dni nauki jak i dni wolne od zajęć. Ocena jakościowa obejmowała: liczbę i regularność spożywania posiłków, częstość spożywania wybranych produktów oraz ogólną ocenę jakości codziennego żywienia. Ocena ilościowa dotyczyła dziennego spożycia energii i wybranych składników odżywczych. Stan odżywienia oceniano na podstawie pomiarów wysokości i masy ciała oraz grubości fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych na ramieniu, pod łopatką i na brzuchu. Według jakościowych kryteriów oceny sposobu żywienia wykazano, że około 40% dzieci z W i 20% dzieci z BP odżywiało się dobrze (rys. 1). W sposób zły odżywiało się około 50% dzieci z W i 70% dzieci z BP Pomimo pokrycia przez dietę dziennego zapotrzebowania na energię, stwierdzono zbyt niską zawartość białka w pożywieniu badanych. Większe niedobory tego składnika wystąpiły w diecie dzieci z BP i sięgały 28% u dziewcząt i 22% u chłopców Zaobserwowano również znaczne niedobory Ca i Mg oraz witamin z grupy В w badanym pożywieniu. Były one wyższe w przypadku diety dzieci z BĘ aniżeli W. Niekorzystne tendencje w żywieniu, obok innych czynników, mogły mieć wpływ na niższą wysokość i masę ciała dzieci z BP w porównaniu z dziećmi z W (rys. 2, 3)

    Wykorzystanie analizy skupień w badaniach preferencji zakupowych produktów regionalnych z województwa lubelskiego

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    An increasing awareness of consumers is reflected in a growing demand for products which are manufactured in a particular way, with unique ingredients, or which are of a particular origin. The analysis of consumers’ preferences makes it possible to define factors which determine the purchase of regional products. The aim of the work was to identify factors which determine the purchase of regional products from Lubelskie Voivodeship on the basis of cluster analysis using Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering method. The research was carried out in 2016 and included 383 individuals. Statistical analysis of results was conducted on the basis of frequency analysis and cluster analysis. According to the respondents, the most frequently purchased regional products included bakery products (47%), dairy products (35.3%), meat (33.3%), and alcoholic beverages (29.4%). Over 53% of the respondents claimed that the prices of regional products are too high, every third person (29.6%) concluded that they are reasonable, while slightly over 3% of the respondents said they are low. Television and the Internet as well as close relatives and friends appeared to be the best forms of reaching the client with information concerning regional products when bringing them out on the market. However, the most common places where regional products were purchased were food fairs and festivals. Every second respondent purchased regional products at least once a month. Additionally, it was revealed that the consumers’ income was not a decisive factor when purchasing regional products. Despite financial stability, individuals who could be defined as “rich” in Polish conditions purchased regional products relatively rarely.Rosnąca świadomość konsumentów znajduje odzwierciedlenie w zwiększonym popycie na produkty charakteryzujące się szczególnymi metodami wytwarzania, wyjątkowym składem lub określonym pochodzeniem. Analiza preferencji konsumentów pozwala na ustalenie czynników warunkujących zakup produktów regionalnych. Celem pracy była identyfikacja czynników determinujących zakup produktów regionalnych z województwa lubelskiego na podstawie analizy skupień, z wykorzystaniem hierarchicznej aglomeracyjnej metody Warda. W badaniach przeprowadzonych w 2016 roku uczestniczyły 383 osoby. Oceny statystycznej wyników dokonano na podstawie analizy częstości i analizy skupień. Do najczęściej kupowanych produktów regionalnych w opinii respondentów należały wyroby piekarnicze (47%), w dalszej kolejności produkty mleczne (35,3%), mięsne (33,3%) oraz napoje alkoholowe (29,4%). Ponad 53% ankietowanych uznało, że ceny produktów regionalnych dostępnych na rynku są wysokie. Co trzecia osoba twierdziła, że są odpowiednie (29,6%), a nieco ponad 3% respondentów uznało, że ceny są niskie. Najlepszymi kanałami dotarcia do klienta z informacją o produkcie regionalnym na etapie jego wprowadzania na rynek okazały się telewizja i Internet oraz najbliżsi krewni i znajomi, natomiast najpowszechniejszym miejscem nabywania produktów regionalnych, których zakup u co drugiego ankietowanego deklarowano co najmniej raz w miesiącu, były festyny i kiermasze kulinarne. Stwierdzono również, że dochody konsumentów nie były decydującym czynnikiem przy zakupie produktów regionalnych. Pomimo stabilności finansowej osoby, które można określić jak na polskie warunki mianem „bogatych” konsumentów, dokonywały zakupu produktów regionalnych relatywnie rzadko