18 research outputs found

    Unravelling the scientific debate on how to address wolf-dog hybridization in Europe

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    Anthropogenic hybridization is widely perceived as a threat to the conservation of biodiversity. Nevertheless, to date, relevant policy and management interventions are unresolved and highly convoluted. While this is due to the inherent complexity of the issue, we hereby hypothesize that a lack of agreement concerning management goals and approaches, within the scientific community, may explain the lack of social awareness on this phenomenon, and the absence of effective pressure on decision-makers. By focusing on wolf x dog hybridization in Europe, we hereby (a) assess the state of the art of issues on wolf x dog hybridization within the scientific community, (b) assess the conceptual bases for different viewpoints, and (c) provide a conceptual framework aiming at reducing the disagreements. We adopted the Delphi technique, involving a three-round iterative survey addressed to a selected sample of experts who published at Web of Science listed journals, in the last 10 years on wolf x dog hybridization and related topics. Consensus was reached that admixed individuals should always be defined according to their genetic profile, and that a reference threshold for admixture (i.e., q-value in assignment tests) should be formally adopted for their identification. To mitigate hybridization, experts agreed on adopting preventive, proactive and, when concerning small and recovering wolf populations, reactive interventions. Overall, experts' consensus waned as the issues addressed became increasingly practical, including the adoption of lethal removal. We suggest three non-mutually exclusive explanations for this trend: (i) value-laden viewpoints increasingly emerge when addressing practical issues, and are particularly diverging between experts with different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., ecologists, geneticists); (ii) some experts prefer avoiding the risk of potentially giving carte blanche to wolf opponents to (illegally) remove wolves, based on the wolf x dog hybridization issue; (iii) room for subjective interpretation and opinions result from the paucity of data on the effectiveness of different management interventions. These results have management implications and reveal gaps in the knowledge on a wide spectrum of issues related not only to the management of anthropogenic hybridization, but also to the role of ethical values and real-world management concerns in the scientific debate

    Genetic variability of the grey wolf Canis lupus in the Caucasus in comparison with Europe and the Middle East: distinct or intermediary population?

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    Despite continuous historical distribution of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) throughout Eurasia, the species displays considerable morphological differentiation that resulted in delimitation of a number of subspecies. However, these morphological discontinuities are not always consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. Here we assess genetic distinctiveness of grey wolves from the Caucasus (a region at the border between Europe and West Asia) that have been classified as a distinct subspecies C. l. cubanensis. We analysed their genetic variability based on mtDNA control region, microsatellite loci and genome-wide SNP genotypes (obtained for a subset of the samples), and found similar or higher levels of genetic diversity at all these types of loci as compared with other Eurasian populations. Although we found no evidence for a recent genetic bottleneck, genome-wide linkage disequilibrium patterns suggest a long-term demographic decline in the Caucasian population – a trend consistent with other Eurasian populations. Caucasian wolves share mtDNA haplotypes with both Eastern European and West Asian wolves, suggesting past or ongoing gene flow. Microsatellite data also suggest gene flow between the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. We found evidence for moderate admixture between the Caucasian wolves and domestic dogs, at a level comparable with other Eurasian populations. Taken together, our results show that Caucasian wolves are not genetically isolated from other Eurasian populations, share with them the same demographic trends, and are affected by similar conservation problems

    Human REXO2 controls short mitochondrial RNAs generated by mtRNA processing and decay machinery to prevent accumulation of double-stranded RNA

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    RNA decay is a key element of mitochondrial RNA metabolism. To date, the only well-documented machinery that plays a role in mtRNA decay in humans is the complex of polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) and SUV3 helicase, forming the degradosome. REXO2, a homolog of prokaryotic oligoribonucleases present in humans both in mitochondria and the cytoplasm, was earlier shown to be crucial for maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis, but its function in mitochondria has not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we created a cellular model that enables the clear dissection of mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial functions of human REXO2. We identified a novel mitochondrial short RNA, referred to as ncH2, that massively accumulated upon REXO2 silencing. ncH2 degradation occurred independently of the mitochondrial degradosome, strongly supporting the hypothesis that ncH2 is a primary substrate of REXO2. We also investigated the global impact of REXO2 depletion on mtRNA, revealing the importance of the protein for maintaining low steady-state levels of mitochondrial antisense transcripts and double-stranded RNA. Our detailed biochemical and structural studies provide evidence of sequence specificity of the REXO2 oligoribonuclease. We postulate that REXO2 plays dual roles in human mitochondria, ‘scavenging’ nanoRNAs that are produced by the degradosome and clearing short RNAs that are generated by RNA processing

    H-2 haplotypes, genes and antigens: Second listing

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