18 research outputs found

    The Mechanism of Calcium Action on Flower Induction in Pharbitis nil

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    Calcium ions, calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin, as well as caffeine, stimulated the flowering of Pharbitis nil when applied just before and 2 h after starting a subinductive, 14-h long dark period. Effectiveness of all the mentioned compounds decreased over successive hours and when used from 6 h after the onset of the dark period they had no effect or inhibited flowering. Intracellular calcium modulators, ryanodine and thapsigargicin, which are active in animal cells had no effect on flowering. These results suggest that an increase in free Ca2 + before and during the first 2 h of the dark period increases the flowering responses, whereas after the 6th hour it decreases it. We postulate that the targets for calcium action are stomata, which are open before the dark period and remain closed during the first 4 - 5 h of the dark period. The significance of stomata in flower induction was confirmed in experiments with abscisic acid (ABA), a plant hormone which regulates stomatal movements. Treating the cotyledons of plants with ABA at the 8th and 10th hour of the dark period, resulted in plants with about 50 % less flower buds than the control, however, this phytohormone had no effect on flowering when used before the subinductive dark period

    Trial Proteomic Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Protein Matrix of Submandibular Sialoliths

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    Our studies aimed to explore the protein components of the matrix of human submandibular gland sialoliths. A qualitative analysis was carried out based on the filter aided sample preparation (FASP) methodology. In the protein extraction process, we evaluated the applicability of the standard demineralization step and the use of a lysis buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dithiothreitol (DTT). The analysis of fragmentation spectra based on the human database allowed for the identification of 254 human proteins present in the deposits. In addition, the use of multi-round search in the PEAKS Studio program against the bacterial base allowed for the identification of 393 proteins of bacterial origin present in the extract obtained from sialolith, which so far has not been carried out for this biological material. Furthermore, we successfully applied the SWATH methodology, allowing for a relative quantitative analysis of human proteins present in deposits. The obtained results correlate with the classification of sialoliths proposed by Tretiakow. The performed functional analysis allowed for the first time the selection of proteins, the levels of which differ between the tested samples, which may suggest the role of these proteins in the calcification process in different types of sialoliths. These are preliminary studies, and drawing specific conclusions requires research on a larger group, but it provides us the basis for the continuation of the work that has already begun

    Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Proteome and Peptidome of Human Follicular Fluid Using Multiple Samples from Single Donor with LC–MS and SWATH Methodology

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    Human follicular fluid (hFF) is a natural environment of oocyte maturation, and some components of hFF could be used to judge oocyte capability for fertilization and further development. In our pilot small-scale study three samples from four donors (12 samples in total) were analyzed to determine which hFF proteins/peptides could be used to differentiate individual oocytes and which are patient-specific. Ultrafiltration was used to fractionate hFF to high-molecular-weight (HMW) proteome (>10 kDa) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) peptidome (<10 kDa) fractions. HMW and LMW compositions were analyzed using LC–MS in SWATH data acquisition and processing methodology. In total we were able to identify 158 proteins, from which 59 were never reported before as hFF components. 55 (45 not reported before) proteins were found by analyzing LMW fraction, 67 (14 not reported before) were found by analyzing HMW fraction, and 36 were identified in both fractions of hFF. We were able to perform quantitative analysis for 72 proteins from HMW fraction of hFF. We found that concentrations of 11 proteins varied substantially among hFF samples from single donors, and those proteins are promising targets to identify biomarkers useful in oocyte quality assessment

    Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Proteome and Peptidome of Human Follicular Fluid Using Multiple Samples from Single Donor with LC–MS and SWATH Methodology

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    Human follicular fluid (hFF) is a natural environment of oocyte maturation, and some components of hFF could be used to judge oocyte capability for fertilization and further development. In our pilot small-scale study three samples from four donors (12 samples in total) were analyzed to determine which hFF proteins/peptides could be used to differentiate individual oocytes and which are patient-specific. Ultrafiltration was used to fractionate hFF to high-molecular-weight (HMW) proteome (>10 kDa) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) peptidome (<10 kDa) fractions. HMW and LMW compositions were analyzed using LC–MS in SWATH data acquisition and processing methodology. In total we were able to identify 158 proteins, from which 59 were never reported before as hFF components. 55 (45 not reported before) proteins were found by analyzing LMW fraction, 67 (14 not reported before) were found by analyzing HMW fraction, and 36 were identified in both fractions of hFF. We were able to perform quantitative analysis for 72 proteins from HMW fraction of hFF. We found that concentrations of 11 proteins varied substantially among hFF samples from single donors, and those proteins are promising targets to identify biomarkers useful in oocyte quality assessment

    Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Proteome and Peptidome of Human Follicular Fluid Using Multiple Samples from Single Donor with LC–MS and SWATH Methodology

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    Human follicular fluid (hFF) is a natural environment of oocyte maturation, and some components of hFF could be used to judge oocyte capability for fertilization and further development. In our pilot small-scale study three samples from four donors (12 samples in total) were analyzed to determine which hFF proteins/peptides could be used to differentiate individual oocytes and which are patient-specific. Ultrafiltration was used to fractionate hFF to high-molecular-weight (HMW) proteome (>10 kDa) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) peptidome (<10 kDa) fractions. HMW and LMW compositions were analyzed using LC–MS in SWATH data acquisition and processing methodology. In total we were able to identify 158 proteins, from which 59 were never reported before as hFF components. 55 (45 not reported before) proteins were found by analyzing LMW fraction, 67 (14 not reported before) were found by analyzing HMW fraction, and 36 were identified in both fractions of hFF. We were able to perform quantitative analysis for 72 proteins from HMW fraction of hFF. We found that concentrations of 11 proteins varied substantially among hFF samples from single donors, and those proteins are promising targets to identify biomarkers useful in oocyte quality assessment