26 research outputs found

    Passing the NBCOT Examination: Preadmission, Academic, and Fieldwork Factors

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    All occupational therapy students are required to successfully complete the certification examination administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) before they can practice independently. The need to repeat the examination can result in stress, anxiety, and financial hardship. This paper explores the relationship of preadmission factors, academic and fieldwork performance, and demographic variables to successful first-time attempts on the certification examination for occupational therapists. Data were gathered from 144 student files in a Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program at a single university. Of the sample, 82% passed and 18% failed their first NBCOT test trial. Considered independently, preadmission recommendation letters and writing sample scores, graduate MOT program GPA, lack of MOT program difficulty, fieldwork self-reports, and gender predicted NBCOT certification examination outcomes. When considered together in logistic regression models predicting outcome, this combination of factors correctly predicted 86.2% of student outcomes (or 20% to 32% of the variance in certification examination success), with OT program GPA and preadmission recommendation scores predicting unique outcome variance. This information may be helpful to admissions committees as well as to occupational therapy faculty as they identify strategies and practices to facilitate first-time test taking success on the NBCOT certification examination

    Construct validity of the PROMIS® sexual function and satisfaction measures in patients with cancer

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    Background With data from a diverse sample of patients either in treatment for cancer or post-treatment for cancer, we examine inter-domain and cross-domain correlations among the core domains of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Sexual Function and Satisfaction measures (PROMIS® SexFS) and the corresponding domains from conceptually-similar measures of sexual function, the International Index of Erectile Function and the Female Sexual Function Index. Findings Men (N=389) and women (N=430) were recruited from a tumor registry, oncology clinics, and an internet panel. The PROMIS SexFS, International Index of Erectile Function, and Female Sexual Function Index were used to collect participants’ self-reported sexual function. The domains shared among the measures include desire/interest in sexual activity, lubrication and vaginal discomfort/pain (women), erectile function (men), orgasm, and satisfaction. We examined correlations among different domains within the same instrument (discriminant validity) and correlations among similar domains measured by different instruments (convergent validity). Correlations demonstrating discriminant validity ranged from 0.38 to 0.73 for men and 0.48 to 0.74 for women, while correlations demonstrating convergent validity ranged from 0.62 to 0.83 for men and 0.71 to 0.92 for women. As expected, correlations demonstrating convergent validity were higher than correlations demonstrating discriminant validity, with one exception (orgasm for men). Conclusions Construct validity was supported by convergent and discriminant validity in a diverse sample of patients with cancer. For patients with cancer who may or may not have sexual dysfunction, the PROMIS SexFS measures provide a comprehensive assessment of key domains of sexual function and satisfaction

    Sexual Satisfaction and the Importance of Sexual Health to Quality of Life Throughout the Life Course of U.S. Adults

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    Discussions about sexual health are uncommon in clinical encounters, despite the sexual dysfunction associated with many common health conditions. Understanding of the importance of sexual health and sexual satisfaction among US adults is limited

    Schemas, sexuality, and romantic attachment.

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    Are there bi-directional associations between depressive symptoms and C-reactive protein in mid-life women?

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    Cilj ovoga diplomskoga rada bila je analiza uporabe poljskih prijedloga do, od, w, z, na, nad, pod i usporedba s njihovim hrvatskim ekvivalenatima. U teorijskom dijelu na početku rada razmotrili smo definicije prijedloga, njihovu gramatičku i semantičku funkciju te podjelu. Nakon toga pristupili smo analizi. Kako bismo uspješno povezali prijedlog s padežom na mikrosintaktičkoj razini, trebali smo vidjeti koje je osnovno značenje određenoga prijedloga te u kojim se kontekstima primjenjuje. Držali smo se samo osnovnoga prostornoga značenja svakoga od navedenih prijedloga. Nakon utvrđivanja kada se koji prijedlog u svom prostornom značenju veže s kojim padežom, usporedili smo ga s njegovim hrvatskim ekvivalentom. Zaključili smo da svaki poljski prijedlog nosi jedno osnovno prostorno značenje koje je jednako značenju njegovoga hrvatskoga ekvivalenta. Ustanovili smo da postoje određene razlike u uporabi analiziranih prijedloga, čemu treba posvetiti pozornost, napose u učenju poljskoga jezika.Celem niniejszej pracy magisterskiej była analiza stosowania przyimków polskich do, od, w, z, na, nad, pod oraz porównanie jej ze stosowaniem ich ekwiwalentów chorwackich. W części teoretycznej na początku pracy rozważyliśmy definicje przyimków, ich funkcje gramatyczne i semantyczne oraz podział. Następnie przeprowadziliśmy analizę. Aby pomyślnie połączyć przyimek z przypadkiem na poziomie mikrosyntaktycznym, musieliśmy zobaczyć, jakie jest podstawowe znaczenie określonego przyimka oraz w których kontekstach można go stosować. Trzymaliśmy się tylko podstawowego znaczenia przestrzennego każdego z wymienionych przyimków. Gdy ustaliliśmy, kiedy konkretny przyimek łączy się w swoim przestrzennym znaczeniu z którym przypadkiem, porównywaliśmy go z jego chorwackim odpowiednikiem. Doszliśmy do wniosku, że każdy polski przyimek ma jedno podstawowe znaczenie przestrzenne, które jest takie samo jak znaczenie jego chorwackiego odpowiednika. Stwierdziliśmy również, że istnieją pewne różnice w stosowaniu przyimków. Jest to kwestia, na którą należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę podczas nauczania języka