1,289 research outputs found

    What BP target is appropriate for pregnant patients with mild chronic hypertension?

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    Treat mild chronic hypertension during pregnancy to a target of [greater than] 140/90 mm Hg to reduce the risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes.Cynthia Lombardo, MD, IBCLC; Laura Morris, MD, MSPH, FAAFP, (University of Missouri, Columbia)Includes bibliographical reference

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 3, 1963

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    Ground broken for new dining hall; Alumni award to Dr. John Clawson • Class of 1963 receives diplomas here today • Class challenged by Rev. Reynolds in Baccalaureate • Annual awards presented today • Ursinus receives Mobil Oil aid through FIC • Summer school to open June 10 • Esperanto book presented to Library • UC receives gift of $10,000 to endow scholarship • Boys Ranch sends thanks • Editorial: On graduation • American Chem. Society honors Calvin Moyer \u2763 • Howard\u27s End reviewed • Bolivia and the United States • One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich • Four students to spend junior year abroad • Chemistry, physics, mathematics integrated in new pilot project • Two graduates receive USAF commissions • Senior show delights students • Ursinus College to be beneficiary in Clamer estate • Girls\u27 teams win in Spring season • Final tribute to the athletic era of 1963 • Sieb satisfied in \u2763 but What happened to our hitting?https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1298/thumbnail.jp

    Marie, paradigme de foi de la Nouvelle Alliance. Une analyse narrative de Lc 1,5-2,52

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    Marie, le paradigme de foi de la Nouvelle Alliance Luc exprime sa théologie à travers la narration, rendant l'analyse de ses techniques narratives fort utile pour découvrir les thèmes de son œuvre ainsi que les relations entre eux. L'analyse narrative est particulièrement fructueuse dans les deux premiers chapitres du troisième évangile, sept épisodes entrelacés de matériel exclusif à l'auteur, connu comme le « prologue de l'enfance ». Racontant les naissances parallèles de Jean et de Jésus, ce prologue relie les deux Testaments, montrant que ces naissances miraculeuses sont le début de l'accomplissement des promesses anciennes. Celles-ci annonçaient les ministères de Jean et de Jésus dans lesquels les promesses s'accompliraient pleinement. Ces récits sont structurés par un cadre de promesses et d'accomplissements auquel les acteurs humains répondent selon divers degrés de foi et d'interprétation juste. Non seulement le prologue met-il en valeur l'action divine, la gloire et l'humilité paradoxale de l'incarnation, mais on y retrouve aussi l'axe de la réponse humaine. En effet, tout comme la réponse de foi d'Abraham à la promesse divine fait de lui le père de la première Alliance, la réponse de foi de Marie à une promesse sans précédent et encore plus impossible fait d'elle le modèle de croyant de la Nouvelle Alliance. Dans la seconde phase du prologue, Marie demeure modèle par son choix de méditer. À travers plusieurs techniques narratives, l'évangéliste invite le lecteur à s'identifier à ce personnage humble et empathique. Entourée d'une constellation d'anciens vénérables, dignes représentants du meilleur de l'Ancienne Alliance (Zacharie, Élizabeth, Siméon et Anne) la jeune Marie brille comme le paradigme du croyant de la Nouvelle Alliance qui reconnaît la grâce de Dieu, embrasse sa promesse et médite longtemps sur tout ce qui la bouleverse et l'émerveille de l'action divine, la repassant et la conservant dans son cœur.Mary, the paradigm of the New Testament believer Luke expresses his theology through narration, making close attention to his narrative techniques essential to discover both his major themes and the relations between them. Narrative criticism is particularly useful in the first two chapters of the third gospel, seven interwoven episodes of material exclusive to this gospel, known as Luke's "infancy prologue". Recounting the parallel births of John and Jesus, the prologue looks both back to the Old Covenant hopes and forward to the ministries of John and Jesus to show that these births are answers to the ancient promises. The stories of John and Jesus are structured around a framework of promise and fulfillment to which human actors respond with varying degrees of faith and correct interpretation. In addition to showcasing divine visitation, and the paradoxical glory and humility of the incarnation, the prologue develops the axis of the human response. Just as Abraham's response of faith to the divine promise makes him the father of the covenant people, so Mary's response of faith to an even more impossible and unprecedented promise makes her the first of the new covenant people. Mary's faith shines brightly after Zachariah's doubt; it is praised by spirit-filled prophecy, expressed in song. In the second phase of the prologue, through several narrative techniques, the narrator invites identification with this humble and empathetic character, especially in her choice to ruminate what she cannot fathom. Surrounded by a constellation of venerable elders, representatives of the best of the Old Covenant--Zechariah, Elisabeth, Simeon and Anne--young Mary shines as the believer of the New Covenant who recognizes the undeserved favour of God, embraces his promise and chooses to treasure all that amazes and overwhelms her of divine action in her life

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 15, 1960

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    Dr. John H. Powell to address Forum Tuesday • Band concert features varied musical program • Miss Engarth subs for Dr. Wilcox • YM-YW announces new programs; C. Herbert talks • French Club to hear speaker on impressionism • Dept. of Highways wants cars parked off Rt. 422 • Y art seminar to be held on Friday evenings • Color Day Thurs.; Mrs. Pancoast to address women • WSGA organizes May Day plans • Cossack dancers appear in Norristown on Feb. 23 • Dr. Stein awarded national science research grant • PSEA committee plans for first UC college day • Members of U of P\u27s dental school to speak • King and new Whitians announced at the Lorelei • Sale of Dr. Rice\u27s Swedish text big; New ed. needed • Ruby payments due; Advertisements requested • Helmut H. Behling given scholarship • Newman Club • Radio station notice • Editorial: Highbrows • Congratulations, Dr. Stein • Letters to the editor • Coin: A one-act play • Elizabethtown defeats Ursinus grapplers 24-11 • Hopkins holds off Ursinus rally • Bearettes open season with win • Swimming team to open season with Bryn Mawr • Bears score 74-72 in victory over Haverford • Periodicals • Book review: The Saracen\u27s head • Scholarship is given to UC by R.A. Ritter • Ursinus Circle to meet • Attend Bonspiel at Quebechttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1355/thumbnail.jp

    Mobile Devices for Early Literacy Intervention and Research with Global Reach

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    Extensive work focuses on the uses of technology at scale for post-literate populations (e.g., MOOC, Learning Games, LMS’s). Little attention is afforded to non-literate populations, particularly in the developing world. This paper presents an approach using mobile devices with the ultimate goal to reach 770 million people. We developed a novel platform with a cloud backend to deliver educational content to over a thousand marginalized children in different countries:specifically, in remote villages without schools, urban slums with overcrowded schools, and at-risk, rural schools. Here we describe the theoretical basis of our system and results from case studies in three educational contexts. This model will help researchers and designers understand how mobile devices can help children acquire basic skills and aid each other’s learning when the benefit of teachers is limited or non-existent.Italian Development CouncilMRP FoundationRoanoke County School

    Diseño de un sistema de seguridad electrónica con monitoreo centralizado para protección de una instalación minera

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    La Seguridad Electrónica es una alternativa eficiente para la reducción de pérdidas de bienes en el ámbito empresarial. Actualmente, la Seguridad Electrónica ha ido potenciando su utilidad, convirtiéndose en uno de los elementos básicos de Vigilancia. En las instalaciones industriales, la Seguridad Electrónica consiste de un sistema integrado compuesto de subsistemas de circuito cerrado de televisión, control de alarmas, control de acceso y protección contra incendios, los cuales, además de producir un efecto disuasivo, ayudan a los administradores a vigilar de manera local y/o desde una central de monitoreo el acceso de personas no autorizadas a zonas restringidas. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo el diseño de un sistema de seguridad electrónica para protección de una instalación minera, el cual contará con un centro de control integrado para la administración, control y monitoreo de circuito cerrado de televisión y alarmas. En la presente tesis se describen los conceptos básicos de los sistemas de seguridad electrónica. El desarrollo del sistema de seguridad propuesto incluye tres fases. En la primera fase, se realiza el diseño y arquitectura del sistema. En la segunda fase se presenta la planificación y gestión del proyecto. Finalmente en la tercera etapa se realiza un análisis comparativo que permite comprobar la eficiencia (en empresas a fin de constatar el costo-beneficio a corto plazo) del Sistema de Seguridad Electrónica propuesto frente a personal de Vigilancia.Tesi

    Universal Data System to Increase Staff Buy-In

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    Although PBIS has been implemented in many schools across the state, there is still a concern of making the system universal to help increase staff buy-in. Therefore, it is crucial that schools include the entire staff with the behavior expectations for all students in the school. It is also important for students to be rewarded for putting forth their best effort. Research shows that there are several products that can be purchased to allow a school to collect the data, reward points or implement incentives. However, there are cost efficient ways of implementing a school-wide data system. One strategy is to utilize the Google Suite for educators. Applications such as Forms and Sheets can be linked to provide instant access to data in real time for students and staff. Data presentations via Slides allow school teachers and administrators to analyze data to better serve their students. Teacher driven data collection also supports PBIS Tier I, Tier II and Tier III processes when implemented with fidelity. In our proposal presentation, we will discuss the importance of having a universal data system to evaluate the efficacy of PBIS practices. We will address how Google forms, Sheets, and Slides can be utilized to create a school-wide data system and can foster buy-in from staff, which can benefit the entire climate and culture of the school

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 29, 1960

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    Frosh women choose reps to WSGA, WAA, Y • Campus Chest on from March 7-18 • Ahmad Jamal Trio to give concert • Mass meeting for May Day • Westminster Choir sings; Lenten services planned • Pre-med society hears Penn dental profs talk • Silver contest opens; Cindy Benner student rep. • Hunsicker reads seminar paper to hist. society • Dr. Wagner to speak on evolution at Chi Alpha • Pettit and Staiger read papers at chem meeting • B. Brecht is May queen; Court chosen for May 7 • Nusbaum play to be given April 12 • Editorial: The whole man • Of helpful and harmful materialism • Exhortation • Letters to the editor • Grapplers defeat PMC but suffer three losses • Girls defeat Gettysburg by a 60-45 score • Dean Whatley appointed head football coach • Ursinus Bears victorious over Indians; Score 81-52 • Leisure • Intramural season finishing close • Twelve days to destiny • One answer • WAA shuffle features skits, plays, dancinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1356/thumbnail.jp
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