1,494 research outputs found

    Ransomware - Kidnapping personal data for ransom and the information as hostage

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    The mankind faces a new overview to legally handle with the hyper-connected society, in which personal data and privacy are closely related. This globalization affected directly the criminality, both in its extension and in its structure and occurrence, entailing the occurrence of new criminal conduct, such as the ransomware. The problem is that, the few existent legislations do not successfully encompass the kidnap of personal data for ransom. In this regard, this paper proposes an analysis on the vulnerability of personal data in the New Information Technologies and the Communication, the scope is to analyze the conduct and propose new solutions, aiming to bring more legal certainty to this issue. This new criminological reality deserves reflection, therefore, the present paper will adopt the comparative-deductive method to examine what the existent doctrine and jurisprudence state, in order to assess the necessity (or not) of the creation of a specific criminal legislation for privacy and personal data security of the Internet’s user. The main result found is the necessity of the creation of an autonomous field of Criminal Cyber Law to handle with the offensive conducts against information and the legislative evolution demanded to offer specific solutions to RANSOMWARE, which is a new conduct, extremely different from the extortion and kidnapping that society is used to, typical in this new reality where the Information Society lives.The mankind faces a new overview to legally handle with the hyper-connected society, in which personal data and privacy are closely related. This globalization affected directly the criminality, both in its extension and in its structure and occurrence, entailing the occurrence of new criminal conduct, such as the ransomware. The problem is that, the few existent legislations do not successfully encompass the kidnap of personal data for ransom. In this regard, this paper proposes an analysis on the vulnerability of personal data in the New Information Technologies and the Communication, the scope is to analyze the conduct and propose new solutions, aiming to bring more legal certainty to this issue. This new criminological reality deserves reflection, therefore, the present paper will adopt the comparative-deductive method to examine what the existent doctrine and jurisprudence state, in order to assess the necessity (or not) of the creation of a specific criminal legislation for privacy and personal data security of the Internet's user. The main result found is the necessity of the creation of an autonomous field of Criminal Cyber Law to handle with the offensive conducts against information and the legislative evolution demanded to offer specific solutions to RANSOMWARE, which is a new conduct, extremely different from the extortion and kidnapping that society is used to, typical in this new reality where the Information Society lives


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    A piscicultura pode ser uma alavanca de desenvolvimento social e econômico, possibilitando o aproveitamento efetivo dos recursos naturais locais, principalmente os hídricos e a criação de postos de trabalhos assalariados. Entretanto, existem inúmeras variáveis que condicionam ou afetam o sucesso de um empreendimento rural. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar os fatores organizacionais e institucionais capazes de afetar o desenvolvimento da piscicultura no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Para tanto, buscou-se investigar como as instituições que compõem os ambientes organizacional e institucional afetam diretamente e influenciam no crescimento ou direcionamento da cadeia no Estado. Para realização deste trabalho utilizou-se como técnica de coleta de dados, a análise documental, considerando informações coletadas diretamente em instituições ligadas a piscicultura como importante fornecedor de dados, além de outras instituições públicas. Pode se concluir que a cadeia da piscicultura no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul apresenta uma forma organizada, com grandes possibilidades de crescimento e ampliação, entretanto, existe a necessidade de profissionalização e investimentos de seus agentes.---------------------------------------------The pisciculture can be a gear lever of social and economical development, making possible the effective utilization of the local natural resources, principaly the hídricos and the creation of positions of salaried works. However, countless variables that condition exist or they affect the success of a rural enterprise. In that sense, the present study has as objective demonstrates the organizational and institutional factors capable to affect the development of the fish farming in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. For so much, it was looked for to investigate as the institutions that compose the organizational and institutional atmospheres affect directly and they influence in the growth or direcionamento of the chain in the State. For accomplishment of this work it was used as technique of collection of data, the documental analysis, considering information collected directly in tied institutions the pisciculture as important supplier of data, moreover other public institutions. It can be concluded that the chain of the pisciculture in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul introduces an organized form, with great growth possibilities and enlargement, however, it exists the professionalization need and their agents' investments.Piscicultura, ambiente institucional, ambiente organizacional, pisciculture, institutional environment, organizational environment, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Revistas de culinária de supermercados portugueses: discursos contraditórios para as mães

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    Há muitos fatores e variadas vozes que contribuem para a escolha de um comensal. Os apelos partem de diferentes instâncias, como: da saúde pública, das agências governamentais, das escolas, das indústrias e dos distribuidores de alimentos, assim como da comunidade mais próxima, por exemplo, ou dos meios de comunicação, que veiculam mensagens, as quais circulam pelos diferentes suportes comunicacionais e ditam as vozes de diferentes agentes especializados. Com o propósito de desvendar uma parte desse relevante setor, propomos neste trabalho tratar de duas revistas impressas, que fazem parte das estratégias de marketing das duas maiores redes de distribuição de alimentos em Portugal, a Sonae e a Jerónimo Martins. Respectivamente, ambas controlam as redes dos supermercados Continente e Pingo Doce, e veiculam, há mais de uma década, as revistas Continente Magazine e Sabe Bem, que são comercializadas nos próprios ambientes dos supermercados. As narrativas desses dois veículos comunicacionais são aqui analisadas tendo como foco as mensagens relacionadas com o consumo alimentar vinculado às crianças. Foi relevante perceber que as mulheres apresentam-se como o público alvo dessas revistas e o apoio da antropologia do consumo foi necessário para conferir as mensagens a elas destinadas. A partir dos quadros de referência das representações sociais no exercício da escolha alimentar das mães coube desenvolver uma análise apoiada nas teorias do media framing (ou enquadramento midiático) e das representações sociais, que nos ampararam para entender esse contexto narrativo

    Culinary Capital: the circle of food in the mass media

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    Culinary capital, a concept based on Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital, describes the social network involving food in its material or symbolic condition. Focusing on American culture, the authors expound upon the discourses surrounding the increase in culinary capital, which summons people to citizenship via the rules they preach about good health. The discussion is underpinned by various communication media through which culinary capital is broadcast, such as television programs, social networks, websites, events, social groups, and companies

    A Difusão da Gastronomia Luso-Brasileira na Cidade de Santos

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    This article discusses the supplement and the blog Boa mesa, from the communication group A Tribuna, from the city of Santos, SP, Brazil. This city has the largest port in Latin America, from where it entered, from the nineteenth century, most of the immigrants. Among them the Portuguese, who remained in the region itself, whom formed a prominent Luso-Brazilian community and distinguished themselves in the alimentation field. It is aimed to examine here, which discourses that have widespread Boa Mesa to promote Luso-Brazilian gastronomic proposals inserted in this region. Therefore, we analyzed the discourses employed by these medium, as well as witnessed the role they take on the phenomenon of the gastronomic boom in Brazil, in addition to the gastronomic proposals that may be considered as the Lusa source. In addition to the blog, were selected as 52 copies of the notebook, both carried between March 2012 and February 2013. The article was accused based on the discourse analysis taken from Prado (2008 and 2011), and to discuss the relationship Luso- Brazilian gastronomic the research was based on Cascudo (2004) and Freyre (1997).Este artigo aborda o suplemento e o blog Boa Mesa, do grupo de comunicação A Tribuna, da cidade de Santos-SP, Brasil. Este município possui o maior porto da América Latina, por onde entraram, a partir do século XIX, grande parte dos imigrantes. Dentre eles os portugueses, que se mantiveram na própria região, onde formaram uma proeminente comunidade luso-brasileira e distinguiram-se no ramo de alimentação. Busca-se examinar aqui quais os discursos que o Boa Mesa tem difundido para promover as propostas gastronômicas luso-brasileiras inseridas nessa região. Para tanto, analisou-se os discursos empregados por esses meios de comunicação, assim como se verificou o papel que eles ocupam diante do fenômeno do boom da gastronomia no Brasil, além das propostas gastronômicas que podem ser consideradas como de origem lusa. Além do blog, foram selecionados como corpus 52 exemplares do caderno, ambos veiculados entre março de 2012 e fevereiro de 2013. O artigo foi arguido com base na análise do discurso, tomada a partir de Prado (2008 e 2011), e para discorrer sobre a relação gastronômica luso-brasileira a pesquisa foi fundamentada em Cascudo (2004) e Freyre (1997)

    A utilização de ferramentas de ensino à distância para motivar alunos nativos digitais, no ensino presencial: The use of distance learning tools to motivate digital native students in face-to-face teaching

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    Esse estudo propõe uma mudança de paradigmas na metodologia de ensino e nas práticas docentes da educação presencial, através da utilização de ferramentas de ensino à distância, considerando as características do público que hoje se apresenta ao ensino superior, pois as formas como as chamadas Gerações digitais interagem com as tecnologias, cada uma a seu tempo, não podem mais ser desprezadas. Com a utilização da tecnologia que pode ser executada tanto nos computadores como em dispositivos de uso diário dos alunos, eles podem ser incentivados a dedicar mais horas ao estudo resultando em melhor rendimento

    Segtor: Rapid Annotation of Genomic Coordinates and Single Nucleotide Variations Using Segment Trees

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    Various research projects often involve determining the relative position of genomic coordinates, intervals, single nucleotide variations (SNVs), insertions, deletions and translocations with respect to genes and their potential impact on protein translation. Due to the tremendous increase in throughput brought by the use of next-generation sequencing, investigators are routinely faced with the need to annotate very large datasets. We present Segtor, a tool to annotate large sets of genomic coordinates, intervals, SNVs, indels and translocations. Our tool uses segment trees built using the start and end coordinates of the genomic features the user wishes to use instead of storing them in a database management system. The software also produces annotation statistics to allow users to visualize how many coordinates were found within various portions of genes. Our system currently can be made to work with any species available on the UCSC Genome Browser. Segtor is a suitable tool for groups, especially those with limited access to programmers or with interest to analyze large amounts of individual genomes, who wish to determine the relative position of very large sets of mapped reads and subsequently annotate observed mutations between the reads and the reference. Segtor (http://lbbc.inca.gov.br/segtor/) is an open-source tool that can be freely downloaded for non-profit use. We also provide a web interface for testing purposes