57 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the grain and protein yield of soybean. The testing was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the seeds of the NS Apolo variety. The aqueous extracts of the above-ground part of nettle, the above-ground part of nettle and comfrey, whole banana fruit, banana peel, onion bulbs leaves, the top parts of willow twigs and the top parts of soybean plants were foliarly applied. In addition to the untreated control variant, the experiment also included a distilled water control. Control with distilled water was to show whether the effect of aqueous plant extracts was due to plant material or just water. The results of the experiment showed that the use of aqueous extracts contributed to the increase in grain and protein yield. The increase in grain yield ranged from 9.48% to 15.34%, and the increase in protein yield from 9.31% to 16.16%. The best effect was achieved by applying the aqueous extract of the whole banana fruit and the aqueous extract of the mix of nettle and comfrey. By applying them each year, a significantly higher yield was achieved in relation to the control with distilled water

    The critical analysis of the reception of Johann Georg Hamann's oeuvre in recent Anglo-Saxon critique ; Критический анализ рецепции литературного творчества Иоганна Георга Гамана в недавней англосаксонской критике

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    Предмет овог рада је критичка анализа пет одабраних англосаксонских научних монографија о Јохану Георгу Хаману, осамнаестовековном немачком писцу. Реч је о научним огледима аутора Џејмса О’Флахертија, Исаије Берлина, Гвен Грифит-Диксон, Роберта Алана Спарлинга и Џона Беца. Монографије ових аутора, које су објављиване од друге половине 20. па све до 21. века, представљају монументалну обнову англосаксонског интересовања за Хамана, будући да су управо оне дале огроман допринос тумачењу текстова овог немачког писца. Својим егзегетичким поступцима и обиљем превода његових радова и њихових делова – представиле су оне овог немачког писца глобалном академском аудиторијуму. Хаман је просветитељски мислилац који је писао фрагментарно и елиптично, користећи се притом многобројним стилским поступцима и цитатима како би сакрио смисао својих кратких текстова. Стога је савремени читалац принуђен да се претходно упозна са критикама Хамановог дела, како би стекао чврсту филолошку подлогу за разумевање веома захтевних списа овог немачког мислиоца. Управо ова чињеница, као и Хаманова готово потпуна анонимност унутар домаћих академских кругова, непосредан су повод за писање овог рада. Стога је прелиминарни циљ ове докторске дисертације приближавање Хамановог дела српској научној сцени. Крајњи циљ овог истраживања је критичка анализа полазних филолошких и филозофских ставова дотичних критичара и тумача Хамановог дела. Притом се ретким покушајима деконструкције ставова немачког писца супротстављала њихова објективна филолошка и историјска реконструкција на основу унутрашњег смисла његових текстова. Закључно добијеним резултатима истакнут је начин приступа Хамановој личности у новијој англосаксонској критици, односно методе њеног увида у Хаманов поглед на свет, човека, језик и поезију, те је, напокон, одређено њихово објективно важење и значај у оквирима науке о књижевности. Сходно свим наведеним исходима, требало би да читав рад послужи тачнијем упознавању Хамановог књижевнодуховног портрета.The subject of this research is the critical analysis of the five Anglo-Saxon scholarly monographs on the eighteenth century German writer, Johann Georg Hamann. The designation “recent Anglo-Saxon critique” includes some of the most influential monographs on this writer from the second half of the 20th century to the 21st century. These are the works of the critics James O’Flaherty, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Alan Sparling, Gwen Griffith-Dickson, and John Betz. They stimulated a major revival of Anglo-Saxon interest in Hamann, because of their significant contributions to interpreting the difficult writings of this German thinker. With their specific exegetical approaches and abundance of invaluable translations of Hamann’s texts and their fragments, these monographs properly introduce Hamann to a global academic audience. Hamann was an Enlightener who expressed himself in fragmentary and elliptical writing. He often utilized a plethora of literary stylistic expressions in order to conceal the meaning of his texts. Therefore, a contemporary reader is strongly encouraged to study exegetical commentaries on Hamann’s life and work before attempting to read his pamphlets. Otherwise, the reader will run into insurmountable difficulties while attempting to understand such difficult literary fragments. This fact, as well as the one that Hamann is virtually unknown in Serbian academic circles – are the underlying causes of this research. Thus, among the principal aims of this work is to present Hamann’s oeuvre to the Serbian academic community. Another primary purpose is the critical analysis of the Anglo-Saxon authors’ initial philological and philosophical conceptions of Hamann. Their rare attempts to deconstruct the meaning of Hamann’s writings were critically examined and reconstructed according to an objective, philological critical approach. The outcome of the analysis should portray the variety of methods that were used to interpret Hamann’s life and work as well as his understanding of world, man, language, and poetry in recent Anglo-Saxon criticism. Finally, the results were used to indicate Hamann’s objective significance and place in literary studies. According to projected goals and outcomes, this entire research contributes to a clear introduction to Hamannn’s literary and spiritual portrait

    The critical analysis of the reception of Johann Georg Hamann's oeuvre in recent Anglo-Saxon critique ; Критический анализ рецепции литературного творчества Иоганна Георга Гамана в недавней англосаксонской критике

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    Предмет овог рада је критичка анализа пет одабраних англосаксонских научних монографија о Јохану Георгу Хаману, осамнаестовековном немачком писцу. Реч је о научним огледима аутора Џејмса О’Флахертија, Исаије Берлина, Гвен Грифит-Диксон, Роберта Алана Спарлинга и Џона Беца. Монографије ових аутора, које су објављиване од друге половине 20. па све до 21. века, представљају монументалну обнову англосаксонског интересовања за Хамана, будући да су управо оне дале огроман допринос тумачењу текстова овог немачког писца. Својим егзегетичким поступцима и обиљем превода његових радова и њихових делова – представиле су оне овог немачког писца глобалном академском аудиторијуму. Хаман је просветитељски мислилац који је писао фрагментарно и елиптично, користећи се притом многобројним стилским поступцима и цитатима како би сакрио смисао својих кратких текстова. Стога је савремени читалац принуђен да се претходно упозна са критикама Хамановог дела, како би стекао чврсту филолошку подлогу за разумевање веома захтевних списа овог немачког мислиоца. Управо ова чињеница, као и Хаманова готово потпуна анонимност унутар домаћих академских кругова, непосредан су повод за писање овог рада. Стога је прелиминарни циљ ове докторске дисертације приближавање Хамановог дела српској научној сцени. Крајњи циљ овог истраживања је критичка анализа полазних филолошких и филозофских ставова дотичних критичара и тумача Хамановог дела. Притом се ретким покушајима деконструкције ставова немачког писца супротстављала њихова објективна филолошка и историјска реконструкција на основу унутрашњег смисла његових текстова. Закључно добијеним резултатима истакнут је начин приступа Хамановој личности у новијој англосаксонској критици, односно методе њеног увида у Хаманов поглед на свет, човека, језик и поезију, те је, напокон, одређено њихово објективно важење и значај у оквирима науке о књижевности. Сходно свим наведеним исходима, требало би да читав рад послужи тачнијем упознавању Хамановог књижевнодуховног портрета.The subject of this research is the critical analysis of the five Anglo-Saxon scholarly monographs on the eighteenth century German writer, Johann Georg Hamann. The designation “recent Anglo-Saxon critique” includes some of the most influential monographs on this writer from the second half of the 20th century to the 21st century. These are the works of the critics James O’Flaherty, Isaiah Berlin, Robert Alan Sparling, Gwen Griffith-Dickson, and John Betz. They stimulated a major revival of Anglo-Saxon interest in Hamann, because of their significant contributions to interpreting the difficult writings of this German thinker. With their specific exegetical approaches and abundance of invaluable translations of Hamann’s texts and their fragments, these monographs properly introduce Hamann to a global academic audience. Hamann was an Enlightener who expressed himself in fragmentary and elliptical writing. He often utilized a plethora of literary stylistic expressions in order to conceal the meaning of his texts. Therefore, a contemporary reader is strongly encouraged to study exegetical commentaries on Hamann’s life and work before attempting to read his pamphlets. Otherwise, the reader will run into insurmountable difficulties while attempting to understand such difficult literary fragments. This fact, as well as the one that Hamann is virtually unknown in Serbian academic circles – are the underlying causes of this research. Thus, among the principal aims of this work is to present Hamann’s oeuvre to the Serbian academic community. Another primary purpose is the critical analysis of the Anglo-Saxon authors’ initial philological and philosophical conceptions of Hamann. Their rare attempts to deconstruct the meaning of Hamann’s writings were critically examined and reconstructed according to an objective, philological critical approach. The outcome of the analysis should portray the variety of methods that were used to interpret Hamann’s life and work as well as his understanding of world, man, language, and poetry in recent Anglo-Saxon criticism. Finally, the results were used to indicate Hamann’s objective significance and place in literary studies. According to projected goals and outcomes, this entire research contributes to a clear introduction to Hamannn’s literary and spiritual portrait

    Uticaj primene vodenih ekstrakata različitih biljaka na prinos zrna i proteina u proizvodnji soje

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the grain and protein yield of soybean. The testing was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the seeds of the NS Apolo variety. The aqueous extracts of the above-ground part of nettle, the above-ground part of nettle and comfrey, whole banana fruit, banana peel, onion bulbs leaves, the top parts of willow twigs and the top parts of soybean plants were foliarly applied. In addition to the untreated control variant, the experiment also included a distilled water control. Control with distilled water was to show whether the effect of aqueous plant extracts was due to plant material or just water. The results of the experiment showed that the use of aqueous extracts contributed to the increase in grain and protein yield. The increase in grain yield ranged from 9.48% to 15.34%, and the increase in protein yield from 9.31% to 16.16%. The best effect was achieved by applying the aqueous extract of the whole banana fruit and the aqueous extract of the mix of nettle and comfrey. By applying them each year, a significantly higher yield was achieved in relation to the control with distilled water.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj vodenih biljnih ekstrakata na prinos zrna i proteina kod soje. Ispitivanje je obavljeno u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu na sorti NS Apolo. Za folijarnu primenu korišćeni su vodeni ekstrakti: nadzemnog dela koprive, nadzemnog dela koprive i gaveza, ceo plod banane, kora banane, listovi lukovice crnog luka, vršni delovi grančica vrbe i vršni delovi biljaka soje. Pored kontrolne varijante, eksperiment je uključivao i kontrolu – destilovanu vodu. Kontrola destilovanom vodom će pokazati da li je efekat vodenih biljnih ekstrakata posledica biljnog materijala ili vode. Rezultati analize su pokazali da je upotreba vodenih ekstrakata doprinela povećanju prinosa zrna i prinosa proteina. Povećanje prinosa kretalo se od 9,48% do 15,34%, a povećanje prinosa proteina od 9,31% do 16,16%. Najbolji efekat je postignut primenom vodenog ekstrakta celog ploda banane i vodenog ekstrakta koprive i gaveza. Njihovom primenom svake godine postignut je znatno veći prinos u odnosu na kontrolu vodom

    Differentiation of skull morphology and cranial kinesis in common toads

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    We examined the cranial morphology and cranial kinesis of the common toads Bufo bufo and B. spinosus with micro-computed tomography and geometric morphometrics and compared the results with published data for related species in a phylogenetic context. The species significantly diverge in skull shape. The skull of B. spinosus is shorter and higher, with a ventral arm of the squamosal bone and the jaw articulation point positioned perpendicular to the braincase, in comparison with a more lateral position in B. bufo. In either species, females have a shorter snout and a higher and wider skull at the jaw articulation point that is positioned more posteriorly, in comparison with conspecific males. High variation in the amount of bone ossification was recorded in both species, ranging from scarcely ossified and loosely connected bones to highly ossified and firmly connected bones. We also found that skull shape and inferred kinetic properties of the skull are highly variable across the Bufonini tribe. However, sample sizes are mostly small and intraspecific variation is high, which might compromise the analyses. Overall, the results suggest that developmental plasticity produces high variation in ossification and cranial kinesis, affecting individuals’ feeding performances. At the population level, this variation supports an efficient exploitation of the habitat and may promote morphological adaptation in a changing environmentAnimal science

    Quality system organization and quality tools

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    Pun efekat primene alata kvaliteta zahteva pravilan izbor i međusobnu koordinaciju alata kvaliteta, pa su stoga u radu najpre definisani relevantni alati kvaliteta. Na izbor i primenu alata kvaliteta utiče veliki broj faktora, organizacionog i tehničkog karaktera, pa su, u radu date osnovne postavke za projektovanje, odnosno organizaciono strukturiranje sistema kvaliteta, koje se oslanjaju na opšte principe projektovanja organizacije, a prema kojima je predložen model za projektovanja organizacione strukture sistema kvaliteta. Konačno, predložena je i klasifikacija alata kvaliteta prema primeni u radnim sistemima preduzeća koja se može smatrati i smernicama za njihovu primenu u praksi.Full effect of quality tools application needs it’s adequate choice and coordination, for that reason, in this paper, relevant quality tools are defined. Quality tools choice and application are influenced by many organizational and technical factors, then are given basic premises for quality system’s design, that are based on organization design’s principles and, according to them is proposed model for quality system’s structure design. Finally, there is proposed, among other, classification of quality tools deployment according to application in organization functions, that also presents a recommended way for application

    Riparijalne oblasti kao koridori invazije Xanthium strumarium u Srbiji

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    Xanthium strumarium L., also known as common cocklebur, is a potentially invasive weed species in Serbia. It is one of the most competitive weeds, strongly affecting the yield of some crops, such as maize, soybean, sunflower, sugar beet, etc. Since watercourses act as important transportation routes for the long-distance dispersal of weeds and the fruit of X. strumarium is easily dispersed by water, our aim was to analyse the degree of X. strumarium invasion in riparian areas of Serbia and examine the role of rivers and canals as its potential invasion corridors. The field research was carried out during the summer months of 2013,2014, and 2015, along the course of 35 rivers and five major canals of the Danube- Tisa-Danube Hydrosystem (HSDTD) in Serbia. Fieldwork was conducted along 100 m long transects of 500 m long river stretches (chosen following the RHS methodology), where the invasive alien weed species presence and abundance were recorded. Over the period of three years, the presence of X. strumarium was recorded along the course of 33 rivers (94.25%), while it was documented along 66.85% of the total number of river stretches. However, along the canals, it was recorded in only 12% of the localities. The data on the distribution ofX. strumarium expand the existing knowledge on the distribution of this economically harmful weed species in our country, while at the same time highlighting riparian areas of rivers as potentially important corridors of its spread.Xanthium strumarium L. u narodu poznat kao obična ili zelena boca, je potencijalno invazivna korovska vrsta na području Srbije. Jedna je od najkompetitivnijih korovskih vrsta, koja jako utiče na prinos nekih kultura, kao što su kukuruz, soja, suncokret, repa, itd. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da vodotokovi predstavljaju značajne transportne puteve za disperziju korovskih vrsta na veće razdaljine, naš cilj je bio da analiziramo stepen invazije X. strumarium u riparijalnim područjima Srbije i ispitamo kakva je uloga reka i kanala kao njegovih potencijalnih koridora invazije. Terenska istraživanja obavljena su u periodu letnjih meseci 2013, 2014. i 2015. godine, duž toka 35 reka i pet glavnih kanala hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav u Srbiji. Istraživanja su vršena na 100m dugim transektima u okviru 500 m dugih deonica rečnog toka (odabranih u skladu sa RHS metodologijom), gde su beleženi prisustvo i pokrovnost stranih invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Tokom trogodišnjeg perioda istraživanja, prisustvo X. strumarium zabeleženo je duž toka 33 reke (94,25%), a duž 66,85% od ukupnog broja rečnih deonica. Međutim, duž toka kanala, ova potencijalno invazivna vrsta registrovana je na samo 12% lokaliteta. Podaci o rasprostranjenju vrste X. strumarium proširuju postojeće znanje o rasprostranjenju ove ekonomski značajne korovske vrste u našoj zemlji, dok u isto vreme ističu riparijalne oblasti reka kao potencijalno značajne koridore njenog širenja

    Contingency factors influence on application of quality tools

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    U radu se kroz eksperimentalno istraživanje u preduzećima motorske industrije uticaj kontingentnih faktora na pouzdanost proizvoda kroz primenu kvaliteta.The subject of this paper is an experimental research done in motor industry enterprises that analysis influence of contingency factors on products reliability through application of quality tools

    Quality system organization and quality tools

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    Pun efekat primene alata kvaliteta zahteva pravilan izbor i međusobnu koordinaciju alata kvaliteta, pa su stoga u radu najpre definisani relevantni alati kvaliteta. Na izbor i primenu alata kvaliteta utiče veliki broj faktora, organizacionog i tehničkog karaktera, pa su, u radu date osnovne postavke za projektovanje, odnosno organizaciono strukturiranje sistema kvaliteta, koje se oslanjaju na opšte principe projektovanja organizacije, a prema kojima je predložen model za projektovanja organizacione strukture sistema kvaliteta. Konačno, predložena je i klasifikacija alata kvaliteta prema primeni u radnim sistemima preduzeća koja se može smatrati i smernicama za njihovu primenu u praksi.Full effect of quality tools application needs it’s adequate choice and coordination, for that reason, in this paper, relevant quality tools are defined. Quality tools choice and application are influenced by many organizational and technical factors, then are given basic premises for quality system’s design, that are based on organization design’s principles and, according to them is proposed model for quality system’s structure design. Finally, there is proposed, among other, classification of quality tools deployment according to application in organization functions, that also presents a recommended way for application

    Contingency factors influence on application of quality tools

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    U radu se kroz eksperimentalno istraživanje u preduzećima motorske industrije uticaj kontingentnih faktora na pouzdanost proizvoda kroz primenu kvaliteta.The subject of this paper is an experimental research done in motor industry enterprises that analysis influence of contingency factors on products reliability through application of quality tools