1,338 research outputs found

    WebGis Moçambique: organização das bases de dados espaciais para a plataforma GeoServer.

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    On the construction of model Hamiltonians for adiabatic quantum computation and its application to finding low energy conformations of lattice protein models

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    In this report, we explore the use of a quantum optimization algorithm for obtaining low energy conformations of protein models. We discuss mappings between protein models and optimization variables, which are in turn mapped to a system of coupled quantum bits. General strategies are given for constructing Hamiltonians to be used to solve optimization problems of physical/chemical/biological interest via quantum computation by adiabatic evolution. As an example, we implement the Hamiltonian corresponding to the Hydrophobic-Polar (HP) model for protein folding. Furthermore, we present an approach to reduce the resulting Hamiltonian to two-body terms gearing towards an experimental realization.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Recent and old groundwater in the Niebla-Posadas regional aquifer (southern Spain): Implications for its management

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    The Niebla-Posadas (NP) aquifer in southern Spain is one of the main groundwater sources for the lower Guadalquivir Valley, a semiarid region supporting an important population, agriculture and industry. To contribute to the understanding of this aquifer the assessment of sustainable use of groundwater, the residence time of groundwater in the NP aquifer has been estimated using 3H, 14C and 36Cl. Along the flow paths, recharged groundwater mixes with NaCl-type waters and undergoes calcite dissolution and is further modified by cation exchange (Ca Na). Consequently, the water loses most of its calcium and the residual d13CDIC in the groundwater is isotopically enriched. Further modifications take place along the flow path in deeper zones, where depleted d13CDIC values are overprinted due to SO42 and iron oxide reduction, triggered by the presence of organic matter. Dating with 3H, 14C and 36Cl has allowed the differentiation of several zones: recharge zone (30 ky). An apparent link between the tectonic structure and the groundwater residence time zonation can be established. Regional faults clearly separates deep zone 1 from the distinctly older age (>30 ky) deep zone 2. From the estimated residence times, two groundwater areas of different behavior can be differentiated within the aquifer

    Vertical variation in the amplitude of the seasonal isotopic content of rainfall as a tool to jointly estimate the groundwater recharge zone and transit times in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park aquifer system, north-eastern Spain

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    The time series of stable water isotope composition relative to meteorological stations and springs located in the high mountainous zone of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park are analyzed in order to study how the seasonal isotopic content of precipitation propagates through the hydrogeological system in terms of the aquifer recharge zone elevation and transit time. The amplitude of the seasonal isotopic composition of precipitation and the mean isotopic content in rainfall vary along a vertical transect, with altitudinal slopes for d18O of 0.9‰/km for seasonal amplitude and - 2.2‰/km for isotopic content. The main recharge zone elevation for the sampled springs is between 1950 and 2600 m·a.s.l. The water transit time for the sampled springs ranges from 1.1 to 4.5 yr, with an average value of 1.85 yr and a standard deviation of 0.8 yr. The hydrological system tends to behave as a mixing reservoir.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Caracterização preliminar de linhagens de arroz com tipos de grãos especiais.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar 36 linhagens de origens diversas e pertencentes a sete tipos distintos de grãos especiais visando caracterizá-las quanto ao número de dias até o florescimento, altura de plantas e produtividade, para de identificar as mais promissoras utilizá-las como genitores no programa de melhoramento da Embrapa

    Caracterização preliminar de linhagens de arroz com tipos de grãos especiais.

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    No Brasil os tipos de grãos de arroz mais consumidos são o arroz branco polido, o parboilizado e o integral, apesar da existência de tipos de grãos bem diferentes, os arrozes especiais. Estes tipos de arroz possuem valor comercial elevado, mas, sua produção é dificultada pelo baixo consumo interno

    Informações geoespaciais para a gestão dos recursos naturais do "Corredor de Maputo" - Moçambique.

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    The Technical Cooperation Project for Mozambique's Agricultural Innovation Platform (EmbrapaMozambique Project) was based on the edaphoclimatic similarities between Mozambique's savannas and the Brazilian Cerrado. This component of the EmbrapaMozambique Project aims at organizing the geospatial data obtained for the management of the natural resources and for the agricultural development of the "Maputo Corridor". The geographical information plans were obtained from different Mozambican and international organizations/institutions, and were separated into geospatial information groups: political-administrative limits, transport network, hydrographic network, soil use, soils, drainage, agroecological zones, agricultural aptitude, climate, hydrography and ecological zones. The process of generating and making the database available in the form of analogical maps supported the process of updating the Project's geospatial data obtained on the mission made to Mozambique in May 2012.Pages: 5971-597

    WebGIS Moçambique.

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    The demand for agricultural products has been increasing in all countries over the last decades. Together with the decrease in natural resources and the possible impacts to agriculture caused by climatic changes, this aspect has aroused concerns in terms of the development of new global agricultural frontiers. In this context, some regions in Africa have been drawing attention from the world due to their edaphoclimatic conditions, which are favorable for agricultural development. The vision of a modern and dynamic agriculture must be based on the capacity of applying appropriate knowledge and technologies to the environment, as well as to the country's economic and social situation. Thus, this article aims at presenting the methodology used by Embrapa for obtaining, organizing and publishing geographic information plans in the form of a WebGIS on Mozambique with the aim of facilitating the access of the institutions and technicians involved in the project, as well as providing the society of the countries involved with access to this data. Mozambique´s agricultural sector has great social and economic importance as provider of food, employment, and income, and as pillar for the occupation of the national territory, representing about 89% of the primary sector´s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).Pages: 5955-596

    SOMABRASIL: Sistema de Observação e Monitoramento da Agricultura no Brasil.

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    Produção e qualidade de sementes de Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero em razão da adubação nitrogenada e potássica.

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    A qualidade e vitalidade das sementes dependem, em parte, do vigor de seus ascendentes, motivo pelo qual as terras cultivadas com a finalidade de produção de sementes devem possuir boa fertilidade, além de receberem adubações equilibradas. O objetivo do trabalho foi de avaliar os efeitos da combinação de doses de N e K na adubação de cobertura da Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero sobre a produtividade e qualidade fisiológica de sementes. Este trabalho foi conduzido entre novembro de 2008 a abril de 2009, no sítio Santa Angélica, na cidade de Santo Anastácio, Oeste do estado de São Paulo. O material estudado foi Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero. A semeadura foi realizada em linha com espaçamento de 1 m, após um processo de preparo de solo convencional. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial 4x4, considerando quatro doses de nitrogênio (0, 50, 100, 200 kg ha-1) e quatro doses de potássio (0, 50, 100, 200 kg ha-1). A adubação nitrogenada e potássica influenciou a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero, onde houve o aumento da porcentagem de pureza física das sementes e produtividade de sementes por hectare, em função do aumento das doses de nitrogênio e potássio. A taxa de germinação aumentou em função do incremento das doses de nitrogênio, porém o mesmo não ocorreu com a suplementação de potássio, que não teve interferência significativa sobre este parâmetro