102 research outputs found

    First impressions about Adherus, a new dural sealant

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    PurposeThe aim of the study is to report our first impressions about Adherus, a novel dural sealant, used in neurosurgical endoscopic transnasal procedures.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed the cl..

    Populismo di sinistra e nazionalismo : il caso spagnolo

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    This article explores the relationship between nationalism and left-wing populism, looking at the political communication of Podemos in Spain. Podemos is a crucial case study for such an analysis, as it is one of the new left-populist actors who have emerged and successfully consolidated on the European political scene, and it has made extensive use of a patriotic communication despite its radical left political background. Through a qualitative discourse analysis on leaders’ speeches, integrated with primary data (elite and expert interviews and one unpublished internal party document), this article shows that Podemos leadership deliberately uses nationalism as part of its populist strategy and it does so in a counter-hegemonic way, trying to challenge the Right on its own ground. Unlike European right-wing populism, where the reference to the people usually serves to «normalize» ethnocultural nationalism, in Podemos, nationalism serves to discursively construct an alternative form of national identity, consistent with an inclusive and left-wing understanding of «the people»

    Trois fenêtres pour un panorama. Contributions des réflexions féministes, genrées et queer produites en Italie dans le cadre des disciplines spatiales à partir des années 1990

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    L’obiettivo del contributo, scritto in lingua francese, è indagare come gli approccio di genere e queer influenzino la riflessione sulla teoria e le pratiche dello spazio in Italia, mediante l’attività di diverse soggettività. Il background delle autrici proviene da dipartimenti di architettura italiani, dove si sviluppano sia studi urbani che pratiche di progettazione spaziale a diverse scale. Questo contesto è stato contaminato da temi che emergono nella nuvola dei movimenti femministi e transfemministi queer, contaminazioni che rimangono sconosciute e/o non inserite in un quadro di riferimento definito. La mancanza di riconoscimento è - crediamo - almeno in parte legata a una particolarità della sfera italiana: a differenza di altri Paesi, in Italia le istanze dei movimenti non hanno trovato una traduzione istituzionale nella formazione di quadri accademici, come i dipartimenti di genere o di studi queer. Questo discorso ha quindi trovato un posto per la costruzione di sé in contesti diversi e di varia natura, a volte anche in conflitto tra loro. Tale peculiarità, e il carattere trasversale che attribuiamo alla nostra disciplina, ci ha portato a mettere in discussione alcune delle diverse soggettività che giocano un ruolo nella costruzione del dibattito: 1. i gruppi storici del femminismo della differenza, presenza fondamentale caratterizzante del discorso italiano, come confronto persistente con l’ingombrante portata, ricca e costrittiva, del loro patrimonio teorico; 2. i mediatori e le mediatrici che, trasponendo un punto di vista femminista sulla pianificazione, operano in dialogo e negoziazione con le amministrazioni, soprattutto riguardo le questioni aperte dalla natura universalistica e mainstream dell’approccio istituzionale delle politiche urbano di genere; 3. i movimenti transfemministi queer, in opposizione alle soggettività fino ad ora proposte, le cui pratiche spaziali più recenti interessano per la natura sovversiva e creativa della loro radicalità. Il contributo individua il particolare interesse del caso italiano nell’intreccio tra le soggettività e le loro relazioni, che produce un discorso profondo e variegato, trasformando la mancanza di un quadro istituzionale in un fertile scenario produttivo.Cette contribution a pour objectif d’enquêter sur la façon dont une approche genrée et queer influence la réflexion sur la théorie et les pratiques de l’espace en Italie au moyen de l’activité de plusieurs subjectivités

    Seismic Strengthening of Existing RC Structure Through External 3D Exoskeleton

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    The seismic hazard in the southern regions of Europe is known as one of the most critical issues when considering the improvement of the existing buildings in terms of energy and structural behavior. The use of integrated plug-and-play systems can be a solution to the most common obstacles occurring during the different phases in the building practices: from the design to the realization. Within the framework of the European project Pro-GET-onE, a case of structural strengthening obtained by applying a steel exoskeleton connected to the reinforced concrete (RC) structures of an existing building has been presented. The modelling, the linear and non-linear analyses were conducted with finite element software. They have been implemented for the pilot case of Athens, and the results have been achieved in relation to different parameters such as PGA, shear exploitation and displacement in the plastic phase. This approach determines an increase in the global stiffness of the structural system with a consequent reduction in displacements. Depending on the actual plasticization of the RC frames, the resulting excursion in the plastic phase of the exoskeleton is proven to provide a dissipation of extra energy and a stiffness increase in the existing building

    Tonic-clonic seizures as a possible complication for cerebrospinal fluid leakage after intradural spinal surgery, a case report

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    Abstract Background Cerebrospinal fluid leakage is a well-known spinal surgery complication, especially in adults population. Pseudomeningocele is its most common manifestation and it can bring to some conditions, such as intracranial hypotension, infections and wound healing complication. Epilepsy is not classically associated to CSF leakage. We described a case of a female patient who developed tonic-clonic seizures associated with a pseudomeningocele after a detethering surgery. Case description A 16 year old female was admitted to our department for surgical treatment of a tethered cord for a sacral lipoma. Her medical history was remarkable mental retardation with psychiatric disturbs and hypothyroidism. She underwent a surgical intervention for the detethering of conus and dura was closed by a suture and fibrin glue. During third postoperative day she started to suffer a severe occipital headache, followed by tonic-clonic seizures. During suture removal, a collection suspected for a pseudomeningocele was found and chemical and radiological exams confirmed the dubious. Despite a continuous bed rest, collection continued to form. So, we decided to perform a surgical revision and to close dural defect. After intervention, patient did not suffer postural headache anymore and after 3 and 6 months she was found in good health. Conclusion We described the importance of significant morbidity, i.e. that of tonic clonic seizures as a sign of an occult CSF leakage after spinal surgery. Here, hydrocephalus as a condition was present, the change in pressure of CSF can determine seizures as well as promote this complication. A pseudomeningocele is not a trivial complication

    Binding properties of different categories of IDO1 inhibitors: a microscale thermophoresis study

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    Aim: Inhibition of IDO1 is a strategy pursued in the immune-oncology pipeline for the development of novel anticancer therapies. At odds with an ever-increasing number of inhibitors being disclosed in the literature and patent applications, only very few compounds have hitherto advanced in clinical settings. Materials & methods: We have used MicroScale Thermophoresis analysis and docking calculations to assess on a quantitative basis the binding properties of distinct categories of inhibitors to IDO1. Results: Results shed further light on hidden molecular aspects governing the recognition by the enzyme of compounds with different mechanism of inhibition. Conclusion: Results pinpoint specific binding features of distinct inhibitors to IDO1 that offer clues for the design of next-generation inhibitors of the enzyme

    Fragment-based approach to identify IDO1 inhibitor building blocks

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    Abstract Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) is attracting a great deal of interest as drug target in immune-oncology being highly expressed in cancer cells and participating to the tumor immune-editing process. Although several classes of IDO1 inhibitors have been reported in literature and patent applications, only few compounds have proved optimal pharmacological profile in preclinical studies to be advanced in clinical trials. Accordingly, the quest for novel structural classes of IDO1 inhibitors is still open. In this paper, we report a fragment-based screening campaign that combines Water-LOGSY NMR experiments and microscale thermophoresis approach to identify fragments that may be helpful for the development of novel IDO1 inhibitors as therapeutic agents in immune-oncology disorders

    "Lanificio Gruber" in Terni: an ancient artefact of the industrial archaeology, across time of abandon and the new incentives of sustainable regeneration

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    The "Lanificio Gruber", is an ancient woolmill located in Terni, an Italian industrial town, called "the little Manchester", for its deep involvement in the industrial economy, with a weapons factory, an important steel mill and other textile manufactures. The historical frame of the "Lanificio Gruber": its activity started in 1846, and end in 1939, that is very early compared to the life of the other factories, this is why the area has always be seen as a void inside the town, without any valorization, and completely left to a state of abandon. The paper will present an architectural project that concern a complex intervention degree: in fact, it comprehends an architectural scale, in considering the ancient buildings of the factory, but it can also be seen as a more extended project, which involves the green area around the buildings and its relation with the territory around, according to its particular position, between the city center and the industrial area, directly related to the Nera river, and - in an even more ample scale - in connection with the extremely beautiful landscape of the "Valnerina", with its famous "Marmore waterfall". The technical aspects of the buildings are been analyzed with the laser scanner technique for the metrical and topographical surveys; a multilevel approach has been used to combine the research data into three future scenarios of development: inhabitants participation, valorization of the historical aspects (as part of the "minor heritage"), potential connection with the surrounding landscape

    ¿Una nueva teoría sobre populismo? Analizando el argumento de Jan-Werner Müller

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    Müller, Jan-Werner. What Is Populism?. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, 123 págs