1,437 research outputs found

    Book review: Favela digital: the other side of technology by David Nemer

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    Leonardo Custódio finds that Favela Digital is a book to be celebrated for the way it reaches audiences in new and exciting ways. The book is an excellent example of how researchers, activists and local populations can build partnerships that benefit all those involved with new knowledge and ideas about ways of critically engaging with digital media on everyday life

    Tipos de midiativismo de favela

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    A participação cidadã e a ação coletiva através do uso de meios de comunicação não é um fenômeno novo, mas é mais atual do que nunca na esfera pública global e hiperconectada. Neste post, Leonardo Custódio discute sua pesquisa sobre a rica atividade produzida por ativistas de mídia com base nas favelas. Ele mostra como, através de mídias comunitárias, coletivos e redes de apoio mútuo e ação conjunta, os moradores das favelas têm sido capazes de assumir o controle dos canais e plataformas de comunicação para fazer ouvir suas próprias vozes e demandas

    Book review: black skin, white Masks by Frantz Fanon

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    In Black Skin, White Masks - first published in 1952 - Frantz Fanon offers a potent philosophical, clinical, literary and political analysis of the deep effects of racism and colonialism on the experiences, lives, minds and relationships of black people and people of colour. At the end of Black History Month in the UK, Leonardo Custódio reflects on the enduring relevance of Fanon’s classic work, here published in a new edition featuring an introduction by Paul Gilroy

    Book review: methodological practices in social movement research edited by Donatella della Porta

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    This collection aims to offer a practical, how-to approach to researching social movement studies, with each author writing on a method they have used extensively in their own work. Leonardo Custódio is impressed by the book’s invitation to researchers to reflect about different approaches to studying mass demonstrations, protests, and other forms of collective action for socioeconomic and political change

    Types of favela media activism

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    Citizen participation and collective action through the use of media are not new phenomena, but they are more topical than ever in the global, hyperconnected public sphere. In this post, Leonardo Custódio discusses his research on the rich media activity produced by favela-based activists. He shows how, through community media, media collectives and networks of mutual support and joint action, favela dwellers have been able to take control of communication channels and platforms to raise their own voices and demands

    Conexiones con el legado de Paulo Freire en la colaboración mediactivista antirracismo en Finlandia

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    In this article, we introduce the Finland-based initiative Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance (ARMA Alliance, 2018-2020). The article presents our ethical-methodological reflections about the processes of collaboration and dialogue we have experienced as co-founders and coordinators of ARMA Alliance. Our analysis is grounded on our joint retrospective analysis of how the activist-research purposes of ARMA Alliance connect with Paulo Freire’s legacy. Our objective is to contribute to scholarship that problematizes the multi-layered relationship between research and activism in collaborative processes of communication for social change (in our case, against racism). First, we present what the ARMA Alliance initiative means and how it connects with Paulo Freire’s work. Then, we look back at the decolonial insights, cathartic encounters and dialogues that led to the development of the initiative. After that, we reflect about the relationship between collaboration and conscientization. Lastly, we indicate some experiences in putting dialogue and collaboration into practice.En este artículo, presentamos la iniciativa Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance (ARMA Alliance, 2018-2020), con sede en Finlandia. El artículo presenta nuestras reflexiones ético-metodológicas sobre los procesos de colaboración y diálogo que hemos experimentado como cofundadores y coordinadores de ARMA Alliance. Nuestro análisis se basa en nuestros trabajos retrospectivos conjuntos sobre el modo en el que los propósitos de investigación activista de ARMA Alliance se conectan con el legado de Paulo Freire. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir a los debates académicos que problematizan las múltiples relaciones entre la investigación y el activismo en procesos colaborativos de comunicación para el cambio social (en nuestro caso, contra el racismo). Primero, presentamos lo que significa la iniciativa ARMA Alliance y cómo se conecta con el trabajo de Paulo Freire. Luego, miramos hacia atrás a las ideas descoloniales, los encuentros catárticos y los diálogos que llevaron al desarrollo de la iniciativa. Después de eso, reflexionamos sobre la relación entre colaboración y concientización. Por último, indicamos algunas experiencias para poner en práctica el diálogo y la colaboración

    Book review: on race: 34 conversations in a time of crisis edited by George Yancy

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    In On Race: 34 Conversations in a Time of Crisis, George Yancy brings together scholars to reflect on how race and racism have shaped their careers and intellectual work. The collection is a great example of how scholarly dialogue can contribute to pressing public debate, writes Leonardo Custódio, building bridges between personal experiences of racism and philosophical reflections on race and racism’s implications for everyday life, politics and social relations

    Profile of Supervised Internship Reports of the FT/UFAM Industrial Engineering Course

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    The article analyzes the profile of the Supervised Internship reports delivered by students of the Industrial Engineering course at the Faculty of Technology of the Federal University of Amazonas (FT/UFAM), to provide useful information to the course department, as well as providing knowledge and reflection on how the discipline has been approached over time. The research is applied, documentary, using descriptive statistics along with data obtained from the collection of internship reports approved between 2008/1 to 2018/1. After analyzing the results, the main conclusions were that the average score of the 469 reports is 8.56, the industry is the segment in which the majority of the internships (76%) were carried out, while the Operations Engineering, and Production Process, Organizational Engineering, Quality Engineering, Logistics, and Work Engineering were the main areas of Industrial Engineering in which the students interned


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    São três os objetivos deste trabalho. Inicialmente, procura-se delinear os contextos teórico e fatual nos quais se inserem os principais tipos de políticas industriais implementadas, a nível nacional e local, em países capitalistas, inclusive o Brasil. Em um segundo passo, são identificadas, examinadas e avaliadas, à luz das noções e exemplos anteriormente relatados, as políticas industriais implementadas no município de Rio Claro, S.P., ao longo de sua evolução econômica, relacionando-as às diversas fases de sua industrialização e aos contextos econômico-espaciais nacional e regional. Por fim, tenta-se a integração teoriaprática através da sugestão de algumas medidas e procedimentos julgados indispensáveis às eventuais políticas industriais que venham a ser implementadas no futuro

    "Comunidade gerativa” e “Comunidade de afeto”: Propostas conceituais para estudos comparativos de comunicação comunitária

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é propor o uso dos conceitos de “comunidade gerativa” e “comunidade de afeto” para estudos comparativos de comunicação comunitária em contextos sociais distintos. Usando os países BRICS (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul) como pano de fundo e o Brasil como estudo de caso, identificamos como abordagens à comunicação comunitária em estudos comparativos recentes são tipicamente burocráticas e não permitem análises empíricas aprofundadas sobre o tema. Em seguida, definimos “comunidade gerativa” e “comunidade de afeto.” Por fim, apresentamos exemplos brasileiros para demonstrar como estes conceitos podem gerar estudos amplos sobre motivações, práticas e consequências das ações comunicacionais contra-hegemônicas de atores da sociedade civil.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/217549771242