38 research outputs found

    Structure and ionic conductivity in lithium garnets

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    Garnets are capable of accommodating an excess of lithium cations beyond that normally found in this prototypical structure. This excess lithium is found in a mixture of coordination environments with considerable positional and occupational disorder and leads to ionic conductivity of up to 4×10-4 S cm-1 at room temperature. This high value for total conductivity, combined with excellent thermal and (electro)chemical resistance makes these candidate materials for operation in all solid-state batteries. This review looks at garnets with a wide range of stoichiometries and lithium concentrations and the impact of complex lithium distributions and crystallographic order/disorder transitions on the transport properties of these materials

    Fast microwave-assisted synthesis of Li-stuffed garnets and insights into Li diffusion from muon spin spectroscopy

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    Lithium-stuffed garnets attract huge attention due to their outstanding potential as solid-state electrolytes for lithium batteries. However, there exists a persistent challenge in the reliable synthesis of these complex functional oxides together with a lack of complete understanding of the lithium-ion diffusion mechanisms in these important materials. Addressing these issues is critical to realizing the application of garnet materials as electrolytes in all solid-state lithium-ion batteries. In this work, a cubic phase garnet of nominal composition Li6.5Al0.25La2.92Zr2O12 is synthesized through a microwave-assisted solid-state route for the first time, reducing considerably the reaction times and heating temperatures. Lithium-ion diffusion behavior is investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and state-of-art muon spin relaxation (μSR) spectroscopy, displaying activation energies of 0.55 ± 0.03 eV and 0.19 ± 0.01 eV respectively. This difference arises from the high inter-grain resistance, which contributes to the total resistance in EIS measurements. In contrast, μSR acts as a local probe providing insights on the order of the lattice, giving an estimated value of 4.62 × 10−11 cm2 s−1 for the lithium diffusion coefficient. These results demonstrate the potential of this lithium-stuffed garnet as a solid-state electrolyte for all-solid state lithium-ion batteries, an area of growing interest in the energy storage community

    Fast microwave-assisted synthesis of Li-stuffed garnets and insights into Li diffusion from muon spin spectroscopy

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    Lithium-stuffed garnets attract huge attention due to their outstanding potential as solid-state electrolytes for lithium batteries. However, there exists a persistent challenge in the reliable synthesis of these complex functional oxides together with a lack of complete understanding of the lithium-ion diffusion mechanisms in these important materials. Addressing these issues is critical to realizing the application of garnet materials as electrolytes in all solid-state lithium-ion batteries. In this work, a cubic phase garnet of nominal composition Li6.5Al0.25La2.92Zr2O12 is synthesized through a microwave-assisted solid-state route for the first time, reducing considerably the reaction times and heating temperatures. Lithium-ion diffusion behavior is investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and state-of-art muon spin relaxation (mSR) spectroscopy, displaying activation energies of 0.55 0.03 eV and 0.19 0.01 eV respectively.  This difference arises from the high inter-grain resistance, which contributes to the total resistance in EIS measurements. In contrast, mSR acts as a local probe providing insights on the order of the lattice, giving an estimated value of 4.6210􀀀11 cm2s􀀀1 for the lithium diffusion coefficient. These results demonstrate the potential of this lithium-stuffed garnet as a solid-state electrolyte for all-solid state lithium-ion batteries, an area of growing interest in the energy storage community

    A family of nitrogen enriched metal organic frameworks with CCS potential

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    Materials with enhanced carbon capture capacities are required to advance post-combustive amelioration methods; these are necessary to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions and the associated rate of global temperature increase. Current technologies tend to be very energy intensive processes with high levels of waste produced; this work presents three new metal organic framework materials with embedded Lewis base functionalities, imparted by the nitrogen-rich ligand, demonstrating an affinity for carbon dioxide. Thus , we report the synthesis and characterization of a series of metal organic framework materials using a range of metal centers (Co, Ni, and Zn) with the 1,4-bis(pyridin-4-yl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine organic linker, in the presence of ammonium hexafluorosilicate. Three distinct crystal structures are reported for Zn-pytz(hydro) 1D chains, and Ni-pytz and Co-pytz isostructural 1D Ladders. Co-pytz shows an uptake of 47.53mg CO2/g of sorbent, which equates to 15 wt % based on available nitrogen sites within the structure, demonstrating potential for carbon capture applications

    The Role of the Reducible Dopant in Solid Electrolyte-Lithium Metal Interfaces

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    Garnet solid electrolytes, of the form Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO), remain an enticing prospect for solid-state batteries owing to their chemical and electrochemical stability in contact with metallic lithium. Dopants, often employed to stabilize the fast ion conducting cubic garnet phase, typically have no effect on the chemical stability of LLZO in contact with Li metal but have been found recently to impact the properties of the Li/garnet interface. For dopants more “reducible” than Zr (e.g., Nb and Ti), contradictory reports of either raised or reduced Li/garnet interfacial resistances have been attributed to the dopant. Here, we investigate the Li/LLZO interface in W-doped Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZWO) to determine the influence of a “reducible” dopant on the electrochemical properties of the Li/garnet interface. Single-phase LLZWO is synthesized by a new sol–gel approach and densified by spark plasma sintering. Interrogating the resulting Li/LLZWO interface/interphase by impedance, muon spin relaxation and X-ray absorption spectroscopies uncover the significant impact of surface lithiation on electrochemical performance. Upon initial contact, an interfacial reaction occurs between LLZWO and Li metal, leading to the reduction of surface W6+ centers and an initial reduction of the Li/garnet interfacial resistance. Propagation of this surface reaction, driven by the high mobility of Li+ ions through the grain surfaces, thickens the resistive interphases throughout the material and impedes Li+ ion transport between the grains. The resulting high resistance accumulating in the system impedes cycling at high current densities. These insights shed light on the nature of lithiated interfaces in garnet solid electrolytes containing a reducible dopant where high Li+ ion mobility and the reducible nature of the dopant can significantly affect electrochemical performance

    Structural and magnetic study of Yb3+ in the perovskites Sr2YbMO6 (M = Nb, Ta, Sb)

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    The compounds Sr2YbNbO6, Sr2YbTaO6 and Sr2YbSbO6 have been prepared using solid state methods by heating pelleted reagents in air at temperatures up to 1400°C. Rietveld refinement against room temperature neutron powder diffraction data show that all three compounds crystallise with a cationordered variant of the perovskite structure in the P21/n space group. Complete cation ordering occurs between M5+ and Yb3+ over two octahedrally-coordinated sites in the structure and all compounds are stoichiometric in oxygen. The Sb-O bond lengths are similar to related perovskite compounds but differ slightly from those indicated by bond valence sums. Magnetic susceptibility data resemble Curie-Weiss paramagnetic behaviour, but can be better understood as arising from the effect of the octahedral crystal field on the 2F5/2 ground state of Yb3+ leading to a temperature dependent magnetic moment on this ion below 100 K

    Synthesis of H<sub>x</sub>Li<sub>1-x</sub>LaTiO<sub>4</sub> from quantitative solid-state reactions at room temperature

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    The layered perovskite HLaTiO4 reacts stoichiometrically with LiOH·H2O at room temperature to give targeted compositions in the series HxLi1-xLaTiO4. Remarkably, the Li+ and H+ ions are quantitatively exchanged in the solid state and this allows stoichiometric control of ion exchange for the first time in this important series of compounds

    Unexpected selective gas adsorption on a 'non-porous' metal organic framework

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    A metal organic framework Cu(tpt)BF 4· 3 4 H 2O was synthesized as a potential carbon capture material, with the aim being to exploit the Lewis base interaction of the incorporated ligand functionalities with acidic gas. The material displays high thermal stability but an exceptionally low surface area; however, this contrasts starkly with its ability to capture carbon dioxide, demonstrating significant activated diffusion within the framework. The full characterization of the material shows a robust structure, where the CO 2 sorption is 120% greater than current industrial methods using liquid amine solutions; the thermal energy required for sorbent regeneration is reduced by 65%, indicating the true industrial potential of the synthesized material

    Complex magnetic ordering behavior in the frustrated perovskite Ba2MnMoO6

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    New and exotic ground states of magnetic materials are highly sought after and are extensively studied for the insights they provide into the thermodynamics of disorder and fundamental magnetic interactions. By controlling the crystal structure of an appropriate magnetic lattice, it is possible to cause the strong magnetic exchange interactions to sum to zero and so be frustrated. Due to the presence of this frustration, the lowest energy configuration that results may be crucially dependent on the tiniest of energy differences between a multitude of states that have (almost) the same energy. The keen interest in these materials arises from the fact that these finely balanced systems offer a way of probing classical or quantum mechanical interactions that are of fundamental importance but are too weak to be observed in non-frustrated systems. Here, we combine local and crystallographic probes of the cation-ordered double perovskite Ba2MnMoO6 that contains a face-centered cubic lattice of S = 5/2 Mn2+ cations. Neutron diffraction measurements below 9.27(7) K indicate that a fourfold degenerate non-collinear antiferromagnetic state exists with almost complete ordering of the Mn2+ spins. Muon spin relaxation measurements provide a local probe of the magnetic fields inside this material over the t1/2 = 2.2 µs lifetime of a muon, indicating a slightly lower Néel transition temperature of 7.9(1) K. The dc susceptibility data do not show the loss of magnetization that should accompany the onset of the antiferromagnetic order; they indicate that a strongly antiferromagnetically coupled paramagnetic state [θ = −73(3) K] persists down to 4 K, at which temperature a weak transition occurs. The behavior of this material differs considerably from the closely related compositions Ba2MnMO6 (M = W, Te), which show collinear ordering arrangements and well defined antiferromagnetic transitions in the bulk susceptibility. This suggests that the Mo6+ cation leads to a fine balance between the nearest and next-nearest neighbor superexchange in these frustrated double perovskite structures

    Partitioning the two-leg spin ladder in Ba2Cu1– xZnxTeO6 : from magnetic order through spin-freezing to paramagnetism

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    E.J.C., O.M., and C.P. acknowledge financial support from the Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant No. RPG-2017-109. O.M. is grateful for funding via the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship ECF-2021-170. A.S.G. acknowledges funding through an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship EP/ T011130/1. A.S.G. and H.T. acknowledge funding through the Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. The authors thank the Science and Technology Facilities Council for beamtime allocated at ISIS through proposal RB1990046 (DOI: 10. 5286/ISIS.E.RB1990046) and the Swiss Muon Source at the Paul Scherrer Institute through proposal numbers 20150959 and 20211440. The authors are grateful for access to the MPMS3 instrument at The Royce Discovery Centre at the University of Sheffield (EPSRC grant no. EP/R00661X/1) and the PPMS instrument at the University of St. Andrews (EPSRC grant no. EP/T031441/1).Ba2CuTeO6 has attracted significant attention as it contains a two-leg spin ladder of Cu2+ cations that lies in close proximity to a quantum critical point. Recently, Ba2CuTeO6 has been shown to accommodate chemical substitutions, which can significantly tune its magnetic behavior. Here, we investigate the effects of substitution for non-magnetic Zn2+ impurities at the Cu2+ site, partitioning the spin ladders. Results from bulk thermodynamic and local muon magnetic characterization on the Ba2Cu1 – xZnxTeO6 solid solution (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.6) indicate that Zn2+ partitions the Cu2+ spin ladders into clusters and can be considered using the percolation theory. As the average cluster size decreases with increasing Zn2+ substitution, there is an evolving transition from long-range order to spin-freezing as the critical cluster size is reached between x = 0.1 to x = 0.2, beyond which the behavior became paramagnetic. This demonstrates well-controlled tuning of the magnetic disorder, which is highly topical across a range of low-dimensional Cu2+-based materials. However, in many of these cases, the chemical disorder is also relatively strong in contrast to Ba2CuTeO6 and its derivatives. Therefore, Ba2Cu1 – xZnxTeO6 provides an ideal model system for isolating the effect of defects and segmentation in low-dimensional quantum magnets.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe