41 research outputs found
Nanocàpsules polimèriques per a l'alliberament controlat de fàrmacs
El càncer és una de les malalties que causa més morts als països desenvolupats. En aquest article s'ofereix un resum dels diferents tractaments d'aquesta malaltia, els quals han anat evolucionant cap a teràpies cada vegada més dirigides. Les innovacions en quimioteràpia, i més específicament les relacionades amb els nanomaterials, tenen com a objectiu modificar les propietats dels fàrmacs per tal d'incrementar-ne l'índex terapèutic, reduir-ne els efectes secundaris i millorar la qualitat de vida del pacient. Dins d'aquest context es presenta el treball que s'està desenvolupant a l'empresa Ecopol Tech, SL, en col·laboració amb la Universitat de Barcelona, basat en la preparació de nanocàpsules polimèriques com a materials intel·ligents per a l'alliberament controlat de molècules citotòxiques.Cancer is one of the diseases causing most deaths in developed countries. In this paper, we present an historical overview of different cancer therapies which have evolved towards more targeted ones. Innovations in chemotherapy, especially those involving nanomaterials, have the aim of modifying the properties of drugs in order to increase their therapeutic index, reduce side effects and improve patient quality of life. In this context, we present our research at Ecopol Tech, SL, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, based on the synthesis of polymeric nanocapsules as smart materials for controlled drug release
Nanocàpsules polimèriques per a l'alliberament controlat de fàrmacs
El càncer és una de les malalties que causa més morts als països desenvolupats. En aquest article s'ofereix un resum dels diferents tractaments d'aquesta malaltia, els quals han anat evolucionant cap a teràpies cada vegada més dirigides. Les innovacions en quimioteràpia, i més específicament les relacionades amb els nanomaterials, tenen com a objectiu modificar les propietats dels fàrmacs per tal d'incrementar-ne l'índex terapèutic, reduir-ne els efectes secundaris i millorar la qualitat de vida del pacient. Dins d'aquest context es presenta el treball que s'està desenvolupant a l'empresa Ecopol Tech, SL, en col·labo- ració amb la Universitat de Barcelona, basat en la preparació de nanocàpsules polimèriques com a materials intel·ligents per a l'alliberament controlat de molècules citotòxiques
Multi-Smart and Scalable Bioligands-Free Nanomedical Platform for Intratumorally Targeted Tambjamine Delivery, a Difficult to Administrate Highly Cytotoxic Drug
Nanocàpsules anfòteres; Tractament del càncer de pulmó; Sistemes de lliurament de medicaments dirigitsNanocápsulas anfóteras; Tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón; Sistemas de administración de fármacos dirigidosAmphoteric nanocapsules; Lung cancer treatment; Targeted drug delivery systemsCancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide due, in part, to limited success of some current therapeutic approaches. The clinical potential of many promising drugs is restricted by their systemic toxicity and lack of selectivity towards cancer cells, leading to insufficient drug concentration at the tumor site. To overcome these hurdles, we developed a novel drug delivery system based on polyurea/polyurethane nanocapsules (NCs) showing pH-synchronized amphoteric properties that facilitate their accumulation and selectivity into acidic tissues, such as tumor microenvironment. We have demonstrated that the anticancer drug used in this study, a hydrophobic anionophore named T21, increases its cytotoxic activity in acidic conditions when nanoencapsulated, which correlates with a more efficient cellular internalization. A biodistribution assay performed in mice has shown that the NCs are able to reach the tumor and the observed systemic toxicity of the free drug is significantly reduced in vivo when nanoencapsulated. Additionally, T21 antitumor activity is preserved, accompanied by tumor mass reduction compared to control mice. Altogether, this work shows these NCs as a potential drug delivery system able to reach the tumor microenvironment, reducing the undesired systemic toxic effects. Moreover, these nanosystems are prepared under scalable methodologies and straightforward process, and provide tumor selectivity through a smart mechanism independent of targeting ligands.This research was funded by Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (BU092U16 and BU067P20), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants PI18/00441 and DTS20/00018), ACCIÓ (Agency for business competitiveness; Generalitat de Catalunya) (Nuclis d’R+D EMC/2755/2017); co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (LABAE18009SEGU), and supported by the “Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (grant number 2013 DI 028)
Short communication:Intra- and inter-individual milk microbiota variability in healthy and infected water buffalo udder quarters
The concept that ruminant mammary gland quarters are anatomically and physiologically unrelated has been recently challenged by immunological evidence. How this interdependence reflects on individual quarter milk microbiota is unknown. The aim of the present study was to cover this gap by investigating the interdependence of quarters among the same mammary gland at the milk microbiota level using next-generation sequencing of the V4\u201316S rRNA gene. A total of 52 samples were included in this study and classified as healthy or affected by subclinical mastitis. Extraction of DNA, amplification of the V4\u201316S rRNA gene, and sequencing using Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) were carried out. We found that the intra-individual variability was lower than the inter-individual one. The present findings further support at milk microbiota level the hypothesis of the interdependence of quarters, as previously demonstrated following immunological studies, suggesting that individual factors (e.g., immunity, genetics) may have a role in modulating milk microbiota
Improving Photodynamic Therapy Anticancer Activity of a Mitochondria-Targeted Coumarin Photosensitizer Using a Polyurethane−Polyurea Hybrid Nanocarrier
Integration of photosensitizers (PSs) within nanoscale delivery systems offers great potential for overcoming some of the 'Achiles' heels' of photodynamic therapy (PDT). Herein, we have encapsulated a mitochondria-targeted coumarin PS into amphoteric polyurethane-polyurea hybrid nanocapsules (NCs) with the aim of developing novel nanoPDT agents. The synthesis of coumarin-loaded NCs involved the nanoemulsification of a suitable prepolymer in the presence of a PS without needing external surfactants, and the resulting small nanoparticles showed improved photostability compared with the free compound. Nanoencapsulation reduced dark cytotoxicity of the coumarin PS and significantly improved in vitro photoactivity with red light toward cancer cells, which resulted in higher phototherapeutic indexes compared to free PS. Importantly, this nanoformulation impaired tumoral growth of clinically relevant three-dimensional multicellular tumor spheroids. Mitochondrial photodamage along with reactive oxygen species (ROS) photogeneration was found to trigger autophagy and apoptotic cell death of cancer cells
Characterization of skin surface and dermal microbiota in dogs with mast cell tumor
The skin microbiota interacts with the host immune response to maintain the homeostasis. Changes in the skin microbiota are linked to the onset and the progression of several diseases, including tumors. We characterized the skin surface and dermal microbiota of 11 dogs affected by spontaneous mast cell tumor (MCT), using skin contralateral sites as intra-animal healthy controls. The microbial profile differed between healthy and tumor skin surfaces and dermis, demonstrating that the change in microbiota composition is related to the presence of MCT. The number of observed taxa between MCT and healthy skin surfaces was detected, showing a decrease in number and heterogeneity of taxa over the skin surface of MCT, at both inter- and intra-individual level. Preliminary data on bacterial population of MCT dermis, obtained only on three dogs, demonstrated an intra-individual reduction of taxa number when compared to the skin surface. Taxonomy reveals an increase of Firmicutes phylum and Corynebacteriaceae family in MCT skin surface when compared to the healthy contralateral. In conclusion, we demonstrate that microbial population of skin surface and dermis is related to mast cell tumor. Our study provides the basis for future investigations aiming to better define the interaction between mast cell tumors, microbiota and host immune response
Multi-smart and scalable bioligands-free nanomedical platform for intratumorally targeted tambjamine delivery, a difficult to administrate highly cytotoxic drug
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide due, in part, to limited success of some current therapeutic approaches. The clinical potential of many promising drugs is restricted by their systemic toxicity and lack of selectivity towards cancer cells, leading to insufficient drug concentration at the tumor site. To overcome these hurdles, we developed a novel drug delivery system based on polyurea/polyurethane nanocapsules (NCs) showing pH-synchronized amphoteric properties that facilitate their accumulation and selectivity into acidic tissues, such as tumor microenvironment. We have demonstrated that the anticancer drug used in this study, a hydrophobic anionophore named T21, increases its cytotoxic activity in acidic conditions when nanoencapsulated, which correlates with a more efficient cellular internalization. A biodistribution assay performed in mice has shown that the NCs are able to reach the tumor and the observed systemic toxicity of the free drug is significantly reduced in vivo when nanoencapsulated. Additionally, T21 antitumor activity is preserved, accompanied by tumor mass reduction compared to control mice. Altogether, this work shows these NCs as a potential drug delivery system able to reach the tumor microenvironment, reducing the undesired systemic toxic effects. Moreover, these nanosystems are prepared under scalable methodologies and straightforward process, and provide tumor selectivity through a smart mechanism independent of targeting ligands
A Novel Intragenic Duplication in the HDAC8 Gene Underlying a Case of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Cornelia de Lange syndrome; Genetic disorder; Intragenic duplicationSíndrome de Cornelia de Lange; Trastorno genético; Duplicación intragénicaSíndrome de Cornelia de Lange; Trastorn genètic; Duplicació intragènicaCornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a multisystemic genetic disorder characterized by distinctive facial features, growth retardation, and intellectual disability, as well as various systemic conditions. It is caused by genetic variants in genes related to the cohesin complex. Single-nucleotide variations are the best-known genetic cause of CdLS; however, copy number variants (CNVs) clearly underlie a substantial proportion of cases of the syndrome. The NIPBL gene was thought to be the locus within which clinically relevant CNVs contributed to CdLS. However, in the last few years, pathogenic CNVs have been identified in other genes such as HDAC8, RAD21, and SMC1A. Here, we studied an affected girl presenting with a classic CdLS phenotype heterozygous for a de novo ~32 kbp intragenic duplication affecting exon 10 of HDAC8. Molecular analyses revealed an alteration in the physiological splicing that included a 96 bp insertion between exons 9 and 10 of the main transcript of HDAC8. The aberrant transcript was predicted to generate a truncated protein whose accessibility to the active center was restricted, showing reduced ease of substrate entry into the mutated enzyme. Lastly, we conclude that the duplication is responsible for the patient’s phenotype, highlighting the contribution of CNVs as a molecular cause underlying CdLS.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health-ISCIII Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) (Ref. PI19/01860, to F.J.R. and J.P.) and Diputación General de Aragón-FEDER: European Social Fund (Grupo de Referencia B32_17R/B32_20R, to J.P.). A.L.-P. is supported by a “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” postdoctoral grant from MICIU (Spanish Ministry of Science and Universities), M.G.-S. is supported by a Predoctoral Fellowship from the Diputación General de Aragón, and C.L.-C. is supported by a Predoctoral Fellowship from the MH-ISCIII. This work was also supported by Spanish government grants RTI2018-094434-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and DTS20-00024 (ISCIII) to P.G.-P., as well as funds from the European JPIAMR network “EPIC-Alliance” to P.G.-P. The computational support of the “Centro de Computación Científica CCC-UAM” is gratefully recognized. This work was also partially supported by Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias co-funded with ERDF funds, Grant No. FIS PI20/01767) to A.P. and by Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias co-funded with ERDF funds, Grant No. FIS PI18/000687 to E.F.T
A Novel Intragenic Duplication in the HDAC8 Gene Underlying a Case of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a multisystemic genetic disorder characterized by distinctive facial features, growth retardation, and intellectual disability, as well as various systemic conditions. It is caused by genetic variants in genes related to the cohesin complex. Single-nucleotide variations are the best-known genetic cause of CdLS; however, copy number variants (CNVs) clearly underlie a substantial proportion of cases of the syndrome. The NIPBL gene was thought to be the locus within which clinically relevant CNVs contributed to CdLS. However, in the last few years, pathogenic CNVs have been identified in other genes such as HDAC8, RAD21, and SMC1A. Here, we studied an affected girl presenting with a classic CdLS phenotype heterozygous for a de novo ~32 kbp intragenic duplication affecting exon 10 of HDAC8. Molecular analyses revealed an alteration in the physiological splicing that included a 96 bp insertion between exons 9 and 10 of the main transcript of HDAC8. The aberrant transcript was predicted to generate a truncated protein whose accessibility to the active center was restricted, showing reduced ease of substrate entry into the mutated enzyme. Lastly, we conclude that the duplication is responsible for the patient’s phenotype, highlighting the contribution of CNVs as a molecular cause underlying CdLS