1,255 research outputs found

    Evidence of vacuum birefringence from the polarisation of the optical emission from an Isolated Neutron Star

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    Isolated Neutron Stars are some of the most exciting stellar objects known to astronomers: they have the most extreme magnetic fields, with values up to 101510^{15} G, and, with the exception of stellar-mass black holes, they are the most dense stars, with densities of ≈1014\approx 10^{14} g cm−3^{-3}. As such, they are perfect laboratories to test theories of electromagnetism and nuclear physics under conditions of magnetic field and density unattainable on Earth. In particular, the interaction of radiation with strong magnetic fields is the cause of the {\em vacuum birefringence}, an effect predicted by quantum electrodynamics in 1936 but that lacked an observational evidence until now. Here, we show how the study of the polarisation of the optical radiation from the surface of an isolated neutron star yielded such an observational evidence, opening exciting perspectives for similar studies at other wavelengths.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Contributed to the 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Thessaloniki, May 15 to 19, 201

    Macroeconomic determinants of credit risk: evidence from the Eurozone

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    We propose and estimate several models controlling for firm-specific information, to examine the relation of macroeconomic variables with the probability of default of firms in the Eurozone. The novelty of our approach consists in capturing the informational value of macroeconomic factors on credit default prediction by using data from firms spanning 11 European countries; our panel data set covers 534 thousand firm-year observations. The results we obtain confirm that macroeconomic information strengthens the accuracy of models forecasting credit default of non-financial firms. With a negative effect on the probability of default, GDP growth stands out among the key macroeconomic predictors of default. Yet, we find compelling evidence that asymmetries exist within the Eurozone regarding the benign effects of GDP growth over credit risk; the reduction of the probability of default due to economic growth mostly occurs in economies more exposed to conditions of financial stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The halloween effect in european equity mutual funds

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    Bouman and Jacobsen (2002) documented the existence of a calendar anomaly in stock market returns, which they call the Halloween effect, based on the fact that the returns during the months of May to October tend to be lower than returns during the months of November to April. Following closely the methodology used by Bouman and Jacobsen (2002), we investigate the presence of the Halloween effect in the European Equity Mutual Funds from 1997 to 2013. We conclude that: i) the Halloween Effect is statistically and economically significant; ii) this effect has disappeared after the Bouman and Jacobsen publication; iii) this anomaly might be due to the negative average returns during the months of May to October, rather than a higher performance during the period from November to April; and iv) an investment strategy based on this anomaly clearly beats the classical buy and hold strategy

    Evidence of vacuum birefringence from the polarisation of the optical emission from an Isolated Neutron Star

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    Isolated Neutron Stars are some of the most exciting stellar objects known to astronomers: they have the most extreme magnetic fields, with values up to 1015 G, and, with the exception of stellar-mass black holes, they are the most dense stars, with densities of ≈ 1014 g cm−3 . As such, they are perfect laboratories to test theories of electromagnetism and nuclear physics under conditions of magnetic field and density unattainable on Earth. In particular, the interaction of radiation with strong magnetic fields is the cause of the vacuum birefringence, an effect predicted by quantum electrodynamics in 1936 but that lacked an observational evidence until now. Here, we show how the study of the polarisation of the optical radiation from the surface of an isolated neutron star yielded such an observational evidence, opening exciting perspectives for similar studies at other wavelengths

    An Experimental Comparison between an Ironless and a Traditional Permanent Magnet Linear Generator for Wave Energy Conversion

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    Permanent Magnet Linear Generators (PMLGs) are currently being studied for sea wave energy harvesting. Typically, a PMLG consists of an iron-made armature and a moving translator. The permanent magnets adoption produces parasitic effects, such as cogging force, and the machine weight increment. A solution could be the adoption of an ironless configuration, accepting a power density reduction. This paper investigates the use of ironless PMLGs in sea wave energy conversion systems by an experimental comparative analysis between an iron PMLG prototype and an ironless PMLG prototype, which share the same geometry. The main electrical and mechanical parameters (resistance, mass, and magnetic fields) were preliminarily measured. Subsequently, open-circuit and load tests were carried out to compare the induced voltages, the energy transferred to a resistive load, efficiency and the load average power. The reported comparison shows that iron PMLG performances are significantly superior to the ironless ones during the open-circuit tests, as expected. However, the analysis carried out through the load tests shows that the cogging force significantly limits the energy production, obtaining similar values in both machines. Therefore, the experimental tests justify the use of ironless machines in sea wave energy harvesting, where the maximization of energy production is a relevant target

    Applications of Hilbert Module Approach to Multivariable Operator Theory

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    A commuting nn-tuple (T1,…,Tn)(T_1, \ldots, T_n) of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space \clh associate a Hilbert module H\mathcal{H} over C[z1,…,zn]\mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] in the following sense: C[z1,…,zn]×H→H,(p,h)↦p(T1,…,Tn)h,\mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] \times \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}, \quad \quad (p, h) \mapsto p(T_1, \ldots, T_n)h,where p∈C[z1,…,zn]p \in \mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] and h∈Hh \in \mathcal{H}. A companion survey provides an introduction to the theory of Hilbert modules and some (Hilbert) module point of view to multivariable operator theory. The purpose of this survey is to emphasize algebraic and geometric aspects of Hilbert module approach to operator theory and to survey several applications of the theory of Hilbert modules in multivariable operator theory. The topics which are studied include: generalized canonical models and Cowen-Douglas class, dilations and factorization of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, a class of simple submodules and quotient modules of the Hardy modules over polydisc, commutant lifting theorem, similarity and free Hilbert modules, left invertible multipliers, inner resolutions, essentially normal Hilbert modules, localizations of free resolutions and rigidity phenomenon. This article is a companion paper to "An Introduction to Hilbert Module Approach to Multivariable Operator Theory".Comment: 46 pages. This is a companion paper to arXiv:1308.6103. To appear in Handbook of Operator Theory, Springe

    Foreground influence on primordial non-Gaussianity estimates: needlet analysis of WMAP 5-year data

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    We constrain the amplitude of primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB data taking into account the presence of foreground residuals in the maps. We generalise the needlet bispectrum estimator marginalizing over the amplitudes of thermal dust, free-free and synchrotron templates. We apply our procedure to WMAP 5 year data, finding fNL= 38\pm 47 (1 \sigma), while the analysis without marginalization provides fNL= 35\pm 42. Splitting the marginalization over each foreground separately, we found that the estimates of fNL are positively cross correlated of 17%, 12% with the dust and synchrotron respectively, while a negative cross correlation of about -10% is found for the free-free component.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    SPA: Web-based platform for easy access to speech processing modules

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    This paper presents SPA, a web-based Speech Analytics platform that integrates several speech processing modules and that makes it possible to use them through the web. It was developed with the aim of facilitating the usage of the modules, without the need to know about software dependencies and specific configurations. Apart from being accessed by a web-browser, the platform also provides a REST API for easy integration with other applications. The platform is flexible, scalable, provides authentication for access restrictions, and was developed taking into consideration the time and effort of providing new services. The platform is still being improved, but it already integrates a considerable number of audio and text processing modules, including: Automatic transcription, speech disfluency classification, emotion detection, dialog act recognition, age and gender classification, non-nativeness detection, hyperarticulation detection, dialog act recognition, and two external modules for feature extraction and DTMF detection. This paper describes the SPA architecture, presents the already integrated modules, and provides a detailed description for the ones most recently integrated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of migraine on fibromyalgia symptoms

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    Background: Fibromyalgia (FMS) and high frequency episodic/chronic migraine (M) very frequently co-occur, suggesting common pathophysiological mechanisms; both conditions display generalized somatic hyperalgesia. In FMS-M comorbidity we assessed if: a different level of hyperalgesia is present compared to one condition only; hyperalgesia is a function of migraine frequency; migraine attacks trigger FMS symptoms. Methods: Female patients with fibromyalgia (FMS)(n.40), high frequency episodic migraine (M1)(n.41), chronic migraine (M2)(n.40), FMS + M1 (n.42) and FMS + M2 (n.40) underwent recording of: −electrical pain thresholds in skin, subcutis and muscle and pressure pain thresholds in control sites, −pressure pain thresholds in tender points (TePs), −number of monthly migraine attacks and fibromyalgia flares (3-month diary). Migraine and FMS parameters were evaluated before and after migraine prophylaxis, or no prophylaxis, for 3 months with calcium-channel blockers, in two further FMS + H1 groups (n.49, n.39). 1-way ANOVA was applied to test trends among groups, Student’s t-test for paired samples was used to compare pre and post-treatment values. Results: The lowest electrical and pressure thresholds at all sites and tissues were found in FMS + M2, followed by FMS + H1, FMS, M2 and M1 (trend: p < 0.0001). FMS monthly flares were progressively higher in FMS, FMS + M1 and FMS + M2 (p < 0.0001); most flares (86–87 %) occurred within 12 h from a migraine attack in co-morbid patients (p < 0.0001). Effective migraine prophylaxis vs no prophylaxis also produced a significant improvement of FMS symptoms (decreased monthly flares, increased pain thresholds)(0.0001 < p < 0.003). Conclusions: Co-morbidity between fibromyalgia and migraine involves heightened somatic hyperalgesia compared to one condition only. Increased migraine frequency – with shift towards chronicity – enhances both hyperalgesia and spontaneous FMS pain, which is reversed by effective migraine prophylaxis. These results suggest different levels of central sensitization in patients with migraine, fibromyalgia or both conditions and a role for migraine as a triggering factor for FMS
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