207 research outputs found

    On the calculation of the response of helicopters to control inputs

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    In the past few years, a number of studies have provided accurate flight test data for the control response of single rotor helicopters over a wide frequency range. These measured responses have been compared to theory in a number of studies. Various differences between theory and experiment appear in all of these studies. Some of these differences are examined. A quantitative explanation of one prominent difference associated with the contribution of the lag degree of freedom is provided. Areas for further investigation are suggested. The discussion is directed towards articulated rotor helicopters. Flight test data from the UH-60, CH-53, and AH-64 helicopters, much of it taken for the express purpose of evaluating the control response, correlation with theory, and the use of parameter identification methods, is considered. Results for flight conditions near hover are emphasized

    A study of helicopter stability and control including blade dynamics

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    A linearized model of rotorcraft dynamics has been developed through the use of symbolic automatic equation generating techniques. The dynamic model has been formulated in a unique way such that it can be used to analyze a variety of rotor/body coupling problems including a rotor mounted on a flexible shaft with a number of modes as well as free-flight stability and control characteristics. Direct comparison of the time response to longitudinal, lateral and directional control inputs at various trim conditions shows that the linear model yields good to very good correlation with flight test. In particular it is shown that a dynamic inflow model is essential to obtain good time response correlation, especially for the hover trim condition. It also is shown that the main rotor wake interaction with the tail rotor and fixed tail surfaces is a significant contributor to the response at translational flight trim conditions. A relatively simple model for the downwash and sidewash at the tail surfaces based on flat vortex wake theory is shown to produce good agreement. Then, the influence of rotor flap and lag dynamics on automatic control systems feedback gain limitations is investigated with the model. It is shown that the blade dynamics, especially lagging dynamics, can severly limit the useable values of the feedback gain for simple feedback control and that multivariable optimal control theory is a powerful tool to design high gain augmentation control system. The frequency-shaped optimal control design can offer much better flight dynamic characteristics and a stable margin for the feedback system without need to model the lagging dynamics

    Coupled rotor-body equations of motion hover flight

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    A set of linearized equations of motion to predict the linearized dynamic response of a single rotor helicopter in a hover trim condition to cyclic pitch control inputs is described. The equations of motion assume four fuselage degrees of freedom: lateral and longitudinal translation, roll angle, pitch angle: four rotor degrees of freedom: flapping (lateral and longitudinal tilt of the tip path plane), lagging (lateral and longitudinal displacement of the rotor plane center of mass); and dynamic inflow (harmonic components). These ten degrees of freedom correspond to a system with eighteen dynamic states. In addition to examination of the full system dynamics, the computer code supplied with this report permits the examination of various reduced order models. The code is presented in a specific form such that the dynamic response of a helicopter in flight can be investigated. With minor modifications to the code the dynamics of a rotor mounted on a flexible support can also be studied

    An analytic modeling and system identification study of rotor/fuselage dynamics at hover

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    A combination of analytic modeling and system identification methods have been used to develop an improved dynamic model describing the response of articulated rotor helicopters to control inputs. A high-order linearized model of coupled rotor/body dynamics including flap and lag degrees of freedom and inflow dynamics with literal coefficients is compared to flight test data from single rotor helicopters in the near hover trim condition. The identification problem was formulated using the maximum likelihood function in the time domain. The dynamic model with literal coefficients was used to generate the model states, and the model was parametrized in terms of physical constants of the aircraft rather than the stability derivatives resulting in a significant reduction in the number of quantities to be identified. The likelihood function was optimized using the genetic algorithm approach. This method proved highly effective in producing an estimated model from flight test data which included coupled fuselage/rotor dynamics. Using this approach it has been shown that blade flexibility is a significant contributing factor to the discrepancies between theory and experiment shown in previous studies. Addition of flexible modes, properly incorporating the constraint due to the lag dampers, results in excellent agreement between flight test and theory, especially in the high frequency range

    An experimental investigation of the flap-lag stability of a hingeless rotor with comparable levels of hub and blade stiffness in hovering flight

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    An experimental investigation of the flap-lag stability of a hingeless rotor in hovering flight is presented and discussed. The rotor blade and hub configuration were selected such that the hub and blade had comparable levels of bending stiffness. Experimental measurements of the lag damping were made for various values of rotor rotational speed and blade pitch angle. Specifically at a blade pitch angle of 8 deg at three-quarters radius, the lag damping was determined over a range of rotational speeds from 200 RPM to 320 RPM and also over a range of blade pitch angles from 0 deg to 8 deg

    The longitudinal equations of motion of a tilt prop/rotor aircraft including the effects of wing and prop/rotor blade flexibility

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    The equations of motion for the longitudinal dynamics of a tilting prop/rotor aircraft are developed. The analysis represents an extension of the equations of motion. The effects of the longitudinal degrees of freedom of the body (pitch, heave and horizontal velocity) are included. The results of body freedom can be added to the equations of motion for the flexible wing propeller combination

    Studies of the dynamics of the twin-lift system

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    A full set of equations of motion for the twin lift system, linearized about a hover trim condition were derived and presented. It is shown that this full set of equations of motion decouples into simpler sets of equations of motion if the aerodynamic coupling derivatives of the helicopters are neglected. One of these decoupled sets of equations of motion (referred to as the planar set) was studied at length. The other decoupled set (referred to as the nonplanar set) is examined here. It is shown that when the geometric configuration of the twin-lift is symmetric that a further decoupling is possible into antisymmetric and symmetric sets of equations. One set of these reduced equations of motion referred to as the antisymmetric set is directly equivalent to the longitudinal motion of a single helicopeter with a sling load. The second set, referred to as the symmetric set corresponds to the rotation of the entire system without load motion. As in the case of the planar symmetric motion, the location of the tether attachment point influences the stability of the nonplanar symmetric mode. The trend is opposite however in the nonplanar case in that an attachment point below the helicopter center of gravity gives a favorable effect on the stability. The effect is not as strong however as the unfavorable effect on the planar symmetric mode

    Sensitivity of Hingeless Rotor Blade Flap-lag Stability in Hover to Analytical Modelling Assumptions

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    Prediction of flap-lag stability using a single bending mode for each degree-of-freedom is examined in the case in which the bending modes are assumed to be the same in the flap and lag directions and are independent of pitch angle and stiffness distribution. It is shown that this model gives results analogous to those obtained by Ormiston employing a rigid blade model with the blade and hub stiffness represented by springs in the limiting cases of the elastic coupling parameter R = 0 and 1. For intermediate values of R the results are shown to be quite different. The mode shape assumptions are shown to result in what is referred to as the parallel spring model in contrast to Ormiston's model which is referred to as a series spring model. The similarities and differences between these two models are developed in some details. The differences between these two models are examined for various typical rotor blade characteristics. Other aspects of the sensitivity of this problem are also considered

    Design and numerical evaluation of full-authority flight control systems for conventional and thruster-augmented helicopters employed in NOE operations

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    The development and methodology is presented for development of full-authority implicit model-following and explicit model-following optimal controllers for use on helicopters operating in the Nap-of-the Earth (NOE) environment. Pole placement, input-output frequency response, and step input response were used to evaluate handling qualities performance. The pilot was equipped with velocity-command inputs. A mathematical/computational trajectory optimization method was employed to evaluate the ability of each controller to fly NOE maneuvers. The method determines the optimal swashplate and thruster input histories from the helicopter's dynamics and the prescribed geometry and desired flying qualities of the maneuver. Three maneuvers were investigated for both the implicit and explicit controllers with and without auxiliary propulsion installed: pop-up/dash/descent, bob-up at 40 knots, and glideslope. The explicit controller proved to be superior to the implicit controller in performance and ease of design

    An analytically linearized helicopter model with improved modeling accuracy

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    An analytically linearized model for helicopter flight response including rotor blade dynamics and dynamic inflow, that was recently developed, was studied with the objective of increasing the understanding, the ease of use, and the accuracy of the model. The mathematical model is described along with a description of the UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter and flight test used to validate the model. To aid in utilization of the model for sensitivity analysis, a new, faster, and more efficient implementation of the model was developed. It is shown that several errors in the mathematical modeling of the system caused a reduction in accuracy. These errors in rotor force resolution, trim force and moment calculation, and rotor inertia terms were corrected along with improvements to the programming style and documentation. Use of a trim input file to drive the model is examined. Trim file errors in blade twist, control input phase angle, coning and lag angles, main and tail rotor pitch, and uniform induced velocity, were corrected. Finally, through direct comparison of the original and corrected model responses to flight test data, the effect of the corrections on overall model output is shown