796 research outputs found

    BIM semantic-enrichment for built heritage representation

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    In the built heritage context, BIM has shown difficulties in representing and managing the large and complex knowledge related to non-geometrical aspects of the heritage. Within this scope, this paper focuses on a domain-specific semantic-enrichment of BIM methodology, aimed at fulfilling semantic representation requirements of built heritage through Semantic Web technologies. To develop this semantic-enriched BIM approach, this research relies on the integration of a BIM environment with a knowledge base created through information ontologies. The result is knowledge base system - and a prototypal platform - that enhances semantic representation capabilities of BIM application to architectural heritage processes. It solves the issue of knowledge formalization in cultural heritage informative models, favouring a deeper comprehension and interpretation of all the building aspects. Its open structure allows future research to customize, scale and adapt the knowledge base different typologies of artefacts and heritage activities

    Combinatorial Low-Binding Affinity Polymersomes for Targeting Dendritic Cells: Towards Cancer Vaccine Development

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    Conventional DNA cancer vaccines fail to adequately stimulate the adaptive immune system and to establish proper immunisation. This is reflected in clinical practice, where only a handful of them have been approved by the FDA. Within this project the use of the pH-sensitive polymer Poly (2-(methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)-poly(2-(diisopropylamino-ethyl methacrylate) (PMPC-PDPA) has been investigated for DNA antigen encapsulation and intracellular delivery. By implementing a dendritic cellular model (DC2.4), it was demonstrated the expression and surface presentation of the antigen model (SIINFEKL). Furthermore, exploratory experiments highlighted the inflammatory power of the immunomodulator cyclic guanosine monophosphate–adenosine monophosphate (cGAMP) in in vitro settings, with potential implications for in vivo cancer vaccines. Moreover, current strategies of design for active targeting nanoparticles (NPs) are suboptimal and characterised by off-target binding and side effects. In this work, it was demonstrated a paradigm shift in the design of active targeting nanoparticles based on the concepts of the ‘range selectivity’ theory. Specific Ligands for the phenotypic targeting of dendritic cells (DCs) were selected (PMPC, mUNO and PEP4) and conjugated to the respective polymer, such as PMPC-PDPA or polyethylene glycol-poly (lactic acid) (PEG- PLA). Multivalent and multiplexing POs were prepared and tested in vitro, proving experimentally the validity of computational hypotheses. Multivalent and combinatorial POs were also intradermally injected into animal models to further corroborate in vitro experimental evidence. It was envisioned that the implementation of empirical observation combined with in silico simulation would help to define the optimal range of the number of ligands on a vesicle for the phenotypic targeting of DCs, ultimately improving the intracellular co-delivery of antigen and adjuvant for the development of a cancer vaccine

    An update on an imperial building complex at the 16th mile of the Via Appia: sources and materials

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    The paper focuses on an area of the Ager Aricinus at the 16th mile of the Via Appia in the urban area of Ariccia between the Via Appia and the inhabited center, delimited to the west and north by the cell of the so-called temple of Diana. Inside the aforementioned area, now almost entirely urbanized, are still preserved some structures from the mid-2nd century AD for which extensive documentation can be found in the 18th century antiquarian sources and in the cartographic reproductions between the 19th and the 20th centuries. So far, their interpretation has gone through a plurality of hypotheses (amphitheatre, thermal building, statio) for which there is a need to undertake an analytical study in order to understand its function in antiquity and its impact in the landscape context of modern age. The study will take place in two phases: examination of the historical cartography to identify the ownership of the fund on which the structures insisted through the consultation of the Collections of drawings and maps at the State Archive of Rome and the realization of a graphic restitution of the plan, integrating what has been preserved and what has been handed down from past documentation and proposing a vector reconstruction (CAD) of the building.L’intervento prende come focus un’area dell’Ager Aricinus al XVI miglio della Via Appia nell’area urbana di Ariccia compresa tra la Via Appia e il centro abitato, delimitata a ovest e a nord dalla cella del cosiddetto tempio di Diana. All’interno della suddetta area, ora quasi interamente urbanizzata, sono ancora conservate alcune strutture della metà del II secolo d.C. per le quali si rintraccia un’ampia documentazione nelle fonti antiquarie del XVIII secolo e nelle riproduzioni cartografiche tra il XIX e il XX secolo. Finora la loro interpretazione è passata attraverso una pluralità d’ipotesi (anfiteatro, edificio termale, statio) per le quali si avverte l’esigenza di intraprendere uno studio analitico al fine di comprenderne la funzione nell’antichità e l’impatto nel contesto paesaggistico di età moderna. Lo studio si svolgerà in due fasi: esame della cartografia storica per identificare la proprietà del fondo su cui insistono le strutture tramite la consultazione della Collezione I e II dei Catasti e delle Collezioni di disegni e mappe presso l’Archivio di Stato di Roma e la realizzazione di una restituzione grafica dei resti, integrando quanto conservato e quanto tramandato dalla documentazione del passato e proponendo una ricostruzione vettoriale (CAD) dell’edificio

    The role of semantic enrichment in Building Information Modelling

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    In current application of Building Information Modelling to building design processes, two main limits have emerged: 1) restricted representation spectrum and 2) inefficiency in supporting collaboration because of the low-level semantics shared among the actors. The objective of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework about these two relevant aspects of collaboration in BIM methodology, as well as to demonstrate the necessity of moving from modelling approaches based on information to innovative representation systems based on knowledge

    A Simulation Model for Logical and Operative Clash Detection

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    The introduction of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach has facilitated the management process of documents produced by different kinds of professionals involved in the design and/or renovation of a building, through identification and subsequent management of geometrical interferences (Clash Detection). The methodology of this research proposes a tool to support Clash Detection, introducing the logical-operative dimension, that may occur with the presence of a construction site within a hospital structure, through the integration of a BIM model within a Game Engine environment, to preserve the continuity of daily hospital activities and trying to reduce negative impacts, times and costs due to construction activities

    Characterization and digital restauration of XIV-XV centuries written parchments by means of non-destructive techniques. Three case studies

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    Parchment is the primary writing medium of the majority of documents with cultural importance. Unfortunately, this material suffers of several mechanisms of degradation that affect its chemical-physical structure and the readability of text. Due to the unique and delicate character of these objects, the use of nondestructive techniques is mandatory. In this work, three partially degraded handwritten parchments dating back to the XIV-XV centuries were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, µ-ATR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and reflectance and UV-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. 'e elemental and molecular results provided the identification of the inks, pigments, and superficial treatments. In particular, all manuscripts have been written with iron gall inks, while the capital letters have been realized with cinnabar and azurite. Furthermore, multispectral UV fluorescence imaging and multispectral VIS-NIR imaging proved to be a good approach for the digital restoration of manuscripts that suffer from the loss of inked areas or from the presence of brown spotting. Indeed, using ultraviolet radiation and collecting the images at different spectral ranges is possible to enhance the readability of the text, while by illuminating with visible light and by collecting the images at longer wavelengths, the hiding effect of brown spots can be attenuated

    Characterization and digital restauration of XIV-XV centuries written parchments by means of non-destructive techniques. Three case studies

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    Parchment is the primary writing medium of the majority of documents with cultural importance. Unfortunately, this material suffers of several mechanisms of degradation that affect its chemical-physical structure and the readability of text. Due to the unique and delicate character of these objects, the use of nondestructive techniques is mandatory. In this work, three partially degraded handwritten parchments dating back to the XIV-XV centuries were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, µ-ATR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and reflectance and UV-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. 'e elemental and molecular results provided the identification of the inks, pigments, and superficial treatments. In particular, all manuscripts have been written with iron gall inks, while the capital letters have been realized with cinnabar and azurite. Furthermore, multispectral UV fluorescence imaging and multispectral VIS-NIR imaging proved to be a good approach for the digital restoration of manuscripts that suffer from the loss of inked areas or from the presence of brown spotting. Indeed, using ultraviolet radiation and collecting the images at different spectral ranges is possible to enhance the readability of the text, while by illuminating with visible light and by collecting the images at longer wavelengths, the hiding effect of brown spots can be attenuated

    Hybrid Data-Driven and Analytical Model for Kinematic Control of a Surgical Robotic Tool

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    Accurate kinematic models are essential for effective control of surgical robots. For tendon driven robots, which is common for minimally invasive surgery, intrinsic nonlinearities are important to consider. Traditional analytical methods allow to build the kinematic model of the system by making certain assumptions and simplifications on the nonlinearities. Machine learning techniques, instead, allow to recover a more complex model based on the acquired data. However, analytical models are more generalisable, but can be over-simplified; data-driven models, on the other hand, can cater for more complex models, but are less generalisable and the result is highly affected by the training dataset. In this paper, we present a novel approach to combining analytical and data-driven approaches to model the kinematics of nonlinear tendon-driven surgical robots. Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is used for learning the data-driven model and the proposed method is tested on both simulated data and real experimental data

    Il libro del mercante: tipicità ed eccezioni

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    Il saggio è diviso in due parti : nella prima vengono messe a fuoco alcune tipicità di carattere paleografico e codicologico che contraddistinguono il libro del mercante inteso come strumento di carattere tecnico-professionale, esaminando alcuni registri appartenenti al sistema contabile delle aziende commerciali fondate sul finire del Trecento da Francesco Datini; nella seconda si tratta del libro del mercante in un’accezione più ampia, presentando alcuni manoscritti di contenuto letterario che circolarono in ambienti mercanteschi, prevalentemente toscani, nella seconda metà del Trecento e lungo il corso del Quattrocento. Quei codici non sono esaminati per la loro fattura fisica, visto che si conformano coerentemente al modello del libro-zibaldone, che dominò sino al Cinquecento la produzione manoscritta privata in lingua volgare (cartacei, di formato medio, in scritture corsive quasi sempre mercantesche o di base mercantesca), ma piuttosto per la presenza in essi di alcune tracce, talvolta minutissime, in altri casi molto evidenti, che consentono di mettere a fuoco il sempre sfuggente rapporto di lettura che i mercanti che li commissionarono, li copiarono, li annotarono, avevano stabilito con essi, tanto da poter essere definiti, parafrasando una celebre espressione di Vittore Branca riferita all’attività mercantesca di copia, lettori per passione
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