6,940 research outputs found
The western end of the Avalon Zone in southern New Brunswick
The western end of the Avalon zone of southern New Brunswick displays a history extending from middle Proterozoic to Triassic lime. About 620 Ma magmatism above a Late Precambrian subduction zone emplaced volcanic rocks and plutons into an orthogneiss-platformal sequence basement which had been modified by mafic intrusion and thermal metamorphism about 780 Ma. About 565 Ma a bimodal sheeted dyke complex accompanied by bimodal volcanism and high-level granite was emplaced into a major mylonile zone during minor spreading or transtension. Shallow water clastic marine sediments accumulated during Cambro-Ordovician lime. From Silurian to mid-Devonian, die northwestern part of the zone subsided along steep faults which served as conduits for bimodal igneous activity. Strong Carboniferous deformation along the Bay of Fundy affected the interior of the terrane only slightly, if at all. Acadian and Taconic orogenies had little effect on this region, which acted as a relatively stable crystalline block during the Paleozoic. The exposed rocks may form a "welt" on continuous basement of similar character, which disappears north-westward beneath younger formations by down-stepping on faults, and south-eastward beneath overriding allochihons.
La terminaison occidental de la zone d' Avalon au sud du Nouveau-Brunswick montre une histoire s'étalant du Protérozoique moyen au Trias. Vers 620 Male magmalisme au-dessus d'une zone de subduction emplaça des roches volcaniques et des plutons dans un socle à orthognesis et séquence de plate-forme qui avail été modifié vers 780 Ma par une intrusion mafique et un métamorphismc thermal. Vers 565 Ma un complexe bimdal de "sheeted dikes", accompagné d'un volcanisme bimodal et d'un granite de niveau élevé, s'emplaça au sein d'une zone importante de mylonite au cours d'une faible expansion ou transtension. L'Ordovicien vit l’accumulaiion de sédiments clastiques d'eau peu profonde. Du Silurien au Dévonien moyen. la portion nord-ouest de la zone s'abaissa le long de failles à forts pendages qui agirent comme conduits pour une activité ignée bimodale. Une forte déformation carbonifère le long de la Baie de Fundy n'eut guère d'effet sur l’intérieur de la lanière. Les orogénèses acadienne et taconique n'eurent qu'un effel quelconque sur cette région qui forma un bloc crislallin relativement stable au couts du Paléozoique. Les affleuremenls peuvent conslituer un "renflemeni" sur un socle continu de même facture qui disparait vers le nord-ouesl sous les formations plus jeunes par abaissemenl sur des failles et vers le sud-est sous les allochtones chevauchanls.
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The Stratigraphy And Structure Of The Avalonian Terrane Around Saint John, New Brunswick
The Avalonian terrane around Saint John exhibits basement of tonalitic gneiss veneered by a shelf type metasedimentary seOuence. These units are intruded and overlain by volcanic-plutonic complexes of Late Proterozoic age emplaced in three stages. Mafic magmatlsm accompanied by submarine slumping heated and remobilized older rocks about 770-830 Ha. Calc-alkaline magnetism, mainly subaerial with minor submarine sedimentation occurred about 600 Ma, and subseOuently Eocambrlan basaltic volcanlsm and volcanlclastic sedimentation passed into Camhro-Ordovlclan sedimentation. Silurian rocks occur only as a fault-bounded slice and Devonian rocks are absent. Coarse clastic rocks of Carboniferous and Trlasslc age accumulated during deformation.
Major deformation and metsmorphlsm occurred In Late Proterozoic time, but most mappable structures appear to be of Carboniferous age. Carboniferous deformation resulted mainly from transcurrent motion on curved or stepped faults which locally produced spectacular thrust allochthons.
Comparison of the Saint John terrane with other Avalonian terrenes suggests that some of the Avalon tectonostratigraphic zone Is floored by basement of Grenvillian aspect. The western side of this zone was strongly affected by Late Ordoviclan-Early Silurian magmatism which reflects the amalgamation of this zone with more westerly zones. These observations suggest that Avalon terranes may be of relatively local, rather than exotic, origin, and suggest a history involving repeated breakup and rewelding of a continental edge.
Autour de Saint John, la lanière avalonienne englobe un socle de gneiss tonalitique qu'est venu recouvrir un tégument métasédimentaire à cachet neritique. Ces unités sont recoupées et recouvertes par des complexes volcano-plutoniques d'âge tardi-protérozoique emplacés en trois étapes. On magmatisme mafique et des glissements synsédimentaires sous-marins ont réchauffé et rémobilisé les rocbes préexlstantes il y a environ 770-830 Ma. Des venues magmatiques calco-alcalines, en grande partie subaériennes et associées à une faible sédementation sous-marine, ont pris place autour de 600 Ma. Le volcanisme basaltique et la sédimentation volcaniclastique éocambriens ont debouche sur une sédimentation cambro-ordovicienne. Les rochea siluriennes se limitent à une écaille bordée par des failles alors que les roches dévoniennes font défaut. On apport détritique grossler a eu lieu pendant la déformation au Carbonifère et au Triasique.
Une déformation et un métamorphisme importants furent présents au tardi-Protérozoique blen que la plupart des structures cartographiques semblent être d'âge carbonifère. La déformation carbonifère est liée surtout faux coulissages affectant des failles courbes ou en gradins ce qui, par chevauchement, à produit localement des allochtones spectaculaires.
La comparaison entre la lanière de Saint John et d'autres lanières avaloniennes suggère que la zone tectonostratigraphique d'Avalon répose en partie sur un socle d'aspect grenvillien. L’amalgamation de celle-ci avec d'autres zones plus à l'ouest y a imprimé son cachet sur le flanc ouest comme en fait foi un magmatisme prononce tardi-ordovicien ou éo-silurien. De ces observations, on conclut que les lanières d'Aval on seraient d'une origine relativement locale et non paa exotique et que leur histoire seralt inféodée au jeu répété du morcellement et de la restauration de la marge continentale.
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Compost and Legionella longbeachae : an emerging infection?
Human disease caused by Legionella species is dominated by Legionella pneumophila, the main causative agent in cases of Legionnaires’ disease. However, other species are known to cause infection, for example, Legionella longbeachae causes an equivalent number of cases of disease as L. pneumophila in Australia and New Zealand. Infection with L. longbeachae is commonly associated with exposure to composts and potting soils, and cases of infection with this organism have been increasing in Europe over the past ten years. The increase in incidence may be linked to factors such as increased awareness of clinical presentation, or due to changing formulation of growing media, although it should be noted that the presence of Legionella species in growing media does not correlate with the number of cases currently seen. This is likely due to the variables associated with infection, for example, host factors such as smoking or underlying health conditions, or difference in growing media storage or climate, especially warm humid conditions, which may affect survival and growth of these organisms in the growing media environment. There are numerous unknowns in this area and collaboration between growing media manufacturers and researchers, as well as more awareness among diagnosing clinicians, laboratory staff and the general public is necessary to reduce risk. More research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn: L. pneumophila research currently dominates the field and it is likely that the overreliance on diagnostic techniques such as the urinary antigen test, which is specific for L. pneumophila Sg 1, is detrimental to the diagnosis of L. longbeachae infection
Geochemistry of post-tectonic mafic intrusions in the Central Gneiss Terrane of southwestern Newfoundland
South of Grand Lake, mafic igneous complexes of proven or probable Silurian age intruded quartzofeldspathic gneisses that had been deformed and raised to granulite fades in mid-Ordovician time. The mafic igneous complexes consist of gabbroic units, which locally exhibit igneous layering and contain ultramafic cumulate pods, that grade to and are cut by finer-grained hornblende gabbro. Compositions more felsic than diorite exhibit intrusive to co-mingling relationships with more mafic rocks. Chemical data for possible liquid-derived rocks exhibit characteristics suggesting derivation from diverse mantle sources, followed by varying combinations of fractionation, contamination, mixing and metasomatism by hydrous fluids during ascent and emplacement. The post-tectonic emplacement of the plutons suggests stabilisation of die Central Gneiss Terrane by late Ordovician or Silurian time, when the adjacent terrane to the southeast (Meelpaeg Terrane) was still undergoing deformation and granitic plutonism.
Au sud de Grand Lake, des complexes ignés mafiques, dont l’âge est assurément ou probablement silurien, firent intrusion dans desgneiss quartzofeldspathiques qui avaient été déforrnés avaient atteint le faciès des granulites au milieude l’Ordovicien. Les complexes ignés mafiques sont constitues d'unités gabbroiques (montrant localement un aspect rubanné et contenant des lentilles de cumulate ultramaflques) passant graduellement à un gabbro à hornblende moins grenu qui les recoupe aussi. Les compositions plus felsiques que la diorite sont en relation d'intrusion ou de mélange avec les roches plus mafiques. Les données chimiques concernant des roches possiblement derives du liquide montrent des caractéres suggèrant une dérivation à partir de diverses sources mantelliques, suivie d'une combinaison variée de fractionnement, contamination, mélange et métasomatisme par des fluides aqueux durant l'ascension et l’emplacement. L'emplacement post-tectonique des plutons suggère une stabilisation de la lanière Central Gneiss Terrane avant l'Ordovicien tardif ou le Silurien, au moment ou la lanière adjacente au sud-est (la Lanière de Meelpaeg) subissait encore une déformation et un plutonisme granitique.
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Bump start needed: linking guidelines, policy and practice in promoting physical activity during and beyond pregnancy
First paragraph: There is compelling evidence that regular physical activity (PA) during pregnancy benefits both mother and baby.1 2 Notably, physical and psychological benefits are evident in the literature, such as marked reductions in the development of gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders, alongside improvements in depressive symptoms and cardiorespiratory fitness.1 2 The evidence base has been reflected by recent policy initiatives, for example, in 2017 (relaunched in 2019), the UK‘s chief medical officers (CMOs) published PA guidelines for pregnant women, which made substantial strides in unifying and translating the evidence into recommendations.1 The CMO guidelines are aimed at supporting health professionals to provide consistent, evidence-based PA messages to women throughout pregnancy.1 Recently, the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity have updated their professional standards for working with antenatal and postnatal clients to align with these CMO guidelines.3 However, not all women have access to professionals with this level of expertise and training, potentially limiting the impact of the CMO guidelines
How Much Longer Will it Take? A Ten-year Review of the Implementation of United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 61/105, 64/72 and 66/68 on the Management of Bottom Fisheries in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 2002 adopted the first in a series of resolutions regarding the conservation of biodiversity in the deep sea. Prompted by seriousconcerns raised by scientists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and numerous States,these resolutions progressively committed States to act both individually and through regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) to either manage bottom fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction to prevent significant adverse impacts on deep-sea species, ecosystems and biodiversity or else prohibit bottom fishing from taking place.Ten years have passed since the adoption of resolution 61/105 in 2006, calling on States to take a set of specific actions to manage bottom fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) from the adverse impacts of bottom fishing and ensure the sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks. Despite the considerable progress by some RFMOs, there remain significant gaps in the implementation of key elements and commitments in the resolutions. The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) has prepared this report to assist the UNGA in its review in 2016 and to address the following question: How effectively have the resolutions been implemented
SYSTEMS-2: a randomised phase II study of radiotherapy dose escalation for pain control in malignant pleural mesothelioma
SYSTEMS-2 is a randomised study of radiotherapy dose escalation for pain control in 112 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Standard palliative (20Gy/5#) or dose escalated treatment (36Gy/6#) will be delivered using advanced radiotherapy techniques and pain responses will be compared at week 5. Data will guide optimal palliative radiotherapy in MPM
Acceptability of temporary suspension of visiting during norovirus outbreaks:investigating patient, visitor and public opinion
Noroviruses are a leading cause of outbreaks globally and the most common cause of service disruption due to ward closures. Temporary suspension of visiting (TSV) is increasingly a recommended public health measure to reduce exposure, transmission and impact during norovirus outbreaks; however, preventing patient–visitor contact may contravene the ethos of person-centred care, and public acceptability of this measure is not known.
To investigate the acceptability of TSV during norovirus outbreaks from the perspectives of patients, visitors and the wider public.
Cross-sectional survey of patients (NÂ =Â 153), visitors (NÂ =Â 175) and the public (NÂ =Â 224) in three diverse areas in Scotland. Health Belief Model constructs were applied to understand ratings of acceptability of TSV during norovirus outbreaks, and to determine associations between these levels and various predictor variables.
The majority (84.6%) of respondents indicated that the possible benefits of TSV are greater than the possible disadvantages. Conversely, the majority (70%) of respondents disagreed that TSV ‘is wrong as it ignores people's rights to have contact with family and friends’. The majority (81.6%) of respondents agreed that TSV would be more acceptable if exceptions were made for seriously ill or dying patients. Correlational analysis demonstrated that overall acceptability was positively related to perceived severity (r = 0.65), identified benefits (r = 0.54) and implementing additional communication strategies (r = 0.60); acceptability was negatively related to potential barriers (r = −0.49).
There is greater service user and public support for the use of TSV than concerns around impinging upon patients' rights to have visitors. TSV should be considered as an acceptable infection control measure that could be implemented consistently during norovirus outbreaks
Unfinished Business: a Review of the Implementation of the Provisions of United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 61/105 and 64/72, Related to the Management of Bottom Fisheries in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
In 2006 the General Assembly adopted resolution 61/105, based on a compromise proposal offered by deep-sea fishing nations, which committed States and regional fisheries management organisations [RFMOs] to take specific measures to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems [VMEs] from the adverse impacts of bottom fisheries in the high seas and to ensure the longterm sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks. These measures included conducting impact assessments to determine whether significant adverse impacts[SAIs] to VMEs would occur, managing fisheries to prevent SAIs on VMEs, and closing areas of the high seas to bottom fishing where VMEs are known or likely to occur, unless regulations are in place to prevent SAIs and to manage sustainably deep-sea fish stocks. Based on a review in 2009 of the actions taken by States and RFMOS, the UNGA adoptedresolution 64/72 that reaffirmed resolution 61/105 and strengthened the call for action through committing States, inter alia, to ensure that vessels do not engage in bottom fishing until impact assessments have been carried out and to not authorise bottom fishing activities until the measures in resolutions 64/72 and 61/105 have been adopted andimplemented
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