72 research outputs found


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    Le coste della Campania e delle sue isole, campo di studio per la ricerca di Pasquale Cucco, mostrano la complessa stratificazione della cultura del mare secondo un palinsesto di opere isolate o sistemiche che sono giunte imponenti già dall’antichità. Vi sono le costruzioni marittime, con i porti marini, le opere di difesa, le opere di accosto e ormeggio e i cantieri navali. Con le costruzioni marittime e i centri portuali si intrecciano le infrastrutture per le comunicazioni costiere e con l’entroterra, per la distribuzione o gli approvvigionamenti di merci e derrate destinate al consumo e al commercio, e i sistemi per la captazione e l’accumulo dell’acqua per gli abitati, le navi mercantili e le flotte militari

    BIM for Healthy Buildings. An Integrated Approach of Architectural Design based on IAQ Prediction

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    The relationship between users and the built environment represents a fundamental aspect of health. The factors that define the properties linked to health and well-being are increasingly becoming part of building design. In these terms, building information modelling (BIM) and BIM-based performance simulation take on a priority role. Among the key features for the design of Healthy Buildings, indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a central role. There are numerous indoor pollutants with significant health effects; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are to be mentioned among these. The paper presents the proposal of an integrated workflow in the BIM process for the check and control of VOC emissions from building materials and their concentration in confined environments. The workflow is developed through the systematisation of IAQ parameters for the open BIM standard, the integration in the BIM process of a numerical model for the prediction of the VOCs concentration in the indoor environment, and the development of model checkers for performance verification. The results show a good adhesion between the numerical model and the implementation in BIM, providing the designer with a rapid control instrument of IAQ in the various phases of the building design. The present study is the first development focused on TVOC, but implementable concerning other aspects of IAQ, as needed for the effectiveness of performance building-based design for health and wellness issues

    Urban resilience in the historical centres of Italian cities and towns. Strategies of preventative planning

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    Historical cities and towns are a valid example of resilience in a seismic context, and earthquakes have profoundly influenced their typological and constructional evolution. The improvement of this characteristic depends a great deal on the efficiency of preventative tools. Between state of the art and analytic interpretation, the development of crisis preparation strategies based on the organised knowledge of historical-constructional data and of large scale vulnerability, integrated with an urbanistic/systematic approach at the other end of the scale is proposed. The outcomes give value to two fundamental aspects: on one hand, the rapport between modifications of historical structures and relative seismic vulnerability of the aggregate of the urban fabric, on the other, the definition of priority of constructional and urban intervention

    Modelling VOC Emissions from Building Materials for Healthy Building Design

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    The profound qualitative changes of indoor air and the progressive increase in the absolute number of pollutants, combined with the scientific awareness of the health impacts deriving from spending more than 90% of one’s time inside confined spaces, have increased the attention onto the needs of well-being, hygiene, and the health of users. This scientific attention has produced studies and analyses useful for evidence-based insights into building performance. Among the main pollutants in the indoor environment, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) play a central role, and the use of box-models using the mass balance approach and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are now consolidated to study their concentrations in an indoor environment. This paper presents the use of both types of modelling for the prediction of the VOC concentration in the indoor environment and the proposal of a guide value for the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)-oriented building design, specifically related to the indoor VOC concentration due to building materials. Methodologically, the topic is addressed through environmental sampling, the definition of the parameters necessary for the numerical models, the simulations with the box-model and the CFD, and the comparison between the results. They show a good correspondence between the modelling tools used, highlighting the central role of ventilation and allowing a discussion of the relationship between regulatory limits of emissivity of materials and Indoor Air Guide Values for the concentration of pollutants

    Critical lssues on lntegrated Solutions for Seismic and Energy Retrofitting of High-rise Building in Reinforced Concrete Walls and Panels: The M4 in Tor Bella Monaca - Rome

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    In Italy, after the destructions of World War II, due the particular development of economy and the political decision in the field of reconstruction, a government option for building construction industrialization comes up only at the beginning of ‘60s. A wide number of different proposals of building sector industrialization came from technicians, industries and researchers, and the debate interested all the years between the end of the war and the approval of the law number 167 in 1962. First of all the city builders are fascinated by the French Grands Ensembles and the main design tools are based on standard house typologies and infrastructures projecting. This happens before that the national technical laws transpose the seismic and energy design and put them into the professional practice. Thus, the paper focuses on a heritage referred to industrial production for infrastructures, with a high compromising in respecting requested building performances. The case study is the high-rise building typology in the neighborhood of Tor Bella Monaca in Rome, one the biggest of that period in Italy. Here, comparing to the last INA-Casa experience, the quality of apartment’s plan collapses, and new critical issues become usual on the point of view of the envelope (thermal bridges and low insulation). The group of research proposes the analysis of different possible interventions based on an integrated approach between architectural quality of residential units renovation, energy and seismic retrofit. As expected, the cost-effective evaluation of the proposal shows the convenience of the integrated approach in supporting public administration in social housing renovation. The best solutions, according to the parameter of efficiency, resistance, residential units improvement, offer an increasing of residential units (plus 30%), a balanced reduction of energy consumption associated to energy removable production, and a considerable improvement of the seismic behavior of the structure

    H-BET Historic Built Environment Typologies. Open spaces and SUOD events in the compact historic town

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    The relationships between the Built Environment (BE) and SUdden-Onset Disasters (SUOD) are increasingly the focus of hazard mitigation investigation. Specifically, in the Historic Built Environment (HBE), defined as the network of buildings, infrastructure, and open spaces of the compact historic city, recent and past events have shown the need for an elevation of the resilience of the resident community. Previous studies by the author’s research team have objectified the characterisation of HBEs prone to SUODs. What emerged was the primary importance of open spaces in the Built Environment as elements to be characterised with respect to possible emergency phases and BE user behaviour. Specifically, the Historic Built Environment Typologies (H-BETs) can help to evaluate user behaviour during and after the event. Focusing on the role of the classification of the open spaces, the paper presents the H-BETs and their potential role in the multi-risk assessment of the compact historic town. The specific risk conditions of the urban areas (e.g., crowding, the complexity of the overall form of BEs, characteristics of built elements, uses of BEs), and the physical characteristics of historic urban BE (e.g., the height of the built fronts, number, and type of accesses, the slope of the ground) are considered together in order to propose a classification of different type of open spaces, starting from morphological classes towards the definition of a complete typological categorisation, representative of the urban system’s variables that interact with the identified SUOD hazards

    Prescription appropriateness of anti-diabetes drugs in elderly patients hospitalized in a clinical setting: evidence from the REPOSI Register

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    Diabetes is an increasing global health burden with the highest prevalence (24.0%) observed in elderly people. Older diabetic adults have a greater risk of hospitalization and several geriatric syndromes than older nondiabetic adults. For these conditions, special care is required in prescribing therapies including anti- diabetes drugs. Aim of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness and the adherence to safety recommendations in the prescriptions of glucose-lowering drugs in hospitalized elderly patients with diabetes. Data for this cross-sectional study were obtained from the REgistro POliterapie-Società Italiana Medicina Interna (REPOSI) that collected clinical information on patients aged ≥ 65 years acutely admitted to Italian internal medicine and geriatric non-intensive care units (ICU) from 2010 up to 2019. Prescription appropriateness was assessed according to the 2019 AGS Beers Criteria and anti-diabetes drug data sheets.Among 5349 patients, 1624 (30.3%) had diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. At admission, 37.7% of diabetic patients received treatment with metformin, 37.3% insulin therapy, 16.4% sulfonylureas, and 11.4% glinides. Surprisingly, only 3.1% of diabetic patients were treated with new classes of anti- diabetes drugs. According to prescription criteria, at admission 15.4% of patients treated with metformin and 2.6% with sulfonylureas received inappropriately these treatments. At discharge, the inappropriateness of metformin therapy decreased (10.2%, P < 0.0001). According to Beers criteria, the inappropriate prescriptions of sulfonylureas raised to 29% both at admission and at discharge. This study shows a poor adherence to current guidelines on diabetes management in hospitalized elderly people with a high prevalence of inappropriate use of sulfonylureas according to the Beers criteria

    Tor Bella Monaca e la Prefabbricazione nei Peep. Un’opzione dominante non troppo maggioritaria

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    Tor Bella Monaca, tra molti primati, ha anche quello di essere stata una delle più rilevanti esperienze di edilizia industrializzata della seconda metà del XX secolo a Roma e in Italia. Il quartiere era da poco ultimato quando emersero le prime problematiche nel difficile avviamento della realtà urbana, nella costruzione della compagine sociale, nelle carenze di gestione del quartiere e, non ultimo, le aperte critiche alla vicenda progettuale (Barucci s.d.; Lenci 1983). I mali di Tbm, pur individuati principalmente nella gestione pubblica e nella rigidezza delle tipologie residenziali, vengono da subito associati anche alla prefabbricazione e ai procedimenti industrializzati per l’edilizia. È così che in opposizione agli ideali dei maestri del Moderno a partire dagli anni ottanta, per molti, romani e non, «prefabbricato» e edilizia popolare divengono sinonimi di bassa qualità costruttiva, abitativa e urbana

    Dal cotonificio Huafeng di Baoshan al Bund 1919 // From the Huafeng Cotton Mill to Bund 1919

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    从华丰棉厂到半岛1919文化创意产业园。 自2010年以来,通过对位于吴淞历史悠久的永安2号棉花工业园的重建,开始创建半岛1919文化创意产业园。 改造项目由上海申方投资管理有限公司进行,其中唯一的成员是红城公司(上海十钢的开发商)和上海纺织集团有限公司(拥有该区域产权的纺织公司)。 相关特征包括了工业建筑特征,以及该工厂在上海和中国纺织工业历史中的作用。 该城市项目是建立一个创意产业园区,追求三个总体目标:a)促进和管理文化活动和企业;b)支持上海的创意产业,从中国制造变为中国创造;c)创造城市中心地位,开始区域再生和土地开发的进程。 发展基于一个开放的项目。最初项目基于最原始的用途吸引,项目经过核查后,发展并扩张到所有涉及的区域。Since 2010, the creation of the Bund 1919 has begun, through the redevelopment of the historic Wing On 2 cotton industrial complex located in Wusong. The renovation project was carried out by the Shanghai Shenfang Investment Management, of which the sole members are Red Town Corporation (developer of Ten Steel) and Shangtex (the textile company that owns the area). The relevant characteristics are both in the industrial architecture and in the role that this mill has in the history of cotton industry in Shanghai and in China. The urban project has set up a creative industry park and pursues three general objectives: a) promoting and managing cultural activities and enterprises b) supporting the creative industry in Shanghai, moving from Made in China to Created in China c) creating an urban centrality to start a process of regeneration and real estate development. Development is based on an open project. A first plant is formed, supported by the first attractive uses. After a verification process the developments and expansions proceeded to all the occupied areas

    La memoria dell'industria. Patrimoni della produzione nella provincia di Rieti

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    Nel territorio della Provincia di Rieti sono sempre più numerosi gli elementi della storia industriale che occorre portare all’attenzione della gestione e della pianificazione. Si tratta di realtà produttive che, dopo un secolare ciclo di vita, hanno perso la loro funzionalità e inducono a un confronto con gli spazi, i territori e i paesaggi del lavoro. L’industria si è insediata in prossimità delle risorse di materiali, energia e mano d’opera e i fiumi del Reatino hanno subito, per lo sfruttamento antropico antico e recente, importanti modificazioni, che costituiscono i caratteri più imponenti del paesaggio contemporaneo. Nei Comuni della Provincia troviamo produzioni ancora vitali accanto a impianti dismessi e abbandonati, imprese innovative e comparti storicizzati. Da qui l’esigenza di procedere a un inventario. Il volume da un lato si propone di ripercorrere le principali vicende imprenditoriali della prima industrializzazione della Provincia; dall’altro, segue un approccio contemporaneo alla visione dei territori postindustriali, confrontandosi con i luoghi ancora interessati dalla produzione e con quelli di antico e perdurante impianto rurale, per tracciarne storia e prospettive con l’obiettivo di una gestione sostenibile delle risorse e del territorio