35 research outputs found

    State Space Approaches for Modeling Activities in Video Streams

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    The objective is to discern events and behavior in activities using video sequences, which conform to common human experience. It has several applications such as recognition, temporal segmentation, video indexing and anomaly detection. Activity modeling offers compelling challenges to computational vision systems at several levels ranging from low-level vision tasks for detection and segmentation to high-level models for extracting perceptually salient information. With a focus on the latter, the following approaches are presented: event detection in discrete state space, epitomic representation in continuous state space, temporal segmentation using mixed state models, key frame detection using antieigenvalues and spatio-temporal activity volumes. Significant changes in motion properties are said to be events. We present an event probability sequence representation in which the probability of event occurrence is computed using stable changes at the state level of the discrete state hidden Markov model that generates the observed trajectories. Reliance on a trained model however, can be a limitation. A data-driven antieigenvalue-based approach is proposed for detecting changes. Antieigenvalues are sensitive to turnings whereas eigenvalues capture directions of maximum variance in the data. In both these approaches, events are assumed to be instantaneous quantities. This is relaxed using an epitomic representation in continuous state space. Video sequences are segmented using a sliding window within which the dynamics of each object is assumed to be linear. The system matrix, initial state value and the input signal statistics are said to form an epitome. The system matrices are decomposed using the Iwasawa matrix decomposition to isolate the effect of rotation, scaling and projection of the state vector. It is used to compute physically meaningful distances between epitomes. Epitomes reveal dominant primitives of activities that have an abstracted interpretation. A mixed state approach for activities is presented in which higher-level primitives of behavior is encoded in the discrete state component and observed dynamics in the continuous state component. The effectiveness of mixed state models is demonstrated using temporal segmentation. In addition to motion trajectories, the volume carved out in an xyt cube by a moving object is characterized using Morse functions

    Modelling of interactions for the recognition of activities in groups of people

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    In this research study we adopt a probabilistic modelling of interactions in groups of people, using video sequences, leading to the recognition of their activities. Firstly, we model short smooth streams of localised movement. Afterwards, we partition the scene in regions of distinct movement, by using maximum a posteriori estimation, by fitting Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) to the movement statistics. Interactions between moving regions are modelled using the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence between pairs of statistical representations of moving regions. Such interactions are considered with respect to the relative movement, moving region location and relative size, as well as to the dynamics of the movement and location inter-dependencies, respectively. The proposed methodology is assessed on two different data sets showing different categories of human interactions and group activities

    Key frame-based activity representation using antieigenvalues

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    Abstract. Many activities may be characterized by a sequence of key frames that are related to important changes in motion rather than dominant characteristics that persist over a long sequence of frames. To detect such changes, we define a transformation operator at every time instant, which relates the past to the future states. One of the useful quantities associated with numerical range of an operator is the eigenvalue. In the literature, eigenvalue-based approaches have been studied extensively for many modeling tasks. These rely on gross properties of the data and are not suitable to detect subtle changes. We propose an antieigenvalue-based measure to detect key frames. Antieigenvalues depend critically on the turning of the operator, whereas eigenvalues represent the amount of dilation along the eigenvector directions aligned with the direction of maximum variance. We demonstrate its application to activity modeling and recognition using two datasets: a motion capture dataset and the UCF human action dataset.

    Gait-based Recognition of Humans Using Continuous HMMs

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    Gait is a spatio-temporal phenomenon that typifies the motion characteristics of an individual. In this paper, we propose a view based approach to recognize humans through gait. The width of the outer contour of the binarized silhouette of a walking person is chosen as the image feature. A set of stances or key frames that occur during the walk cycle of an individual is chosen. Euclidean distances of a given image from this stance set are computed and a lower dimensional observation vector is generated. A continuous HMM is trained using several such lower dimensional vector sequences extracted from the video. This methodology serves to compactly capture structural and transitional features that are unique to an individual. The statistical nature of the HMM renders overall robustness to gait representation and recognition. Human identification performance of the proposed scheme is found to be quite good when tested in natural walk conditions

    Activity modeling using event probability sequences

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    Changes in motion properties of trajectories provide useful cues for modeling and recognizing human activities. We associate an event with significant changes that are localized in time and space, and represent activities as a sequence of such events. The localized nature of events allows for detection of subtle changes or anomalies in activities. In this paper, we present a probabilistic approach for representing events using the hidden Markov model (HMM) framework. Using trained HMMs for activities, an event probability sequence is computed for every motion trajectory in the training set. It reflects the probability of an event occurring at every time instant. Though the parameters of the trained HMMs depend on viewing direction, the event probability sequences are robust to changes in viewing direction. We describe sufficient conditions for the existence of view invariance. The usefulness of the proposed event representation is illustrated using activity recognition and anomaly detection. Experiments using the indoor University of Central Florida human action dataset, the Carnegie Mellon University Credo Intelligence, Inc., Motion Capture dataset, and the outdoor Transportation Security Administration airport tarmac surveillance dataset show encouraging results