94 research outputs found

    Chapter Guidance Specificity in Educational Research. Criticisms and Area of Intervention in Higher Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss and reflect on the Neapolitan section of the PRIN project from a critical perspective. The research underlines the relevance of combining the dimensions of meaning, continuity, and change, giving individuals the chance to try out promising educational itineraries where guidance is understood as a pedagogical tool of higher education context

    Relazioni ed emozioni nella costruzione della professionalità docente

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    The aim of this paper is to explore emotions and relationships at school, in order toobtain clear developmental directions relating to teachers’ education. Learning andteaching processes are complex, mainly due to the interplay between the cognitive,emotional and action dimensions that call the self into question; if what one learns andhow one does it, as well as the choices of teaching, form and are the derivative of ways ofdealing with culture and knowledge and of an idea of the self as a subject that buildsknowledge, the relational and emotional dimensions go through these processes in a verysignificant way; therefore, it is a priority to consciously guide the socio-emotionalexchanges through which the learning and teaching processes are carried out.Teachers’ education needs to be more specialized in order to build emotional andrelational competences to be able to face and guide the growing criticality that permeatesthe relationship between the stakeholders in the school system, teachers, students andparents.L’intento del contributo è quello di esplorare il tema delle emozioni e delle relazioni ascuola, allo scopo di ricavare precise direzioni di sviluppo nell’ambito della formazionedegli insegnanti. I processi di apprendimento e di insegnamento evidenziano unacomplessità dovuta principalmente all’interscambio tra dimensioni cognitive, affettive edell’agire che chiamano in causa il proprio Sé. Se ciò che si impara e come lo si facostituisce un fattore fondamentale nello strutturarsi del modo personale di porsi rispettoalla cultura e ai saperi e dell’idea di sé in quanto soggetto costruttore di conoscenza, ladimensione relazionale e quella emotiva attraversano questi processi in maniera moltosignificativa; pertanto, è prioritario orientare consapevolmente gli scambi socio-emotiviattraverso cui i processi di apprendimento e di insegnamento si compiono. Il lavoroformativo con gli insegnanti dovrà sempre di più specializzarsi nell’ottica di costruirecompetenze emotive e relazionali in grado di affrontare e di orientare il crescente disagioche permea i rapporti tra i principali attori del sistema scolastico, insegnanti, studenti egenitori

    Promuovere corporeità sistemiche nei contesti di formazione-lavoro. Quali scenari post-pandemici?

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    La pandemia da COVID-19 ha impresso uno svolta radicale alla nostra vita, la quale è stata repentinamente investita da cambiamenti tali da accompagnarsi ad una crisi senza precedenti. La formazione e il lavoro, quali ambiti precipui di costruzione e consolidamento dell’identità personale e sociale, stanno attraversando un momento altrettanto critico, per cui, è necessario ripensare possibili scenari post-pandemici in cui la formazione funga da catalizzatore di cambiamento per la promozione di un benessere individuale e sociale a tutto tondo

    Apprendere la creatività in contesti di formazione orientativa

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    Educational systems and processes have the task of safeguarding and cultivating the pleasure deriving from interactions with oneself, with others and with the world; the refinement of these interactions is aimed at making them more and more functional and above all an irreducible component of a process of self-designing and the conquest of lifelong existential planning. Creativity in learning is understood here as the development of the ability to learn generatively. One of the priority objectives of the educational system is to prepare the new generations to face the challenge of change and continuous research; it is a theme strongly interconnected with that of the guidance to choices and the construction of a new work culture.I sistemi e i processi formativi hanno il compito di salvaguardare e coltivare la piacevolezza derivante dalle interazioni con sé stessi, con gli altri e con il mondo; l’affinamento di queste interazioni è volto a renderle sempre più funzionali e soprattutto componente irriducibile di un processo di autodeterminazione del Sé e di conquista di una progettualità esistenziale lifelong. La creatività nell’apprendimento viene qui intesa come sviluppo della capacità di apprendere in maniera generativa. Uno degli obiettivi prioritari del sistema formativo è quello di preparare le nuove generazioni ad affrontare la sfida del cambiamento e della ricerca continua; si tratta di un tema fortemente intrecciato con quello dell’orientamento alle scelte e della costruzione di una nuova cultura del lavoro


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    Sport symbolizes a powerful instrument to propagate social stereotypes that feed and exacerbate also gender differences. The discrimination messages about gender are very frequent in sport and most of the time they have not direct and clear appearances, but the signals are implicit, hidden and nonverbal, not for this less effective. The educational instance that emerges strongly is which that consists in supporting individual paths of self-research, which could mean a suffered journey that requires difficult integrations. In light of this, what can be the educability dimension which should be supported by a sport that focuses on the individual's subjectivity, thus also his sexuality? Intending sport in a broader sense, and then considering all forms of organized activity related to movement, it might be appropriate to induce several aspects that may confer to sport an intentional educational value. It is at this point that the pedagogy is called upon to reflect critically on sports situations, to direct actions towards the construction of the learning setting that can promote wellness and well-being of involved persons. On a pedagogical perspective, is worthwhile reflect on how sport can becomes a context able to allow subjects to test themselves freely, even developing abilities and behaviors useful to feed life skills to a harmonious growth with themselves and in their own living environments. A sport supporter of universal ideals must undoubtable accept the category of difference in order to support and promote values of subjectivities


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     What are the effects of the pandemic on body well-being? What are the criticalities and which are the processes that can represent educational opportunities? These are the questions of this call for papers which intends to range from the change of some specific life situations, such as the condition of being student through e-learning, to the change of everyday times, much less marked by being active with the body, by moving to change our own field of experience.The concentration of multiple experiences in a strongly reduced body space is a fundamental consequence of the pandemic that has forced to replace the interactions among bodies with virtual interactions which, if, in some ways, reduce and impoverish the quality of communication, in others it accentuate some dimensions, first and foremost which favours verbal language.In the educational relationship, the impossibility of a synchronic interaction with other bodies could increase the self-referential working group educational and didactic character, where the presence of the other is no longer immediately prompting adjustments or changes in direction on the cognitive, emotional and relationship side in general.Within family context, the expansion of the cohabitation times can force a persistent sharing of the same environments with the consequence of an overexposure of the bodies. Overall, the existence of bodies appears to have been widely modified in the pandemic situation, with the danger of struggling to find oneself again, of not being able to manage changes, of making room for forms of malaise rather than new temporary balances. How could the discomfort linked to the pandemic situation have the body dimension as its theatre? What could be the indicators of increasing difficulties in children, adolescents and adults?Other criticalities are inherent the inevitable neglect of their health/disease states, not giving themselves and their bodies the attention and care that they would also need; putting a large part of primary and secondary prevention on standby spreads a "waiting" thinking and feeling and people wait for the end of the pandemic to resume taking care of the well-being of their bodies, resigning themselves to living with small or more serious problems and, in some way, to sacrifice oneself in the name of a greater danger, which for too many has become a dramatic personal history.How, then, could these most lonely and "suspended" bodies, the bodies of the most fragile people, could benefit from the educational work of parents, teachers, educators, instructors and coaches? All this in the awareness that education has no interruptions whatsoever and that our choices and non-choices, even and above all in this era of pandemic, far from being neutral, have had and will have a decisive power in conditioning towards more existences, resigned, less vital and creative, or happier
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