22,953 research outputs found

    Potable water dispenser

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    A dispenser particularly suited for use in dispensing potable water into food and beverage reconstitution bags is described. The dispenser is characterized by an expansible chamber, selectively adjustable stop means for varying the maximum dimensions, a rotary valve, and a linear valve coupled in a cooperating relation for delivering potable water to and from the chamber

    Computer program for supersonic Kernel-function flutter analysis of thin lifting surfaces

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    This report describes a computer program (program D2180) that has been prepared to implement the analysis described in (N71-10866) for calculating the aerodynamic forces on a class of harmonically oscillating planar lifting surfaces in supersonic potential flow. The planforms treated are the delta and modified-delta (arrowhead) planforms with subsonic leading and supersonic trailing edges, and (essentially) pointed tips. The resulting aerodynamic forces are applied in a Galerkin modal flutter analysis. The required input data are the flow and planform parameters including deflection-mode data, modal frequencies, and generalized masses

    Analytical comparison of effects of solid-friction and viscous structural damping on panel flutter

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    A Galerkin modal analysis is presented that accounts for the effects of both solid friction and viscous structural damping on panel flutter, based on unsteady aerodynamic forces from supersonic potential flow. The eigensolutions are made by complex eigenvalue computer routines. Markedly different effects on the flutter boundary of the two types of structural damping are obtained. This result establishes that there is not, in general, an "equivalent viscous" damping for solid-friction damping. For the limiting case of the static-aerodynamic approximation, a substantially different flutter dynamic pressure is obtained for solid friction identically zero compared with solid friction approaching zero as a limit. Use of the quasi-static aerodynamic approximation eliminates that difference

    Analysis of preflutter and postflutter characteristics with motion-matched aerodynamic forces

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    The development of the equations of dynamic equilibrium for a lifting surface from Lagrange's equation is reviewed and restated for general exponential growing and decaying oscillatory motion. Aerodynamic forces for this motion are obtained from the three-dimensional supersonic kernel function that is newly generalized to complex reduced frequencies. Illustrative calculations were made for two flutter models at supersonic Mach numbers. Preflutter and postflutter motion isodecrement curves were obtained. This type of analysis can be used to predict preflutter behavior during flutter testing and to predict postflutter behavior for use in the design of flutter suppression systems

    How Engaged Are Consumers in Their Health and Health Care, and Why Does It Matter?

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    Summarizes findings on U.S. patients' ability to manage their health and health care by income level, education, Medicaid status, and health status. Examines access to care by level of engagement among the chronically ill. Discusses policy implications

    A Growing Hole in the Safety Net: Physician Charity Care Declines Again

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    Examines reasons for the decline in the number of physicians providing free or reduced cost health care in proportion to the number of uninsured Americans, in the last decade. Includes implications related to the decline in access to medical care

    Defect structure of EFG silicon ribbon

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    The defect structure of EFG ribbons was studied using EBIC, TEM and HVEM. By imaging the same areas in EBIC and HVEM, a direct correlation between the crystallographic nature of defects and their electrical properties was obtained. (1) Partial dislocations at coherent twin boundaries may or may not be electrically active. Since no microprecipitates were observed at these dislocations it is likely that the different electrical activity is a consequence of the different dislocation core structures. (2) 2nd order twin joins were observed which followed the same direction as the coherent first order twins normally associated with EFG ribbons. These 2nd order twin joins are in all cases strongly electrically active. EFG ribbons contain high concentrations of carbon. Since no evidence of precipitation was found with TEM it is suggested that the carbon may be incorporated into the higher order twin boundaries now known to exist in EFG ribbons

    Direction of movement effects under transformed visual/motor mappings

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    Performance in a discrete aiming task was compared under several transformed visual/motor mappings: rotations by 45, 90, 135, and 180 deg and reflections about the horizontal and the vertical midlines. Eight aiming targets were used, corresponding to eight directions of movement: up, down, right, left, up-right, down-left, up-left, and down-right. Direction of movements were characterized in terms of separable visual and motor components, and two kinds of direction of movement effects were considered. First, a direction of movement effect paralleling that seen in rapid aiming under the usual nontransformed mapping. Second, because rotations, but not reflections, are physically realizable 2-D transformations, a visual/motor control system which is sensitive to physical constraints should perform reflections, but not rotations, in a piecemeal fashion. Results supported the hypothesis that a motor factor having to do with complexity of limb movement accounts for differences in movement accuracy between right and left oblique directions. Direction of movement effects were more evident in reflections than in rotations, and were consistent with the hypothesis that the visual/motor-control system seeks a physically realizable 2-D rotation solution to reflections. Results also suggested that reversal of two orthogonal basis dimensions is far less difficult than reversing only one and leaving the other intact

    Defect structure of web silicon ribbon

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    The results of a preliminary study of two dendritic web samples are presented. The structure and electrical activity of the defects in the silicon webs were studied. Optical microscopy of chemically etched specimens was used to determine dislocation densities. Samples were mechanically polished, then Secco etched for approximately 5 minutes. High voltage transmission electron microscopy was used to characterize the crystallographic nature of the defects

    Chemisorption on a model bcc metal

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    The system considered here is that of a single atom with one energy level chemisorbed on the (001) surface of a model bcc metal. We present the change in the density of electronic states Δn (E) due to chemisorption for two cases: one when the adatom is bound to a single substrate atom in the "on‐site" configuration and the other when it is bound to four substrate atoms in the "centered fourfold site." In principle, this change in the density of states Δn can be related to the results of photoemission measurements