12,478 research outputs found

    Divine Comedy in English: a critical bibliography of Dante['s] translation, 1782-1954

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    It seemed equally important to find out something about the translators: their background, the nature of their interest in Dante, their motives in tackling the task of translation, their equipment, their other literary achievements and so on. While this was fairly easy with some of them, a great many proved very difficult to identify; but one or two strokes of luck during the first phase of the investigation gave encouragement, and all except a few have emerged as personalities.The object of the following pages is to present the fullest possible array of facts regarding the English translators of the Divine Comedy or substantial portions thereof; to give specimens of each translation together with a critical appraisal; to draw at least some preliminary conclusions from the results with regard to the principles on which the translation of poetry has been and should be based, as well as to its historical development, its relation to contemporary thought, and its value as a department of literature; and lastly to give a brief glance at the corresponding achievements in other languages, with perhaps a side -glance at the parallel stream of Faust translations. In the main only translations extending to at least one completed cantica have been dealt with, so that the record begins in the year 1782 with the appearance of Rogers' Inferno; incidentally until that year not even a single complete canto of the Divine Comedy had been printed in English

    Earth Reflected Solar Radiation Input to Spherical Satellites

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    A general calculation is given for the earth's albedo input to a spherical satellite, with the assumption that the earth can be considered a diffusely reflecting sphere. The results are presented in general form so that appropriate values for the solar constant and albedo of the earth can be used as more accurate values become available. The results are also presented graphically; the incident power is determined on the assumption that the mean solar constant is 1.353 x 10( exp 6) erg/(sq cm.sec) and the albedo of the earth is 0.34

    Synthesis and Processing of MgB2MgB_2 powders and wires

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    Sintered powders and wires of superconducting MgB2MgB_2 have been fabricated under a variety of conditions in order to determine details of the diffusion of the MgMg into BB and to study the types of defects that arise during growth. For samples prepared by exposure of boron to MgMg vapor at 950C950^{\circ}C, the conversion of particles of less than 100μm100\mu m size particles to MgB2MgB_2 is complete in about 2h2 h. The lattice parameters of the MgB2MgB_2 phase determined from X-ray are independent of the starting stoichiometry and the time of reaction. Wire segments of MgB2MgB_2 with very little porosity have been produced by reacting 141μm141 \mu m diameter boron fibers in an atmosphere of excess MgMg vapor at 950C950^{\circ}C. Defects in the reacted fibers are predominantly the voids left as the boron is converted to MgB2MgB_2

    Jet fuel property changes and their effect on producibility and cost in the U.S., Canada, and Europe

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    The effects of changes in properties and blending stocks on the refinery output and cost of jet fuel in the U.S., Canada, and Europe were determined. Computerized refinery models that minimize production costs and incorporated a 1981 cost structure and supply/demand projections to the year 2010 were used. Except in the West U.S., no changes in jet fuel properties were required to meet all projected demands, even allowing for deteriorating crude qualities and changes in competing product demand. In the West U.S., property changes or the use of cracked blendstocks were projected to be required after 1990 to meet expected demand. Generally, relaxation of aromatics and freezing point, or the use of cracked stocks produced similar results, i.e., jet fuel output could be increased by up to a factor of three or its production cost lowered by up to $10/cu m. High quality hydrocracked stocks are now used on a limited basis to produce jet fuel. The conversion of U.S. and NATO military forces from wide-cut to kerosene-based jet fuel is addressed. This conversion resulted in increased costs of several hundred million dollars annually. These costs can be reduced by relaxing kerosene jet fuel properties, using cracked stocks and/or considering the greater volumetric energy content of kerosene jet fuel

    Recent Developments in Radical Photoinitiator Chemistry

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    Radiation curing is an established technology used in many industrial manufacturing processes. New applications and technical specifications stimulate the continuous development of tailor-made photoinitiators which can efficiently meet specific requirements. A new class of radical photoinitiators, bisacylphosphine oxides (BAPO), give four initiating radicals per photoinitiator molecule and undergo photo-bleaching of the low-energy absorption band. These features make the compounds highly efficient for radiation curing of highly opaque white pigmented systems, thick coatings, or fiber-reinforced formulations

    Brewster-angle measurements of sea-surface reflectance using a high resolution spectroradiometer

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    This paper describes the design, construction and testing of a ship-borne spectroradiometer based on an imaging spectrograph and cooled CCD array with a wavelength range of 350-800 nm and 4 nm spectral sampling. The instrument had a minimum spectral acquisition time of 0.1 s, but in practice data were collected over periods of 10 s to allow averaging of wave effects. It was mounted on a ship's superstructure so that it viewed the sea surface from a height of several metres at the Brewster angle (53 degrees) through a linear polarizing filter. Comparison of sea-leaving spectra acquired with the polarizer oriented horizontally and vertically enabled estimation of the spectral composition of sky light reflected directly from the sea surface. A semi-empirical correction procedure was devised for retrieving water-leaving radiance spectra from these measurements while minimizing the influence of reflected sky light. Sea trials indicated that reflectance spectra obtained by this method were consistent with the results of radiance transfer modelling of case 2 waters with similar concentrations of chlorophyll and coloured dissolved organic matter. Surface reflectance signatures measured at three locations containing blooms of different phytoplankton species were easily discriminated and the instrument was sufficiently sensitive to detect solar-stimulated fluorescence from surface chlorophyll concentrations down to 1 mg m−3

    Primary Production and Carbon Allocation in Creosotebush

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