9 research outputs found
Reconstruction of Propagating Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices at Mercury's Magnetopause
A series of quasi-periodic magnetopause crossings were recorded by the MESSENGER spacecraft during its third flyby of Mercury on 29 September 2009, likely caused by a train of propagating Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) vortices. We here revisit the observations to study the internal structure of the waves. Exploiting MESSENGER s rapid traversal of the magnetopause, we show that the observations permit a reconstruction of the structure of a rolled-up KH vortex directly from the spacecraft s magnetic field measurements. The derived geometry is consistent with all large-scale fluctuations in the magnetic field data, establishes the non-linear nature of the waves, and shows their vortex-like structure. In several of the wave passages, a reduction in magnetic field strength is observed in the middle of the wave, which is characteristic of rolled-up vortices and is related to the increase in magnetic pressure required to balance the centrifugal force on the plasma in the outer regions of a vortex, previously reported in computer simulations. As the KH wave starts to roll up, the reconstructed geometry suggests that the vortices develop two gradual transition regions in the magnetic field, possibly related to the mixing of magnetosheath and magnetospheric plasma, situated at the leading edges from the perspectives of both the magnetosphere and the magnetosheath
The Assessment of Fiscal Situation Impact on Exchange Rates (Euro Zone Example)
Viens no galvenajiem argumentiem eiro zonas neatbilstībai OVZ kritērijiem ir fiskālās disciplīnas trūkums. Rodas šaubas, vai eiro zona spēs pārvarēt fiskālās problēmas un saglabāt eiro valūtas stabilitāti nākotnē.
Maģistra darba mērķis ir, balstoties uz teorētiskajām atziņām par fiskālo kritēriju izpildi, empīriski novērtēt to ietekmi uz valūtas kursiem.
Pētījuma rezultāti liecina, ka starp eiro zonas budžeta deficītu, valdības parādu un EUR/USD vai EUR/GBP valūtas kursiem nepastāv statistiski nozīmīga lineārā sakarība. Tomēr vidēji ciešie korelācijas koeficienti norāda uz rādītāju savstarpējo saikni, tāpēc īstenotajai fiskālajai politikai ir jābūt pārdomātai.
Pētījuma pamatteksts ir izklāstīts uz 97 lapaspusēm, ilustrēts ar 31 attēlu, 5 tabulām un 1 vienādojumu.
Atslēgvārdi: OVZ, fiskālā situācija, budžeta deficīts, valūtas kurssAs one of the main arguments why euro zone does not compliance with OCA criteria, is its lack of fiscal discipline. It is doubtful whether the euro zone can overcome fiscal challenges and keep the euro currency's future stability.
The aim of master’s thesis is, based on theoretical knowledge of the fiscal criteria implementation, to empirically assess its impact on exchange rates.
The conclusions reveal that there is not statistically significant linear correlation between euro zone budget deficits, government debt and EUR/USD, EUR/GBP exchange rates. However, average tight correlation coefficients indicate the relationship between those variables; therefore fiscal policy performance should be prudent.
Research body contains of 97 pages, 31 images, 5 tables and 1 equation.
Key words: OCA, fiscal situation, budget deficit, the exchange rat
High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection Patterns Dependent on the IMF Orientation
The IZMEM model provides high-latitude ionospheric plasma convection patterns in both hemispheres as a function of the IMF orientation. Model electric potentials are compared with electric field measurements from the DE2, FAST and DMSP satellites along high-latitude passes of the Northern and Southern hemispheres during IMF Bz < 0 and By < 0 (By >0). It has been shown that the IZMEM model electric potentials are in good agreement with measurements along the satellite passes, which makes the IZMEM global spatial convection patterns for these plausible. For small IMF magnitude ionospheric convection patterns generally consist of two cells with a positive potential cell on the dawn-side and a negative potential cell on the dusk-side. For IMF By<0 (By>0) a positive (negative) potential cell becomes dominant in the northern hemisphere, and oppositely in the southern hemisphere. During Bz > 0 the convection pattern changes from the standard two-cell pattern to a more complicated one. IZMEM shows two additional convection cells in the dayside polar cap, positive (negative) potential cell is present duskward (dawnward) of the noon-midnight meridian, and may cause three-cell or four-cell convection pattern depending on By/Bz ratio.QC 2012032
The creation of families : Christianity and contemporary adoption
This thesis is a theological and practical reflection on the practice of adoption in contemporary Britain, as it affects Christian adoption agencies, Christian social workers, Christian parents and adopted children. The first three chapters set the background context to the research by examining the history, theology, legal and sociological context. This enables the contemporary situation to be established, particularly the potential for tension between the thinking of many Christians about constructing adoptive families and the open, liberal stance of the state and Local Authorities. This tension was heightened with the passing of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 that drew attention to radically different viewpoints within adoption work. The theological reflection methods employed were the pastoral cycle and canonical narrative, both of which were subordinate to an overall theology of engagement that enabled the interface between the Christian and non-Christian work in adoption to be investigated. The methodological approaches taken enabled quantitative and qualitative material to be combined. Three surveys were distributed: two to Christian groups, agencies and parents, involved in adoption work and one to adoption social workers. Secondly, telephone interviews were conducted. Data was also collected from a wide range of Internet websites. Fourthly, data was gathered from literature distributed by adoption agencies. A chapter (4) on Christian Adoption Agencies develops a theoretical agency that relates to the Church and the contemporary adoption system. Differences between historically different denominational emphases in adoption work and the present day reality is described. It continues to be possible for Christian adoption agencies to be relevant and specialised in this work. Central to all adoption work is the child: their future stability and happiness. This is examined by focussing upon the impact of the Christian faith on the potential for healing and wholeness for an adopted child (chapter 5). Three specific aspects of life are explored: an adopted child’s spirituality, identity and nurture. This discussion naturally leads into a further discussion about prospective and actual adoptive parents: the manner in which the Christian faith has a bearing upon adoption before, during and after the adoption of a child (chapter 6). Finally, Christian people within and without adoption work have been challenged about the nature of the family in the adoptive context. ‘Families’ that are accepted by the general population can be tolerated by some Christians yet discredited by others. The question is asked whether newly created adoptive families can have forms that are radically different from traditional patterns (chapter 7). This thesis concludes that Christians are making a contribution to adoption work that could be said to be distinctive. This said the Church should work to promote adoption of children with more confidence and debate less about adopters. This is a bold and contentious statement yet I contend that adoption could and should be a characterising motif of Christian family life.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
High-latitude electrojets and auroral luminosity and auroral particle precipitations
The mutual location of high-latitude electrojets, typical regions of the auroral luminosity and regions of auroral energy particle participations into the upper atmosphere under substorm conditions are considered. Three electrojets exist at high latitudes during substorm intervals: WE - westward electrojet, EE - eastward electrojet and PE – polar electrojet. Geomagnetic latitudes of the WE/EE and PE location vary depend on local time and magnetic activity level, respectively. It is shown that the WE is located within the limits of the auroral oval precipitation (AOP), the EE in the evening sector is located within the diffuse auroral zone (DAZ) and the PE near noon is located at the poleward AOP boundary shifting poleward with decreasing the magnetic activity level. The relationship of electrojets with different plasma domains in the magnetosphere is discussed.QC 2012032
POLAR UVI Observations of Auroral Oval Intensifications During a Transpolar Arc Event on December 7, 1996
The evolution of the northern hemisphere aurora is examined during a time when the IMF makes three brief southward excursions after a change in the sign of By during an extended period of northward IMF. POLAR UVI provides images of the aurora while DMSP F13 and F14 provide in situ measurements of precipitating particles, ionospheric plasma flows and ion density. Three different intensifications located in the nightside auroral oval occur during northward turnings of the IMF after brief periods of southward IMF. Spatial expansion, intensity of emissions and their duration are related to the length of time the IMF is southward prior to the northward turning. Thus the longer the period of enhanced magnetospheric convection the more intense the ionospheric response. Observations of a transpolar arc indicate that when the transpolar arc reaches highest latitudes it is located on a spatially narrow region of closed field lines, which extends along the noon-midnight meridian. UV observations indicate a connection between the transpolar arc and the nightside auroral enhancements. Precipitating particles associated with both features are attributed to a plasma sheet boundary layer source in the magnetotail implying a magnetospheric connection between the transpolar arc and the nightside auroral oval intensification.QC 2012053
Receivables and debt recovery impact on corporate income and value added taxes in the Baltic countries' car sales sector
Maģistra darba tēma ir „Debitoru parādi un debitoru parādu atgūšanas ietekme uz PVN un UIN Baltijas valstīs auto nozarē”. Darba mērķis: Izpētīt debitoru parādu atgūšanas ietekmi uz pievienotās vērtības nodokli un uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokli Baltijas valstīs auto nozarē, identificēt nepilnības nodokļu likumdošanā un izstrādāt priekšlikumus nepilnību pilnveidošanai.
Nodokļu likumdošanā ir konstatētas problēmas saistībā ar PVN un UIN optimizāciju no zaudētiem debitoru parādiem, apkopojot informāciju un analizējot pastāvošo likumdošanu, tiek sniegts risinājums problēmu novēršanai.
Darbs sastāv no 86 lappusēm, tajā ir ievietotas 11 tabulas un 21 attēls, kopumā ir izmantoti 51 literatūras avoti, pievienoti 22 pielikumi.
Atslēgvārdi: nodokļu optimizācija, zaudētie debitori, uzkrājumi, tiesvedība, PVN koriģēšana, UIN koriģēšanaThe theme of the master paper is „Receivables and the influence of the receivables recovery on VAT and CIT(corporate income tax) of Baltic States in auto industry”. The aim of the paper is: to investigate the influence of receivables recovery on VAT and CIT of the Baltic countries’ auto industry; identify the deficiencies in tax law and develop proposals for improvement of exisiting tax law.
There were issues found concerning VAT and CIT optimization from accounts receivables loss. The solution to resolve the issues is suggested based on the information collection and analysis of the current legislation.
The paper consists of 86 pages, including 11 tables and 21 images. In total: 51 literature source is used and enclosed are 22 attachments.
Keywords: tax optimization, accounts receivables, savings, legal proceedings, VAT correction, CIT correction
Auroral electrojets and 3D currents in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system
There are shortly described results of the analysis of variations in the location and intensity of the auroral electrojets during magnetic storms and substorms using a numerical method for estimating the equivalent ionospheric currents based on data from meridian chains of magnetic observatories. It is shown that the westward electrojet adjoins to the polar electrojet located at cusp latitudes in the dayside sector. The association of electrojets with the field-aligned currents (FACs), namely Region 1 FAC and Region 2 FAC is considered. During intense disturbances a Region 3 FAC (accompanied with diffuse electron precipitation from the plasma sheet boundary layer) with the downward current was identified. The analysis of observational data is summarized in terms of 2D time-latitude distribution of electrojets at ionospheric altitudes. The magnetic field sawtooth variations generated during the storm main and early recovery phases are also discussed. To follow 3D currents in the magnetosphereionosphere system a clarified view of interrelated 3D currents and magnetospheric plasma domains is presented.QC 2012032