744 research outputs found

    The Effect of Transfer Printing on Pentacene Thin-Film Crystal Structure

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    The thermal deposition and transfer Printing method had been used to produce pentacene thin-films on SiO2/Si and plastic substrates (PMMA and PVP), respectively. X-ray diffraction patterns of pentacene thin films showed reflections associated with highly ordered polycrystalline films and a coexistence of two polymorph phases classified by their d-spacing, d(001): 14.4 and 15.4 A.The dependence of the c-axis correlation length and the phase fraction on the film thickness and printing temperature were measured. A transition from the 15.4 A phase towards 14.4 A phase was also observed with increasing film thickness. An increase in the c-axis correlation length of approximately 12% ~16% was observed for Pn films transfer printed onto a PMMA coated PET substrate at 100~120 C as compared to as-grown Pn films on SiO2/Si substrates. The transfer printing method is shown to be an attractive for the fabrication of pentacene thin-film transistors on flexible substrates partly because of the resulting improvement in the quality of the pentacene film.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The interparticle interaction and crossover in critical lines on field-temperature plane in Pr0.5_{0.5}Sr0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3} nanoparticles

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    The magnetic properties and the effects of interparticle interaction on it have been studied in nanoparticles of half doped Pr0.5_{0.5}Sr0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3}. Three samples consisting of nanoparticles of different average particle sizes are synthesized to render the variation in interparticle interaction. Though all the samples crystallize in the same structure to that of their bulk compound, the low temperature ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition, which is present in bulk compound, is not evident in the nanoparticles. Linear as well as nonlinear ac susceptibility coupled with dc magnetic measurements have shown the superparamagnetic behavior of these nanoparticles where the blocking temperature increases with the increasing particle size. Presence of interparticle interaction is confirmed from the temperature variation of coercive field and the analysis of frequency dependent ac susceptibility. We have identified the nature of this interaction to be of dipolar type, and show that its strength decreases with the increasing particle size. The effect of this dipolar interaction on magnetic properties is intriguing as the compounds exhibit crossover from de Almeida-Thouless to Gabay-Toulouse like critical lines on field-temperature plane above their respective interaction field. In agreement with theoretical prediction, we infer that this crossover is induced by the unidirectional anisotropy arising from interparticle interaction, and this is confirmed from the presence of exchange bias phenomenon.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin Disorder and Magnetic Anisotropy in Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

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    We have studied the magnetic behavior of dextran-coated magnetite (Fe3_3O4_4) nanoparticles with median particle size \left=8 nmnm. Magnetization curves and in-field M\"ossbauer spectroscopy measurements showed that the magnetic moment MSM_S of the particles was much smaller than the bulk material. However, we found no evidence of magnetic irreversibility or non-saturating behavior at high fields, usually associated to spin canting. The values of magnetic anisotropy KeffK_{eff} from different techniques indicate that surface or shape contributions are negligible. It is proposed that these particles have bulk-like ferrimagnetic structure with ordered A and B sublattices, but nearly compensated magnetic moments. The dependence of the blocking temperature with frequency and applied fields, TB(H,ω)T_B(H,\omega), suggests that the observed non-monotonic behavior is governed by the strength of interparticle interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 Table

    Validity of the N\'{e}el-Arrhenius model for highly anisotropic Co_xFe_{3-x}O_4 nanoparticles

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    We report a systematic study on the structural and magnetic properties of Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} magnetic nanoparticles with sizes between 55 to 2525 nm, prepared by thermal decomposition of Fe(acac)_{3} and Co(acac)_{2}. The large magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the synthesized particles resulted in high blocking temperatures (4242 K \leqq TBT_B 345\leqq 345 K for 55 \leqq d 13\leqq 13 nm ) and large coercive fields (HC1600H_C \approxeq 1600 kA/m for T=5T = 5 K). The smallest particles (=5=5 nm) revealed the existence of a magnetically hard, spin-disordered surface. The thermal dependence of static and dynamic magnetic properties of the whole series of samples could be explained within the N\'{e}el-Arrhenius relaxation framework without the need of ad-hoc corrections, by including the thermal dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K1(T)K_1(T) through the empirical Br\"{u}khatov-Kirensky relation. This approach provided K1(0)K_1(0) values very similar to the bulk material from either static or dynamic magnetic measurements, as well as realistic values for the response times (τ01010\tau_0 \simeq 10^{-10} s). Deviations from the bulk anisotropy values found for the smallest particles could be qualitatively explained based on Zener\'{}s relation between K1(T)K_1(T) and M(T)

    Electronic structure and chemical bonding of nc-TiC/a-C nanocomposites

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    The electronic structure of nanocrystalline (nc-) TiC/amorphous C nanocomposites has been investigated by soft x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. The measured spectra at the Ti 2p and C 1s thresholds of the nanocomposites are compared to those of Ti metal and amorphous C. The corresponding intensities of the electronic states for the valence and conduction bands in the nanocomposites are shown to strongly depend on the TiC carbide grain size. An increased charge-transfer between the Ti 3d-eg states and the C 2p states has been identified as the grain size decreases, causing an increased ionicity of the TiC nanocrystallites. It is suggested that the charge-transfer occurs at the interface between the nanocrystalline TiC and the amorphous C matrix and represents an interface bonding which may be essential for the understanding of the properties of nc-TiC/amorphous C and similar nanocomposites.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.80.23510

    Spinel ferrite nanocrystals embedded inside ZnO: magnetic, electronic and magneto-transport properties

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    In this paper we show that spinel ferrite nanocrystals (NiFe2O4, and CoFe2O4) can be texturally embedded inside a ZnO matrix by ion implantation and post-annealing. The two kinds of ferrites show different magnetic properties, e.g. coercivity and magnetization. Anomalous Hall effect and positive magnetoresistance have been observed. Our study suggests a ferrimagnet/semiconductor hybrid system for potential applications in magneto-electronics. This hybrid system can be tuned by selecting different transition metal ions (from Mn to Zn) to obtain various magnetic and electronic properties.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figs. accepted for publication at PR

    A novel wear-resistant magnetic thin film material based on a Ti1xFexC1yTi_{1-x}Fe_xC_{1-y} nanocomposite alloy

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    In this study we report on the film growth and characterization of thin (approximately 50 nm thick) Ti-Fe-C films deposited on amorphous quartz. The experimental studies have been complemented by first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Upon annealing of as-prepared films, the composition of the metastable Ti-Fe-C film changes. An iron-rich phase is first formed close to the film surface, but with increasing annealing time this phase is gradually displaced toward the film-substrate interface where its position stabilizes. Both the magnetic ordering temperature and the saturation magnetization changes significantly upon annealing. The DFT calculations show that the critical temperature and the magnetic moment both increase with increasing Fe and C-vacancy concentration. The formation of the metastable iron-rich Ti-Fe-C compound is reflected in the strong increase of the magnetic ordering temperature. Eventually, after enough annealing time (10\geq 10 minutes), nano-crystalline α\alpha-Fe starts to precipitate and the amount and size of these precipitates can be controlled by the annealing procedure; after 20 minutes of annealing, the experimental results indicate a nano-crystalline iron-film embedded in a wear resistant TiC compound. This conclusion is further supported by transmission electron microscopy studies on epitaxial Ti-Fe-C films deposited on single crystalline MgO substrates where, upon annealing, an iron film embedded in TiC is formed. Our results suggest that annealing of metastable Ti-Fe-C films can be used as an efficient way of creating a wear-resistant magnetic thin film material.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Phase separation and the effect of quenched disorder in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3Pr_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3

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    The nature of phase separation in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3Pr_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3 has been probed by linear as well as nonlinear magnetic susceptibilities and resistivity measurements across the 2nd order paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition (TCT_C) and 1st order ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition (TNT_N). We found that the ferromagnetic (metallic) clusters, which form with the onset of long-range order in the system at TCT_C, continuously decrease their size with the decrease in temperature and coexist with non-ferromagnetic (insulating) clusters. These non-ferromagnetic clusters are identified to be antiferromagnetic. Significantly, it is shown that they do not arise because of the superheating effect of the lower temperature 1st order transition. Thus reveals unique phase coexistence in a manganite around half-doping encompassing two long-range order transitions. Both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic clusters form at TCT_C and persist much below TNT_N. Substitution of quenched disorder (Ga) at Mn-site promotes antiferromagnetism at the cost of ferromagnetism without adding any magnetic interaction or introducing any significant lattice distortion. Moreover, increase in disorder decreases the ferromagnetic cluster size and with 7.5% Ga substitution clusters size reduces to the single domain limit. Yet, all the samples show significant short-range ferromagnetic interaction much above TCT_C. Resistivity measurements also reveal the novel phase coexistence identified from the magnetic measurements. It is significant that, increase in disorder up to 7.5% increases the resistivity of the low temperature antiferromagnetic phase by about four orders

    Magnetization Reversal and Nanoscopic Magnetic Phase Separation in Doped La1-xSrxCoO3

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    The doped perovskite cobaltite La1-xSrxCoO3 (LSCO) has been advanced as a model system for studying intrinsic magnetic phase separation. We have employed a first-order reversal curve (FORC) method to probe the amount of irreversible switching in bulk polycrystalline LSCO as a function of Sr doping, field cooling procedure, and temperature. The value of the FORC distribution, rho, is used as a measure of the extent of irreversible switching. For x < 0.18, the small values of rho and its ridge-like distribution along local coercivity (Hc) and zero bias (Hb), are characteristic of non-interacting single domain particles. This is consistent with the formation of an array of isolated nanoscopic ferromagnetic clusters, as observed in previous work. For x >= 0.18, the much larger values of rho, the tilting of its distribution towards negative bias field, and the emergence of regions with negative rho, are consistent with increased long-range ferromagnetic ordering. The FORC distributions display little dependence on the cooling procedure. With increasing temperature, the fraction of irreversible switching determined from the FORC distribution follows closely the ferromagnetic phase fraction measured by La nuclear magnetic resonance. Our results furthermore demonstrate that the FORC method is a valuable first-pass characterization tool for magnetic phase separation.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, to appear in PR

    H_c_3 for a thin-film superconductor with a ferromagnetic dot

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    We investigate the effect of a ferromagnetic dot on a thin-film superconductor. We use a real-space method to solve the linearized Ginzburg-Landau equation in order to find the upper critical field, H_c_3. We show that H_c_3 is crucially dependent on dot composition and geometry, and may be significantly greater than H_c_2. H_c_3 is maximally enhanced when (1) the dot saturation magnetization is large, (2) the ratio of dot thickness to dot diameter is of order one, and (3) the dot thickness is large