2,002 research outputs found

    Relationship between shoulder pain and skin temperature measured by infrared thermography in a wheelchair propulsion test

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    Wheelchair Users (WCUs) depend on their upper extremities for their daily living. Therefore, it is not unusual to find that shoulder pain (SP) is a problem for WCUs and reduces their participation in sport and leisure activities

    Development and validation of the ADAS scale and prediction of attitudes toward affective-sexual diversity among spanish secondary students

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    Violence against non-heterosexual adolescents in educational contexts remains a worrying reality, but no adequate attitudes towards affective-sexual diversity (AtASD) measure exists for Spanish adolescent students. We developed a 27-item scale including cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects, which was completed by 696 secondary school students from the Madrid area. Factor analyses suggested a unidimensional model, Cronbach’s alpha indicated excellent scale scores reliability, and item calibration under the Item Response Theory framework showed that the scale is especially informative for homophobic attitudes. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that variables traditionally related to AtASD (gender, age, religion, nationality, perceived parental/peer attitudes, direct contact with LGB people) also were so in our sample. Moreover, interest in sexuality topics and perceived center’s efforts to provide AtASD education were related to better AtASD. Our scale was reliable and valid, and it may also prove useful in efforts to detect those students with homophobic attitudes and to guide intervention

    Learning through reading and writing tasks in higher education: what do students use, paper or screen?

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    The objective of this study was to identify and characterize the reading and writing tasks that university students perform to learn, taking into account the discipline (sciences vs humanities) and the support used (printed vs digital). Four hundred and four students completed an online questionnaire that included 13 tasks which involved reading-writing to learn the contents of the subject. The tasks varied according to their level of complexity, the number and type of sources needed, the level of composition required and the degree to which the information from the sources was processed. Students indicated performing, with higher frequency, tasks that promoted more superficial learning. Humanities students mentioned carrying out tasks that promoted deeper processing. Regarding the format of the materials used, science students reported using the digital format more frequently. However, printed support seemed to be more commonly used when students performed tasks to learn in a relatively superficial way the contents of the subjects. By contrast, students used the digital format to perform complex reading and writing tasksThis work was supported by the Institute of Educational Sciences (Universitat de Barcelona) under Grant REDICE14-1348. / Este trabajo ha recibido financiación del Institut de Ciències de l’Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona a través del programa REDICE14-134

    Perfiles de creencias epistemológicas sobre la lectura y su papel en la comprensión de textos múltiples

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyse the role of epistemological beliefs and reading beliefs in the comprehension of multiple texts which presented conflicting positions about a controversial topic (nuclear energy). More specifically, we investigated the influence of the multidimensional configuration of epistemological and reading beliefs on multiple text comprehension. Method. The participants were 476 university students from two different Spanish universities, and diverse studies (Humanities, Health Sciences, Architecture and Engineering). In a whole-class session, the Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (EQEBI) and the Reader Belief Questionnaire were first administered. In the second part of the session participants completed the prior knowledge questionnaire and performed the multiple text comprehension task. Results. Using cluster analysis we identified two distinct beliefs profiles: sophisticated, in which the more sophisticated epistemological beliefs were associated to more transactional and less transmissive reading beliefs; and naïve, in which the more naïve epistemological beliefs were associated to less transactional and more transmissive reading beliefs. Relationships were found between profiles and gender and domain of knowledge. In addition, after controlling prior knowledge, students with a more sophisticated epistemological and reading beliefs’ profile obtained a higher level of multiple text comprehension than those with a more naïve profile. Conclusion. Consistent with prior research, we may interpret that students who understand knowledge in a more sophisticated way tend to view reading less as a transmissive process and more transforming of knowledge; therefore, they get involved in a deeper comprehension of the different sources and this favours their ability to process information and make inferences – at an intra and inter textual levelIntroducción. El ojetivo de este estudio fue analizar el papel de las creencias epistemológicas y de lectura en la comprensión de multiples textos que presentan posiciones contradictorias sobre un tema controvertido (la energía nuclear). En concreto, se investigó la influencia de la configuración multidimensional de creencias epistemológicas y de lectura en la comprensión de múltiples textos. Método. En el estudio participaron 476 estudiantes universitarios de dos universidades españolas y de distintas titulaciones (Humanidades, Ciencias de la Salud, Arquitectura e Ingeniería). Durante una clase se aplicó el Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (EQEBI) y el Reader Belief Questionnaire. En la siguiente, los participantes contestaron el cuestionario de conocimiento previo y realizaron la tarea de comprensión a partir de múltiples textos. Resultados. Se identificaron dos perfiles de creencias a través de un análisis de cluster: sofisticado, en el que las creencias epistemológicas sofisticadas están asociadas con creencias sobre la lectura más transaccionales y con las menos transmisivas; e ingénuo, en el que las creencias epistemológicas más ingenuas están asociadas con creencias sobre la lectura menos trasaccionales y con las más transmisivas. Se encontraron relaciones entre los perfiles y el género y el dominio de conocimiento. Los resultados muestran también que, una vez controlado el conocimiento previo, los estudiantes con creencias epistemológicas y de lectura más sofisticadas obtienen mejores resultados en la tarea de comprensión a partir de múltiples textos que aquellos que responden a un perfil ingenuo. Conclusion. Según los resultados, que coinciden con los de otros estudios, interpretaríamos que los estudiantes que conciben el conocimiento de una manera más sofisticada tienden a considerar la lectura menos como un proceso transmisivo y más como una transformación del conocimiento; por ello realizan una comprensión más profunda de las diferentes fuentes y esto favorece su capacidad de procesar información y hacer inferencias –en un nivel tanto inter como intra textualThis work was funded under the National Programme for Basic Research Projects 2014–2016 by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant EDU2013-46606-C2-1 & 2-R

    Balance y perspectivas del Registro de Paisajes de Interés Cultural de Andalucía

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    El Convenio Europeo del Paisaje (Consejo de Europa, 2000), en vigor en España desde el 1 de marzo de 2008, detalla en su capítulo II (‘Medidas nacionales’) una serie de obligaciones para los distintos estados firmantes entre las que relacionan (art. 6) la identificación y cualificación de paisajes, mediante el análisis de sus características (caracterización) y la consideración de los valores particulares que les atribuyen las Partes y la población interesadas (en nuestro caso, sus valores como patrimonio cultural).El Registro de Paisajes de Interés Cultural de Andalucía (R-PICA) es un cuerpo de datos homogéneo y normalizado que recoge una completa y diversa información sobre áreas territoriales que han sido seleccionadas por ser depositarias de valores patrimoniales, culturales e históricos, que han participado y son testigos actuales de su formación como un paisaje cultural reconocible y significativo de Andalucía. Con la primera caracterización de cobertura regional de una selección de paisajes culturales, más de 100 por el momento, se habrá consolidado una metodología innovadora con la que se consigue la integración de diferentes fuentes de información y disciplinas científicas

    Bentonite powder XRD quantitative analysis using Rietveld refinement: Revisiting and updating bulk semiquantitative mineralogical compositions

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    Bentonite is a claystone formed by a complex mineralogical mixture, composed of mont-morillonite, illite, and accessory minerals like quartz, cristobalite, feldspars, carbonates, and minor amounts of iron oxy-hydroxides. Bentonite presents complexity at various scales: (1): a single mineral may present different chemical composition within the same quarry (e.g., feldspars solid solu-tions); (2): montmorillonite presents variability in the cation-exchange distribution while illite may be presented as mixed-layer with smectite sheets; and (3): hardness and crystal size are larger in accessory minerals than in clay minerals, preventing uniform grinding of bentonite. The FEBEX bentonite used is originally from Almería (Spain), and it is a predominantly calcium, magnesium, and sodium bentonite. This Spanish FEBEX bentonite has been hydrothermally altered at laboratory scale for 7–14 years. A thermal gradient was generated by heating a disk of pressed iron powder, simulating the metal waste canister, in contact with the compacted bentonite sample. Hydration was forced from the opposite direction. XRD recorded patterns were very similar. In order to min-imize the bias of XRD semi-quantitative determination methods, Rietveld refinement was per-formed using BGMN software and different structural models. Confidence in the quantification of the main phases allows us to convincingly detect other subtle changes such as the presence of calcite in the hydration front, right at the interface between the saturated and unsaturated bentonite, or the presence of goethite, and not hematite, in the saturated bentonite, near the source of hydration. Smectite component was 72 ± 3% and the refinement was consistent with the presence of ~10% illite, comparable with previous characterization

    SEM-EDX study of bentonite alteration under the influence of cement alkaline solutions

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    Bentonite is a key barrier for the isolation of high-level radioactive waste within Deep Geological Repository. However, bentonite may be altered by contact with cementitious materials and their alkaline pore fluids. This study offers an extensive morphological and semi-quantitative characterization of the bentonite surface exposed to three types of alkaline pore fluids released by different cement-based materials. The bentonite surfaces were studied using a thorough scanning electron microscopy exploration and analysed using an energy-dispersive ꭕ-ray detector (SEM-EDX). In addition, statistical, element mappings, ꭕ-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy analyses were performed. The aim was to have a picture of the morphological and chemical alterations of bentonite at very early stages in accordance with the integrated approach necessary to address bentonite stability in the long-term. As a consequence of the reactivity, two types of morphologies stood out in the matrix of bentonite: platelets and coatings-like crusts characterized by their high Mg and Ca content. These alterations presented a different scope depending on the type of alkaline pore solution involved and suggested the precipitation of authigenic magnesium silicate hydrates (M-S-H) and/or trioctahedral clay minerals and Ca‑carbonates. The knowledge of the performance of bentonite subjected to these alkaline solutions can help in the evaluation of the most suitable cement-based materials to be used next to bentoniteThe experimental work was supported by funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 Research and Training programme from EURATOM [H2020-NFRP 2014, 2015] under grant agreement n◦662147; CEBAM

    Learning paths in synthesis writing: which learning path contributes most to which learning outcome?

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    This paper presents a secondary analysis of data collected during an intervention study in which students learnt to synthesise pairs of texts presenting opposite views on controversial issues. The original intervention study included two treatments and examined the effects of two instruction conditions when instructional materials and tasks were held constant. The participants were 114 undergraduate psychology students. The object of the instruction was a guide on strategies for writing an argumentative synthesis text. However, the instruction varied between explicit strategy instruction, consisting of explaining each of the process’s four phases (exploring and identifying arguments and counterarguments, contrasting positions, drawing an integrative conclusion, and organising and revising the final draft), modelled via videos, versus self-study of the written strategy guide. After the initial instruction session, the students in both groups practiced collaboratively writing synthesis texts over two sessions with access to the strategy guide. The primary study compared the individually written pre- and posttest syntheses and found statistically significant differences favouring explicit instruction in both dependent variables: the argumentation coverage and the level of integration. The secondary analysis reported in the current paper involved scoring additional written syntheses produced during two practice sessions and then analysing the data for all time points (pretest, posttest, and the two practice sessions) using structural equation modelling (SEM) to test whether explicit instruction directly or indirectly affected the two indicators of good argumentative synthesis texts—argument coverage and integration—via the following collaborative practice. The results suggested two different learning paths for both dependent variables: explicit instruction is effective for both variables, while collaborative practice only has an additional indirect effect on argument coverageThis research project was funded under the National Program for Basic Research Projects 2014–2016 by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (EDU2013-46606-C2-1) and Mobility Stays Salvador Madariaga 2015 by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (PRX15/00042

    Collaborative writing of argumentative syntheses by low-performing undergraduate writers: explicit instruction and practice

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    In writing argumentative syntheses from multiple and contradictory sources, students must contrast and integrate different perspectives on a topic or issue. This complex task of source-based argumentation has been shown to be effective for learning, but it has also been shown to be quite challenging. Because of the challenges, educational interventions have been developed to facilitate performance through such means as explicit instruction of strategies and students’ engagement in collaborative writing. Whereas these interventions have been beneficial for many writers, some students continue to perform poorly. The present study builds on prior research into collaborative writing of source-based argumentative syntheses by focusing on these students who experience difficulty with this academic task. Undergraduate psychology students who had previously underperformed on the argumentative task were organized into 56 pairs to participate in one of four versions of an intervention program, which differed in terms of the extent of support provided. The most complete program included collaboration as well as explicit instruction in argumentative synthesis writing and in the collaboration process. Statistical analyses were carried out with two ANOVAs with planned comparisons as well as two mediation models. Results showed that the pairs of students who received this most complete program significantly improved the quality of their synthesis in two dimensions, argument identification and argument analysis. The quality of their performance exceeded the performance of students in the three other intervention programs. The combination of explicit instruction and practice in pairs had positive effects on argument identification; but, for argument integration, effectiveness could be attributed solely to the explicit instruction component of the intervention. The study contributes to prior research by showing how the components of an intervention can make differential contributions to its effectiveness for a particular group of studentsThe present study was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación State program oriented to the challenges of society (I + D + i) (PID2019-105250RB-I00

    Lime mortar-compacted bentonite-magnetite interfaces: An experimental study focused on the understanding of the EBS long-term performance for high-level nuclear waste isolation DGR concept

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    The aim of this study was to obtain evidences regarding the physical and geochemical processes occurring as a result of the combined effects of cementitious materials from the concrete degradation and magnetite from steel corrosion on the bentonite barrier during disposal of high-level radioactive waste.A series of six experiments were done that attempt to reproduce the repository conditions prevailing from 1000 to 3000 years after emplacement of wastes. A lime mortar was used as the source of calcium and alkalinity as this is the presumed reactive product produced during concrete degradation at long-term. Magnetite powder was used to simulate the final corrosion product of cast iron and C-steel under anaerobic conditions. Either a natural FEBEX bentonite or a pretreated "aged" sample, depleted in exchangeable Mg and enriched in K, were used as the swelling clay component. Experiments, with both types of bentonite, were performed simultaneously in cylindrical specimens (50 mm diameter, 25 mm length), confined in a Teflon® sleeve/steel case cells. These specimens were composed of cement mortar in contact with compacted bentonite, which was in turn in contact with compressed magnetite powder. They were hydrated with an artificial Na+-Ca2+×SO42-type Spanish reference clayey formation water for 18 months at 60 °C and constant hydraulic pressure applied through the base of the mortar.After dismantling and sampling the specimens, distribution of soluble ions, exchangeable cations and mineralogy were studied in the bentonite by different instrumental techniques. Iron migration or any impact of the corrosion products in the bentonite was not noticeable in the clay. Both, mortar and magnetite acted as sinks of chloride and sulfate. Small quantities of Ca-Al-sulfates and carboaluminates, which can allocate chlorides, were determined near the mortar-bentonite interface. Portlandite dissolved near the bentonite interface and induced the formation of calcium silicates hydrates (C-S-H) phases cementing the clay interface characterizing a calcium front that was developed from the mortar towards the bentonite. Magnesium silicate hydrates (M-S-H) phases were also concentrated at the interface with mortar in the natural bentonite. It was also determined that natural bentonite has potentially higher buffering capacity attenuating the calcium alkaline front than the pretreated clay. In both cases, a low porosity bentonite-mortar zone was experimentally created at the interface. This type of material should be carefully studied in order to predict the potential for further development of a diffusive alkaline alteration, the radionuclides retention and the consequences in the hydration rate of the unaffected bentonite bufferThe research leading to these results has received funding from the European Atomic Energy Community's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2011) under grant agreement no. 249681
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