482 research outputs found

    Multi-view gait recognition on curved

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    Appearance changes due to viewing angle changes cause difficulties for most of the gait recognition methods. In this paper, we propose a new approach for multi-view recognition, which allows to recognize people walking on curved paths. The recognition is based on 3D angular analysis of the movement of the walking human. A coarse-to-fine gait signature represents local variations on the angular measurements along time. A Support Vector Machine is used for classifying, and a sliding temporal window for majority vote policy is used to smooth and reinforce the classification results. The proposed approach has been experimentally validated on the publicly available “Kyushu University 4D Gait Database”

    The AVA Multi-View Dataset for Gait Recognition

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    In this paper, we introduce a new multi-view dataset for gait recognition. The dataset was recorded in an indoor scenario, using six convergent cameras setup to produce multi-view videos, where each video depicts a walking human. Each sequence contains at least 3 complete gait cycles. The dataset contains videos of 20 walking persons with a large variety of body size, who walk along straight and curved paths. The multi-view videos have been processed to produce foreground silhouettes. To validate our dataset, we have extended some appearance-based 2D gait recognition methods to work with 3D data, obtaining very encouraging results. The dataset, as well as camera calibration information, is freely available for research purpose

    Oral lichen planus. An evolutive clinical and histological study of 45 patients followed up on for five years

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    A study is made of 45 patients clinically and histologically diagnosed of oral lichen planus, and followed up on for 5 years. The course of the disease was monitored after three months and one, two and five years. The patients were classified in terms of lesion evolution (healed, improved, stationary or worse). Two evolutive groups were established for statistical purposes: (a) favorable (healed or improved lesions) and unfavorable cases (stationary or worsened oral lesions); and (b) healed and non-healed cases. Statistical correlations were established between these evolutive groups and different clinical and histological parameters, in an attempt to identify parameters of predictive value in the course of the disease. No statistically significant results were obtained, with the exception of inflammatory infiltrate. Thus, the depth of this infiltrate was found to be greater in patients with an unfavorable evolution (p = 0.02) than in those with a favorable course. Likewise, the inflammatory infiltrate was greater in non-healed than in healed cases.Dans ce travail, nous présentons une série de 45 patients, suivis pendant 5 ans, diagnostiqués cliniquement et histologiquement de lichen plan oral. Des contrôles évolutifs réalisés au bout de 3 mois, un an, deux ans et au bout de cinq ans ont classé les patients en fonction de l’évolution qu’ils présentaient en cas qui avaient guéri de leurs lésions, qui s’étaient améliorés, qui continuaient pareil et finalement ceux qui avaient empiré. Vis-à-vis des statistiques 2 groupes évolutifs se sont faits: 1) cas favorables (les guéris et ceux qui s’étaient améliorés), cas défavorables (ceux qui ne présentaient aucun changement ou ceux qui avaient empiré de leurs lésions intraorales) et 2) cas guéris, cas non-guéris. Diverses corrélations statistiques se sont établies entre ces groupes évolutifs et une série de variables cliniques et histologiques pour trouver un paramètre ayant une valeur de prédiction dans l’évolution de la maladie. Nous n’avons trouvé aucune donnée significativement statistique si l’on excepte une infiltration inflammatoire. Ainsi, nous démontrons une plus grande profondité moyenne de celle-ci dans les cas qui présentent une évolution défavorable (p = 0.02) que dans les cas favorables. De la même façon, nous trouvons une plus grande infiltration dans les cas non-guéris que dans les guéris

    Entropy Volumes for Viewpoint Independent Gait Recognition

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    Gait as biometrics has been widely used for human identi cation. However, direction changes cause di culties for most of the gait recognition systems, due to appearance changes. This study presents an e cient multi-view gait recognition method that allows curved trajectories on completely unconstrained paths for in- door environments. Our method is based on volumet- ric reconstructions of humans, aligned along their way. A new gait descriptor, termed as Gait Entropy Vol- ume (GEnV), is also proposed. GEnV focuses on cap- turing 3D dynamical information of walking humans through the concept of entropy. Our approach does not require the sequence to be split into gait cycles. A GEnV based signature is computed on the basis of the previous 3D gait volumes. Each signature is clas- si ed by a Support Vector Machine, and a majority voting policy is used to smooth and reinforce the clas- si cations results. The proposed approach is experimen- tally validated on the \AVA Multi-View Gait Dataset (AVAMVG)" and on the \Kyushu University 4D Gait Database (KY4D)". The results show that this new ap- proach achieves promising results in the problem of gait recognition on unconstrained paths

    Stereo Pictorial Structure for 2D Articulated Human Pose Estimation

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of 2D human pose estimation on stereo image pairs. In particular, we aim at estimating the location, orientation and scale of upper-body parts of people detected in stereo image pairs from realistic stereo videos that can be found in the Internet. To address this task, we propose a novel pictorial structure model to exploit the stereo information included in such stereo image pairs: the Stereo Pictorial Structure (SPS). To validate our proposed model, we contribute a new annotated dataset of stereo image pairs, the Stereo Human Pose Estimation Dataset (SHPED), obtained from YouTube stereoscopic video sequences, depicting people in challenging poses and diverse indoor and outdoor scenarios. The experimental results on SHPED indicates that SPS improves on state-ofthe- art monocular models thanks to the appropriate use of the stereo informatio

    Sistema digital de catalogación y consulta de documentos académicos: Tesis, Tesinas, Proyectos de Fin de Carrera

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    A digital system has been developed on order to catalogue and consult academic documents: Theses, First Degree Dissertations and Technical Degree Final Projects. The system uses a listing of bibliographical subjects which makes easy the catalogue and search of theses documents. The system guarantees the copyright because the document can be consulted, but they can not be printed or copied on external devices. In addition, a cataloguing and search protocol is proposed in order to the system can be correctly used. This system is available to be integrated in the Web information system of the Library of Córdoba University.Se ha desarrollado un sistema digital de catalogación y consulta de documentos académicos: Tesis, Tesinas y Proyectos de fin de carrera. El sistema incorpora un listado de materias bibliográficas que facilitan la catalogación y búsqueda de los documentos. El sistema garantiza la propiedad intelectual de los autores, porque permite que los documentos sean consultados, pero impiden que sean impresos o copiados en dispositivos externos. Además, se propone un protocolo de catalogación y consulta de estos documentos académicos para que el sistema pueda ser correctamente utilizado. Este sistema está disponible para ser integrado en la página Web de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Córdoba

    The influence of pre-fermentative maceration and ageing factors on ester profile and marker determination of Pedro Ximenez sparkling wines

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    The influence of pre-fermentative maceration and ageing factors on the ester profiles of Pedro Ximenez sparkling wines was evaluated. The pre-fermentative maceration consisted of the skin-maceration of musts at 10 degrees C for 6 h. The sparkling wines were produced following the Champenoise method. Samples were monitored at 3, 6 and 9 months of ageing on lees. Sparkling wines with pre fermentative maceration displayed higher contents of ethyl esters of branched acids and cinnamates. Meanwhile, those without maceration showed higher levels of ethyl esters of fatty acids and higher alcohol acetates. The study of statistical interactions elucidated different hydrolytic kinetics and developments in higher alcohol acetates and ethyl esters of branched acids during ageing. The application of a dual criterion based on univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate analyses (OPLS-DA) allowed us to identify new potential volatile markers related to pre-fermentative maceration and ageing time, reported for the first time in sparkling wines

    A new approach for multi-view gait recognition on unconstrained paths

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    Direction changes cause di culties for most of the gait recognition systems, due to appearance changes. We propose a new approach for multi-view gait recognition, which focuses on recognizing people walking on unconstrained (curved and straight) paths. To this e ect, we present a new rotation invariant gait descriptor which is based on 3D angular analysis of the movement of the subject. Our method does not require the sequence to be split into gait cycles, and is able to provide a response before processing the whole sequence. A Support Vector Machine is used for classifying, and a sliding temporal window with majority vote policy is used to reinforce the classi cation results. The proposed approach has been experimentally validated on \AVA Multi-View Dataset" and \Kyushu University 4D Gait Database" and compared with related state-of-art work. Experimental results demonstrate the e ectiveness of this approach in the problem of gait recognition on unconstrained path

    A new thresholding approach for automatic generation of polygonal approximations

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    The present paper proposes a new algorithm for automatic generation of polygonal approximations of 2D closed contours based on a new thresholding method. The new proposal computes the signi cance level of the contour points using a new symmetric version of the well-known Ramer, Douglas - Peucker method, and then a new Adaptive method is applied to threshold the normalized signi cance level of the contour points to generate the polygonal approximation. The experiments have shown that the new algorithm has good performance for generating polygonal approximations of 2D closed contours. Futhermore, the new algorithm does not require any parameter to be tuned

    Fiabilidad de la velocidad de ejecución en tres modalidades del ejercicio de press de banca: influencia del nivel de experiencia

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    Premio Congreso SIBB 2019El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la fiabilidad de la velocidad media propulsiva (VMP) entre tres variantes del ejercicio de press de banca (PB). Quince hombres con experiencia y 15 sin experiencia con el ejercicio de PB realizaron en orden aleatorizado tres variantes del ejercicio de PB en diferentes sesiones (sólo-concéntrico, excéntrico-rápido y excéntrico-controlado). La VMP se registró ante tres cargas (≈ 30%1RM, 50%1RM y 75%1RM) con un transductor lineal de velocidad. La fiabilidad fue siempre alta (coeficiente de variación [CV] ≤ 5,76%, coeficiente de correlación intraclase [CCI] ≥ 0,74). La comparación de los CV reveló una mayor fiabilidad para las variantes sólo-concéntrico y excéntrico-rápido en comparación con la variante excéntrico-controlado (CV ratio > 1,15), no existiendo diferencias significativas en fiabilidad entre las variantes sólo-concéntrico y excéntrico-rápido (CV ratio < 1,15). No se observaron diferencias en fiabilidad entre los participantes con (CV ≤ 5,76%; CCI ≥ 0,83) y sin experiencia (CV ≤ 5,21%; CCI ≥ 0,74). Estos resultados apoyan el uso de las modalidades de PB sólo-concéntrico y excéntrico-rápido para evaluar la fuerza de los miembros superiores a través de la medición de la velocidad de ejecución en participantes con y sin  experiencia con el ejercicio de PB.Award-winningPremio Congreso SIBB 2019Peer Reviewe