2,845 research outputs found

    Cross-diffusion systems for image processing: II. The nonlinear case

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    In this paper the use of nonlinear cross-diffu\-sion systems to model image restoration is investigated, theoretically and numerically. In the first case, well-posedness, scale-space properties and long time behaviour are analyzed. From a numerical point of view, a computational study of the performance of the models is carried out, suggesting their diversity and potentialities to treat image filtering problems. The present paper is a continuation of a previous work of the same authors, devoted to linear cross-diffusion models. \keywords{Cross-diffusion \and Complex diffusion \and Image restoration

    An optimal transportation approach for assessing almost stochastic order

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    When stochastic dominance F≀stGF\leq_{st}G does not hold, we can improve agreement to stochastic order by suitably trimming both distributions. In this work we consider the L2−L_2-Wasserstein distance, W2\mathcal W_2, to stochastic order of these trimmed versions. Our characterization for that distance naturally leads to consider a W2\mathcal W_2-based index of disagreement with stochastic order, ΔW2(F,G)\varepsilon_{\mathcal W_2}(F,G). We provide asymptotic results allowing to test H0:ΔW2(F,G)≄Δ0H_0: \varepsilon_{\mathcal W_2}(F,G)\geq \varepsilon_0 vs Ha:ΔW2(F,G)<Δ0H_a: \varepsilon_{\mathcal W_2}(F,G)<\varepsilon_0, that, under rejection, would give statistical guarantee of almost stochastic dominance. We include a simulation study showing a good performance of the index under the normal model

    Properties improvement of poly(o-methoxyaniline) based supercapacitors : experimental and theoretical behaviour study of self-doping effect

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    The support of this research by FAPESP (2011/10897-2, 2013/07296-2), CsF-PVE (99999.007708/2015-07), CAPES and CNPq is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank the University of Aberdeen for providing computational time on MaxwellPeer reviewedPostprin

    A white dwarf-neutron star relativistic binary model for soft gamma-ray repeaters

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    A scenario for SGRs is introduced in which gravitational radiation reaction effects drive the dynamics of an ultrashort orbital period X-ray binary embracing a high-mass donor white dwarf (WD) to a rapidly rotating low magnetised massive neutron star (NS) surrounded by a thick, dense and massive accretion torus. Driven by GR reaction, sparsely, the binary separation reduces, the WD overflows its Roche lobe and the mass transfer drives unstable the accretion disk around the NS. As the binary circular orbital period is a multiple integer number (mm) of the period of the WD fundamental mode (Pons et al. 2002), the WD is since long pulsating at its fundamental mode; and most of its harmonics, due to the tidal interaction with its NS orbital companion. Hence, when the powerful irradiation glows onto the WD; from the fireball ejected as part of the disk matter slumps onto the NS, it is partially absorbed. This huge energy excites other WD radial (pp-mode) pulsations (Podsiadlowski 1991,1995). After each mass-transfer episode the binary separation (and orbital period) is augmented significantly (Deloye & Bildsten 2003; Al\'ecyan & Morsink 2004) due to the binary's angular momentum redistribution. Thus a new adiabatic inspiral phase driven by GR reaction starts which brings the binary close again, and the process repeats. This model allows to explain most of SGRs observational features: their recurrent activity, energetics of giant superoutbursts and quiescent stages, and particularly the intriguing subpulses discovered by BeppoSAX (Feroci et al. 1999), which are suggested here to be {\it overtones} of the WD radial fundamental mode (see the accompanying paper: Mosquera Cuesta 2004b).Comment: This paper was submitted as a "Letter to the Editor" of MNRAS in July 17/2004. Since that time no answer or referee report was provided to the Author [MNRAS publication policy limits reviewal process no longer than one month (+/- half more) for the reviewal of this kind of submission). I hope this contribution is not receiving a similar "peer-reviewing" as given to the A. Dar and A. De Rujula's "Cannonball model for gamma-ray bursts", or to the R.K. Williams' "Penrose process for energy extraction from rotating black holes". The author welcomes criticisms and suggestions on this pape

    Mathematical properties and numerical approximation of pseudo-parabolic systems

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    The paper is concerned with the mathematical theory and numerical approximation of systems of partial differential equations (pde) of hyperbolic, pseudo-parabolic type. Some mathematical properties of the initial-boundary-value problem (ibvp) with Dirichlet boundary conditions are first studied. They include the weak formulation, well-posedness and existence of traveling wave solutions connecting two states, when the equations are considered as a variant of a conservation law. Then, the numerical approximation consists of a spectral approximation in space based on Legendre polynomials along with a temporal discretization with strong stability preserving (SSP) property. The convergence of the semidiscrete approximation is proved under suitable regularity conditions on the data. The choice of the temporal discretization is justified in order to guarantee the stability of the full discretization when dealing with nonsmooth initial conditions. A computational study explores the performance of the fully discrete scheme with regular and nonregular data

    A theorem on the absence of phase transitions in one-dimensional growth models with onsite periodic potentials

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    We rigorously prove that a wide class of one-dimensional growth models with onsite periodic potential, such as the discrete sine-Gordon model, have no phase transition at any temperature T>0T>0. The proof relies on the spectral analysis of the transfer operator associated to the models. We show that this operator is Hilbert-Schmidt and that its maximum eigenvalue is an analytic function of temperature.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, submitted to J Phys A: Math Ge

    Dimensional crossover of the fundamental-measure functional for parallel hard cubes

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    We present a regularization of the recently proposed fundamental-measure functional for a mixture of parallel hard cubes. The regularized functional is shown to have right dimensional crossovers to any smaller dimension, thus allowing to use it to study highly inhomogeneous phases (such as the solid phase). Furthermore, it is shown how the functional of the slightly more general model of parallel hard parallelepipeds can be obtained using the zero-dimensional functional as a generating functional. The multicomponent version of the latter system is also given, and it is suggested how to reformulate it as a restricted-orientation model for liquid crystals. Finally, the method is further extended to build a functional for a mixture of parallel hard cylinders.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, uses revtex style files and multicol.sty, for a PostScript version see http://dulcinea.uc3m.es/users/cuesta/cross.p
