77 research outputs found

    Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types

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    The proceeding at: Second International Conference,Networked Systems (NETYS 2014), took place 2014. May 15-17. in Marrakech, Morocco.Resource allocation is one of the most relevant problems in the area of Mechanism Design for computing systems. Devising algorithms capable of providing efficient and fair allocation is the objective of many previous research efforts. Usually, the mechanisms they propose use payments in order to deal with selfishness. Since using payments is undesirable in some contexts, a family of mechanisms without payments is proposed in this paper. These mechanisms extend the Linking Mechanism of Jackson and Sonnenschein introducing a generic concept of fairness with correlated preferences. We prove that these mechanisms have good incentive, fairness, and efficiency properties. To conclude, we provide an algorithm, based on the mechanisms, that could be used in practical computing environments.Publicad

    Mitológicas del derrumbe

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    Los mitos trabajan como un hojaldre: se superponen múltiples capas de sentido que permiten interpretar la crisis actual reponiendo jerarquías, distribuyendo las partes y reestableciendo un orden perdido. En este ensayo de intervención, indagamos los mitos de la "plandemia", la "nación fácil" y la "justicia de la sociedad" para desandar la pandemia según lxs argentinxs. Los datos analizados aquí fueron recabados en 16 grupos focales a través de una plataforma de videollamadas grupales (zoom) con participantes del AMBA distribuidos en 4 grupos etarios y diferentes perfiles político-ideológicos. Este trabajo es parte de un estudio cualitativo realizado por el equipo del GECID en el flamante Observatorio sobre los dilemas actuales de la democracia frente a la emergencia de neoautoritarismos (Lectura Mundi/UNSAM).Fil: Cuesta, Micaela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Carrera de Sociología; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Prestifilippo, Agustín Lucas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentin

    Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types

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    Resource allocation is one of the most relevant problems in the area of Mechanism Design for computing systems. Devising algorithms capable of providing efficient and fair allocation is the objective of many previous research efforts. Usually, the mechanisms they propose deal with selfishness by introducing utility transfers or payments. Since using payments is undesirable in some contexts, a family of mechanisms without payments is proposed in this paper. These mechanisms extend the Linking Mechanism of Jackson and Sonnenschein introducing a generic concept of fairness with correlated preferences. We prove that these mechanisms have good incentive, fairness, and efficiency properties. To conclude, we provide an algorithm, based on the mechanisms, that could be used in practical computing environments.Publicad

    Incorporación de una nueva unidad de negocio en una PyME del sector agropecuario en Córdoba

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    1. Dedicatoria y Agradecimientos -- 2. Índice general e Índice de ilustraciones y tablas -- 3. Resumen del Trabajo Final -- 4. Introducción -- 5. Problema -- 6. Objetivos y alcance del trabajo -- 7. Modalidad y metodología -- 8. Marco teórico -- 9. Relevamiento -- 9. 1. Características de la quinua -- 9. 2. Formalización de la estrategia llevada a cabo por la empresa -- 9. 3. Viabilidad Comercial -- 9. 4. Viabilidad Técnica -- 9. 5. Viabilidad Legal -- 9. 6. Viabilidad de Gestión -- 9. 7. Viabilidad Ambiental -- 9. 8. Viabilidad Financiera -- 10. Conclusiones del trabajo final y recomendaciones -- 11. Bibliografía -- 12. Anexos -- 13. Glosario de palabrasEn el presente trabajo se realiza una formulación y evaluación de un proyecto de inversión para una PyME del sector agropecuario de Córdoba. Dicho proyecto consiste en la producción de quinua a escala. La quinua es considerada un cereal que tiene sus orígenes en el imperio Inca. Es conocida por su gran aporte nutricional a la alimentación. Para la evaluación del proyecto se analizaron distintas viabilidades. Se comenzó por la viabilidad comercial donde se evaluó la tendencia de mercado, la cantidad de producción del proyecto y su precio de venta. En segundo lugar se analizaron los aspectos técnicos para la producción de este cultivo en la provincia de Córdoba. En tercer lugar se analizaron los aspectos legales que regulan el proyecto teniendo en cuenta las leyes por las cuales está regida la actividad. En cuarto lugar se indagaron las características organizacionales de la empresa bajo análisis y la necesidad de contratación de personal y su capacitación. En quinto lugar se investigó respecto a las normas ambientales que pudieren afectar el desarrollo del proyecto. Finalmente se desarrolló un análisis financiero donde se compararon los beneficios y costos del proyecto. Por último se realizaron una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones para la empresa que servirán como guía para el proceso de toma de decisiones de la misma.Fil: Collura, María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Cuesta, Agustín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Sola, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    Diseño de la ruta literaria de Félix Romeo en Zaragoza

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    Las rutas literarias forman parte del turismo literario y cultural y también de las estrategias de promoción y animación a la lectura. La cantidad y calidad de los autores y temas aragoneses ha propiciado la aparición de diferentes rutas literarias en esta comunidad autónoma. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en diseñar la ruta literaria del escritor Félix Romeo en la ciudad de Zaragoza, para poner en valor su obra del autor y animar la lectura de la misma, lo que se lleva a cabo mediante la aplicación y mejora de una metodología específica

    Effectiveness of a physical therapeutic exercise programme for caregivers of dependent patients: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial from Spanish primary care

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    Producción CientíficaFemale family caregivers (FFCs) constitute one of the basic supports of socio-health care for dependence in developed countries. The care provided by FFCs may impact their physical and mental health, negatively affecting their quality of life. In order to alleviate the consequences of providing care on FFCs, the Spanish Public Health System has developed the family caregiver care programme (FCCP) to be applied in primary care (PC) centres. The effectiveness of this programme is limited. To date, the addition of a physical therapeutic exercise (PTE) programme to FCCP has not been evaluated. A randomised multicentre clinical trial was carried out in two PC centres of the Spanish Public Health System. In total, 68 FFCs were recruited. The experimental group (EG) performed the usual FCCP (4 sessions, 6 h) added to a PTE programme (36 sessions in 12 weeks) whereas the control group performed the usual FCCP performed in PC. The experimental treatment improved quality of life (d = 1.17 in physical component summary), subjective burden (d = 2.38), anxiety (d = 1.52), depression (d = 1.37) and health-related physical condition (d = 2.44 in endurance). Differences between the groups (p < 0.05) were clinically relevant in favour of the EG. The experimental treatment generates high levels of satisfaction.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - (Project MTM2017–86061-C2–1-P)Junta de Castilla y León y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (Projects VA005P17 y VA002G18

    Comparative voltammetric and FTIRRAS study on the electro-oxidation of thiourea and methyl-thioureas on platinum in aqueous acid solutions

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    A comparative voltammetric and spectroscopic study on thiourea, methylthiourea, 1,3 dimethylthiourea and tetramethylthiourea electro-oxidation is presented. The investigation was performed at platinum electrodes in aqueous acid solutions in the potential range between 0.05 and 1.6 V (versus SHE). The electro-oxidation of thioureas starts at ca. 0.55 V and it involves at least two reaction stages irrespective of their nature. The first electro-oxidation stage occurs in the range 0.55–0.9 V and involves the formation of a soluble disulphide derivative influenced by the blockage of the electrode surface. The second electro-oxidation stage occurs in the range 0.9–1.6 V and it involves a complex electrochemical process yielding products such as carbon dioxide, sulphate ions, CN- and CO-containing species. The second electro-oxidation stage is likely mediated by the oxygen-containing layer that is produced electrochemically on platinum in that range of potential. The gradual depletion of thioureas and the progressive formation of soluble products in the thin solution layer in contact with the electrode are followed through changes in the band intensities of IR spectra. From the correlation between voltammetric and spectroscopic data a description of global reactions involving the electro-oxidation of thioureas to soluble products in both potential ranges is presented. The proposed reaction pathways are consistent with the participation of different adsorbates as was reported earlier for thioureas on platinum.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Pain Neuroscience Education and Physical Therapeutic Exercise for Patients with Chronic Spinal Pain in Spanish Physiotherapy Primary Care: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Producción CientíficaChronic musculoskeletal pain affects more than 20% of the population, leading to high health care overload and huge spending. The prevalence is increasing and negatively affects both physical and mental health, being one of the leading causes of disability. The most common location is the spine. Most treatments used in the Public Health Services are passive (pharmacological and invasive) and do not comply with current clinical guidelines, which recommend treating pain in primary care (PC) with education and exercise as the first-line treatments. A randomized multicentre clinical trial has been carried out in 12 PC centres. The experimental group (EG) conducted a program of pain neuroscience education (6 sessions, 10 h) and group physical exercise with playful, dual-tasking, and socialization-promoting components (18 sessions in 6 weeks, 18 h), and the control group performed the usual physiotherapy care performed in PC. The experimental treatment improved quality of life (d = 1.8 in physical component summary), catastrophism (d = 1.7), kinesiophobia (d = 1.8), central sensitization (d = 1.4), disability (d = 1.4), pain intensity (d = 3.3), and pressure pain thresholds (d = 2). Differences between the groups (p < 0.001) were clinically relevant in favour of the EG. Improvements post-intervention (week 11) were maintained at six months. The experimental treatment generates high levels of satisfaction.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant MTM2017–86061-C2–1-P)Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grants VA005P17 and VA002G18

    Comparative voltammetric and FTIRRAS study on the electro-oxidation of thiourea and methyl-thioureas on platinum in aqueous acid solutions

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    A comparative voltammetric and spectroscopic study on thiourea, methylthiourea, 1,3 dimethylthiourea and tetramethylthiourea electro-oxidation is presented. The investigation was performed at platinum electrodes in aqueous acid solutions in the potential range between 0.05 and 1.6 V (versus SHE). The electro-oxidation of thioureas starts at ca. 0.55 V and it involves at least two reaction stages irrespective of their nature. The first electro-oxidation stage occurs in the range 0.55–0.9 V and involves the formation of a soluble disulphide derivative influenced by the blockage of the electrode surface. The second electro-oxidation stage occurs in the range 0.9–1.6 V and it involves a complex electrochemical process yielding products such as carbon dioxide, sulphate ions, CN- and CO-containing species. The second electro-oxidation stage is likely mediated by the oxygen-containing layer that is produced electrochemically on platinum in that range of potential. The gradual depletion of thioureas and the progressive formation of soluble products in the thin solution layer in contact with the electrode are followed through changes in the band intensities of IR spectra. From the correlation between voltammetric and spectroscopic data a description of global reactions involving the electro-oxidation of thioureas to soluble products in both potential ranges is presented. The proposed reaction pathways are consistent with the participation of different adsorbates as was reported earlier for thioureas on platinum.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XIII Primavera-Verano 1995 n. 2 pp. 349-394]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaAndrés Hoyo Aparicio. Todo mudó de repente. El horizonte económico de la burguesía mercantil en Santander, 1820-1974(Por Joaquim Cuevas Casaña).-- Pérez-Fuentes Hernández. Vivir y morir en las minas: estrategias familiares y relaciones de género en la primera industrialización vizcaína (1877-1913) (Por Valerie Herr).-- Francisco López Villarejo. Linares durante el Sexenio Revolucionario (1868-1975). Estudio de su evolución demográfica, política y socioeconómica(Por Andrés Moreno Mengíbar).-- Anaclet Pons y Justo Serna. La ciudad extensa. La burguesía comercial-financtera en la Valencia de mediados del XIX (Por Carlos Larrinaga Rodríguez).-- Alain Huetz de Lemps. Vignobles et vins dEspagne(Por Juan Luis Pan-Montojo González).-- Eugenio Baraja. La industria azucarera y el cultivo de la remolacha del Duero en el contexto nacional (Por José de la Cuesta).-- Raúl García Eras. Transportes, negocios y política: La Compañía Anglo-Argentina de tranvías: 1876-1981(Por Ángel Rodríguez Carrasco).-- María Antonia Marqués Dolz. Estado y economía en la antesala de la revolución, 1940-1952(Por Antonio Santamaría García).-- Daniel Díaz Fuentes. Las Políticas fiscales latinoamericanas frente a la Gran Depresión, Argentina, Brasil y México (1920-1940)(Por Agustín Liona Rodríguez).-- Larry Neal. The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason(Por Carlos Marichal).-- Eugenia Mata y Nuño Valerio; Mirian Halpern Pereira. Historia económica de Portugal Urna perspectiva global; Das revolugóes liberéis do Estado Novo(Por Eloy Fernández Clemente).-- John F. Chown. A History of Moneyfrom AD 800 (Por J. Ignacio Peña).-- Paul Bairoch. Economics and World History. Myths and Paradoxes(Por Pedro Fraile)Publicad