1,728 research outputs found

    La recreaci?n como estrategia did?ctica en la formaci?n ambiental entorno a la quebrada cucharo orientada a estudiantes del grado cuarto de la Instituci?n Educativa Papagal? del Municipio de Salda?a - Tolima

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    170 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta propuesta se dirige a los 20 ni?os y ni?as del grado 4? de la Instituci?n Educativa Papagal?, quienes oscilan entre los 8 y 14 de edad; y seg?n su g?nero est?n distribuidos as?: 12 hombres y 8 mujeres. Estos estudiantes ya emprendieron su experiencia en el proceso de recuperaci?n de la Quebrada Cucharo en un primer momento, mediante actividades de observaci?n, reflexi?n y conocimiento en torno a los factores que provocan la disminuci?n de la fuente h?drica, al igual que la conformaci?n de grupos de trabajo estudiantil; con los cuales se socializ? la salida de reconocimiento a la quebrada. En un segundo momento de la investigaci?n, la proyecci?n de las orientaciones de trabajo se llev? m?s all? del diagn?stico realizado en el programa Ondas, que puede complementarse a trav?s de estrategias de recreaci?n para que los estudiantes se acerquen a su entorno natural de forma l?dica, interact?en en procesos operacionales y acciones propias de la investigaci?n acci?n, para despertar a trav?s de talleres did?cticos el inter?s por una formaci?n ambiental que permita asumir actitudes y comportamientos responsables en el cuidado, mantenimiento y mejoramiento de ?ste recurso h?drico. La presente experiencia investigativa define estrategias y actividades plenamente definidas para que los estudiantes desarrollen y construyan todo un proceso de formaci?n ambiental fundamentada en el cuidado, conservaci?n, mantenimiento y mejoramiento del patrimonio ambiental de la cuenca de la quebrada Cucharo; se trata de que a trav?s del proceso de observaci?n y reflexi?n permanente reconozcan no solo la importancia de la fuente h?drica, sino del paisaje natural y los ecosistemas que se desarrollan en la cuenca de la misma, para que asuman su compromiso siendo protagonistas y convirti?ndose en l?deres o pioneros ambientales, invitando a los dem?s estamentos de la comunidad educativa a comprometerse en el desarrollo de este proyecto. El desarrollo de la experiencia investigativa centr? su inter?s en el dise?o e implementaci?n de talleres did?cticos a trav?s de los cuales y recurriendo a actividades recreativas que van desde caminatas ecol?gicas para la contemplaci?n del paisaje natural, la recreaci?n gr?fica y pintoresca de este entorno que es el m?s inmediato de los estudiantes en la expectativa de crear sentido de pertenencia, cambios de actitud y comportamiento, al igual que la formaci?n en valores del respeto y responsabilidad frente al mismo, escuchar y reflexionar sobre temas musicales y composiciones que invitan a cuidar, proteger y mejorar el medio ambiente; participar en concursos de conocimiento ambiental (el saber, el saber hacer, el ser y el saber convivir con el patrimonio natural) y otras series de iniciativas y actividades que hacen de la recreaci?n una valiosa oportunidad para que los estudiantes del grado 4? comprometidos en esta propuesta como grupo pionero, los docentes investigadores y los dem?s agentes de la comunidad educativa se vinculen y participen activa, decidida y responsablemente en el proceso de formaci?n ambiental para el cuidado, protecci?n y mejoramiento de la cuenca de la quebrada Cucharo. Palabras Claves: Formaci?n Ambiental, Quebrada, Recreaci?n, Talleres Did?cticos.This research was applied to twenty students from fourth grade at Instituci?n Educativa Papagal?, they were between eight and fourteen years old, twelve of them were men and the other eight were women. These students have already started their experience about the process of recovering the Quebrada Cucharo. Firstly, through observation, reflection and knowledge about the factors that make the reduction of drinking fountain. In this manner, it was made some student teams who were socialized the findings about brook. nThe second moment of the research was the projection of the work orientations what was carried beyond the diagnosis made about the Ondas project, which can be complemented through some recreation strategies for the students? closing to their natural environment in a playful way, so they could interact in operational processes on the action research through didactic workshops the interest in an environmental education that allowed to assume responsible attitudes and behaviors about caring, maintenance and improvement of this drinking resource. The current experienced research defines strategies and activities for students develop and build an environmental educative process based on the care, conservation, maintenance and improvement of the environmental heritage of the Quebrada Cucharo. In the same manner, it was pretended that through the process of observation and constant reflection they recognized not only the importance of the drinking fountain, but of the natural landscape and the ecosystems that were developed in the basin of the same. They assumed their commitment became in leaders and environmental pioneers: Thus they involved to the whole educative community for the development of this project. The development of this experienced research was focused on the design and implementation of didactic workshops through recreational activities such as ecological walks for the contemplation of the natural landscape, the graphic and picturesque recreation of this environment that is closer to the students? expectations to create a sense of belonging, changes in their attitudes and behavior, as well as training in values of respect and responsibility by themselves, listening and reflecting on musical themes and compositions that invite care, protection and improvement of the environment; participate in contests about environmental knowledge (knowing, know-making, being and knowing how to coexist with natural heritage) and other series of initiatives and activities that make of the recreation a valuable opportunity for fourth graders are engaged in this proposal as a pioneer group, the research teachers and the other agents of the educational community were actively involved in the process of environmental training for the care, protection and improvement of the Cucharo?s drinking fountain. Keywords: Environmental Training, Quebrada, Recreation, Didactic Workshops

    Project in Entrepreneurship Tintaya Spirit

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    The present project evaluates the potential of the business idea; the possibility of creating an Eco-hotel on Lobitos Beach, located in the northern coast of Peru; more precisely in the province of Talara, near to Piura city; ideal place with sandy beaches to practice water sports, mainly surfing. And where, despite the presence of some hotels, there is none that stands out for a differentiation in their accommodation and services. Also analyzes its relationship with current industry, the needs of the target market, the ability of entrepreneurs to establish and manage the business, as well as the financial needs of the project. The development of the business idea we want to combine the passion for share our best with people, nature, culture and activities related to the sea, with our knowledge and experience in the field of business administration. Our goal goes beyond creating a profitable and lasting business over time, we also want to highlight the Peruvian culture related to the region, generate a positive impact on all the stakeholders, especially on the environment and the inhabitants of the area

    Pair-induced spectral changes and variability in compact X-ray sources

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    Inverse Compton scattering of ultraviolet photons by GeV electrons produces γ-rays which in turn create electron–positron pairs if the source is sufficiently compact. The pairs modify the emergent radiation spectrum through their own inverse Compton scattering and through thermal Comptonization after they have cooled to sub-relativistic temperatures. Recent calculations of spectral reprocessing under these conditions are extended to situations in which the Thomson optical depth of the pair plasma exceeds unity, and to demonstrate time-dependent behaviour explicitly. The relevance of our results to X-ray observations of active galactic nuclei, binary X-ray sources and γ-ray bursters is discussed briefly

    Persistent behavioral sensitization to chronic L-DOPA requires A2A adenosine receptors

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    To investigate the role of A2A adenosine receptors in adaptive responses to chronic intermittent dopamine receptor stimulation, we compared the behavioral sensitization elicited by repeated L-DOPA treatment in hemiparkinsonian wild-type (WT) and A2A adenosine receptor knock-out (A2A KO) mice. Although the unilateral nigrostriatal lesion produced by intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine was indistinguishable between WT and A2A KO mice, they developed strikingly different patterns of behavioral sensitization after daily treatment with low doses of L-DOPA for 3 weeks. WT mice initially displayed modest contralateral rotational responses and then developed progressively greater responses that reached a maximum within 1 week and persisted for the duration of the treatment. In contrast, any rotational behavioral sensitization in A2A KO mice was transient and completely reversed within 2 weeks. Similarly, the time to reach the peak rotation was progressively shortened in WT mice but remained unchanged in A2A KO mice. Furthermore, daily L-DOPA treatment produced gradually sensitized grooming in WT mice but failed to induce any sensitized grooming in A2A KO mice. Finally, repeated L-DOPA treatment reversed the 6-OHDA-induced reduction of striatal dynorphin mRNA in WT but not A2A KO mice, raising the possibility that the A2A receptor may contribute to L-DOPA-induced behavioral sensitization by facilitating adaptations within the dynorphin-expressing striatonigral pathway. Together these results demonstrate that the A2A receptor plays a critical role in the development and particularly the persistence of behavioral sensitization to repeated L-DOPA treatment. Furthermore, they raise the possibility that the maladaptive dyskinetic responses to chronic L-DOPA treatment in Parkinson's disease may be attenuated by A2A receptor inactivation.Peer Reviewe

    Alimentación restringida en pollo de engorde parte 2. efecto del nivel de restricción

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    En la granja avícola de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, se realizó esta investigación con el objeto de evaluar el nivelo grado de restricción de alimento ofrecido a pollos de engorde y su efecto sobre el consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y mortalidad durante 41 días. Se utilizaron 960 pollos de una línea comercial distribuidos en tres tratamientos: Alimentados a libre voluntad (T1), Restricción alimenticia del día 10 a 17 de edad (T2), Ayunados los días 15 y 17 de edad (T3). Todos los tratamientos recibieron una dieta de iniciación (1-28 días) y finalización (29-41 días), balanceadas según las recomendaciones del NRC (1995) y en forma de harina. La ganancia de peso durante el periodo de restricción (10-17 días) fue inferior (P and lt; 0,05) para el T2 y T3, lo cual llegó a significar una diferencia relativa en comparación con el testigo de 43,7 y 41 % respectivamente. Para el periodo de 1828 días, de realimentación, los tratamientos T2 y T3 lograron ganancias de peso similares entre sí. Sin embargo, el T2 presentó mayores ganancias de peso (P and lt; 0.05), y este periodo correspondió al período de mayor crecimiento compensatorio. Para los periodos 29-41 y 18-41 días (total), no se encontró diferencia entre tratamientos (P and gt; 0.05) y sólo a la edad de sacrificio (41 días) se completó la respuesta "compensatoria" en el peso corporal de los tratamientos restringidos. I El consumo de los tratamientos restringidos fue inferior (P and lt; 0.05) respecto al control y diferente (P and lt; 0.05) entre ellos durante el período de restricción. Esto en términos relativos significó una diferencia de 24.1 % para T2 y 5.7% para T3 respecto al testigo. Durante el período de realimentación no se presentó diferencia estadística (P and gt; 0.05) entre tratamientos. Respecto al consumo total (10-41 días), no se presentó diferencia estadística (P and gt; 0,05) entre n y el control; y cuando se evaluó la conversión alimenticia alcanzada para todo el período (10-41 días), no se observó diferencia entre el control y T2. El resultado más importante encontrado en este ensayo tiene que ver con la no diferencia en el peso final cuando se comparan los tratamientos de alimentación a voluntad (T1) y alimentación restringida (T2). Este hecho no debe pasar desapercibido si se tiene en cuenta que durante el período de restricción, el consumo de alimento fue menor para T2

    Experimental implementation of maximally synchronizable networks

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    Maximally synchronizable networks (MSNs) are acyclic directed networks that maximize synchronizability. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of transforming networks of coupled oscillators into their corresponding MSNs. By tuning the weights of any given network so as to reach the lowest possible eigenratio lambdaN/lambda2, the synchronized state is guaranteed to be maintained across the longest possible range of coupling strengths. We check the robustness of the resulting MSNs with an experimental implementation of a network of nonlinear electronic oscillators and study the propagation of the synchronization errors through the network. Importantly, a method to study the effects of topological uncertainties on the synchronizability is proposed and explored both theoretically and experimentally.The authors acknowledge J.L. Echenausía-Monroy, V.P. Vera-Ávila, J. Moreno de León, C. Hapo and P.L. del Barrio for assistance in the laboratory, and the support of MINECO (FIS2012-38949-C03-01 and FIS2013-41057-P). One anonymous referee is acknowledged for having provided valuable advice that has influenced our understanding of the origin of the propagation of the synchronization error, and helped us improve the manuscript in several ways. The authors also acknowledge the computational resources, facilities and assistance provided by the Centro computazionale di RicErca sui Sistemi COmplessi (CRESCO) of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). R.S.E. acknowledges Universidad de Guadalajara, CULagos (Mexico) for financial support (PRO-SNI-2015/228069, PROINPEP/005/2014, UDG-CONACyT/I010/163/2014) and CONACyT (Becas Mixtas MZO2015/290842). D.-U. Hwang acknowledges National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (A21501-3)

    Enhancing the stability of the synchronization of multivariable coupled oscillators

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    Synchronization processes in populations of identical networked oscillators are the focus of intense studies in physical, biological, technological, and social systems. Here we analyze the stability of the synchronization of a network of oscillators coupled through different variables. Under the assumption of an equal topology of connections for all variables, the master stability function formalism allows assessing and quantifying the stability properties of the synchronization manifold when the coupling is transferred from one variable to another. We report on the existence of an optimal coupling transference that maximizes the stability of the synchronous state in a network of Rössler-like oscillators. Finally, we design an experimental implementation (using nonlinear electronic circuits) which grounds the robustness of the theoretical predictions against parameter mismatches, as well as against intrinsic noise of the system.Support from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Projects No. FIS2011-25167, No. FIS2012-38266, and No. FIS2013-41057-P is also acknowledged. A.A. and J.G.G. acknowledge supportfrom the EC FET-Proactive Projects PLEXMATH (GrantNo. 317614) and MULTIPLEX (Grant No. 317532). J.G.G. acknowledges support from MINECO through the Ramón y Cajal program, the Comunidad de Aragón (Grupo FENOL), and the Brazilian CNPq through the PVE project of the Ciencia Sem Fronteiras program. A.A. acknowledges ICREA Academia and the James S. McDonnell Foundation. R.S.E. ac-knowledges Universidad de Guadalajara, CULagos (Mexico) for financial support (OP/PIFI-2013-14MSU0010Z-17-04,PROINPEP-RG/005/2014, UDG-CONACyT/I010/163/2014) and CONACyT (Becas Mixtas MZO2015/290842)