18 research outputs found

    The Transition between Telomerase and ALT Mechanisms in Hodgkin Lymphoma and Its Predictive Value in Clinical Outcomes

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    International audienceBackground: We analyzed telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMMs) in lymph node samples from HL patients treated with standard therapy. The TMMs correlated with clinical outcomes of patients. Materials and Methods: Lymph node biopsies obtained from 38 HL patients and 24 patients with lymphadenitis were included in this study. Seven HL cell lines were used as in vitro models. Telomerase activity (TA) was assessed by TRAP assay and verified through hTERT immunofluorescence expression; alternative telomere lengthening (ALT) was also assessed, along with EBV status. Results: Both TA and ALT mechanisms were present in HL lymph nodes. Our findings were reproduced in HL cell lines. The highest levels of TA were expressed in CD30−/CD15− cells. Small cells were identified with ALT and TA. Hodgkin and Reed Sternberg cells contained high levels of PML bodies, but had very low hTERT expression. There was a significant correlation between overall survival (p < 10−3), event-free survival (p < 10−4), and freedom from progression (p < 10−3) and the presence of an ALT profile in lymph nodes of EBV+ patients. Conclusion: The presence of both types of TMMs in HL lymph nodes and in HL cell lines has not previously been reported. TMMs correlate with the treatment outcome of EBV+ HL patients

    Dysfonctionnement des télomères et l'instabilité chromosomique dans le lymphome de Hodgkin

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    The study of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), with its unique microenvironment and long clinical outcomes, has provided exceptional insights into several areas of tumour biology. Findings in HL have not only improved our understanding of human carcinogenesis, but have also pioneered its translation into the clinic.Tumoral cells in HL, called Hodgkin and reed Sternberg cells (HRS), are characterized by a highly altered genomic landscape with a wide spectrum of genomic alterations, including somatic mutations, copy number alterations, complex chromosomal rearrangements, and aneuploidy. Moreover, the scarcity of HRS cells and the resulting technical problems of their in situ characterization, the primary cytogenetic events and the clonality of these possible aberrations has been a matter of debate in the past. As a consequence, a few accepted and established HL cell lines are widely used in the majority of research projects conducted worldwide.In this thesis, first we have first investigated the possible mechanisms underlying genomic instability including microsatellite and chromosomal instability in HL cell lines. We provide the first evidence that the genomic instability observed in HL is related to microsatellite instability and chromosomal instability related to two major mechanisms: first, telomere fusion leading to dicentric chromosomes formation and breakage/fusion/bridge (B/F/B) cycles involving the repeated fusion and breakage of chromosomes following the loss of telomeres in small cells associated with the lower expression of TRF2, as well as an elevated copy number of the Jak2 gene and the presence of nucleoplasmic bridges containing telomere and centromere sequences. The second mechanism is related to defective DNA repair via non homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair with the presence of nucleoplasmic bridges without telomere or centromere sequences, accompanied by the micronucleus without centromere sequences and a higher frequency of sporadic dicentric chromosomes.The second part of this thesis has focused on investigating telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMMs) not only in HL cell lines but also in lymph nodes of HL patients. A telomerase-independent mechanism for TMM in HL has been proposed in the absence of detectable telomerase activity (TA) in some cases. The major finding of this work has been the demonstration of the presence of both telomerase and ALT mechanism in lymph nodes of HL patients as well as in HL cell lines. We have identified a subset of tumors with some small cells expressing telomerase and Reed Sternberg cells containing ALT-associated PML bodies. A significant correlation was observed between telomere length and TMMs. Drastic telomere shortening was observed in cells with telomerase expression and elevated heterogeneity of telomere length was found in ALT profile cells. Interestingly, complex chromosomal rearrangements, included sporadic dicentric formation, were observed in ALT profile cell lines. Interestingly, the relationship between TMMs and all-cause mortality and morbidity during 10 years of follow-up of HL patients using cox proportion hazard models demonstrated a poor clinical outcome for HL patients exhibiting primarily ALT mechanisms. Similarly, higher radiation sensitivity was observed for cell lines with high telomerase activity compared to cell lines with the ALT profile.Le lymphome de Hodgkin est caractérisé, d’un point de vue histologique, par la présence de rares cellules tumorales nommées cellules de Reed et Sternberg, au sein d’un infiltrat cellulaire polymorphe, inflammatoire et réactionnel. Cette dernière résulte de la transformation tumorale de cellules lymphocytaires B qui acquièrent des propriétés d’échappement au système immun, de prolifération, de résistance à l’apoptose et une instabilité chromosomique. Néanmoins, la rareté des cellules tumorales, impliquant des problèmes techniques mais aussi de caractérisation des évènements primaires dans l’initiation de cette instabilité chromosomique, a été bien débattue dans la littérature. Mais les mécanismes impliqués dans l’instabilité chromosomique dans le lymphome de Hodgkin demeurent obscurs.La première partie de cette thèse a été consacrée à l’étude des mécanismes impliqués dans l’instabilité génomique du lymphome de Hodgkin via l’instabilité des microsatellites et l’instabilité chromosomique en utilisant 7 lignées de lymphome de Hodgkin. Nous avons montré pour la première fois l’implication des microsatellites dans l’instabilité génomique des lymphomes de Hodgkin (MSI-H (microsatellite instability-high) dans 3/7 lignées). De plus, nous avons montré que deux mécanismes favorisent l’émergence d’une instabilité chromosomique : le premier implique une instabilité télomérique qui est présente essentiellement dans les petites cellules tumorales induisant la formation des chromosomes dicentriques, des amplifications des gènes (Jak2 comme exemple) et des arrangements chromosomiques complexes. Le deuxième mécanisme est lié essentiellement à un défaut de réparation des cassures double-brin avec l’apparition des chromosomes dicentriques sporadiques et une fréquence importante des micronoyaux avec la formation des ponts anaphasiques.La deuxième partie de cette thèse a été consacrée à l’étude des mécanismes de maintenance des télomères dans les ganglions tumoraux du lymphome de Hodgkin (50 patients) comme dans les lignées tumorales. Nous avons montré qu’il existe une cohabitation entre les deux mécanismes importants de maintenance des télomères, l’activation de la télomérase d’une part et le mécanisme ALT (alternative lengthening of telomeres) d’autre part. Nous avons identifié la présence de petites cellules dans les ganglions hodgkiniens comme dans les lignées tumorales avec une forte activité de la télomérase par contre la cellule de Reed Sternberg est caractérisée par un profil ALT avec la présence des corps PML et une très faible activité de télomérase. La fréquence des cellules télomérase ou ALT varie d’un ganglion à un autre et d’une lignée à une autre. Un drastique raccourcissement télomérique a été observé dans les cellules exprimant la télomérase. Pour les cellules ALT, une grande hétérogénéité de la taille des télomères ainsi que la présence des chromosomes dicentriques sporadiques ont été détectées. Le suivi des patients à long terme pendant 10 ans, nous a permis d’établir une corrélation entre le profil ALT et la survenue de mortalités et de morbidités. De plus, l’étude de la radiosensibilité des lignées tumorales a montré que les lignées ALT sont plus résistantes que les lignées télomérases.La troisième partie de cette thèse a été consacrée à la validation de ces deux concepts d’instabilité chromosomique via l’instabilité télomérique et à celle des mécanismes de maintenance des télomères, en utilisant un modèle de lymphome de Hodgkin établi dans le laboratoire à partir de la lignée L428.Ces données auront une retombée clinique importante non seulement dans la compréhension et le traitement des lymphomes de Hodgkin mais aussi dans d’autres pathologies malignes

    Chromosomal Instability in Hodgkin Lymphoma: An In-Depth Review and Perspectives

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    The study of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), with its unique microenvironment and long-term follow-up, has provided exceptional insights into several areas of tumor biology. Findings in HL have not only improved our understanding of human carcinogenesis, but have also pioneered its translation into the clinics. HL is a successful paradigm of modern treatment strategies. Nonetheless, approximately 15–20% of patients with advanced stage HL still die following relapse or progressive disease and a similar proportion of patients are over-treated, leading to treatment-related late sequelae, including solid tumors and organ dysfunction. The malignant cells in HL are characterized by a highly altered genomic landscape with a wide spectrum of genomic alterations, including somatic mutations, copy number alterations, complex chromosomal rearrangements, and aneuploidy. Here, we review the chromosomal instability mechanisms in HL, starting with the cellular origin of neoplastic cells and the mechanisms supporting HL pathogenesis, focusing particularly on the role of the microenvironment, including the influence of viruses and macrophages on the induction of chromosomal instability in HL. We discuss the emerging possibilities to exploit these aberrations as prognostic biomarkers and guides for personalized patient management

    New tool for biological dosimetry: Reevaluation and automation of the gold standard method following telomere and centromere staining.

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    International audienceThe dicentric chromosome (dicentric) assay is the international gold-standard method for bio-logical dosimetry and classification of genotoxic agents. The introduction of telomere and centromere(TC) staining offers the potential to render dicentric scoring more efficient and robust. In this study,we improved the detection of dicentrics and all unstable chromosomal aberrations (CA) leading to asignificant reevaluation of the dose–effect curve and developed an automated approach following TCstaining

    Lead Exposure Induces Telomere Instability in Human Cells

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    <div><p>Lead (Pb) is an important environmental contaminant due to its widespread use over many centuries. While it affects primarily every organ system of the body, the most pernicious effects of Pb are on the central nervous system leading to cognitive and behavioral modification. Despite decades of research, the mechanisms responsible for Pb toxicity remain poorly understood. Recent work has suggested that Pb exposure may have consequences on chromosomal integrity as it was shown that Pb exposure leads to the generation of γH2Ax foci, a well-established biomarker for DNA double stranded break (DSB formation). As the chromosomal localization of γH2Ax foci plays an important role in determining the molecular mechanism responsible for their formation, we examined the localization of Pb-induced foci with respect to telomeres. Indeed, short or dysfunctional telomeres (uncapped or damaged telomeres) may be recognized as DSB by the DNA repair machinery, leading to “telomere-Induced Foci” (TIFs). In the current study, we show that while Pb exposure did not increase intra-chromosomal foci, it significantly induced TIFs, leading in some cases, to chromosomal abnormalities including telomere loss. The evidence suggests that these chromosomal abnormalities are likely due to perturbation of telomere replication, in particular on the lagging DNA strand. We propose a mechanism by which Pb exposure leads to the loss of telomere maintenance. As numerous studies have demonstrated a role for telomere maintenance in brain development and tissue homeostasis, our results suggest a possible mechanism for lead-induced neurotoxicity.</p></div

    Lead induces Telomere-Induced Foci (TIFs).

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    <p>Results obtained with B3 cells following 24 h exposure with the indicated Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> concentrations. <b>A.</b> Representative images obtained following IF-FISH. TIFs (yellow) represent co-localisation of γH2Ax (red) and telomere (green) signals. The upper panel shows a representative image of a single metaphase. The lower panel shows representative images of each type of staining pattern obtained from several metaphases <b>B.</b> Localisation of γH2Ax and telomere staining using IF-FISH. *<i>p</i><0.05, ** <i>p</i><0.01. The different combinations of staining are shown in the legend on the right.</p

    Lead induces mainly lagging strand instability.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Principle of telomere hybridization by CO-FISH. <b>B.</b> Mean telomere instability observed with B3 cells after 24 h exposure with indicated Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> concentrations. *<i>p</i><0.05. Representative images obtained with B3 cells are shown in the inset.</p

    Lead induces γH2Ax foci in B3 cells.

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    <p>Results obtained with B3 cells following 24 h exposure with the indicated Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> concentrations. <b>A.</b> Number of γH2Ax foci per cell. Inserts show representative γH2Ax signals observed for 0 and 1 mM Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>. <b>B.</b> Distribution of the number of γH2Ax foci per nucleus as a function of Pb concentration. Violet, 0–9 foci/nucleus; Yellow, 10–19 foci/nucleus; Green, 20–29 foci/nucleus; Blue, >30 foci/nucleus.</p

    Lead induces telomere instability.

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    <p><b>A–C.</b> Mean telomere loss observed in B3 cells after 24 h exposure with the indicated Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> concentrations and normalized to the correspondent mitotic index. <b>A.</b> Mitotic index. <b>B.</b> Loss of one telomere on one chromatid. <b>C.</b> Loss of two telomeres on two chromatids. <b>D.</b> Representative images obtained with B3 cells following the indicated fluorescent <i>in situ</i> hybridization procedure. Subtelomere markers are: p-arm (FITC), q-arm (Texas Red).</p