561 research outputs found

    Il Codice di autodisciplina

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Il nuovo Codice di Autodisciplina delle Società Quotate. – 2. Un breve sguardo di insieme. – 2.1. Composizione del consiglio di amministrazione. – 2.2. Ruolo e funzionamento del consiglio di amministrazione. – 2.3. L’organizzazione e i compiti dei comitati interni al consiglio. – 2.4. Sistema di controllo interno. – 3. Le raccomandazioni del Codice. – 3.1. Una nuova impostazione chiarificatrice. – 3.2. L’impulso dato dal d. lgs. 39/2010. – 4. I punti deboli del Codice. – 4.1. La necessità di migliorare i flussi informativi. – 4.2. I rapporti interorganici. – 5. Il ruolo marginale svolto dall’assemblea nel sistema dei controlli. – 5.1. L’esigenza di un ripensamento del ruolo. – 6. Gli amministratori indipendenti. – 7. L’adesione al Codice: alcuni dati. – 8. Qualche considerazione finale

    Struggling Workers in a Changing World: Three Essays on Labour Economics and Political Economy

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    [eng] The question of whether automation will cause mass unemployment has been a pressing concern in recent years. While estimates on the number of automatable occupations vary, the prospect of a substantial share of jobs disappearing in the near future presents a significant challenge to the stability of our societies. In addition to the potential for job destruction, automation can significantly widen the inequality gap between workers belonging to different skill groups. This is because the bulk of employment and wage losses are suffered by middle- and low-skilled workers, while the roles typically covered by the high-skilled are complemented by new technologies, resulting in a rise in demand for their skills and higher wages. This dissertation is composed by three independent studies presenting empirical evidence of how technological advancements can harm workers. Throughout the whole dissertation, particular emphasis is placed on identifying the groups that are most vulnerable to disruptive innovations, as recognizing and addressing the needs of these “losers” is crucial for developing effective policies. The dissertation also highlights how ignoring workers' grievances may have serious implications for society at large, as it can fuel the growth of populist radical-right movements. Chapter 2 challenges the concept of “reallocation” as a solution to displacement caused by automation. Concerns over widespread technological unemployment are often dismissed with the argument that human labour is not destroyed by automation but rather reallocated to other tasks, occupations, or sectors. When focusing on pure employment levels, the idea that workers are not permanently excluded but “just” reallocated might be reassuring. However, while considerable attention has been devoted to the impact of automation on employment levels, little has been said about the quality of new job matches for displaced workers. Using an administrative longitudinal panel covering a large sample of Spanish workers from 2001 to 2017, the study investigates the short- and medium-term re-employment prospects of workers displaced from sectors with an increasing density of industrial robots. Furthermore, the study examines the role of reallocation to other sectors or local labour markets as adjustment mechanisms. The study finds that exposed middle- and low-skilled workers are more likely than non-exposed workers to remain unemployed six months after displacement. Among those who find a new occupation, an additional robot per 1,000 workers increases the probability of being re-employed in a lower-paying job by about 1.9 percentage points for middle- and low-skilled workers, with significantly higher penalties for those who relocate to a different sector. Moreover, these workers tend to face a qualification downgrading in the new job and are more likely to be re-employed through temporary employment agencies. High-skilled workers are less negatively affected by exposure, although they can also incur a penalty when changing sectors. Chapter 3 investigates the relationship between routine-biased technological change (RBTC) and the increase in Involuntary Part-Time (IPT). Specifically, this study examines the effect of local specialization in routine tasks on the increase of involuntary part-time work across 103 provinces in Italy between the years 2004 and 2019. The analysis draws on the combination of the INAPP-ISTAT Survey on Italian Occupations (ICP) with the Italian section of the EU labour force survey to build province-level indicators of routine-task specialisation based on the occupational mix in each province. The econometric analysis employs a partial adjustment model, which is well-suited for investigating the dynamics of labour market variables that exhibit gradual or sluggish adjustment over time. Furthermore, endogeneity concerns are addressed by an IV fixed-effects panel data model with an instrument á-la-Bartik. The study provides evidence that RBTC is correlated with a higher incidence of IPT in Italian local labour markets, indicating that automation's impact goes beyond affecting unemployment rates and can impact job quality in other ways. Although the study confirms the association between RBTC and IPT for both genders, the results suggest that the stronger growth of IPT among women cannot be solely attributed to RBTC. Instead, the analysis described in Chapter 3 indicates that low-skilled women are disproportionately affected by the expansion of employment in “household substitution” services compared to men. This implies that, in addition to RBTC, various other factors such as sector segregation, a surge in household-substitution services demand, and gender norms, may also be playing a role in explaining higher IPT levels among women. Chapter 4 takes a step ahead and examines the potential outcomes that may arise when individuals who consider themselves disadvantaged by the effects of technological advancements and globalisation perceive that their concerns are not adequately being addressed by relevant institutions. Specifically, the study exploits the proliferation of large logistic hubs into mostly rural towns and villages to investigate the relationship between socio-economic grievances and support for the populist radical right. The Italian logistics industry is characterized by a heavy reliance on low-paying and precarious contracts, it employs a large number of foreign workers, and is dominated by multinational corporations. In this, the construction of large logistic hubs can create a favourable environment for populist radical right-wing parties that portray themselves as protectors of traditional values and national identity, and as defenders of the working class against the threats of the modern world. Through an IV and a DiD approach, Chapter 4 provides causal evidence that there is indeed a positive relationship between the socio-economic shock caused by new large logistic hubs and the surge in support for the Lega in Italian municipalities between 2006 and 2018. This relationship might be driven by different mechanisms: increase in the feeling of economic insecurity, a surge in the anti-immigration sentiment, hostility towards foreign multinationals. These channels are investigated through an event study. While the analysis does not provide any strong evidence in support of the first mechanism, is suggests that anti-immigration sentiment may be a potential driver. The findings presented in Chapter 4 call for a more thorough evaluation of the costs and benefits from hosting a logistic hub as for many municipalities the expected benefits might be outweighed by negative effects. Local administrators are lured by the prospect of increased employment, investments, and positive spillover effects. However, once the hub is built, the reality they have to face might be different, paving the way for social discontent, which, among other ways, is expressed through an increase in support for populist radical-right parties. Chapter 4 also emphasizes the potential negative impact on social cohesion when institutions fail to address the concerns of those who feel disadvantaged by the consequences of disruptive innovations

    Global symplectic coordinates on gradient Kaehler-Ricci solitons

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    A classical result of D. McDuff asserts that a simply-connected complete Kaehler manifold (M,g,ω)(M,g,\omega) with non positive sectional curvature admits global symplectic coordinates through a symplectomorphism Κ:M→R2n\Psi: M\rightarrow R^{2n} (where nn is the complex dimension of MM), satisfying the following property (proved by E. Ciriza): the image Κ(T)\Psi (T) of any complex totally geodesic submanifold T⊂MT\subset M through the point pp such that Κ(p)=0\Psi(p)=0, is a complex linear subspace of Cn≃R2nC^n \simeq R^{2n}. The aim of this paper is to exhibit, for all positive integers nn, examples of nn-dimensional complete Kaehler manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature globally symplectomorphic to R2nR^{2n} through a symplectomorphism satisfying Ciriza's property.Comment: 8 page

    An Investigation of the Visual Selective Attention Abilities of Children Completing a Kindergarten Program

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    This study investigated the ability of children completing a kindergarten program to perform a visual selective attention task. It also examined the data to determine if measurement of the task in the visual area would complement significantly a traditional reading readiness assessment. Subjects were instructed to sort 25 stimulus cards according to the central feature, the Greek letter. They were told to ignore the incidental features of card shape, card background color and color of the Greek letter. The subjects were given a central score for the cards correctly grouped. After completing the task, the subjects were asked to recall the card shapes and card background colors to see if any incidental learning had taken place. Correct answers yielded an incidental score. The results demonstrate that central and incidental learning have an inverse relationship to each other. The results also indicate that children completing a kindergarten program can successfully perform a visual selective attention task with a high degree of accuracy. Longitudinal evidence is necessary before it can be determined if measurement of this task would complement significantly a traditional reading readiness assessment. The use of a visual selective attention task may be a useful additional screening procedure, especially where traditional measures are inconclusive

    Steiner symmetry in the minimization of the first eigenvalue in problems involving the p-Laplacian

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    Let Ω ⊂ ℝN be an open bounded connected set. We consider the eigenvalue problem −Δpu = λρ|u|p−2u in Ω with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, where Δp is the p-Laplacian operator and ρ is an arbitrary function that takes only two given values 0 < α < ÎČ and that is subject to the constraint ∫Ω ρdx = αγ +ÎČ(|Ω|−γ) for a fixed 0 < Îł < |Ω|. The optimization of the map ρ ↩ λ1(ρ), where λ1 is the first eigenvalue, has been studied by Cuccu, Emamizadeh and Porru. In this paper we consider a Steiner symmetric domain Ω and we show that the minimizers inherit the same symmetry

    Symmetry and regularity of an optimization problem related to a nonlinear BVP

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    We consider the functional where uf is the unique nontrivial weak solution of the boundary-value problem where Ω ⊂ Rn is a bounded smooth domain. We prove a result of Steiner symmetry preservation and, if n = 2, we show the regularity of the level sets of minimizers

    Visual Art, a Pedagogical Tool of Plural Knowledge between Creative Productions and Community Ties: a Theoretical-Practical Research Between Italy and Kenya

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    Educational places are changed into meaningful spaces where it is possible to unleash creativity and discover plural perspectives when visual art becomes a pedagogical tool, which activates cooperative dynamics, co-building knowledge, and relational skills. This hypothesis was verified as a part of the European project «TICASS» – Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art and Social Sciences (2017-2021) –, carried out between Europe and Africa. Starting from the reference framework, various interpretations of visual languages and ways of perception of individuals belonging to different socio-cultural contexts were investigated (Lester, 2010). This contribution introduces paths and outcomes of the research action interventions, carried out by a psycho-pedagogical research team in kindergartens and primary schools since 2018, involving over 100 children aged 3 to 5 in Italy and over 300 children aged 8 to 12 in Kenya (Deluigi, 2019; Deluigi, Machova &amp; Stara, 2021). Methodology: The collection of qualitative data took place through participatory observation, supervision of the workshops, and the ongoing critical reflection of the research group. This analysis deals with the use of the image as a stimulus carefully researched and introduced through silent books (Zizioli, 2017) with a less structured input to leave room for a creative process. Thus, children become producers of images and imaginaries drawn from their very personal creativity (Malaguzzi, 1998). Results/Conclusions: The results of the workshops carried out can motivate educators, teachers, and pedagogues to design interactive experiences among peers (including adults), through the use of creative languages as mediators of community learning processes in an intercultural and transcultural framework (Cooper &amp; Sjostrom, 2006)

    Il ruolo degli eventi fieristici nel comparto turistico. Un caso di studio

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    The present work proposes an analysis of trade shows as a very important instrument for the marketing mix of touristic industries. It was fully conducted on the field during 3 years of the Phd + internship It studies the data collected during the shows involving business and private customers, questioning if the trade shows are still important in the digital era, the answer seems to be fully positive
