756 research outputs found

    Proyecto de construcción de una estación de autobuses interurbanos: análisis del diseño estructural de la estación de autobuses de Pamplona

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    El profesional de la arquitectura ha de ser un técnico que tenga conocimientos y competencias multidisciplinares. El diseño arquitectónico, que supone la génesis y raíz de toda intervención, ha de completarse con un diseño estructural que sustente la actuación de manera óptima y con un diseño de instalaciones que doten al conjunto del confort requerido. El nivel de especialización al que se está derivando en la actualidad genera en numerosas ocasiones conflicto entre estos 3 pilares. Cada vez con más frecuencia se proponen diseños arquitectónicos que no se conjugan con un diseño estructural o de instalaciones adecuados, quedando en numerosas ocasiones relegados a un segundo plano. Las implicaciones que genera esta forma de actuación deriva en soluciones y/o adaptaciones forzadas que en numerosas ocasiones diluyen o incluso ocluyen la idea de proyecto, derivando además en un coste económico innecesario. Es tarea del arquitecto tener la capacidad de poder abarcar y controlar el proyecto en toda su envergadura, para lo cual es necesario tener los conocimientos necesarios para saber gestionar de forma conjunta los tres niveles de diseño principales. El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado analizará el caso concreto de la Estación de Autobuses de Pamplona. Este proyecto presenta unos condicionantes de diseño muy fuerte: Repercusión mínima en el entorno. El edificio se dispondrá bajo rasante, de forma que se dé continuidad en su cubierta a los jardines que rodean la Ciudadela de Pamplona; Conjugación de diferentes escalas. Se ha de diseñar un edificio que macle la escala humana con la escala de vehículos. En los próximos capítulos se estudiará la propuesta del arquitecto para resolver estos condicionantes y el diseño estructural asociado al proyecto inicial. Se comprobará que el diseño arquitectónico inicial no ha contemplado el diseño estructural y que la falta de especialización en esta materia por parte del arquitecto ha conllevado que el proyecto final pierda la esencia y la idea de proyecto inicial al no tener capacidad para argumentar técnicamente la viabilidad de su diseño.The architecture professional must be a technician who has knowledge and multidisciplinary competences. Architectural design, which is the origin and root of all intervention, should be supplemented by a structural design that supports the optimum performance and by a facilities design that provides the architectural ensemble required comfort. The high specialization level that is currently drifting generates in many occasions a conflict between these three pillars. More frequently, architectural designs that are not blended into a structural design or suitable facilities are proposed, being on numerous occasions relegated to the background. Implications generated by this form of action leads to solutions and / or forced adaptations that sometimes become blurred or even occlude the project idea, also resulting in unnecessary cost. It is the architect task to have the ability to include and control the whole project, for which an architect must have necessary knowledges in order to manage the three main levels of design jointly. This Final Project will analyze the specific case of Pamplona Bus Station. This project has a very strong design determinants: Minimal impact on the environment. Building will be built below ground, so that continuity is given on its roof to the gardens that are surrounding the Ciudadela of Pamplona; Conjugation of different scales. It must be design a building that join human and vehicle scales. The architect's proposal to solve the constraints and structural design associated with the initial project, will be evaluated in the following chapters. It will be checked that the initial architectural design has not considered the structural design and ignorance in this area by architect meant that the final project lost essence and original idea, because of architect has not the ability to argue technically the viability of its design.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Ingeniería Civi

    Nonlinear control design and averaging analysis of a full-bridge boost rectifier

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    We are considering the problem of controlling AC/DC full bridge converters. The control objectives are twofold:(i) guaranteeing a regulated voltage for the supplied load, (ii) enforcing power factor correction (PFC) with respect to the main supply network. The considered problem is dealt with using a nonlinear controller that involves two loops in cascade. The inner-loop is designed, using sliding mode approach, to cope with the PFC issue. The outer-loop is designed to regulate the converter output voltage. While several double-loop regulators (designed for different converters) can be found in the relevant literature, it is the first time that a so formal average analysis is developed that rigorously describes the controller performances. The development of such theoretical analysis framework is a major motivation of this paper.Postprint (published version

    El passat que torna: conservació, documentació i difusió del fons procedent del Jaciment Arqueològic de l'Esquerda

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    [cat]Quan parlem de l'Esquerda ens referim a un projecte ampli que abasta diferents aspectes: d'una banda, el jaciment arqueològic, l'espai que ha generat tot el projecte; de l'altra, l'Àrea de Recerca Experimental Arqueològica (ÀREA), un espai on es fa arqueologia experimental, on s'estudien, s'interpreten, i es comproven les hipòstesis generades des de l'excavació, i, finalment, també estem parlant del museu, sobre el qual tractarà bàsicament aquest article. És indispensable però, fer una breu introducció sobre els altres dos aspectes per tal de capir la natura i l'abast del projecte. L'Esquerda és un projecte fonamentat en la recerca i la seva difusió, que fa una aposta per conservar i explicar el patrimoni des del propi territori, partint de les dificultats, però també de les possibilitats, que confereix el fet d'estar ubicat en un municipi de menys de 10.000 habitants.[spa] El proyecto de l'Esquerda es amplio y abarca diferentes aspectos: en primer lugar, el yacimiento arqueológico, el espacio que ha generado todo el proyecto; en segundo lugar, el Área de Investigación Experimental Arqueológica, una zona reservada a la arqueología experimental, donde se estudian, se interpretan y se comprueban las hipótesis planteadas en la excavación; y, en tercer lugar, también nos referimos al museo, sobre el que se centrará básicamente este artículo. Para hacerse una idea del proyecto, centrado en la investigación y su difusión, para comprender su complejidad y alcance, también describiremos los dos primeros aspectos. L'Esquerda apuesta por conservar y explicar el patrimonio desde el propio territorio, asumiendo las dificultades que esta condición conlleva, pero también las posibilidades que confiere el hecho de estar ubicado en un municipio de menos de 10.000 habitantes.[eng] When we speak of "L'Esquerda", we are referring to a broad project encompassing different aspects, such as the archaeological site itself, the Area of Experimental Archaeological Research dedicated to the study, analysis and verification of hypotheses raised during the excavation, and the museum. While the museum is the central theme of this article, it is necessary to briefly introduce the two other aspects in order to understand the nature of the project as well as its significance. The l'Esquerda project is based on research and the dissemination of its results, with a commitment to on-site conservation and promotion of the heritage. The fact that it is located in a town with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants has introduced both difficulties and opportunities

    El retorno del pasado: conservación, documentación y difusión de las colecciones proceden-tes del yacimiento ibérico y medieval de l’Esquerda (Roda de Ter, Barcelona)

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    Quan parlem de l'Esquerra ens referim a un projecte ampli que abasta aspectes: d'una banda, el jaciment arqueològic, l'espai que ha generat tot el projecte; de l'altra, l'Àrea de Recerca Experimental Arqueològica (ÀREA), un espai on fa arqueologia experimental, on s'estudien, s'interpreten i es comproven les hipòtesis generades des de l'excavació, i finalment, també estem parlant del museu, sobre el qual tractarà bàsicament aquest article. És indispensable però, fer una breu introducció sobre els altres dos aspectes per tal de capir la natura i l'abast del projecte. L'Esquerda és un projecte fonamental en la recerca i la seva difusió, que fa una aposta per conservar i explicar el patrimoni des del propi territori, partint de les dificultats, però també de les possibilitats, que confereix el fet d'estar ubicat en un municipi de menys de 10.000 habitants.When we speak of “L’Esquerda”, we are referring to a broad project encompassing different aspects, such as the archaeological site itself, the Area of Experimental Archaeological Research dedicated to the study, analysis and verification of hypotheses raised during the excavation, and the museum.  While the museum is the central theme of this article, it is necessary to briefly introduce the two other aspects in order to understand the nature of the project as well as its significance.   The l’Esquerda project is based on research and the dissemination of its results, with a commitment to on-site conservation and promotion of the heritage.  The fact that it is located in a town with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants has introduced both difficulties and opportunities.El proyecto de l’Esquerda es amplio y abarca diferentes aspectos: en primer lugar, el yacimiento arqueológico, el espacio que ha generado todo el proyecto; en segundo lugar, el Área de Investigación Experimental Arqueológica, una zona reservada a la arqueología experimental, donde se estudian, se interpretan y se comprueban las hipótesis planteadas en la excavación; y, en tercer lugar, también nos referimos al museo, sobre el que se centrará básicamente este artículo. Para hacerse una idea del proyecto, centrado en la investigación y su difusión, para comprender su complejidad y alcance, también describiremos los dos primeros aspectos. L’Esquerda apuesta por conservar y explicar el patrimonio desde el propio territorio, asumiendo las dificultades que esta condición conlleva, pero también las posibilidades que confiere el hecho de estar ubicado en un municipiode menos de 10.000 habitantes

    Clinical and anatomopathological features of eosinophilic oesophagitis in children and adults

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    Introduction: Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) is a chronic clinical-pathological disorder with an immunological basis characterised by symptoms of oesophageal dysfunction and, histologically, eosinophilic inflammation. Objective: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and differences in children and adults diagnosed with EoE in a tertiary level hospital. Method: Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study. We randomly selected 40 children and 40 adults diagnosed with EoE between 2009 and 2016. The patient characteristics were analysed by means of epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic variables. Results: The average age at diagnosis was 10 years (children) and 34 years (adults), with a higher frequency in males. The majority were sensitised to aeroallergens (77.5% children vs. 82.5% adults) and foods (75% children vs. 82.5% adults). Statistically significant differences were detected in sensitisation to fruits (p = 0.007) and grains (p < 0.001). Differences were observed in impaction (22.5% children vs. 82.5% adults), dysphagia (42.5% children vs. 77.5% adults) and abdominal pain (25% children vs. 7.5% adults). Endoscopy showed that children had a higher frequency of exudates (92.5%) and adults, trachealisation (50% vs. 5%) and stenosis (17.5% vs. 2.5%). Statistically significant differences were found in treatment with topical corticosteroids (30% children vs. 77.5% adults), with a variable positive response. 77.5% of the patients received elimination diets. Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were observed between the paediatric and adult populations in the food sensitisation profiles, clinical manifestations, endoscopic findings and treatments received. This is a complex pathology that calls for a multidisciplinary team and would require new non-invasive techniques to facilitate its management

    Single to Double Hump Transition in the Equilibrium Distribution Function of Relativistic Particles

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    We unveil a transition from single peaked to bimodal velocity distribution in a relativistic fluid under increasing temperature, in contrast with a non-relativistic gas, where only a monotonic broadening of the bell-shaped distribution is observed. Such transition results from the interplay between the raise in thermal energy and the constraint of maximum velocity imposed by the speed of light. We study the Bose-Einstein, the Fermi-Dirac, and the Maxwell-J\"uttner distributions, all exhibiting the same qualitative behavior. We characterize the nature of the transition in the framework of critical phenomena and show that it is either continuous or discontinuous, depending on the group velocity. We analyze the transition in one, two, and three dimensions, with special emphasis on two-dimensions, for which a possible experiment in graphene, based on the measurement of the Johnson-Nyquist noise, is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Breakdown of anomalous channeling with ion energy for accurate strain determination in gan-based heterostructures

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    The influence of the beam energy on the determination of strain state with ion channeling in GaN-based heterostructures (HSs) is addressed. Experimental results show that anomalous channeling may hinder an accurate analysis due to the steering effects at the HS interface, which are more intense at lower ion energies. The experimental angular scans have been well reproduced by Monte Carlo simulations, correlating the steering effects with the close encounter probability at the interface. Consequently, limitations in the determination of the strain state by ion channeling can be overcome by selecting the adequate beam energy

    Un conjunto de estructuras de combustión en la H.88/21 del poblado protohistórico del Alto de la Cruz (Cortes de Navarra)

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    La secuencia cronoestratigráfica del poblado de la Primera Edad del Hierro del Alto de la Cruz (Cortes de Navarra) constituye un punto de referencia básico para la estructuración del poblamiento en el valle medio del Ebro. Se analiza el tipo constructivo de la fase más antigua del mismo y, en especial, un conjunto de estructuras de combustión documentadas en la H.88/21.The cronostratigraphyc sequency of the Early Iron Age town of Alto de la Cruz (Cortes de Navarra) is a basic reference point for the structure of settlement in the middle walley of Ebro. This paper studies the constructive tipes of the most early occupational phase and, specially, a fireplace' s group of the H.88/21

    Large enhancement of thermal conductance at ambient and cryogenic temperatures by laser remelting of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coatings on Cu

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    Joints of high thermal contact conductance and electrical insulation have been obtained by coating copper supports with thin alumina (Al2O3) layers (of 140–150 µm thickness). This has been achieved by a combination of plasma spraying process and the subsequent coating remelting by a near-Infrared (n-IR) laser. With a proper optimization of the laser processing conditions, it is possible to transform the metastable ¿-Al2O3 phase of the as-sprayed coatings to stable a-Al2O3, and to achieve denser alumina coatings. This results in a large enhancement of the thermal conductance of the joints, enabling their application as heat sinks at cryogenic and ambient temperatures. The process proposed in this work is scalable for the formation of alumina coatings on large metallic pieces of complex geometries. © 202