910 research outputs found

    Quantitative PCR Is Faster, More Objective, and More Reliable Than Immunohistochemistry for the Diagnosis of Cytomegalovirus Gastrointestinal Disease in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease relies on the presence of GI symptoms and detection of CMV, mainly by immunohistochemistry (IHC), in GI biopsy specimens. Thus, in a symptomatic patient, a positive CMV-IHC result is accepted as a diagnosis of CMV disease. However, a positive CMV-PCR in GI tissue is considered "possible" CMV disease. Therefore, it would be very useful if, in practice, both techniques showed equal sensitivity and reliability. This is because PCR has many practical advantages over IHC for detecting CMV. The aim of this study was to compare quantitative PCR with IHC for the diagnosis of GI CMV disease. A total of 186 endoscopic GI biopsy specimens from 123 patients with GI symptoms after an allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT; 2004-2017) were analyzed by IHC and PCR on 113 paraffin-embedded and 73 fresh samples. The results were then compared. Of the patients with macroscopic lesions in the mucosa and CMV-IHC-positive biopsy specimens (eg, "proven" CMV disease, n = 28), all but 1 were CMV-PCR positive. Of the patients without macroscopic lesions in the mucosa and CMV-IHC-positive biopsy specimens (eg, probable CMV disease, n = 4), only 1 was CMV-PCR positive. Eight patients had CMV-IHC-negative/CMV-PCR-positive gut biopsy specimens. These cases fall within the current definition of possible CMV disease. In 6 of these 8 cases (75%), the viral load in GI tissue was very high (>10,000 copies/µg). Taken together, the results from the proven and probable cases revealed that CMV-PCR shows the same sensitivity (100%), specificity (98%), and positive (93%) and negative predictive value (100%) as CMV-IHC. Detection of CMV in fresh GI mucosa by quantitative PCR is as useful as IHC for the diagnosis of GI CMV disease. The results show that quantitative PCR has the same sensitivity, specificity, and positive/negative predictive value as IHC

    Cacao seeds are a "Super Fruit": A comparative analysis of various fruit powders and products

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Numerous popular media sources have developed lists of "Super Foods" and, more recently, "Super Fruits". Such distinctions often are based on the antioxidant capacity and content of naturally occurring compounds such as polyphenols within those whole fruits or juices of the fruit which may be linked to potential health benefits. Cocoa powder and chocolate are made from an extract of the seeds of the fruit of <it>the Theobroma cacao </it>tree. In this study, we compared cocoa powder and cocoa products to powders and juices derived from fruits commonly considered "Super Fruits".</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Various fruit powders and retail fruit products were obtained and analyzed for antioxidant capacity (ORAC (μM TE/g)), total polyphenol content (TP (mg/g)), and total flavanol content (TF (mg/g)). Among the various powders that were tested, cocoa powder was the most concentrated source of ORAC and TF. Similarly, dark chocolate was a significantly more concentrated source of ORAC and TF than the fruit juices.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Cocoa powder and dark chocolate had equivalent or significantly greater ORAC, TP, and TF values compared to the other fruit powders and juices tested, respectively. Cacao seeds thus provide nutritive value beyond that derived from their macronutrient composition and appear to meet the popular media's definition of a "Super Fruit".</p

    KRAS phosphorylation regulates cell polarization and tumorigenic properties in colorectal cancer.

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    Oncogenic mutations of KRAS are found in the most aggressive human tumors, including colorectal cancer. It has been suggested that oncogenic KRAS phosphorylation at Ser181 modulates its activity and favors cell transformation. Using nonphosphorylatable (S181A), phosphomimetic (S181D), and phospho-/dephosphorylatable (S181) oncogenic KRAS mutants, we analyzed the role of this phosphorylation to the maintenance of tumorigenic properties of colorectal cancer cells. Our data show that the presence of phospho-/dephosphorylatable oncogenic KRAS is required for preserving the epithelial organization of colorectal cancer cells in 3D cultures, and for supporting subcutaneous tumor growth in mice. Interestingly, gene expression differed according to the phosphorylation status of KRAS. In DLD-1 cells, CTNNA1 was only expressed in phospho-/dephosphorylatable oncogenic KRAS-expressing cells, correlating with cell polarization. Moreover, lack of oncogenic KRAS phosphorylation leads to changes in expression of genes related to cell invasion, such as SERPINE1, PRSS1,2,3, and NEO1, and expression of phosphomimetic oncogenic KRAS resulted in diminished expression of genes involved in enterocyte differentiation, such as HNF4G. Finally, the analysis, in a public data set of human colorectal cancer, of the gene expression signatures associated with phosphomimetic and nonphosphorylatable oncogenic KRAS suggests that this post-translational modification regulates tumor progression in patients

    Pseudomyxoma peritonei – two novel orthotopic mouse models portray the PMCA-I histopathologic subtype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare malignant disease, most commonly originating from appendiceal lesions and characterized by accumulation of mucinous tumor tissue in the peritoneal cavity. Since the disease is infrequent, the task of carrying out studies of treatment efficacy and disease biology in the clinical setting is challenging, warranting the development of relevant <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>PMP models.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human tumor tissue was implanted in the peritoneal cavity of nude mice to establish two orthotopic models exhibiting noninvasive intraperitoneal growth without metastasis development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Xenograft tissues have retained essential properties of the original human tumors, such as macro- and microscopic growth patterns, mucin production as well as expression of carcinoembryonal antigen, cytokeratins 20 and 7 and the proliferation marker pKi67. Upon microscopic examination, the human tumors were categorized as the PMCA-I (peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis of intermediate features) subtype, which was conserved through 14 examined passages in mice, for the first time modeling this particular histopathologic category.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, two novel orthotopic models of human PMP have been established that consistently portray a distinct histopathologic subtype and reflect essential human tumor properties. Xenografts can easily and reproducibly be transferred to new generations of mice with acceptable passage periods, rendering the models as attractive tools for further studies of PMP biology and treatment.</p

    Germline Mutations in FAF1 Are Associated With Hereditary Colorectal Cancer

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    Background & aims: A significant proportion of colorectal cancer (CRC) cases have familial aggregation but little is known about the genetic factors that contribute to these cases. We performed an exhaustive functional characterization of genetic variants associated with familial CRC. Methods: We performed whole-exome sequencing analyses of 75 patients from 40 families with a history of CRC (including early-onset cases) of an unknown germline basis (discovery cohort). We also sequenced specific genes in DNA from an external replication cohort of 473 families, including 488 patients with colorectal tumors that had normal expression of mismatch repair proteins (validation cohort). We disrupted the Fas-associated factor 1 gene (FAF1) in DLD-1 CRC cells using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing; some cells were transfected with plasmids that express FAF1 missense variants. Cells were analyzed by immunoblots, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and functional assays monitoring apoptosis, proliferation, and assays for Wnt signaling or nuclear factor (NF)-kappa-B activity. Results: We identified predicted pathogenic variant in the FAF1 gene (c.1111G>A; p.Asp371Asn) in the discovery cohort; it was present in 4 patients of the same family. We identified a second variant in FAF1 in the validation cohort (c.254G>C; p.Arg85Pro). Both variants encoded unstable FAF1 proteins. Expression of these variants in CRC cells caused them to become resistant to apoptosis, accumulate beta-catenin in the cytoplasm, and translocate NF-kappa-B to the nucleus. Conclusions: In whole-exome sequencing analyses of patients from families with a history of CRC, we identified variants in FAF1 that associate with development of CRC. These variants encode unstable forms of FAF1 that increase resistance of CRC cells to apoptosis and increase activity of beta-catenin and NF-kappa-B

    Colorectal cancer genetic variants are also associated with serrated polyposis syndrome susceptibility

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    Background: Serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS) is a clinical entity characterised by large and/ormultiple serrated polyps throughout the colon and increased risk for colorectal cancer (CRC). The basis for SPS genetic predisposition is largely unknown. Common, low-penetrance genetic variants have been consistently associated with CRC susceptibility, however, their role in SPS genetic predisposition has not been yet explored. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate if common, low-penetrance genetic variants for CRC risk are also implicated in SPS genetic susceptibility. Methods: A case-control study was performed in 219 SPS patients and 548 asymptomatic controls analysing 65 CRC susceptibility variants. A risk prediction model for SPS predisposition was developed. Results: Statistically significant associations with SPS were found for seven genetic variants (rs4779584-GREM1, rs16892766-EIF3H, rs3217810-CCND2, rs992157-PNKD1/TMBIM1, rs704017-ZMIZ1, rs11196172-TCF7L2, rs6061231-LAMA5). The GREM1 risk allele was remarkably over-represented in SPS cases compared with controls (OR=1.573, 1.21-2.04, p value=0.0006). A fourfold increase in SPS risk was observed when comparing subjects within the highest decile of variants (≥65) with those in the first decile (≤50). Conclusions: Genetic variants for CRC risk are also involved in SPS susceptibility, being the most relevant ones rs4779584-GREM1, rs16892766-EIF3H and rs3217810-CCND2

    Integrated Analysis of Germline and Tumor DNA Identifies New Candidate Genes Involved in Familial Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) shows aggregation in some families but no alterations in the known hereditary CRC genes. We aimed to identify new candidate genes which are potentially involved in germline predisposition to familial CRC. An integrated analysis of germline and tumor whole-exome sequencing data was performed in 18 unrelated CRC families. Deleterious single nucleotide variants (SNV), short insertions and deletions (indels), copy number variants (CNVs) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) were assessed as candidates for first germline or second somatic hits. Candidate tumor suppressor genes were selected when alterations were detected in both germline and somatic DNA, fulfilling Knudson's two-hit hypothesis. Somatic mutational profiling and signature analysis were also performed. A series of germline-somatic variant pairs were detected. In all cases, the first hit was presented as a rare SNV/indel, whereas the second hit was either a different SNV (3 genes) or LOH affecting the same gene (141 genes). BRCA2, BLM, ERCC2, RECQL, REV3L and RIF1 were among the most promising candidate genes for germline CRC predisposition. The identification of new candidate genes involved in familial CRC could be achieved by our integrated analysis. Further functional studies and replication in additional cohorts are required to confirm the selected candidates

    Dose-Response Aligned Circuits in Signaling Systems

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    Cells use biological signal transduction pathways to respond to environmental stimuli and the behavior of many cell types depends on precise sensing and transmission of external information. A notable property of signal transduction that was characterized in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell and many mammalian cells is the alignment of dose-response curves. It was found that the dose response of the receptor matches closely the dose responses of the downstream. This dose-response alignment (DoRA) renders equal sensitivities and concordant responses in different parts of signaling system and guarantees a faithful information transmission. The experimental observations raise interesting questions about the nature of the information transmission through DoRA signaling networks and design principles of signaling systems with this function. Here, we performed an exhaustive computational analysis on network architectures that underlie the DoRA function in simple regulatory networks composed of two and three enzymes. The minimal circuits capable of DoRA were examined with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Several motifs that are essential for the dynamical function of DoRA were identified. Systematic analysis of the topology space of robust DoRA circuits revealed that, rather than fine-tuning the network's parameters, the function is primarily realized by enzymatic regulations on the controlled node that are constrained in limiting regions of saturation or linearity